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ruby functional/hr/alert_collaborators_controller_test.rb
62) Failure:
test: (locale=FR) logged in on PUT to :update (invalid data) should render template :edit. (Hr::AlertCollaboratorsControllerTest)
[shoulda (2.10.3) lib/shoulda/action_controller/macros.rb:164:in `__bind_1279812770_248932'
shoulda (2.10.3) lib/shoulda/context.rb:362:in `call'
shoulda (2.10.3) lib/shoulda/context.rb:362:in `test: (locale=FR) logged in on PUT to :update (invalid data) should render template :edit. ']:
expecting <"edit"> but rendering with <"">
Loaded suite functional/user_sessions_controller_test
Finished in 2.508612 seconds.
24 tests, 40 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
# LDAP Configuration
host: localhost
port: 636
base: ou=bar,dc=foo,dc=com
admin_user: cn=admin,dc=foo,dc=com
admin_password: password
ssl: false
Loaded suite functional/production/trouble_projects_controller_test
Finished in 12.982787 seconds.
66 tests, 100 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
We couldn’t find that file to show.
mickael@mickael-laptop:~/projects/pabd/test$ ruby functional/commerce/commercial/prospects_controller_test.rb
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to index should respond with success. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to index should render with the "application" layout. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to index should render template :index. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to index should not set the flash. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to new should respond with success. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to new should render with the "application" layout. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to new should render template :new. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on GET to new should not set the flash. ' is already defined
* WARNING: 'test: logged in on POST to :create (valid data) should assign @prospect with a kind of Prospect. ' is already d
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment")
require 'test_help'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'shoulda'
require 'faker'
require "authlogic/test_case"
require 'i18n'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment")
require 'test_help'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'shoulda'
require 'faker'
require "authlogic/test_case"
require 'i18n'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
mickael@mickael-laptop:~/projects/pabd/test$ ruby functional/hr/alert_collaborators_controller_test.rb
Loaded suite functional/hr/alert_collaborators_controller_test
Finished in 5.916115 seconds.
1) Error:
test: logged in on GET to index should not set the flash. (Hr::AlertCollaboratorsControllerTest):
ActionView::TemplateError: undefined method `just_raise_that_exception' for I18n:Module
On line #13 of app/views/hr/alert_collaborators/index.html.erb
mickael@mickael-laptop:~/projects/pabd/test$ ruby functional/hr/alert_collaborators_controller_test.rb
Loaded suite functional/hr/alert_collaborators_controller_test
Finished in 5.876578 seconds.
33 tests, 50 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors