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premek /
Last active March 5, 2024 17:43
Rename files in linux / bash using mv command without typing the full name two times
# Put this function to your .bashrc file.
# Usage: mv oldfilename
# If you call mv without the second parameter it will prompt you to edit the filename on command line.
# Original mv is called when it's called with more than one argument.
# It's useful when you want to change just a few letters in a long name.
# Also see:
# - imv from renameutils
# - Ctrl-W Ctrl-Y Ctrl-Y (cut last word, paste, paste)
siddontang / capture
Last active August 25, 2020 20:23
A tool to capture TiKV gRPC message
go run tikv-assembly.go -f "port 20160" -i lo0
2018/12/29 20:17:17 Starting capture on interface "lo0"
2018/12/29 20:17:17 reading in packets
2018/12/29 20:17:26 -> /tikvpb.Tikv/KvPrewrite context:<region_id:2 region_epoch:<conf_ver:1 version:1 > peer:<id:3 store_id:1 > > mutations:<key:"usertable:a" value:"\010\000\002\0020" > primary_lock:"usertable:a" start_version:405297128206237697 lock_ttl:3000
2018/12/29 20:17:26 -> /tikvpb.Tikv/KvPrewrite
2018/12/29 20:17:26 -> /tikvpb.Tikv/KvCommit context:<region_id:2 region_epoch:<conf_ver:1 version:1 > peer:<id:3 store_id:1 > > start_version:405297128206237697 keys:"usertable:a" commit_version:405297128206237698
2018/12/29 20:17:26 -> /tikvpb.Tikv/KvCommit
2018/12/29 20:17:29 -> /tikvpb.Tikv/KvGet context:<region_id:2 region_epoch:<conf_ver:1 version:1 > peer:<id:3 store_id:1 > > key:"usertable:a" version:4
benlinton /
Last active September 23, 2023 09:38
Multiple MySQL Versions with Homebrew

Multiple MySQL Versions for Development

Options included below:

  • Using Docker docker-compose
  • Using Homebrew brew

Using Docker (recommended)

This gist was originally created for Homebrew before the rise of Docker, yet it may be best to avoid installing mysql via brew any longer. Instead consider adding a barebones docker-compose.yml for each project and run docker-compose up to start each project's mysql service.

digilist /
Created June 2, 2015 14:29
Delaying network traffic to a specific IP
tc qdisc add dev $interface root handle 1: prio
tc filter add dev $interface parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 u32 match ip dst $ip flowid 2:1
tc qdisc add dev $interface parent 1:1 handle 2: netem delay $delay
staltz /
Last active June 3, 2024 11:21
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
thiagooak /
Created December 13, 2013 12:11
kill ALL rabbitmq connections
rabbitmqctl list_connections pid port state user vhost recv_cnt send_cnt send_pend name | awk '{print "rabbitmqctl close_connection \"" $1 "\" \"manually closing idle connection\"" | "/bin/bash" }'
zwrss / mappings_and_data
Created March 15, 2013 11:29
ElasticSearch tree structure search.
curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/products'
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/products' -d '
"mappings" : {
"Root" : {
killme2008 / joy-of-clojure-lazy-qsort.clj
Created September 29, 2012 12:05 — forked from noahlz/joy-of-clojure-lazy-qsort.clj
Lazy QuickSort implementation in Clojure, from Joy of Clojure chapter 6.
(ns joy.q)
;; nil
(defn nom [n] (take n (repeatedly #(rand-int n))))
;; #'joy.q/nom
(defn sort-parts [work]
(loop [[part & parts] work] ;; Pull apart work - note: work will be a list of lists.
(if-let [[pivot & xs] (seq part)] ;; This blows up unless work was a list of lists.
erikreagan /
Created August 4, 2012 19:18
Mac developer must-haves

Mac web developer apps

This gist's comment stream is a collection of webdev apps for OS X. Feel free to add links to apps you like, just make sure you add some context to what it does — either from the creator's website or your own thoughts.

— Erik

MattiSG / brewv
Created July 9, 2012 14:05
Install a previous version of a formula with Homebrew
# Installs the previous version of a Homebrew formula
# Usage: brewv formula_name desired_version
# Based on
# Author: Matti Schneider <> (