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Md. Mahfuzur Rahman mahfuznow

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termux-setup-storage &&\
pkg install tar &&\
cd ~/.. &&\
tar -zcvf /sdcard/termux-backup.tar.gz home usr &&\
echo "========Backup compleeted ======"
termux-setup-storage &&\
echo "======== Restoring home =========" &&\
cd ~/.. &&\
rm -rf home &&\
tar -zxvf /sdcard/termux-backup.tar.gz home &&\
echo "======== Restoring usr =========" &&\
cp home/mahfuznow-termux/backup-restore/busybox ./tar && \
chmod +x tar && \
rm -rf usr &&\
main() {
echo "====Enter Installation Directory===="
read dir
mkdir $installation_dir
echo "Installing at $installation_dir"
echo ""
echo "============================================="
echo "========== Install linux in Termux =========="
echo "============================================="
echo ""
echo ""
echo "==== Choose Installation Option ===="
mahfuznow / windows10activation
Created October 28, 2020 07:39
Activate Windows 10 without Any Activator
1. Open CMD as Administrator
2. Paste the following commands into the Cmd: One by one, follow the order.
cscript slmgr.vbs /ipk "SERIAL NUMBER HERE"
Replace SERIAL NUMBER HER with any of these, according your Windows 10 installation type.
Home/Core TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99
Home/Core (Country Specific) PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR
Home/Core (Single Language) 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
echo ""
echo "============================================="
echo "========= Uninstall linux in Termux ========="
echo "============================================="
echo ""
echo ""
echo "==== Choose Uninstallation Option ===="
echo "Uninstalling Kali, please be patient..."
chmod 777 -R kali-fs
rm -rf kali-fs
rm -rf kali-binds
rm -rf
rm -rf
rm -rf