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luisj135 / CameraImage.cpp
Created January 11, 2016 15:13 — forked from kylemcdonald/CameraImage.cpp
openFrameworks app for sending images to disk for processing, and reading text back from disk. Used for "NeuralTalk and Walk".
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "ofxTiming.h"
class ofApp : public ofBaseApp {
ofVideoGrabber grabber;
DelayTimer delay;
ofTrueTypeFont font;
string description;
# backs up wordpress database and files
set -e
###### set your variables
BLOGDIR="/home/username/public_html/blog" ## location of blog on server
BUDIR="/home/username/blogbu" ## location of backups on server
DBNAME='dbname' ## name of your blog's database
DBUSER='dbuser' ## database username
luisj135 / get_distances.R
Created August 12, 2019 16:31 — forked from andrewheiss/get_distances.R
Calculate driving distance with Mapzen/Valhalla
# Mapzen has a bunch of super useful (and free and open source!) APIs for
# working with maps, including geoencoding addresses and names of locations
# and getting directions between multiple points. Their turn-by-turn service
# is named Valhalla.
# You can access the Mapzen/Valhalla API using a URL with a bunch of parameters,
# basically structured like this:
luisj135 /
Created April 3, 2021 01:11 — forked from Klerith/
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