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🏆 Vibranium Status Level

LV Nilesh lvnilesh

🏆 Vibranium Status Level
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add_filter('tribe_events_eb_request', 'tribe_fix_eb_organizer_website', 10, 3);
function tribe_fix_eb_organizer_website( $request, $action, $params ){
if ( strpos( $action, 'organizer' ) !== false ) {
$params_array = array();
parse_str( $params, $params_array );
if ( $params_array['name'] == 'My Organizer' ) { // replace 'My Organizer' with the name of your organizer
$params_array['description'] = 'Put what you want in the organizer description here'; // customize this text
#!/usr/bin/env bash
uninstall() {
list=`gem list --no-versions`
for gem in $list; do
gem uninstall $gem -aIx
gem list
gem install bundler
lvnilesh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04 — forked from brookr/
wordpress in pow
# for Pow + Wordpress, based on
# added hackery to work around wordpress issues - Patrick Anderson (
# clearly this could be cleaner, but it does work
require 'rack'
require 'rack-legacy'
require 'rack-rewrite'
# patch Php from rack-legacy to substitute the original request so
# WP's redirect_canonical doesn't do an infinite redirect of /
# for Pow + Wordpress, based on
# added hackery to work around wordpress issues - Patrick Anderson (
# clearly this could be cleaner, but it does work
require 'rack'
require 'rack-legacy'
require 'rack-rewrite'
# patch Php from rack-legacy to substitute the original request so
# WP's redirect_canonical doesn't do an infinite redirect of /

Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine

Our Virtual Machines are provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox. If the Hard Disk space runs out and you cannot remove files to free-up space, you can resize the Hard Disk using some VirtualBox and Linux commands.

Some assumptions

The following steps assume you've got a set-up like mine, where:

## build-version.yml
# Use with ansible bringup;
# - *_version specs can be branches, tags, or commits
# - you can comment out any items you do not want to override;
# they will retain their settings as in ansible playbooks
# for those items.
Implementation 2CheckOut by
import hmac
import binascii
import re
import json
import uuid
Implementation 2CheckOut by
import hmac
import binascii
import re
import json
import uuid

OS X Screencast to animated GIF

This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.

Screencapture GIF


To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application:

lvnilesh / lb-wordpress-btsync-mysql.yml
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from borjaburgos/lb-wordpress-btsync-mysql.yml
A Stackfile for a load-balanced and horizontally scalable Wordpress with volume synchronization using btsync
# The load-balancer, gets deployed anywhere
image: 'tutum/haproxy:latest'
- wordpress
- '80:80'
restart: always
- global