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Created September 9, 2012 22:33
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Using R in Insurance GIRO 2012
Using R in Insurance
```{r results='asis', echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
data(RAA) # example data set of the ChainLadder package
class(RAA) <- "matrix" # change the class from triangle to matrix
df <- # coerce triangle into a data.frame
names(df) <- 2002 : 2011
df$dev <- 1:10
LC <- gvisLineChart(df, "dev", options=list(gvis.editor="Edit me!",
title="Incurred claims",
hAxis='{title:"Development year"}',
width=600, height=350))
print(LC, 'chart')
Markus Gesmann, GIRO Brussels
19 September 2012
# Hello - About me
<li>Name: [Markus Gesmann](</li>
<li> Profession: Mathematician, working as an analyst at [Lloyd's](</li>
<li>Maintainer and co-author of two R packages:
<li>[ChainLadder]( Statistical methods for the calculation of outstanding claims reserves in general insurance</li>
<li> [googleVis]( Interface between R and the Google Visualisation API</li>
<li> Blogger: [mages' blog](</li>
# Agenda
<li>My motivation for using R</li>
<li>Brief history of R and its way into insurance</li>
<li>Three R examples</li>
<li>R for actuaries: Where to start?</li>
<li>How I created this presentation with R</li>
<li>Conclusions and discussion</li>
# Why I started using R
<li> I started in insurance in 2003, fresh out of university</li>
<li> I had used a variety of software, tools and languages already</li>
<li> But I had no experience with spreadsheets</li>
<li> I was surprised how people worked in insurance</li>
<li> I was really surprised what colleagues did with spreadsheets</li>
<li> I looked for alternative data analysis tools</li>
<li> All the cool kids were talking about R</li>
<li> I wanted to be cool as well</li>
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="mages blog" /></a>
# What is R?
<img src="" alt="R project" />
<li> <a href="">R</a> is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics </li>
<li> It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and OS X</li>
<li> <a href="">Notes on the history of R by Pat Burns</a></li>
# R made its way from academia to industry
<li> R started at universities in the <a href="">1990s</a></li>
<li> It is still largely maintained by academics</li>
<li> R is widely used for research publications</li>
<li> <a href="">Over 100 text books with R have been published already</a></li>
<li> Today many graduates leave universities with some R knowledge </li>
# R made its way from academia to industry
<li> Many commercial applications support R:
<li><a href="">Oracle</a>, <a href="">SAP Hana</a>, <a href="">SAS</a>, <a href="">IBM SPSS</a>, <a href="">Spotfire</a>, <a href="">MS Office</a>, <a href="">QlikView</a>, etc.
<li> Commercial support is available from third parties, e.g.
<li><a href="">Mango Solutions</a>, <a href="">Revolution Analytics</a>, <a href="">Trinostics LLC</a>, <a href="">Burns Stats</a></li>
<li>Or contact me</li>
<li> R is established in many disciplines outside academia, e.g. <a href="">pharma</a> and <a href="">finance</a></li>
<li> The insurance industry is adopting R as well, e.g. <a href="">Lloyd's</a></li>
# Why R in insurance?
<li> Why Excel, SAS, SQL, SPSS, Minitab, ...? </li>
<li> [John D. Cook]( Why and how people use R
<div align="center">
<video controls="" height="240" poster="" width="320"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></source><source src="" type="video/webm"></source></video></div></li>
<li>Because it gets the job done!</li>
# But why use a computing language?
<img src="" alt="Geeks vs Non-Geeks" />
By <a href="">Bruno Oliveira</a>
# Typical use cases for R in insurance
<li> Data transformation</li>
<li> Data analysis</li>
<li> Statistical modelling </li>
<li> Prototyping / ad-hoc work </li>
<li> End user computing </li>
<li> Background statistical engine for applications, e.g. pricing spreadsheet</li>
<li> Reporting and reproducible analysis, e.g. MI, Solvency II documentation </li>
<li> Learning statistical and actuarial skills </li>
# Three R examples
<li>Reserving: Mack chain-ladder</li>
<li>Automated reporting: Create PowerPoint slide with R output</li>
<li>Extracting data from a web page: Display earth quakes of the last 30 days</li>
# Reserving: Mack chain-ladder
RAA ## Example triangle
# Reserving: Mack chain-ladder
```{r results='asis', echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
RAA2 <- RAA # example data set of the ChainLadder package
class(RAA2) <- "matrix" # change the class from triangle to matrix
df <- # coerce triangle into a data.frame
names(df) <- 2002 : 2011
df$dev <- 1:10
LC <- gvisLineChart(df, "dev", options=list(gvis.editor="Edit me!",
title="Incurred claims",
hAxis='{title:"Development year"}',
width=800, height=500))
print(LC, 'chart')
Chart created with <a href="">googleVis</a>
# Reserving: Mack chain-ladder
M <- MackChainLadder(RAA, est.sigma="Mack")
# Reserving: Mack chain-ladder
```{r eval=FALSE}
