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Last active November 25, 2021 18:22
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FParsec dilemma
#r "nuget: FParsec"
open System.Numerics
module AST =
type Name = string
type Expr =
| VarCall of Name
| Literal of PrimitiveT // Unit, Bool, Int, ...
| Lambda of string * Expr
| LetFunc of Name * Expr * Expr
| LetRec of Name * Expr * Expr
| Apply of Expr * Expr
| IfElse of Expr * Expr * Expr
| BinaryOp of (Expr * BinOp * Expr)
| UnaryOp of (UnOp * Expr)
and PrimitiveT =
| UnitT
| Str of string
| Bool of bool
| Num of NumericT
and NumericT =
| Int of int // 1
| Float of float // 1.5
| BigInt of BigInteger // 1I
and BinOp =
{ Symbol: Name
OpType: PrimitiveT
Args: Expr * Expr }
and UnOp =
{ Symbol: Name
OpType: PrimitiveT
Arg: Expr }
/// Error should be thrown
/// when parsing fails
exception MiniMLParsingError of string
/// Error should be thrown
/// when running of expression or statement fails
exception MiniMLRuntimeError of string
/// Extends functionality of BigInteger from System.Numerics
module BigIntegerExt =
let parse (str: string) =
match BigInteger.TryParse(str) with
| true, parsed -> parsed
| false, rem ->
$"Error parsing: {str}, expected number literal (BigInt), collected: {rem};"
|> MiniMLParsingError
|> raise
let equal (x: BigInteger) (y: BigInteger) = x = y
let notEqual x y = not (equal x y)
// Aliases for math operators
let add x y = BigInteger.Add(x, y)
let subtract x y = BigInteger.Subtract(x, y)
let modulus x y = BigInteger.Remainder(x, y)
let multiply x y = BigInteger.Multiply(x, y)
let pow x (exp: BigInteger) =
match System.Int32.TryParse(string exp) with
| true, num -> BigInteger.Pow(x, num)
| false, _rem ->
$"Error while trying to raise {x} to power of {exp} - specified exponent is too large"
|> MiniMLRuntimeError
|> raise
let divide x y = BigInteger.Divide(x, y)
open FParsec
open AST
module Parser =
/// Parser for BigInt label 'I' e.g. "123I", "0I", "-42I"
let bigIntLabel = pchar 'I'
/// Returns parser which matches passed string,
/// also consumes 0+ spaces after matched string
let pWord str = pstring str .>> spaces
/// Requiring that passed parser
/// be wrapped in parentheses:
/// '(' + <passedPrs something> + ')'
let parens passedPrs =
|> between (pWord "(") (pWord ")")
/// Parses UnitT literal (Unit Type - repr. void in C#, unit in F#)
let unitLiteral: Parser<_, Unit> = pWord "()"
/// Parses Str literal (System.String)
let strLiteral: Parser<PrimitiveT, Unit> =
// This line returns a list of chars, which we have to
// turn into a string before turning into a Str Value
pchar '\"' >>. manyCharsTill anyChar (pchar '\"')
|>> string |>> Str
// Discard the spaces at the end
.>> spaces
/// Parses Bool literal (System.Boolean)
let boolLiteral: Parser<PrimitiveT, Unit> =
(pWord "true" <|> pWord "false")
|>> function
| "true" -> Bool true
| "false" -> Bool false
| unexpected ->
"Expected 'true' or 'false' Bool literal; instead got: "
+ unexpected
|> MiniMLParsingError
|> raise
/// Parses Int literal (System.Int32)
let intNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> = pint32 |>> int |>> Int
/// Parses Float literal (System.Double)
let floatNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> = pfloat |>> Float
/// Parses BigInt literal (BigInteger from System.Numerics)
let bigIntNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> =
many1CharsTill (satisfy isDigit) bigIntLabel
|>> BigIntegerExt.parse
|>> BigInt
/// Parses different number literals (e.g. System.Int32, System.Double)
let numberLiteral: Parser<NumericT, Unit> =
floatNum <|> bigIntNum <|> intNum
open Parser
let stringToParse = "12233I "
// run parser on input
let runP () =
match run numberLiteral stringToParse with
| Failure (msg, _, _) as err ->
failwith $"failure {msg}\n\tError => {err}"
| Success (result, _, _) -> result
let res = runP ()
res |> printfn "%A"
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"id": "70dbbd66-429f-4fa5-b8dc-5617ed497dd7",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
" <div id='dotnet-interactive-this-cell-3068.Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Http.HttpPort' style='display: none'>\r\n",
" The below script needs to be able to find the current output cell; this is an easy method to get it.\r\n",
" </div>\r\n",
" <script type='text/javascript'>\r\n",
"async function probeAddresses(probingAddresses) {\r\n",
