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Last active January 15, 2024 12:46
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Display the source blob
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"id": "5e31c928-c9b8-4ea3-8d04-bbf129a7de6f",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from kafka import KafkaConsumer\n",
"from json import loads, dumps, JSONDecodeError\n",
"from time import sleep\n",
"import json"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"id": "1307e053-ec55-4367-9552-dedb83a3d6d4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"< object at 0x000002C51A418E90>\n"
"source": [
"consumer = KafkaConsumer(\n",
" 'demo_test',\n",
" bootstrap_servers=[''],\n",
" group_id=None,\n",
" value_deserializer=lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'))\n",
"consumer = KafkaConsumer(\n",
" 'test',\n",
" bootstrap_servers=['localhost:9092'],\n",
" group_id=None,\n",
" value_deserializer=lambda x: x.decode('utf-8'))\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"id": "7d986073",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"{'demo_test', 'test', 'your_topic_name'}\n",
"{'bootstrap_servers': ['localhost:9092'], 'client_id': 'kafka-python-2.0.2', 'group_id': None, 'key_deserializer': None, 'value_deserializer': <function <lambda> at 0x000002C51A5063E0>, 'fetch_max_wait_ms': 500, 'fetch_min_bytes': 1, 'fetch_max_bytes': 52428800, 'max_partition_fetch_bytes': 1048576, 'request_timeout_ms': 305000, 'retry_backoff_ms': 100, 'reconnect_backoff_ms': 50, 'reconnect_backoff_max_ms': 1000, 'max_in_flight_requests_per_connection': 5, 'auto_offset_reset': 'latest', 'enable_auto_commit': True, 'auto_commit_interval_ms': 5000, 'default_offset_commit_callback': <function KafkaConsumer.<lambda> at 0x000002C5191F2E80>, 'check_crcs': True, 'metadata_max_age_ms': 300000, 'partition_assignment_strategy': (<class 'kafka.coordinator.assignors.range.RangePartitionAssignor'>, <class 'kafka.coordinator.assignors.roundrobin.RoundRobinPartitionAssignor'>), 'max_poll_records': 500, 'max_poll_interval_ms': 300000, 'session_timeout_ms': 10000, 'heartbeat_interval_ms': 3000, 'receive_buffer_bytes': None, 'send_buffer_bytes': None, 'socket_options': [(6, 1, 1)], 'sock_chunk_bytes': 4096, 'sock_chunk_buffer_count': 1000, 'consumer_timeout_ms': inf, 'security_protocol': 'PLAINTEXT', 'ssl_context': None, 'ssl_check_hostname': True, 'ssl_cafile': None, 'ssl_certfile': None, 'ssl_keyfile': None, 'ssl_crlfile': None, 'ssl_password': None, 'ssl_ciphers': None, 'api_version': (2, 5, 0), 'api_version_auto_timeout_ms': 2000, 'connections_max_idle_ms': 540000, 'metric_reporters': [], 'metrics_num_samples': 2, 'metrics_sample_window_ms': 30000, 'metric_group_prefix': 'consumer', 'selector': <class 'selectors.SelectSelector'>, 'exclude_internal_topics': True, 'sasl_mechanism': None, 'sasl_plain_username': None, 'sasl_plain_password': None, 'sasl_kerberos_service_name': 'kafka', 'sasl_kerberos_domain_name': None, 'sasl_oauth_token_provider': None, 'legacy_iterator': False}\n"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"id": "1f95755f",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"{'review': 'phil alien one quirki film humour base around odd everyth rather actual punchlinesat first odd pretti funni movi progress didnt find joke odd funni anymoreit low budget film that never problem pretti interest charact eventu lost interesti imagin film would appeal stoner current partakingfor someth similar better tri brother anoth planet', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi 12 came recal scariest scene big bird eat men dangl helplessli parachut right air horror horrora young kid go cheesi b film saturday afternoon still tire formula monster type movi usual includ hero beauti woman might daughter professor happi resolut monster die end didnt care much romant angl 12 year old predict plot love unintent humorbut year later saw psycho came love star janet leigh bump earli film sat took notic point sinc screenwrit make stori make scari possibl wellworn formula rule', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'im big fan boll work mani enjoy movi postal mayb im one boll appar bought right use far cri long ago even game even finsish peopl enjoy kill merc infiltr secret research lab locat tropic island warn far cri someth mr boll scheme togeth along legion schmuck feel loneley set mr boll invit three countrymen play player go name til schweiger udo kier ralf moellerthre name actual made self pretti big movi biz tale goe like jack carver play til schweiger ye carver german hail bratwurst eat dude howev find til act