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Created October 30, 2020 09:49
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First-class function semantics
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"# Semantics of Dispatcher types and containers of Dispatcher types"
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"# Notation"
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"Simple types (like integers and floats) will be given names `T`, `T1`, `T2`, ...., `S`, `S1`, `S2`, ...\n",
"If variable `x` is of type `T` it is written `x: T`.\n",
"Given types `T1` and `T2`, a function with `T1` as input and `T2` as output is given the type `T1->T2`.\n",
"To shorten some expressions, function types might be given aliases as `A`, `B`, ...\n",
"We say that S is a subtype of T, written `S <: T`, to mean that any term of type `S` can safely be used in a context where a term of type `T` is expected.\n",
"An intersection type is the type of variables that are simultaneously `T1` and `T2` and ... and `Tn`. It's written `x: T1 & T2 & ... & Tn`\n"
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"# Current situation"
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"In Numba, dispatchers are their own type. That is, `typeof(foo) == type(CPUDispatcher(<function foo at ...>))`.\n",
"Certain functions (`cfuncs`, `WAP` wrapping a `CompileResult`, etc) can be assigned a first-class function type, called `FunctionType`.\n",
"The semantics of this `FunctionType` and associated `UndefinedFunctionType` have never been clarified or documented. "
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"# Proposal"
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"### Basic rules\n",
"- \"Open\" dispatchers (`_can_compile` = True) to continue being their own type, but **Dispatcher types should follow the semantics of intersection types**.\n",
"- \"Closed\" dispachers with one possible signature to be the same or at least equivalent to FunctionType\n",
"- \"Closed\" dispatchers with more than one possible signature to be `FunctionIntersectionType`\n",
"### Consequences\n",
"- Tuples of open dispatchers to be tuples (not Unituples), of the respective types, as currently.\n",
"- Typed lists of open dispatchers only allowed via subtyping (see section below)\n",
"- Tuple of closed dispatchers to be Unituples of the intersection of all `FunctionType` and `FunctionIntersectionType` in the items. If the intersection is empty, this results in a `TypingError`.\n",
"- Typed lists of closed dispatchers would in principle follow the same rule as tuples, but their mutability adds a type instability problem to their implementation. It should be ok to restrict typed lists of closed dispatchers to those that declare their type in advance.\n",
"- It is possible that `FunctionIntersectionType` makes `UndefinedFunctionType` unnecessary, but we can only be sure after the implementation is done.\n",
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"# Type inference rules\n",
"Since `Dispatcher` type and `FunctionIntersectionType` are intersection types, it is necessary to clarify their inference rules, which are mostly based on subtyping.\n",
"The intersection of A & B is identical to the intersection of B & A\n",
" A & B == B & A\n",
" \n",
"The intersection of A & B is a subtype of A. That is, if a Dispatcher can be compiled for type A and type B, then it can be used in a context where a function of type A is required, or where a functionof type B is required.\n",
" A & B :< A\n",
" A & B :< B\n",
" \n",
"The intersection of A & B & C is a subtype of the intersection of A & B and of any 2-combination of A, B and C.\n",
" A & B & C :< A & C (and any other 2-combination of A, B, C)\n",
" \n",
"- `Dispatcher` is an intersection type of unknown types, and therefore is not equal to any `FunctionIntersectionType`. Each Dispatcher is a unique type. However, a Dispatcher is a subtype of all function types associated with every supported function signature, and it is a subtype of any `FunctionIntersectionType` formed by subsets of those function types.\n",
"That is, if DispatcherFoo has n known signatures (but can potentially be compiled for more signatures)\n",
"`DispatcherFoo : T1 & T2 & .... & Tn & ....`\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T1 \n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T2\n",
" ...\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< Tn\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T1 & T2\n",
" ...\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T1 & Tn\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T1 & T2 & T3\n",
" ...\n",
" DispatcherFoo :< T1 & T2 & Tn\n",
" ...\n",
"### Probing open dispatchers\n",
"Open dispatchers support a set of known signatures, and also a set of unknown (not yet attempted) signatures.\n",
"It is an implementation decision whether to attempt compilation for a given signature before deciding if a given dispatcher is a subtype of that signature.\n",
"### Containers\n",
"- A tuple of open Dispatchers is a tuple of the individual types.\n",
"`(Foo1, Foo2, Foo3) : DispacherFoo1 x DispacherFoo2 x DispacherFoo3`\n",
"- A tuple of open Dispatcher is a subtype of a Unituple of the common signatures, and be cast accordingly.\n",
"`DispacherFoo1 x DispacherFoo2 x DispacherFoo3 :< A iff every dispatcher supports the signature of type A`\n",
"`DispacherFoo1 x DispacherFoo2 x DispacherFoo3 :< A & B iff every dispatcher supports the signatures of types A and B`\n",
"- Tuples of closed dispatchers to be Unituples of the intersection of all supported signatures.\n",
"`(Foo1, Foo2, Foo3) : Unituple(A, 3) iff A is the only signature supported by all three functions.`\n",
"`(Foo1, Foo2, Foo3) : Unituple(A&B, 3) iff A and B are the only signatures supported by all three functions.`\n",
"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since these are closed dispatchers, the supported signatures are immediately available at type inference time, and therefore the type of the unituple can be determined.\n",
"- Given a typed list `List[A]`, any Dispatcher that supports A can be appended to that list. It is an implementation decision whether to attempt compilation of open dispatchers that do not contain known signature A, or to limit the `append` operation to dispatchers for which A is known signature. \n",
" \n",
" "
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