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Marco Muths mamuz

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# create repo from working dir
git init
git create `basename "$PWD"` -d "any descr" # use -p for private repo
git add --all && git commit -m "inital commit" && git push origin master
# update
git fetch # update target branches from remote excepts the current branch
| Key | Purpose |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| alt+enter | solve problem / context-aware editing |
| ctrl+shift+a | find actions |
| ctrl+b | jump to definition |
| ctrl+g | jump to line |
| ctrl+alt+left OR right | navigate |
| ctrl+shift+v | open clipboard |
| ctrl+w | smart selection |
| ctrl+shit+w | smart deselection |
<leader> is ','
| Key (normal mode) | Purpose |
| ----------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| ctrl+n | open file explorer |
| ctrl+w (twice) | jump to next split |
| ctrl+p | open file finder |
| / | enter search; turn off by <leader><space> |
| :qa | close all |
| :u | undo last step |
| Key | Purpose |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------- |
| ctrl+alt+t | open new terminal window |
| ctrl+b % | split vertical |
| ctrl+b " | split horizontal |
| ctrl+b arrow keys | select split |
| ctrl+b x | close tab |
| ctrl+b c | open new tab |
| ctrl+b n | jump to next tab |
| ctrl+b p | jump to previous tab |
| Region Code | Region Name |
| -------------- | ------------------------- |
| us-east-1 | US East (N. Virginia) |
| us-west-2 | US West (Oregon) |
| us-west-1 | US West (N. California) |
| eu-west-1 | EU (Ireland) |
| eu-central-1 | EU (Frankfurt) |
| ap-southeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
| ap-northeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) |
| ap-southeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Sydney) |