movi pretti badass peopl complain he realli stay true whole carver agenda saw carver first person perspect dont realli know look like kick howev storylin film beyond dement see evil mad scientist dr krieger play udo kier make geneticallymutatedsoldi gm call perform topsecret research island remind spoiler vancouv reason that right palm tree instead got nice rich lumberjackwood havent even gone far start cri meheh cannot go wanna stay true boll shenanigan go see movi disappoint deliv true boll experi mean suckther thing worth mention would impli boll good work area film nice boat fight scene whole cromedalbino gm squad enter scene everyth make laugh movi far cri reek scheiss that poop simpleton far wanna take wiff go ahead btw carver get annoy sidekick make wanna shoot first three minut he screen', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cast play shakespeareshakespear losti appreci tri bring shakespear mass ruin someth goodi scottish play favorit shakespear know know certain rev bowdler henc bowdler tri someth similar victorian erain word cannot improv perfectioni write write least ten line text english composit never fort keep go say movi say goe cut', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'fantast movi three prison becom famou one actor georg clooney im fan roll bad anoth good thing movi soundtrack man constant sorrow recommand movi everybodi greet bart', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'kind drawn erot scene realiz one amateurish unbeliev bit film ive ever seen sort like high school film project rosanna arquett think stock charact bizarr suppos midwest town pretti hard get involv one lesson learn brilliant insight stilt quit ridicul lot skin intrigu videotap nonsensewhat bisexu relationship nowher heterosexu encount absurd danc everybodi play stereotyp role give one pass like million mile bad wast film money could spent starv children aid africa', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"Error decoding message: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\n",
"Raw message: this is working now\n",
"{'review': 'film simpli remad one bad film fail captur flavor terror 1963 film titl liam neeson excel alway cast hold except owen wilson bring right feel charact luke major fault version stray far shirley jackson stori attempt grandios lost thrill earlier film trade snazzier special effect say bad film enjoy friction terror older version much', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi made one top 10 aw movi horribl wasnt continu minut wasnt fight one monster anoth chanc charact develop busi run one sword fight anoth emot attach except big bad machin want destroy scene blatantli stolen movi lotr star war matrix examplesth ghost scene end stolen final scene old star war yoda obe one vader spider machin begin exactli like frodo attack spider return king elijah wood victim film waitit hypnot sting victim wrap upuh helloand whole machin vs human theme matrixor terminatorther exampl wast time someon tell nazi nazi juvenil stori line rush juvenil conclus movi could decid children movi adult movi wasnt much either aw real disappoint say least save money', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rememb filmit first film watch cinema pictur dark place nervou back 7475 dad took brother sister newburi cinema newburi berkshir england recal tiger lot snow film also appear grizzli adam actor dan haggeri think one tiger get shot die anyon know find dvd etc pleas let knowth cinema turn fit club big shame nearest cinema 20 mile away would love hear other seen film like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'aw film must real stinker nomin golden globe theyv taken stori first famou femal renaiss painter mangl beyond recognit complaint theyv taken liberti fact stori good would perfectli fine simpli bizarr account true stori artist would made far better film come dishwaterdul script suppos werent enough nake peopl factual version hurriedli cap end summari artist life could save coupl hour theyd favor rest film breviti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'success die hard sequel surpris realli 1990 glut die hard movi cash wrong guy wrong place wrong time concept cliffhang die hard mountain time rescu sli stop mom shoot stallon careercliffhang one big nitpick dream especi expert mountain climb basejump aviat facial express act skill full excus dismiss film one overblown pile junk stallon even manag get outact hors howev forget nonsens actual lovabl undeni entertain romp deliv plenti thrill unintent plenti laughsyouv got love john lithgow sneeri evil tick everi box band baddi best perman harass hapless turncoat agent rex linn traversh may henri portrait serial killer michael rooker noteworthi cringeworthi perform hal insist constantli shriek pain disbelief captor man never hurt anybodi whilst sure cant realli look like ralph wait frank charact grin girl plummet deathment must go former london burn actor craig fairbrass brit bad guy come cropper whilst use hal human footbal ye cant help enjoy bit hal need good kickingso forget better judgement care could never happen lower act expect turn volum enjoy your look qaulen he one wear helicopt', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'terribl misfortun view bmovi entiretyal say save time money got worst bmovi time shouldnt even call bmovi like fmovi fail aspect make good movi stori interest actor paperthin believ bad direct action sequenc fake almost funnyalmostth movi pack full crappi onelin respect person could find amus least littl bitthi movi suppos gear toward men women utterli unattract especi old wrinkl thing come toward end tri appear sexi weird horribl costum fail miserablyeven ridicul bmovi still give laugh pain watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'absolut stun movi 25 hr kill watch wont regret much fun rajnikanth carri movi shoulder although isnt anyth still like music arrehman take time grow heard time realli start like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first let get thing straight anim fan alway matter fact use watch speed racer time preschool b like sever bmovi theyr hilari c like godzilla movi lotmov movi first come seem like go usual bmovi crappi fx sudden boom anim come movi goe wwwaaaaayyyyy downhillth anim bad cheap even wors rememb speed racer crissak fact cheap one scene movi vividli rememb bunch kid run school kid fx terribl dinosaur look wors godzilla addit transit live action anim unorgan dialogu voicesespeci english dub view horrid beg dad take tape dvd vh player thing kept surviv crack joke comment like robot joelmik mst3k pick season honestli way bare enjoy movi surviv timeheck im plan show anoth fellow otaku pal mine halloween bmovi night stupid pretti pain watch unintent hilari time im give movi 310 improv 0510 origin go give itaccord grade scale 310 mean pretti much bore bad fun count three unless find way make fun becom fun count 15', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'worst movi saw worldfest also receiv least amount applaus afterward think receiv recognit base amount known actor film great see jbeal she movi minut mparker much better actress part allow rest act hard judg movi ridicul predict main charact total unsympathet therefor bore watch real emot depth stori movi revolv actor cant get work doesnt feel origin develop cop feel like one mani straighttovideo movi saw back 90 even good one standard', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'karen carpent stori show littl singer karen carpent complex life though fail give accur fact detailscynthia gibb portray karen fine elect good actress play naiv sort dumb karen carpent think role need stronger charact someon stronger personalitylouis fletcher role agn carpent terrif great job karen motherit great song could includ soundtrack album unfortun werent though movi top rate usa sever countri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cell exot masterpiec dizzi trip vast mind serial killer also one talent director conclus evid achiev human be unleash uninhibit imagin bold work push asid thought fall formula clich creat someth truli magnific best movi year dateiv read numer complaint film anywher style substanc poorli cast charact bad act neg critic film miss point movi may landmark tradit futur movi hope follow cell open door anoth world imagin slam door face tell director tarsem singh dont want person would welcom anoth movi tarsem would love see someon tri challeng himwev heard talk go insid mind serial killer ye agre genr bit overwork 90 full movi tri depict make serial killer tick work fail cell blaze trail given new twist physic transport mind present noth less fascin journey mysteri subject matter ever studiedi like movi bog us much scientif jargon tri explain jennif lopez actual get enter brain anoth instead lie laboratori tabl wrap look like realli long twizzler jaunt anoth entiti cell want let see guess that peopl dont like true like explan movi movi ventur onto new ground must let desir simpli take ini notic film dark show realiti mayb contrast bright visual insid brain anoth nonetheless set design simpli astonish wouldnt surpris film took home oscar cinematographi best costum best director like itd