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Maël Valais maelvls

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maelvls / give-me-my-cluster
Last active July 5, 2022 11:28
Setup a local k3s cluster with cert-manager and Let's Encrypt with DNS01 and HTTP01 working. 🚧 REQUIRES INLETS PRO. 🚧
#! /bin/bash
set -euo pipefail
maelvls / prokeys.json
Created April 28, 2021 07:01
I use the ProKeys extension on Chrome for snippets, like <details>
"name": "/none",
"body": "/release-note-none",
"timestamp": 1618436050723
"name": "close",
maelvls /
Last active April 3, 2024 17:00
My hundred struggles while using Linux as my desktop driver (Ubuntu 22.04)

My hundred struggles while using Linux as my desktop driver (Ubuntu 22.04)

Hi! On Thursday 25 April 2021, I entirely switched from macOS to Linux: I took note of every adjustment I had to make along the way. I use Ubuntu "vanilla" (with Gnome as my desktop manager).

🔥 Update: I am abandoning "desktop" Linux! I can't bear having to work around everything all the time, not even counting the tons of problems that occur whenever I do a major version upgrade (e.g., when I upgraded from 21.10 to 22.04, my PPAs broken obviously, and also I lost all the hack I had made to the /etc to work around problems). I am officially back to macOS starting 26 June 2023. I'll still use my Linux workstation remotely over Mosh, but not as a desktop environment.

To smoothen the transition, I use the following hacks on macOS:

  1. Linear Mouse since I can't stand macOS' mouse acceleration and also to fix my mouse wheel's direction.
  2. Magnet to be able to move wi
maelvls /
Last active July 9, 2022 13:25
Stuff about Synology OS. Moved to
maelvls /
Last active December 16, 2020 09:51
Tips gitlab

To remove the vendor/ diffs in Go, add a bookmark in Firefox with:

javascript:(function(){ var q = prompt("Example filter: vendor/"); if (q != null) { $(".diff-file:contains(" + q + ")").detach() }}())
maelvls /
Last active November 10, 2023 13:30
A mitmproxy script that makes sure the GET requests with ?watch=true (Kubernetes clients) are properly streamed
Enable the streaming mode [1] whenever a request contains the query
parameter ?watch=true. The watch=true parameter is passed by Kubernertes
clients (such as client-go) when they intend to be notified of object
Use with:
mitmproxy -p 9090 -s
maelvls /
Last active April 24, 2024 12:49
Ubuntu, libsecret, git-credential-helper

Dealing with secrets

GNOME comes with libsecret. You can use libsecret to store your git credentials:

sudo apt install libsecret-1-0 libsecret-1-dev libglib2.0-dev
sudo make --directory=/usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/libsecret
git config --global credential.helper /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/libsecret/git-credential-libsecret
maelvls /
Last active November 30, 2020 15:27
Debugging Github Actions timeout issue using Deno (Nodejs replacement)

I had a bug with golangci-lint that would time out on some Github Actions builds. In order to investigate the issue, I wrote this Deno script that would scrap all the logs and look for the memory used (we used golangci-lint with the -v flag which prints how much memory was being spent).

If you also use golangci-lint and have weird time out issues, turn on golangci-lint's -v mode and run this script.

brew install deno

Run it:

kubectl run tcpd -it --rm --image=a --overrides='{"spec": {"hostNetwork": true, "containers": [{"name": "tcpd", "image": "corfr/tcpdump", "tty": true, "stdin": true, "stdinOnce": true, "securityContext": {"capabilities": {"add": ["NET_ADMIN"]}}, "args": ["-i", "any", "-U", "-w", "-"]}]}}'

Don't forget that only the DNS names with .local are forwarded by the sshuttle VPN. If you want e.g. to be also forwarded to the cluster, you need to add --also-proxy


telepresence --namespace cert-manager --swap-deployment cert-manager --mount=false --run-shell --also-proxy ''
maelvls /
Last active September 17, 2021 15:01
A mitmproxy pretty-printer for displaying the rfc8555 application/jose+json content type.
This custom pretty-printer for mitmproxy will decode the base64url-encoded
'payload' and 'protected' fields.
This pretty-printer is useful for understanding the POST requests made to
an ACME server, since these requests are made using JWS as JSON, which,
contrary to JWT tokens that are very easy to decode, aren't as common.
The whole JWS as JSON and application/jose+json are detailed in