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m8r1us / set-proxy-for-whole-machine.cmd
Created January 17, 2020 15:09 — forked from hallzy/set-proxy-for-whole-machine.cmd
Please read the Notes at the top of each of the scripts before you run them. Set Windows IE proxy with a cmd file, or set Windows IE proxy globally by changing the "DefaultConnectionSettings" registry key as well as "ProxySettingsPerUser" and "Proxy" for GPO settings. PLEASE SAVE A COPY OF YOUR REGISTRY JUST IN CASE YOU NEED TO GO BACK!
:: NOTE: If you don't want to make proxy settings for the whole machine,
:: find the line in this script that starts with "reg add" and change
:: "HKLM" to "HKCU" so that it only affects the current user (or change it
:: to reflect the specific hive that you want to change)
:: Supported Characters in proxy server address (if you need more, consult
:: an ascii table and make a new "if" statement for the character you need,
:: but these should suffice):
:: * - . / : ; = ? @ ~ < >
:: All Numbers