least get nomin best pictur notic ive kind repeat there noth els say cant stress enough fantast thought cell walk movi open mind taken wonder eyepop feast assur good time guess film littl much peopl write weird crazi much psycholog imagin human mind right alley leav theater heard one audienc member say whoever made movi sure lot good drug want smoke 4', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film tri mani thing sting polit satir hollywood blockbust sappi romant comedi famili valu promo list goe fail miser enough interest keep turn endalthough appreci spirit behind war inc depress see clumsi effort especi taken target reflect lack exist seriou critiqu rather simpli poor write direct product particular filmther critiqu made corporat war poke fun way diminish true atroc happen remind bit three king similarli trivial genuin caus concern', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi frustrat everyth seem energet total prepar good time least thought id abl stand wrong first weird loop like watch america funniest home video damn parent hate much stereotyp latino famili need speak person respons need talk littl girl alway hang someon hate mention final scene transcend must say glorious bad full bad movi crappi danc horribl beauti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'war movi hollywood genr done redon mani time clichd dialogu rehash plot overthetop action sequenc seem unavoid conflict deal largescal combat howev war movi come along goe grain bring truli origin compel stori life silver screen civil warera cold mountain star jude law nicol kidman rene zellweg filmthen call cold mountain war movi entir accur true enough film open quit liter quickanddirti battl sequenc put glori director edward zwick shame howev cold mountain much civil war period peopl time stori center around disgruntl confeder soldier inman play jude law becom disgust gruesom war homesick beauti hamlet cold mountain north carolina equal beauti southern bell left behind ada monro play nicol kidman first glanc setup appear formula romant interest back home give audienc enough sympathi root reluct soldier tribul battlefield inde earlier segment film rel unimpress even somewhat contrivedcold mountain soon take drastic turn though intrepid hero inman turn desert incident save audienc potenti confus scenario want root confeder begin long odyssey homeward meanwhil back farm ada cultur way prove littl use field soon transform someth wilderbeast come ada rescu cours toughasnail rubi thew play rene zellweg help ada put farm back togeth perhap importantli cope loneli isol war seem brought upon adawithin two set vivid compel time disturb portrait wartorn south unfold charact inman ada interact surprisingli complex enhanc wonder perform brendan gleeson rubi deadbeat father ray winston unrepent southern lawman natali portman deepli troubl isol young mother greatli affect chang war northern aggress mostli wors dark pervad antiwar messag accent effect haunt score chillingli beauti shot virginia north carolina commun audienc much gruesom battl scene scar land traumat peopl war fought though weapon tactic war chang much past centuri hellish effect land timelessli relevantdirector anthoni minghella manag maintain gloomi mood film atmospher unfortun denigr rather tepid climax littl justic wonder form charact love stori inman ada awkwardli tack onto begin end film though inher distant abstract even absurd natur relationship way fit dismal natur rest plotmak mistak cold mountain neither trait feelgood romanc inspir war drama uniqu vision era sure entertain also truli absorb audienc live peopl torn apart war entir desper rid terribl repercuss altogeth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'taut organ grip edward dmytryk crossfir distinct suspens thriller unlik messag movi use look devic noir cyclebivouack washington dc compani soldier cope restless hang bar three end stranger apart robert ryan drunk belliger beat host sam leven death happen jewish polic detect robert young investig help robert mitchum who assign ryan outfit suspicion fall second three georg cooper vanish ryan slay third buddi steve brodi insur silenc young close inabet superior script john paxton dmytryk draw precis perform three star bob ryan natur prototyp angri white male hilt mitchum underplay characterist alert nonchal role howev central young may never better gloria graham give first fullyfledg rendit smartmouth vulner tramp sad sack who leech life paul kelli haunt us small peripher role make memorableth polit engag dmytryk perhap inevit succumb sermon pretti much confin young reminisc irish grandfath