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import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
function WrapperStyle(props) {
return (
<div style={{padding: "10px", border: "10px solid red"}}>
// utilities from
type Identity<T> = { id: T };
type SubTypeKeys<Base, Condition> = {
[Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends Condition ? Key : never
}[keyof Base];
type SubTypeKeysRecursive<Base, Condition> = SubTypeKeys<Base, Condition> | {
[Key in keyof Base]: Base[Key] extends object ?
[SubTypeKeysRecursive<Base[Key], Condition>] extends [never] ? never : Key :
// lets suppose
type F<T> = [T] // Note: this does not support any mapped types here, more specifically we can NOT test T for any types as we have placeholders in there
// instead of writing this
class HasGeneric<A, B = F<A>, C = F<B>, D = F<C>> {
useA: A
useB: B
useC: B
useD: B
// First Some Helpers
// This is used as workaround for recursive types
// e.g. type F<T> = { [indirect]: T extends string ? F<T> : never }[indirect] is valid
declare const indirect: unique symbol;
// We use this to do some basic counting on the type level; if you need functions of arity 10+, you need to extend this
type Succ = {
0: 1,
const append = (a) => (e) => React.createElement(React.Fragment, {}, e, a)
const id = (a) => a
const when = (cond, action) => cond ? action : id
function compose(...args) { }
function nicer(type) {
return compose(
when(type === "edit", append(<div></div>)),
when(false, (e) => <div><span>{e}</span></div>),
type CSSProperty = {
width: string
height: string
// Placeholder
type Theme = string
type StylesheetGroup = {
[s: string]: CSSProperty
let my_number_var: number;
function ffi(var_from_js: unknown) {
// forces you to do this
if(typeof var_from_js === "number")
my_number_var = var_from_js
throw new Error("invalid use of api")
lumie1337 / conditionalRestSpread.ts
Last active November 30, 2018 10:34
conditional rest spread
const oldConcat = Array.prototype.concat;
Array.prototype.concat = function (...args) {
return oldConcat.apply(this, => x == null ? [] : x))
// now this works
// Note: only works when actually transpiling to [1,2,3].concat(false && [4,5,6])
// does not actually work in chrome console
lumie1337 / keyof.ts
Last active December 12, 2018 18:34
// how keyof works
type P1 = keyof ({ a: string } | { b: string }) // => "a" & "b" (aka never)
type P2 = keyof ({ a: string } & { b: string }) // => "a" | "b"
type P3 = ({ a: string } | { b: string }) extends infer P ? P extends object ? keyof P : never : never
// => "a" | "b"
// in P3, the conditional type forces branching so that expression keyof P is applied for each part of the union rather than the whole
// the reason why this works as it does:
// a function is given as argument { a: string } | { b: string }, then keyof cannot be statically determined

Deep Merge Semantics are:

  • keys of objects get merged { a: .. , b: .. } with { b: .. , c: .. }
    • the value of b needs to be merged; recurse
  • elements of arrays get
  • primitives in left and right that are distinct, produce a type error


  • objects have set semantics; recursive set merge
  • arrays have sequence semantics; order is important