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Forked from albshin/kshon
Last active May 5, 2022 14:06
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modified version of:
// TODO List
// - shouldn't use two-dimensional array?
// (e.g. BT-A and BT-B lanes cannot be skipped even in a chart that only have BT-C notes.)
// - lane swing
// - lane tilt
// - laser curves
// - BGA layer?
// top-level object
dictionary kson {
DOMString version; // kson version
KsonInfo info; // information, e.g. title, artist, ...
BarLine[]? lines; // location of bar-lines in pulses
BpmEvent[]? bpm_events; // bpm changes
StopEvent[]? stop_events; // stop events
CameraEventInfo? camera_events; // camera events
KeySound[]? key_sounds; // key sounds for chip FX & laser slams
NoteInfo[]? notes; // notes on each lane
AudioEffectDef[]? audio_effects; // audio effect definitions
AudioEffectEventInfo[]? audio_effect_events; // audio effect events on each lane
// header information
dictionary KsonInfo {
DOMString title; // self-explanatory
DOMString? title_translit; // transliterated title
DOMString? subtitle; // self-explanatory, can be a CD title or a music genre
DOMString artist; // self-explanatory
DOMString? artist_translit; // transliterated artist
DifficultyInfo difficulty; // self-explanatory
unsigned int level; // self-explanatory, 1-20
DOMString bpm; // self-explanatory (is this needed?)
double init_bpm; // initial bpm (needed for specifying bpm before the first tick)
// All the other metadata fields
unsigned long resolution = 240; // pulses per quarter note
// chart difficulty (or custom chart name)
dictionary DifficultyInfo {
DOMString name; // e.g. "Challenge", "Infinity", "Gravity", "Maximum", "FOUR DIMENSIONS"
DOMString? short_name; // e.g. "CH", "IN", "GRV", "MXM", "FD"
// (if not specified, it inherits the client defaults based on "index". e.g. 1=>"CH")
unsigned char index; // 0-4 e.g. "CH"=>1, "IN"/"GRV"=>3, "MXM"/"FD"=>4
// bar-lines
// this is for drawing bar lines, deducing time signature,
// and calculating duration of length parameters for audio effects
dictionary BarLine {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
// notes on each lane
dictionary NoteInfo {
BTNote[][]? bt; // bt notes (first key: lane index)
FXNote[][]? fx; // fx notes (first key: lane index)
LaserSection[][]? laser; // laser notes (first key: lane index (0: left knob, 1: right knob))
// BT note
dictionary BTNote {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long l; // length (0: normal note; greater than zero (length in pulses): long note)
// FX note
dictionary FXNote {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long l; // length (0: normal note; greater than zero (length in pulses): long note)
AudioEffectInfo? audio_effect; // audio effects (and parameter changes if needed)
any? key_sound; // chip sound (valid only when l == 0)
// - DOMString: preset sound name
// - unsigned long: corresponds to
// laser section
dictionary LaserSection {
LaserPoint[] points;
unsigned char wide = 1; // 1-2, sets this section to be a 2x wide sections or not
// laser point
dictionary LaserPoint {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
int x; // laser x-axis position (-100 - 100)
AudioEffectInfo? audio_effect; // audio effects (and parameter changes if needed)
Spin? spin; // lane spin (valid only when l == 0)
any? key_sound; // slam sound (valid only when l == 0)
// - DOMString: preset sound name
// - unsigned long: corresponds to
// If not specified, the default slam sound will be used.
// Note: If there are laser points that have the same "x" and "y", duplicate points are ignored.
// (Do not create laser slams that have the x-axis width of "0".)
// lane spin
dictionary Spin {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long duration; // spin duration
long degree; // spin in degrees (negative is left and positive is right)
// audio effect parameter settings
dictionary AudioEffectParamInfo {
// Custom fields per FX
// ex1) "type=Flanger;delay=80samples;depth=30samples-60samples" in KSH
// type: "Flanger",
// delay: ["80samples"],
// depth: ["30samples", "30samples", "60samples"]
// ex2) "type=TapeStop;trigger=off>on;speed=20%" in KSH
// type: "TapeStop",
// trigger: ["off", "on"],
// depth: ["20%"]
// audio effect definition
dictionary AudioEffectDef {
DOMString name; // name of the audio effect (e.g. "LowFlanger")
DOMString type; // name of the audio effect to inherit (e.g. "Flanger")
AudioEffectParamInfo? params;
// Note: Preset audio effects ("Retrigger", "Gate", "Flanger"...) are implicitly defined in default.
// If an audio effect with the same name as a preset effect, implicitly defined presets will be overwritten.
// FX and laser share the audio effect definition itself,
// but the instances of audio effects are created for each, and they work in parallel.
// audio effect event
dictionary AudioEffectEvent {
DOMString name; // name of the audio effect (e.g. "LowFlanger")
AudioEffectParamInfo? params; // specified if you want to change values
// (e.g. FX note with Retrigger 8th: {"waveLength":["1/8"]})
// audio effect events on each lane
dictionary AudioEffectEventInfo {
AudioEffectEvent[][]? fx; // audio effects for FX lanes (first key: lane index)
AudioEffectEvent[][]? laser; // audio effects for laser lanes (first key: lane index (0: left knob, 1: right knob))
// key sound (laser slam / chip fx)
dictionary KeySound {
unsigned long id; // id
DOMString name; // key sound filename
/* NEED TO DISCUSS!! (this also can be implemented as a type of camera events which controls the offset of the lane background texture...)
// hide event
// for songs like "I" where the lane hides itself
dictionary HideEvent {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long duration; // for smoothing
// camera event list
dictionary CameraEventInfo {
CameraEvent[]? zoom; // zoom_bottom
CameraEvent[]? shift_x; // zoom_side
CameraEvent[]? rotation_x; // zoom_top
// camera event
dictionary CameraEvent {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long duration; // for smoothing
long value; // self-explanatory
// stop event
dictionary StopEvent {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
unsigned long duration; // stop duration (pulses to stop)
// bpm event
dictionary BpmEvent {
unsigned long y; // pulse number
double bpm; // bpm
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