plot(M, lattice=TRUE)
<img src="" alt="Mack chain ladder output" />
# Automated reporting: Create PowerPoint slide with R output
```{r eval=FALSE, tidy=FALSE}
plot(M, lattice=TRUE)
## Load MS Office interface
## Run VBA code from R
myfile, 0,1,100,10)
# Extracting data from a web page
```{r results='asis', tidy=FALSE}
## Source data diretly from the web
url <- ""
eq <- readHTMLTable(readLines(url),
colClasses=c("factor", rep("numeric", 4), "factor"), which=2)
## Format location data
eq$loc=paste(eq$LAT, eq$LON, sep=":")
<div align="center">
```{r results='asis' , echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
tbl <- gvisTable(eq, options=list(width=800, height=250))
print(tbl, 'chart')
# Display earth quake information of last 30 days
```{r tidy=FALSE}
## Create a geo chart with the Google Chart API
G <- gvisGeoChart(eq, "loc", "DEPTH km", "MAG",
colorAxis="{colors:['purple', 'red', 'orange', 'grey']}",
backgroundColor="lightblue"), chartid="EQ")
```{r eval=FALSE}
<div align="center">
```{r results='asis' , echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
print(G, 'chart')
# Getting started with R in actuarial work
<li><a href="">Introduction to R for Actuaries</a> by Nigel de Silva</li>
<li><a href="">Modern actuarial risk theory using R</a> by Kaas, Goovaerts, Dhaene and Denuit</li>
<li><a href="">An Interactive Introduction To R</a> by Michael Driscoll and Dan Murphy</li>
<li><a href="">Formatted Actuarial Vignettes in R</a> by Ben Escoto</li>
<li><a href="">An Actuarial Toolkit</a> presented at GIRO convention 2006 in Vienna</li>
<li><a href="">Using R at Lloyd's</a> poster at UseR! conference 2011 in Warwick</li>
<li><a href="">R-Bloggers</a></li>
# R packages for actuaries on CRAN
<li><a href="">actuar:</a> Loss distributions modelling, risk theory (including ruin theory), simulation of compound hierarchical models and credibility theory</li>
<li><a href="">ChainLadder:</a> Reserving methods in R</li>
<li><a href="">copula:</a> Multivariate Dependence with Copulas</li>
<li><a href="">cplm:</a> Monte Carlo EM algorithms and Bayesian methods for fitting Tweedie compound Poisson linear models</li>
<li><a href="">evir:</a> Extreme Values in R</li>
<li><a href="">fitdistrplus:</a> Help to fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data</li>
<li><a href="">lifecontingencies:</a> Package to perform actuarial evaluation of life contingencies</li>
<li><a href="">lossDev:</a> A Bayesian time series loss development model</li>
<li><a href="">mondate:</a> R package to keep track of dates in terms of months</li>
# Meet the R experts
<li><a href="">R special interest group insurance email list</a> </li>
<li> <a href="">London R user group</a></li>
<li> <a href="">R/Rmetrics Meielisalp Workshop on Computational Finance and Financial Engineering</a></li>
<li> <a href="">R in Finance, Chicago</a></li>
<li> <a href="">UseR! 2013, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain</a> </li>
<img height="350px" src="" alt="London R photo" />
London R user group meeting
# How I created this presentation with RStudio, knitr, pandoc and slidy
<li> [knitr]( is a package by [Yihui Xie]( that brings literate programming to a new level
<li>It allows to create content really quickly, without worrying to much about layout and R formatting</li>
<li> [RStudio]( integrated knitr into its IDE, which allows to knit Rmd-files by the push of a button into markdown</li>
<li> Markdown output can be converted into several other file formats, such as html, with [pandoc](</li>
<li> [slidy]( is one of the options to create interactive html-slides with pandoc</li>
<li> For more details see my recent [blog post]( and [source code of this talk](</li>
Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('Using_R_in_Insurance_GIRO_2012.Rmd')"
pandoc -s -S -i -t slidy --mathjax
-o Using_R_in_Insurance_GIRO_2012.html
# Conclusions
<li> R comes with lots of functions for actuarial work</li>
<li> It provides an ideal framework for end user computing</li>
<li> The momentum behind R has grown significantly over the last 5 years</li>
<li> Today R is often known by graduates - open up to their ideas</li>
<li> Many other software products developed R interfaces </li>
<li> New business models have evolved and will evolve</li>
# If you liked this presentation ...
... you may also like:
<li><a href="">Interactive web graphs with R - Overview and googleVis tutorial</a>, Royal Statistical Society Conference, 2012</li>
<li><a href="">Overview of Lloyd's using R and googleVis</a>, R in Finance, 2012</li>
<li><a href="">ChainLadder at the Predictive Modelling Seminar</a>, Institute of Actuaries, 2010 </li>
<li><a href="">How to integrate R into MS Office</a>, LondonR, 2010 </li>
<li><a href="">Fitting distribution with R</a></li>
<li><a href="">Say it in R with "by", "apply" and friends</a> </li>
# Questions?
<li> Idea: R in Insurance Workshop - Interest? </li>
<li>Contact: markus dot gesmann at gmail dot com</li>
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