" function timeout(ms, promise) {\r\n",
" return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n",
" setTimeout(function () {\r\n",
" reject(new Error('timeout'))\r\n",
" }, ms)\r\n",
" promise.then(resolve, reject)\r\n",
" })\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" if (Array.isArray(probingAddresses)) {\r\n",
" for (let i = 0; i < probingAddresses.length; i++) {\r\n",
" let rootUrl = probingAddresses[i];\r\n",
" if (!rootUrl.endsWith('/')) {\r\n",
" rootUrl = `${rootUrl}/`;\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" try {\r\n",
" let response = await timeout(1000, fetch(`${rootUrl}discovery`, {\r\n",
" method: 'POST',\r\n",
" cache: 'no-cache',\r\n",
" mode: 'cors',\r\n",
" timeout: 1000,\r\n",
" headers: {\r\n",
" 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'\r\n",
" },\r\n",
" body: probingAddresses[i]\r\n",
" }));\r\n",
" if (response.status == 200) {\r\n",
" return rootUrl;\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" catch (e) { }\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" }\r\n",
"function loadDotnetInteractiveApi() {\r\n",
" probeAddresses([\"\", \"\"])\r\n",
" .then((root) => {\r\n",
" // use probing to find host url and api resources\r\n",
" // load interactive helpers and language services\r\n",
" let dotnetInteractiveRequire = require.config({\r\n",
" context: '3068.Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Http.HttpPort',\r\n",
" paths:\r\n",
" {\r\n",
" 'dotnet-interactive': `${root}resources`\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" }) || require;\r\n",
" window.dotnetInteractiveRequire = dotnetInteractiveRequire;\r\n",
" window.configureRequireFromExtension = function(extensionName, extensionCacheBuster) {\r\n",
" let paths = {};\r\n",
" paths[extensionName] = `${root}extensions/${extensionName}/resources/`;\r\n",
" \r\n",
" let internalRequire = require.config({\r\n",
" context: extensionCacheBuster,\r\n",
" paths: paths,\r\n",
" urlArgs: `cacheBuster=${extensionCacheBuster}`\r\n",
" }) || require;\r\n",
" return internalRequire\r\n",
" };\r\n",
" \r\n",
" dotnetInteractiveRequire([\r\n",
" 'dotnet-interactive/dotnet-interactive'\r\n",
" ],\r\n",
" function (dotnet) {\r\n",
" dotnet.init(window);\r\n",
" },\r\n",
" function (error) {\r\n",
" console.log(error);\r\n",
" }\r\n",
" );\r\n",
" })\r\n",
" .catch(error => {console.log(error);});\r\n",
" }\r\n",
"// ensure `require` is available globally\r\n",
"if ((typeof(require) !== typeof(Function)) || (typeof(require.config) !== typeof(Function))) {\r\n",
" let require_script = document.createElement('script');\r\n",
" require_script.setAttribute('src', '');\r\n",
" require_script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');\r\n",
" \r\n",
" \r\n",
" require_script.onload = function() {\r\n",
" loadDotnetInteractiveApi();\r\n",
" };\r\n",
" document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(require_script);\r\n",
"else {\r\n",
" loadDotnetInteractiveApi();\r\n",
" </script>\r\n",
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"#r \"nuget: FParsec\" // FParsec 1.1.1"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"id": "ef6e87da",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"open System.Numerics\n",
"module AST =\n",
" type Name = string\n",
" type Expr =\n",
" | VarCall of Name\n",
" | Literal of PrimitiveT // Unit, Bool, Int, ...\n",
" | Lambda of string * Expr\n",
" | LetFunc of Name * Expr * Expr\n",
" | LetRec of Name * Expr * Expr\n",
" | Apply of Expr * Expr\n",
" | IfElse of Expr * Expr * Expr\n",
" | BinaryOp of (Expr * BinOp * Expr)\n",
" | UnaryOp of (UnOp * Expr)\n",
" and PrimitiveT =\n",
" | UnitT\n",
" | Str of string\n",
" | Bool of bool\n",
" | Num of NumericT\n",
" and NumericT =\n",
" | Int of int // 1\n",
" | Float of float // 1.5\n",
" | BigInt of BigInteger // 1I\n",
" and BinOp =\n",
" { Symbol: Name\n",
" OpType: PrimitiveT\n",
" Args: Expr * Expr }\n",
" and UnOp =\n",
" { Symbol: Name\n",
" OpType: PrimitiveT\n",
" Arg: Expr }"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "b6ec5062",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"/// Error should be thrown\n",
"/// when parsing fails\n",
"exception MiniMLParsingError of string\n",
"/// Error should be thrown\n",
"/// when running of expression or statement fails\n",
"exception MiniMLRuntimeError of string\n",
