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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Code to solve the "Riddler Classic" from 4/13/2018
# This code aims to come up with an approximation for the answer by using a
# Monte Carlo simulation if millions of runs of dice rolls and seeing if a perfect
# player could with them (in this case, playing perfectly means that there is any
# way to win, to do this in reality would involve being psychic)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
TRIES = 10000000
def is_raining(prob):
return random.random() < prob
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Solves the Riddler Express at
BASE_NUMBER = '530,131,801,762,787,739,802,889,792,754,109,70_,139,358,547,' + \
'710,066,257,652,050,346,294,484,433,323,974,747,960,297,803,' + \
# Try each of the digits in turn, and try to factor out numbers between 99 and 2
# If you get down to remainder greater than 1, then you can't get that number by
# multiplying numbers between 1 and 99. You need to go in reverse to avoid
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
GAMES_FILE = 'womens.txt'
WINNER = 'Baylor'
# Maps team name to a set of teams they lost to
beat_by = defaultdict(set)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A solution for FiveThirtyEight's Riddler for 2019.05.10
# Adapted from solution at
# Usage: batting_average number_of_seasons
import sys
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Solution for
# This is a "cheap and cheerful" solution. You could probably do something faster
# using dynamic programing, but this works in a reasonable amount of time.
from collections import defaultdict
# Abbreviation list from the USPS
lvaughn /
Created November 2, 2019 23:59
Solution to riddler for the sultan selecting a husband
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This solves the "Riddler Classic" problem from
# It's brute force, but runs in 33 seconds on a 5 year old MacBook Pro,
# so I'm calling it good enough
import itertools
lvaughn /
Created January 4, 2020 05:12
Solution for's Riddler for 2020-01-03
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Solution to this week's "Riddler classic"
# The general approach is to create a mapping from all of the words in the list
# and index them by their set of unique letters. Then for every possible lattice
# find all the subsets and find the sum of all the scores for each subset. Then
# just find the highest score.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# My solution to
from fractions import Fraction
import sys
# Since 1/2020 == 2/4040 and 1/2019==2/4038, 2/4039 is between them, so
# 4039 is an upper bound
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# My solution to the 538 Riddler for Feb 7, 2020
# The basic approach is to recursively work out all of the possible ways you can parse the
# string and have the |'s balance out
# E.g., |-1|-2|-3| can evaluate to two different values