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inotifywait --timefmt %T --format '%T %e %w %f' -m -r --excludei '^(.*)((~\$(.*)\.(doc|xls)(|x))|.*\.tmp)$' -e create -e delete -e modify -e move /srv/data
nsenter -t 28657 -m -u -i -n -p journalctl -xe --no-pager
lxc-attach -n appsrv1 -- bash -il
lxc-ls --running
lxc-start -n app1 -d
lxc-clone src dst
The system will not function with the Intel GPU disabled - the nVidia GPU is not a true discrete video chip - it is a co-processor. Only the Intel GPU has a connection to the display screen - all video data passes through it on its way to the display, so there is no way to disable it and have a functional system.
Check with the publisher of the game for its recommendations on settings for hybrid video -- not all games will work with a hybrid setup.
There are two ways to implement nVIdia's Optimus technology (and AMD's Catalyst as well). One is with a true hardware multiplexer that allows hardware control of which GPU is active. The other is with a mux-less software-switched design where only the Intel GPU has a physical connection to the display panel. The vast majority of systems are designed this way - as is yours. It's a much more power-efficient way to run the system, but it is also demanding from a software (driver)
Puppet is a "Configuration Management" technology.
Ansible is an "Orchestration" technology.
mailinglists35 / ipsec
Created November 2, 2017 15:06
DATE='date +%Y%m%d'
09 21 * * * /home/oracle/jobs/ >> /home/oracle/jobs/log/bkp_$($DATE).log 2>&1
#/home/oracle/jobs/log/bkp_`/usr/bin/date +%Y%m%d`.log 2>&1
#01 20 * * * logger ok
#DATE='date +%Y%m%d'
#07 21 * * * /home/oracle/jobs/ >> /home/oracle/jobs/log/bkp_$($DATE).log 2>&1
#* * * * * /usr/bin/env > /home/oracle/cron-env
#* * * * * /bin/echo ok >> /tmp/`date +%Y%m%d` 2>&1
ping >nul: 2>nul:
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto end
net stop OpenVPNService
net start OpenVPNService
$ sudo apt-get install dkms # if you've already installed dkms, skip this step.
$ sudo cp -R . /usr/src/mt7610u_sta-1.0
$ sudo dkms add mt7610u_sta/1.0
$ sudo dkms build mt7610u_sta/1.0
$ sudo dkms install mt7610u_sta/1.0
mailinglists35 / ffmpeg gps
Last active January 5, 2018 11:23 — forked from oeon/
How to remove GPS EXIF from iPhone .mov video
*say that you left your Location turned on and held your phone upside down. If you want to fix that, try this:*
strip: `ffmpeg -i -map_metadata -1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy` via (read comments)
flip: `ffmpeg -i -vf "vflip"` via (then to ffmpeg documentation)
mailinglists35 / watch samba
Created April 16, 2018 11:52
watch monitor email samba share modifications
# cat /usr/local/bin/
pkill -x inotifywait
cat /dev/null > /run/inotify.log
inotifywait --timefmt %T --format '%T %e %w %f' -m -r --excludei '^(.*)((~\$(.*)\.(doc|xls)(|x))|.*\.tmp)$' -e create -e delete -e modify -e move /srv/hostname/date/samba >> /run/inotify.log &
inotifywait --timefmt %T --format '%T %e %w %f' -m -r --excludei '^(.*)((~\$(.*)\.(doc|xls)(|x))|.*\.tmp)$' -e create -e delete -e modify -e move /srv/hostname/volatile/temp >> /run/inotify.log &
tail -f /run/inotify.log | sed -u -e 's/\/srv\/hostname\/date\/samba\//\\\\\\\\deptname\\\\projname\\\\/g' -e 's/\/srv\/hostname\/volatile\/temp\//\\\\\\\\deptname\\\\projname\\\\TEMP\\\\/g' | /usr/local/bin/
# cat /usr/local/bin/
systemctl start vsftpd.service
yum reinstall $(repoquery --requires --recursive --resolve libusb ) --downloadonly --downloaddir=/var/ftp/pub/localrepo
createrepo --update /var/ftp/pub/localrepo
yum install libusb --downloadonly --downloaddir=/var/ftp/pub/localrepo
createrepo --update /var/ftp/pub/localrepo