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macintux / helperfuns.erl
Created January 13, 2014 03:37
Utility functions for Erlang-based Riak demos. These ignore error handling and use strings instead of binaries for readability. Using the anonymous functions makes for a cleaner read.
%% Useful in Erlang shell. These assume an already-defined handle named "Riak"
Get = fun(X, Y) -> helpers:get(Riak, X, Y) end.
RawGet = fun(X, Y) -> helpers:raw_get(Riak, X, Y) end.
Put = fun(X) -> helpers:put(Riak, X) end.
Update = fun(X, Y, Z) -> helpers:update(Riak, X, Y, Z) end.
Resolve = fun(X, Y) -> helpers:update(Riak, X, Y) end.
New = fun(X, Y, Z) -> helpers:new(X, Y, Z) end.
%% Add an object to Riak and retrieve it:
macintux /
Created May 27, 2014 15:41
Erlang style gotchas

Name your parameters

Erlang atoms are awesome. Use them.


    Existing = get_bucket_type(BucketType, undefined, false),

What do undefined and false mean on the other end? Who knows?

macintux / replace_list_item.erl
Created February 20, 2015 15:31
Handy function for replacing an element in a list
%% Replace the item at `Index' in `List' with `Element'.
%% Zero-based indexing. Deal with it.
-spec replace_list_element(non_neg_integer(), term(), list()).
replace_list_element(Index, Element, List) ->
{Prefix, Suffix} = lists:split(Index, List),
Prefix ++ [Element] ++ tl(Suffix).
macintux / errors.erl
Created August 4, 2015 13:02
cuttlefish/lager errors
=ERROR REPORT==== 4-Aug-2015::09:01:01 ===
** gen_event handler lager_stderr_backend crashed.
** Was installed in lager_event
** Last event was: {log,{lager_msg,[],
macintux / beam_decompile.erl
Created November 20, 2015 15:36 — forked from andelf/beam_decompile.erl
Erlang BEAM file decompile to .erl file
#!/usr/bin/env escript
% -*- mode: erlang -*-
main([BeamFile]) ->
{ok,{_,[{abstract_code,{_,AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile,[abstract_code]),
io:fwrite("~s~n", [erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:form_list(AC))]).
macintux / erlang_dates.erl
Created June 22, 2016 20:06
Illustrate key Erlang date/time structures and conversions.
%% Date formats in Erlang are a bit tricky to keep straight,
%% especially since the `calendar' library leverages Gregorian seconds
%% (seconds since year 0) rather than the more traditional UNIX epoch
%% seconds.
%% This module illustrates the structures and conversions.
macintux / gist:2e17371bd581a2fd629237931f552e50
Created August 31, 2016 20:06
Pragmatic Functional Programming With Erlang
For many developers, the thought of learning functional programming is intimidating. Parentheses, lambda calculus, type theory, and you can't even modify a variable!
In this talk we'll look at code that does useful work without requiring a Ph.D. in greybeard. Talk to software on another computer without opening a socket. Iterate over your data without setting up an iterator class hierarchy. Disassemble a network protocol header with this one cool line of code!
We'll talk about ideas that are being adopted by languages you probably already use. No functional programming experience required, just a willingness to see what can happen when you think outside the OO box.