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Last active December 7, 2023 10:03
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
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"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
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"text": [
"Name: 3D Beauty Factory with the claim: \"Makeup and Skincare for the future\"\n",
"Business Idea: 3D Beauty Factory is a revolutionary venture that combines the\n",
"power of Education, Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Real Estate, Property Tech,\n",
"Media and Entertainment, and Beauty and Cosmetics industries. Our mission is to\n",
"create a unique and comprehensive beauty experience that is accessible to all.\n",
"We offer 3D printed makeup and skincare products, as well as virtual beauty\n",
"classes and workshops, in our immersive 3D beauty factories. Our customers can\n",
"learn about the latest beauty trends and products through our digital media\n",
"channels and experience the latest technologies and products in our 3D-printed\n",
"beauty factories. We also offer virtual consultation services to help customers\n",
"choose the right products and services for their needs. Our 3D printing\n",
"technology allows us to create customized skincare and makeup products that are\n",
"tailored to individual customer’s needs and desires. We also provide real estate\n",
"and property tech solutions to help our customers find the perfect space for\n",
"their beauty factory. Our goal is to make beauty accessible and affordable to\n",
"Name: Eco-Drive: Driving Change Together\n",
"Claim: Transform transportation through eco-friendly innovation\n",
"Business Idea: Eco-Drive is an innovative business that combines media and\n",
"entertainment, technology, social impact, and nonprofit, automotive and\n",
"transportation, and environmental technology. We strive to create an eco-\n",
"friendly transportation system that is accessible and affordable to everyone.\n",
"Our mission is to provide sustainable transportation solutions that reduce\n",
"carbon emissions and improve air quality. Our core services include: electric\n",
"vehicle charging, electric vehicle rental services, electric vehicle sales, and\n",
"electric vehicle education.\n",
"We will partner with leading automotive companies to provide electric vehicles\n",
"and charging stations to our customers. We will also collaborate with tech\n",
"companies to create an app that will allow customers to track their energy usage\n",
"and optimize their driving habits. Additionally, we will partner with nonprofits\n",
"and media outlets to help spread awareness about our services.\n",
"Our goal is to revolutionize the automotive industry by making electric vehicles\n",
"the new standard of transportation. We believe that by leveraging technology and\n",
"collaborating with key stakeholders, we can create a greener and more\n",
"sustainable future.\n",
"Name: ZenMaster – Live Well, Invest Wisely\n",
"Business Idea: ZenMaster is an innovative platform that combines the best of\n",
"health and wellness, fintech, IoT, AI, machine learning, real estate and\n",
"property tech, to revolutionize the way people manage their lives. We provide\n",
"our users with an intelligent and personalized app that guides them in taking\n",
"care of their health, investing their money, and managing their real estate\n",
"The app integrates health and wellness data from various sources, such as\n",
"wearables and other connected devices, to generate insights into the user’s\n",
"health status. It then uses sophisticated machine learning algorithms to\n",
"identify patterns and offer personalized advice on how to improve their health,\n",
"such as adjusting their diet, exercising more, or taking specific supplements.\n",
"The app also monitors the user’s financial health, providing them with timely\n",
"investment advice based on their risk profile and financial goals. It uses AI\n",
"and machine learning to analyze real-time financial markets data, providing the\n",
"user with reliable and up-to-date insights on the best investments for their\n",
"Finally, the app helps users manage their real estate investments. It uses\n",
"proprietary algorithms to identify potential investments, and provides users\n",
"with comprehensive insights into the real estate market, such as prices, trends,\n",
"and potential returns.\n",
"ZenMaster is the ultimate platform for anyone looking to live well and invest\n",
"source": [
"# Combine industries randomly to create new business ideas\n",
"import os\n",
"import openai\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import random\n",
"# Recoger clave ambiente OpenAI API key\n",
"openai.api_key = os.getenv(\"OPENAI_API_KEY\")\n",
"# My main industries combo\n",
"industries = [\n",
" 'Technology', 'Healthcare and Life Sciences', 'E-commerce and Retail',\n",
" 'Clean Energy and Sustainability', 'Fintech (Financial Technology)', 'Education',\n",
" 'Media and Entertainment', 'Food and Beverage', 'Travel and Hospitality',\n",
" 'Real Estate and Property Tech', 'Manufacturing and 3D Printing', 'Automotive and Transportation',\n",
" 'Agriculture and AgTech', 'Fashion and Apparel', 'Legal and LegalTech',\n",
" 'Sports and Fitness', 'Social Media and Networking', 'Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning',\n",
" 'IoT (Internet of Things)', 'Gaming and Esports', 'Space and Aerospace',\n",
" 'Environmental Technology', 'Social Impact and Nonprofit', 'Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality',\n",
" 'Cybersecurity', 'Music and Audio', 'Beauty and Cosmetics', 'Health and Wellness',\n",
" 'Architecture and Construction Tech', 'Government and Civic Tech'\n",
"# Initialize results \n",
"results = []\n",
"# Loop to generate business ideas for random combinations of industries\n",
"for _ in range(3): # Generate 3 business ideas\n",
" # Define the business model using a random combination of 3 to 5 industries\n",
" model_industries = random.sample(industries, random.randint(3,5))\n",
" business_model = '-'.join(model_industries)\n",
" # Build a \"metaprompt\"\n",
" prompt = f\"Create an original and innovative business idea that combines the {', '.join(model_industries)} industries. Use the following paragraphs: Name: short and catchy name followed by a claim, and Business idea: description of the business idea. Style: write like a business founder, passionate, optimistic, and professional.\"\n",
" # Generate the response \n",
" response = openai.Completion.create(\n",
" model=\"text-davinci-003\",\n",
" prompt=prompt,\n",
" temperature=0.7,\n",
" max_tokens=500,\n",
" frequency_penalty=0,\n",
" n=1,\n",
" stop=None,\n",
" )\n",
" # Extract and store the response text\n",
" response_text = response.choices[0].text.strip()\n",
" # Store the results in a dictionary\n",
" result = {\n",
" 'business_model': business_model,\n",
" 'prompt': prompt,\n",
" 'response': response_text\n",
" }\n",
" results.append(result)\n",
"# Create a DataFrame from the results\n",
"df = pd.DataFrame(results)\n",
"# Print the ideas\n",
"import textwrap\n",
"for paragraph in df['response']:\n",
" paragraphs = paragraph.split('\\n') # Split by line breaks\n",
" for p in paragraphs:\n",
" wrapped_paragraphs = textwrap.wrap(p, width=80) # Adjust the width as needed\n",
" for wrapped_p in wrapped_paragraphs:\n",
" print(wrapped_p)\n",
" print('-' * 50) # Add a line break separator\n"
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