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Peter Mescalchin magnetikonline

I have an idea!
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magnetikonline /
Last active October 26, 2023 05:12
List AWS Lambda@Edge log groups across regions.

List AWS Lambda@Edge log groups across regions

AWS Lambda@Edge functions, which run under CloudFront at multiple edge locations require associated Lambda functions to exist within each AWS region.

By design, this means CloudWatch Logs produced by Lambda@Edge functions will exist across these regions.

This Bash script will query for all log groups associated to Lambda@Edge functions for each enabled region of the current AWS account to hopefully help determine where logs are going/exist.

magnetikonline /
Last active October 5, 2021 22:57
Delete AWS S3 bucket versioned objects and delete markers.

Delete S3 versioned objects and delete markers

Quick and dirty Bash script to iterate an S3 bucket and remove all object versions and delete markers.

Probably only usable on buckets with a few hundred version objects maximum, otherwise it might be more efficient and time effective to use a lifecycle rule to age out and remove objects in bulk.


magnetikonline /
Last active May 12, 2023 21:59
macOS - Install The Silver Searcher (`ag`) from source.

Install The Silver Searcher (ag) on macOS from source

A quick n' dirty bash script to install the following:

  • automake, pkg-config, PCRE, xz - all needed by ag configure.
  • ag - from source.

Requires as a minimum Xcode CLI tools (don't need a full Xcode install). Can be done via the following:

$ xcode-select --install
magnetikonline /
Last active November 28, 2020 04:06
Golang net/http middleware flow.

Golang net/http middleware flow

$ go run main.go
Called middleware03()
Called middleware02()
Called middleware01()
Called initial()
magnetikonline /
Created November 24, 2020 00:32
Access Golang private modules within a GitHub organization.

Golang private modules within a GitHub organization

You've got Golang modules within a private repository or an organization and would like to go get them.

For this example the GitHub organization will be spacely-sprockets.


Set GOPRIVATE (ideally placed in your .bashrc / dotfiles):

magnetikonline /
Last active December 10, 2023 10:54
Find latest non beta/RC release for Docker CLI

Find latest non beta/RC release for Docker CLI

Using curl and jq to:

  • Pull list of GitHub release tags.
  • Filter out all that don't match vX.Y.Z (stripping beta/rc).
  • Finally return just the first entry (latest tag).
$ curl --silent \
magnetikonline /
Last active January 17, 2024 09:29
Creating a 'run once' systemd unit.

Creating a 'run once' systemd unit

Systemd unit template which calls a script exactly once on startup and keeps unit status active after script exits.

Unit file placed in /etc/systemd/system and enabled with:

$ sudo systemctl enable runonce.service
$ sudo systemctl start runonce.service
magnetikonline /
Created August 4, 2020 03:03
DynamoDB local quick usage guide.

DynamoDB local quick usage guide

Running a local version of DynamoDB inside a Docker container.


$ docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local:latest
$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local

# in another terminal
magnetikonline /
Last active May 2, 2020 12:37
Golang io.TeeReader() example.

Golang io.TeeReader() example

  • Opening a source words file.
  • Create a io.TeeReader(), writing read file chunks also to a gzip writer.
  • Output source chunks as read and total bytes.
  • Finally, output compressed bytes and total compressed size.


$ go run main.go
magnetikonline /
Last active January 3, 2024 14:30
GitHub token validation regular expressions.