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Anatoli Makarevich makaroni4

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interactiveRob / copy-to-clipboard-es6.js
Last active October 6, 2021 10:09
Copy String to Clipboard ES6 Method
copyToClipboard(str) {
/* ——— Derived from:
improved to add iOS device compatibility——— */
const el = document.createElement('textarea'); // Create a <textarea> element
let storeContentEditable = el.contentEditable;
let storeReadOnly = el.readOnly;
el.value = str; // Set its value to the string that you want copied
el.contentEditable = true;
chsasank /
Last active October 14, 2023 01:55 — forked from fmder/
Elastic transformation of an image in Python
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
def elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma, random_state=None):
"""Elastic deformation of images as described in [Simard2003]_.
.. [Simard2003] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for
Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in
fleveque / s3_folder_upload.rb
Last active November 21, 2022 17:22
Upload folder to S3 recursively with ruby, multi threads and aws-sdk v2 gem, based on
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'
class S3FolderUpload
attr_reader :folder_path, :total_files, :s3_bucket, :include_folder
attr_accessor :files
# Initialize the upload class
fmder /
Last active August 22, 2021 14:54
Elastic transformation of an image in Python
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
def elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma, random_state=None):
"""Elastic deformation of images as described in [Simard2003]_.
.. [Simard2003] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for
Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in
PurpleBooth /
Last active June 2, 2024 14:24
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


oojikoo-gist /
Created April 1, 2015 16:16
rails: bulletproof 404s(exception handling)

A step by step guide to bulletproof 404s on Rails

origin: jerodsanto Blog

Step 1: Configure your router as the exceptions app

Since Rails 3 you’ve been able to configure an app to handle exceptions, which you want to point right at your router. To do this, add the following to config/application.rb:

tadast /
Last active January 29, 2024 04:41 — forked from trcarden/gist:3295935
localhost SSL with puma
# 1) Create your private key (any password will do, we remove it below)
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.orig.key 2048
# 2) Remove the password
$ openssl rsa -in server.orig.key -out server.key
files = Dir["./**/*"]
files.each do |file|
next if
words = []
begin /[\u0400-\u04FF\-]+/ do |match|
words << match
chen206 / gist:4030441
Created November 7, 2012 09:45
Install Postgresql 9.2 on Ubuntu 12.04
# Install Postgres 9.2 on a clean Ubuntu 12.04
LC_ALL issue
comment out the AcceptEnv LANG LC_* line in the remote /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
comment out the SendEnv LANG LC_* line in the local /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.
kirs / run
Created October 3, 2012 05:59
Unicorn service for Runit
exec 2>&1
export RAILS_ENV=production
UNICORN="/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm 1.9.2@project_name exec bundle exec unicorn_rails -c $APP_ROOT/current/config/unicorn.rb -E $RAILS_ENV"
cd $APP_ROOT/current