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Plegas Gerasimos makispl

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# Create the corpus
corpus = training_set['SMS'].sum()
# Create the vocabulary
temp_set = set(corpus)
vocabulary = list(temp_set)
# Create a dictionary
len_training_set = len(training_set['SMS'])
word_counts_per_sms = {unique_word: [0] * len_training_set for unique_word in vocabulary}
makispl /
Created January 7, 2021 19:54 — forked from ericmjl/
How to organize your Python data science project

How to organize your Python data science project

Having done a number of data projects over the years, and having seen a number of them up on GitHub, I've come to see that there's a wide range in terms of how "readable" a project is. I'd like to share some practices that I have come to adopt in my projects, which I hope will bring some organization to your projects.

Disclaimer: I'm hoping nobody takes this to be "the definitive guide" to organizing a data project; rather, I hope you, the reader, find useful tips that you can adapt to your own projects.

Disclaimer 2: What I’m writing below is primarily geared towards Python language users. Some ideas may be transferable to other languages; others may not be so. Please feel free to remix whatever you see here!

Disclaimer 3: I found the Cookiecutter Data Science page after finishing this blog post. Many ideas overlap here, though some directories are irrelevant in my work -- which is to

# Make a GET request to the site
response = requests.get("")
# Get the content of the response
content = response.content
# Initialize the parser, and pass in the content we grabbed earlier
parser = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
def fetch_data(parser, *args):
# Read in the initial dataset
df_init = pd.read_csv('whiskey_data.csv')
# Check for nulls
# Check and drop redundant columns
for col in df_init.columns:
# Fing the unique categories
# Subset the df by the category column
sngl_mlt = df[df['category'] == 'Single Malt Scotch'].copy()
blnd = df[df['category'] == 'Blended Scotch Whisky'].copy()
blnd_mlt = df[df['category'] == 'Blended Malt Scotch Whisky'].copy()
# Calculate the mean of numerical columns
makispl /
Last active February 22, 2021 07:45
# Instantiate a KMeans model with 3 clusters, fit and predict cluster indices
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, init='k-means++', random_state=1)
df_no_nuls['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
data['cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
# Switch to a new dataframe, reduced to the rows with no nulls
df_no_nuls = df.dropna().copy()
# Subset to the numerical columns we are about to use on the ML algorithm
data = df_no_nuls[['rating', 'alcohol', 'age']].copy()
# Calculate the wcss
max_clusters = 11
wcss = list()
# Switch to a copy of the labeled dataframe
df_no_nuls_2 = df_no_nuls.copy()
# Randomise the df
shuffled_rows = np.random.permutation(df_no_nuls_2.index)
df_no_nuls_2 = df_no_nuls_2.loc[shuffled_rows]
# Split to train and test datasets
train = df_no_nuls_2.iloc[:int(df_no_nuls_2.shape[0]*0.8)].copy()
test = df_no_nuls_2.iloc[int(df_no_nuls_2.shape[0]*0.8):].copy().reset_index()
display(df_num[df_num['age'] > 30]['price'].sort_values(ascending=False).head(10))
makispl / plays_df.csv
Last active August 31, 2021 07:22
'plays' Dataset Sample
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 5 should actually have 33 columns, instead of 17. in line 4.
0021700002,2017-10-17,1610612745,HOU,Houston,2772,Trevor Ariza,Trevor,F,,37:39,107.3,111.3,121.4,121.3,-14.1,-10.0,0.152,5.0,33.3,0.023,0.156,0.079,6.7,0.444,0.444,0.109,0.111,103.83,101.99,84.99,80,0.063
0021700002,2017-10-17,1610612745,HOU,Houston,201583,Ryan Anderson,Ryan,F,,33:17,117.8,127.4,119.4,119.7,-1.7,7.7,0.031,0.0,7.7,0.079,0.2,0.127,0.0,0.542,0.542,0.141,0.141,108.25,103.84,86.53,73,0.064
0021700002,2017-10-17,1610612745,HOU,Houston,203991,Clint Capela,Clint,C,,18:10,95.4,95.1,153.0,155.0,-57.6,-59.9,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.05,0.25,0.125,16.7,0.6,0.575,0.267,0.273,107.54,107.01,89.17,41,0.092
0021700002,2017-10-17,1610612745,HOU,Houston,201935,James Harden,James,G,,36:24,117.6,126.0,126.2,124.7,-8.6,