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maetl / Ode to Auckland
Created May 20, 2009 04:18
By James K. Baxter
Auckland, you great arsehole,
Some things I like about you
Some things I cannot like.
I came to the Art School, carrying the paintings
Of an eighteen-year-old chick.
On the door of one room somebody had written 'life'
But there was death inside it.
A skeleton hung there by a hook in its skull
renaming a repository on github:
- remember to edit the ./git/config file to point to the new path
- iso2:
- iso3:
- name:
- official_name:
- alternative_name:
- iso:
- name:
## installing locales (tested on ubuntu) ##
list current locales installed on system:
$> locale -a
install and compile new locale
$> sudo apt-get install language-pack-es-base
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$finder = new Finder("translations");
// OR
class TranslationsFinder extends Finder {}
$finder = new TranslationsFinder();
# Autoload Hooks
# Require from package path
mv repository/store/mysql repository/services/mysql
mv repository/store/redis repository/services/redis
mv repository/store/memcached repository/services/memcached
mv repository/store/sqlite repository/services/sqlite
YAML Config
- DefaultBinding: action
- Name:
- Pass:
- Database: default
- Host: localhost
function getRecordWithLocalScope() {
$object = $this->scope->getObject($this->currentQuery);
if (!$object) {
$object = $this->gateway->getObject();
$record = (isset($object->type)) ? $object->type : $this->currentRecordType;
return new $record($object);