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Keybase proof

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  • I am makoConstruct on github.
  • I am makoconstruct ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is BBAE 04BD 3E96 4188 A47E 0C59 E892 D5FF 0077 2709

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fn rotate_right<A>(mut root: Nref<A>)-> Nref<A>{ //assumes root and leftofroot are some. I can't think of a way to take them as &ref Box<Node<A>> s, though, rightofleft might be None, and I need to be able to switch rightofleft with leftofroot.
let leftofroot = &mut root.unwrap().left;
let rightofleft = &mut root.unwrap().left.unwrap().right;
// transitions are as follows
// | root | leftofroot | rightofleft | -swap->
// | leftofroot | root | rightofleft | -swap->
// | leftofroot | rightofleft | root |
// left is now pointed by the previous owner of root[it is the new root of the tree cutting in question], left's right is now on the leftref of the old root, and the old root is the right child of the new root. That is the rotation we want.
swap(&mut root, leftofroot);
swap(leftofroot, rightofleft);
makoConstruct / gist:336a91ddb06c1b17bca4
Created September 14, 2014 23:53
Possible bug about an inconsistency between borrowing from boxeds and borrowing from &muts
struct Thing{ a: u8, b: u8 }
fn main(){
let mut boxed_thing = box Thing{a:2, b:2};
let btr = &mut boxed_thing;
let mut unboxed_thing = Thing{a:3, b:3};
let utr = &mut unboxed_thing;
fn pass(a:&mut u8, b:&mut u8){}
pass(&mut utr.a, &mut utr.b); //< this is allowed
pass(&mut btr.a, &mut btr.b); //< while this is not.
//error: cannot borrow `btr.b` as mutable more than once at a time
makoConstruct /
Created October 12, 2014 03:20
code for specifying and switching between modal UIs
class UIMode
constructor = (uiControls, subModes = [], inf = ()->, out = ()->)->
@uiControls = uiControls
#hides all uiControls managed by the system until their mode comes up
for con in uiControls = 0 = 'none'
@subModes = subModes
for subs in subModes
subs.parent = @
//no annotations, executing:
performing macro expansion julienrf.variants.Variants.format[controllers.Application.SA] at source-/home/mako/programming/calf/app/controllers/Application.scala,line-23,offset=545
play.api.libs.json.Format[SA](play.api.libs.json.Reads[SA](((json) => json.$bslash(Impl.this.defaultDiscriminator).validate[String].flatMap(<empty> match {
}))), play.api.libs.json.Writes[SA](<empty> match {
Apply(TypeApply(Select(Select(Select(Select(Ident(newTermName("play")), newTermName("api")), newTermName("libs")), newTermName("json")), newTermName("Format")), List(Ident(controllers.Application.SA))), List(Apply(TypeApply(Select(Select(Select(Select(Ident(newTermName("play")), newTermName("api")), newTermName("libs")), newTermName("json")), newTermName("Reads")), List(Ident(controllers.Application.SA))), List(Function(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), newTermName("json"), TypeTree(), EmptyTree)), Apply(Select(TypeApply(Select(Apply(Select(Ident(newTermName("json")), newTermName("$bslash")),
makoConstruct / basicProgram.termpose
Created March 27, 2015 05:49
example of the termpose representation of a simple Treesh0 program.
name a
type Int32
i 1
name b
type Int32
makoConstruct / dependent types in a nicer scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Application of dependent types
class SizedArray[V, length:Int]
def zipmap[T, otherLength:Int](f:(V, V)=>T, other:SizedArray[otherLength,T]):SizedArray[math.min(length, otherLength),T] =
const val minLength = math.min(length, otherLength)
retval = new SizedArray[V,minLength]
for i in range(0, minLength)
retval(i) = f(this(i), other(i))
return retval
class Array[V]
def zipmap[T](f:(V, V)=>T, other:Array[T]):Array[T] =
makoConstruct / timed_functions
Created April 16, 2015 00:08
scheduled tasks functions for nouvion
#usage: schedule_scheduled_task(time:Time, task_name:String, task_parameter:String)
# runs the function task_name refers to(big trouble if it doesn't refer to a function) with task_parameter.
# Will record the task to DB if the bot is shut down. Will restore to the schedule when bot is restarted.
# implement schedule_task(time, callback) [where time is the time at which it should run, rather than how long till it should run]
# do we have simple memory access shims for mem_load_all(key), and mem_save(key, value)? If not, we should, please write them.
# mem_delete_k_v(key, value) , this is new functionality, but greatly needed
# run reinstate_scheduled_tasks on initialization (note, may execute tasks during the call, make sure initialization is at a stage where it's ready for that)
# should work at that point.
using A;
class Main{
var b:B;
static public function main(){
trace("runs fine");
makoConstruct /
Last active April 17, 2016 08:12
An iterator that spirals out over the cells of a hexagonal grid
use std::iter::Iterator;
//for hex schemes like this:
//. . x->
// . . .
// y . .
// \
// v