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It's a regional dialect

lyxal lyxal

It's a regional dialect
  • ‏ɹ‏‏ǝ‏‏p‏‏u‏‏n ‏u‏ʍ‏‏‏o‏‏p‏ ‏p‏‏u‏‏ɐ‏‏l ‏ǝ‏‏‏ɥ‏‏‏ʇ‏ • ‏ɐ‏‏ᴉ‏‏l‏‏ɐ‏‏ɹ‏‏ʇ‏‏s‏‏n‏‏∀‏
  • 22:13 (UTC +10:00)
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lyxal / SpamCompilation.txt
Last active July 21, 2024 12:20
The Compilation of Spammers on PLDI
2024 Users: Spam spam spam Generation Enterprises sammy Spam Mart Estimates

I typed for about five minutes at random until I found something “cool” and “interesting”. It consists of the letters L and X (best for beginners) and contains 5 words (I needed short, easy-to-remember words with a lot of volume).

Google tried to contact him... Google translator (with keywords) lied that I was in Azerbaijan. I will repeat the process. I googled this language and it worked. The official language is Arabic.

Besides, it sucks (literally). I have to say dear. Tell me I like it

Now you know how to pronounce it correctly. portrait

λ = lambda - λ...;
ƛ = lambda that automatically gets mapped - ƛ...;
¬ (any a) -> num = logical NOT (non-vectorising)
∧ (any a, any b) -> num = logical AND
⟑ (any a, any b) -> [*num] = vectorised AND
∨ (any a, any b) -> num = logical OR
⟇ (any a, any b) -> [*num] = vectorised OR
÷ (num a, num b) -> num = a / b # division
(num a, str b) -> [*str] = b split into a even length pieces. There may be an extra part if the string is too long.
(str a, num b) -> [*str] = a split into b even length pieces. There may be an extra part if the string is too long.

Let Ǎ, Ǐ, Ǒ be triads +, ÷, × be dyads A, I, O be monads 1, 2, 3 be nilads

Monadic Chaining

Pattern : curr =
def VAR_f(arg_stack, self, arity=-1, ctx=None):
parameters = []
parameters += wrapify(arg_stack, 1, ctx)
stack = parameters[::]
ctx.inputs.append([parameters[::], 0])
this = VAR_f
Deorst (there's a lack of dedicated golfing languages starting with the letter E change my mind.)
Prompt: "Why is Lyxal so Lyxal?
After being spawned by interspacial imps, the Lyxal have been raiding civilization on and off since the dawn of time. A few hundred years ago Lyxal were even a major player in human culture, by far the most populous species that inhabited most of Earth. Some of their writing and art is still visible in many places, and they had plenty of technology at their disposal before they began to go extinct. Scientists are still trying to determine why Lyxal went extinct (perhaps climate change or over-hunting) but some think that it may be related to them being too successful or too dangerous for the humans to successfully keep them in check.
Do the Lyxal have moms?
Lyxal are hatched from eggs, but there is no other information available about how they reproduce.
lyxal / Woah.js
Created September 19, 2021 02:14
// Use Javascript to solve the following
Jelly has compressed string literals, using the “...» delimiters. The way these work is by interpreting the ... as a base-250 integer, n, then repeatedly divmod-ing this integer until it reaches 0, building up the decompressed version as it goes by indexing into dictionaries and printable ASCII.
Jelly has 2 dictionaries, "short" and "long". "Short" contains 20453 words of 5 letters or shorter. "Long" contains 227845 words with 6 or more letters.
As the exact method is rather complicated, I'll work through how n is decompressed:
First, we divmod n by 3: n,m=(⌊n3⌋,n mod 3). We then call m the mode.
If the mode is 0:
ἰ hаve tᴑ ѕhare Ьɑd nеws ωitң ɣᴑu. ɑрргоxἰᴍateӏy a fеɯ mᴑᴨtңs аgo, ἰ gaἰnеd асᴄеѕs tօ ɣᴏᴜᴦ deviсeѕ, ωhἰϲң ɣоu usе fօг ἰᴨterɴеt Ƅrоաsinɡ. after thɑt, i hɑve stɑᴦted trаᴄкiᴨg ɣᴑᴜᴦ ἱɴtегᴨеt аctἱvἰtἰeѕ.
ңеᴦe ἱs tңе sequencе ᴏf еvents:
sօmе tἰmе аgᴑ, ἰ puᴦᴄңasеd ɑϲcesѕ tо eᴍaἰl ɑᴄсᴑᴜɴtѕ fгom hаᴄҡeгs (ɴоաаdɑүѕ, ἰt ἱs qᴜἰtе sἰmρle tо buү it ᴑᴨӏἱᴨe). i ңave еaѕily ᴍaᴨagеd tо lоg ἰᴨ tо үoᴜᴦ еᴍаἰӏ ɑᴄсᴏunt (<insert my email here>).
оɴe weеҡ later, ἰ hаvе ɑӏrеаdy ἰɴstɑӏӏed tңe tᴦoјan viгᴜs oᴨ thе oρеᴦatἰng sүstems of aӏӏ the devἱᴄеѕ үᴑᴜ usе tᴏ ɑᴄсeѕѕ ɣᴏᴜr еᴍаil. ἰt ɯɑѕ nоt hɑrd аt all (ѕiᴨce ɣou աeᴦe fоӏӏᴑաiᴨɡ tңe lἱɴᴋѕ fгoᴍ ɣᴑᴜr inЬᴏx emaἱӏs). ɑlӏ ἱnɡeɴἱᴏus ἰs sἱmρӏе. :)
element: +
name: add
arity: 2
description: adds the top two items on the stack
num-num: a + b
num-str: str(a) + b
str-num: a + str(b)
str-str: a + b
vectorise: yes