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version: '3'
restart: always
- static:/app/app/static/
- ./src/.env
FROM jwilder/nginx-proxy:alpine
COPY proxy.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
maikeulb / MonadExs.hs
Created October 14, 2019 14:47 — forked from ygrenzinger/MonadExs.hs
Functor -> Applicative -> Monad typeclasses
-- Two datatypes
data Optional a = Some a | Empty deriving (Eq, Show)
data Or a b = A a | B b deriving (Eq, Show)
-- functor instances
instance Functor Optional where
fmap f (Some a) = Some (f a)
fmap _ Empty = Empty
instance Functor (Or a) where

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am maikeulb on github.
  • I am maikeuls ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDuzVZRrmqd_TCYTi7CHSuG9U0ZMbxOuY4YgZQowy11cwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

maikeulb /
Created February 26, 2022 21:17 — forked from sleepdefic1t/
brew clang-tidy on macOS
brew install llvm
ln -s "/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang-format" "/usr/local/bin/clang-format"
ln -s "/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang-tidy" "/usr/local/bin/clang-tidy"

use cmake file

  find_program(CLANG_TIDY_BIN clang-tidy)
 find_program(RUN_CLANG_TIDY_BIN /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/10.0.0_3/share/clang/