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machty /
Last active December 15, 2015 00:09
explanation of new transition redirect/prevention on

Check out the progress on redirectable/preventable transitions.

This consists almost entirely of a rewrite of router.js, with hardly any changes to the Ember codebase. Lots of things have been added router-wise, but this particular demo focuses on how attempted transitions can be intercepted/redirected/prevented/decorated by defining transition event handlers in a transitions hash on Ember.Route. I also added support for URL-less routes (see the URL-less States Demo at the top in the link below). You can test this out yourself with this branch of Ember, which has the new router.js code i've been working on in it.

I ended up reusing the Emblem test app, so try not to be distracted by the template syntax stuff (sorry, twas most readily available for trying this new transition code). You can check out the code for this transition demo here. Below I've highlighted the m ->
@route "a"
@route "b"
@route "ab"
@route "ba"
App.ARoute = Em.Route.extend
'to b': (e) ->
e.transitionTo 'ab'

Argument over JSON Schemas

A colleague and I are hashing through the architecture of a website we're going to be building. One of the main requirements is that site developers/maintainers will be able to create these re-usable templates/widgets that they want to be able to re-use and display with different data on different pages.

For example, there could be a carousel widget with a title and an array of slides which each have a text blurb and image URL. This would require

machty /
Last active December 15, 2015 13:29
a disagreement over intuitive JSON schemas

The Problem

We need to define a format for JSON schemas to describe the fields that a widget can have. A widget can have individual fields, or have repeatable fieldsets (in the way that a carousel widget can have a single title, as well as an array of slides with their own individual fields). My colleague and I disagree over the most intuitive format for such a schema. Please help us choose!

Option A

machty /
Last active December 15, 2015 16:48
old router and new router, sittin in a tree

Proposal: Generalize the Router DSL, Allow for Multiple "Routers"

Presently, you can't even use StateManager for managing the outlets of a modal view without hacking at the internals of Ember.Route, where all the rendering logic presently resides. There's a few ways we could go about exposing this, such as creating a RendererMixin, exposed to Ember.Route and Ember.State from ember-states, and some other folk are considering an Ember.Control to solve this problem.

machty /
Created April 2, 2013 12:34
items to remove for a more manageable PR
machty / serve-this-capybara-test.rb
Created April 2, 2013 15:52
capybara + minitest + serve-this
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative './spec_helper'
require 'capybara_minitest_spec'
require 'serve-this'
MiniTest::Spec.class_eval do
include Capybara::DSL
end = ServeThis.from(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec', 'sample_template'))
class StatusSnapshot < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :error_message, :failed, :final_json, :processed_yaml, :raw_json, :tree
#serialize :tree, StatusNode
def version
class << self
# Default ApplicationRoute
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend
routeTo: (routeName, objects...) ->
@router.transitionTo.apply @router, arguments
# {{linkTo}} will call routeTo
# URL changes (handleURL) will determine target route name,
# then call routeTo, so it's handleable.
machty /
Last active December 15, 2015 23:19
summary of ideas following saturday brainathon with Stefan, Luke, and Alex.


  1. Make transitionTo private API, only meant to be called from within a route. The only external interaction with routes or the router should be through send events.
  2. Inject default routeTo handler in events hash of route:application which takes the arguments and .applys them to the route's private transitionTo.
  3. Change linkTo helper to emit a routeTo event (instead of transitionTo).
  4. Change handleURL to convert to a routeTo event
  5. Minor change to router.js to allow for event bubbling

handleURL Complications