"/// Extends functionality of BigInteger from System.Numerics\n",
"module BigIntegerExt =\n",
" let parse (str: string) =\n",
" match BigInteger.TryParse(str) with\n",
" | true, parsed -> parsed\n",
" | false, rem ->\n",
" $\"Error parsing: {str}, expected number literal (BigInt), collected: {rem};\"\n",
" |> MiniMLParsingError\n",
" |> raise\n",
" let equal (x: BigInteger) (y: BigInteger) = x = y\n",
" let notEqual x y = not (equal x y)\n",
" // Aliases for math operators\n",
" let add x y = BigInteger.Add(x, y)\n",
" let subtract x y = BigInteger.Subtract(x, y)\n",
" let modulus x y = BigInteger.Remainder(x, y)\n",
" let multiply x y = BigInteger.Multiply(x, y)\n",
" let pow x (exp: BigInteger) =\n",
" match System.Int32.TryParse(string exp) with\n",
" | true, num -> BigInteger.Pow(x, num)\n",
" | false, _rem ->\n",
" $\"Error while trying to raise {x} to power of {exp} - specified exponent is too large\"\n",
" |> MiniMLRuntimeError\n",
" |> raise\n",
" let divide x y = BigInteger.Divide(x, y)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"id": "fa3b3908",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"open FParsec\n",
"open AST\n",
"module Parser =\n",
" /// Parser for BigInt label 'I' e.g. \"123I\", \"0I\", \"-42I\"\n",
" let bigIntLabel = pchar 'I'\n",
" \n",
" /// Returns parser which matches passed string,\n",
" /// also consumes 0+ spaces after matched string\n",
" let pWord str = pstring str .>> spaces\n",
" \n",
" /// Requiring that passed parser\n",
" /// be wrapped in parentheses:\n",
" /// '(' + <passedPrs something> + ')'\n",
" let parens passedPrs =\n",
" passedPrs\n",
" |> between (pWord \"(\") (pWord \")\")\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses UnitT literal (Unit Type - repr. void in C#, unit in F#) \n",
" let unitLiteral: Parser<_, Unit> = pWord \"()\"\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses Str literal (System.String)\n",
" let strLiteral: Parser<PrimitiveT, Unit> =\n",
" // This line returns a list of chars, which we have to\n",
" // turn into a string before turning into a Str Value\n",
" pchar '\\\"' >>. manyCharsTill anyChar (pchar '\\\"')\n",
" |>> string |>> Str\n",
" // Discard the spaces at the end\n",
" .>> spaces\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses Bool literal (System.Boolean)\n",
" let boolLiteral: Parser<PrimitiveT, Unit> =\n",
" (pWord \"true\" <|> pWord \"false\")\n",
" |>> function\n",
" | \"true\" -> Bool true\n",
" | \"false\" -> Bool false\n",
" | unexpected ->\n",
" \"Expected 'true' or 'false' Bool literal; instead got: \"\n",
" + unexpected\n",
" |> MiniMLParsingError\n",
" |> raise\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses Int literal (System.Int32)\n",
" let intNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> = pint32 |>> int |>> Int\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses Float literal (System.Double)\n",
" let floatNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> = pfloat |>> Float\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses BigInt literal (BigInteger from System.Numerics)\n",
" let bigIntNum: Parser<NumericT, Unit> =\n",
" many1CharsTill (satisfy isDigit) bigIntLabel \n",
" |>> BigIntegerExt.parse\n",
" |>> BigInt\n",
" \n",
" /// Parses different number literals (e.g. System.Int32, System.Double)\n",
" let numberLiteral: Parser<NumericT, Unit> =\n",
" floatNum <|> intNum <|> bigIntNum \n",
" // let literal: Parser<NumericT, Unit> = \n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"id": "648d274e",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Float 12233.0\n"
"source": [
"open Parser\n",
"let stringToParse = \"12233I\"\n",
"// run parser on input\n",
"let runP () =\n",
" match run numberLiteral stringToParse with\n",
" | Failure (msg, _, _) as err ->\n",
" failwith $\"failure {msg}\\n\\tError => {err}\"\n",
" | Success (result, _, _) -> result\n",
"let res = runP ()\n",
"res |> printfn \"%A\"\n",
"// res.GetType().Name|> printfn \"%A\"\n"
"metadata": {
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"display_name": ".NET (F#)",
"language": "F#",
"name": ".net-fsharp"
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"file_extension": ".fs",
"mimetype": "text/x-fsharp",
"name": "F#",
"pygments_lexer": "fsharp",
"version": "5.0"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 5
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