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m10l / Everyday
Last active April 28, 2016 10:20
My (almost) Everyday Tools!
# Like the Crunch theme but with added cats
# Add the line ZSH_THEME="kitty-crunch" to your .zshrc file
# CRUNCH - created from Steve Eley's cat waxing.
# Initially hacked from the Dallas theme. Thanks, Dallas Reedy.
# This theme assumes you do most of your oh-my-zsh'ed "colorful" work at a single machine,
# and eschews the standard space-consuming user and hostname info. Instead, only the
# things that vary in my own workflow are shown:
m10l / kitty-crunch.zsh-theme
Created December 9, 2016 16:58
Kitty Crunch! My customisations to the Crunch ZSH theme by Steve Eley
# CRUNCH - created from Steve Eley's cat waxing.
# Initially hacked from the Dallas theme. Thanks, Dallas Reedy.
# This theme assumes you do most of your oh-my-zsh'ed "colorful" work at a single machine,
# and eschews the standard space-consuming user and hostname info. Instead, only the
# things that vary in my own workflow are shown:
# * The time (not the date)
# * The RVM version and gemset (omitting the 'ruby' name if it's MRI)
# * The current directory