die hand bigot centuri earlier thu incident stretch chronolog limit least there attempt render explan howev glib ryan hate jew hillbilli andcuri crossfir surviv even major chang wrought upon novel base richard brook brick foxhol dealt gaybash murder homosexu 1947 still beyond pale new holocaust howev begun emerg ash europ hollywood felt embolden regist protest antisemit studio alway quak prospect offend potenti ticket buyerbut chang homophobia antisemit work gener specif dont fit smoothli victim chat lonesom drunk young soldier invit back home look odd even though especi sinc there girlfriend tow rais question whether scenario retain inadvert left discreet tipoff origin engin gener ryan murder rage', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ardh satya one finest film ever made indian cinema direct great director govind nihalani one success hard hit parallel cinema also turn commerci success even today ardh satya inspir lead director indiath film tell reallif scenario mumbai polic 70 unlik polic citi india mumbai polic encompass differ system altogeth govind nihalani creat practic outlay real life approach mumbai polic environmentamongst variou polic offic colleagu film describ stori anand velankar young hotblood cop come poor famili father harsh polic constabl anand suffer father ideolog incid father atroc mother anand approach toward immedi action crime inert crave job satisfact film revolv plot wherein anand constant effort crime trampl seniorsthi lead frustrat cannot achiev desir jobsatisfact result frustrat anger express excess violenc remand room bar also turn alcoholicth spirit within still aliv constantli fight system awar system metro polic politician inertli associ far end compromis toward uneth practic neg final get suspendedth direct master piec thoroughli hard core one best memor scene anand break underworld gangster rama shetti hous arrest follow short convers fantast mani scene film hairrais momentsth practic approach script major punch alcohol corrupt polit influenc courag decept integr part mumbai polic even today aspect dealt brilliantlyfin film belong one man show om puri portray anand velankar travers emot absolut brilliantli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first exposur templario good one excit find titl among offer anchor bay video brought us cult classic spider babi print qualiti excel alon cant hide fact film deadli dull there thrill open sequenc villag exact terribl reveng templar set whole thing motion everyth els movi slow ponder ultim unfulfil ad insult injuri movi dub subtitl promis video jacket', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one signific quot entir film pronounc halfway protagonist mafia middleman titta di girolamo physic nondescript middleag man origin salerno southern itali introduc start film he live nonlif eleg steril hotel italianspeak canton switzerland last ten year conduct busi gradual introduc pivot yet appar unremark scene take place employe swiss bank normal count di girolamo cash tell 10000 dollar miss usual suitcas full tightli stack banknot news quietli icili threaten coax bank manag want close account meanwhil tell us spectat bluff bluff right end without fear caught appear ridicul say cant bluff halfway tell truth eventu done bluf halfway told truth accept consequ life ultim love exactli reason behind begin titta di girolamo troubl initi unsympathet charact scowl taciturn curt man verg 50 man wont even repli kind chambermaid waitress say hello goodby becom one point someon spectat care deepli one point nonlif titta decid feel concern appear ridicul first half film may describ slow inde reveal di girolamo day night hotel oddli disjoin deliber pace reveal seemingli mundan irrelev detail howev scene may seem unnecessari reveal essenti master construct innov film unfold eye exist titta di girolamo man imagin ident life unsympathet charact unexpectedli end love feel least thought would also convey elegantli edit sequenc interest use music one theme scottish band board canada especi stood never contrast way hollywood itali treat mobster odd sinc releas film le conseguenz dellamor limbalsamator anoth interest element way film made use protagonist insomnia unlik machinist far explicit way al pacino film insomnia le conseguenz dellamor use condit symbolis deeper emot malais that ram deep obscur unconsci almost imposs pinpoint caus inde one young sympathet hotel waitress sofia play olivia magnani granddaught legendari anna memori titta best friend man hasnt seen 20 year unexpectedli provid tini window onto life titta eventu though tent first accept look though never explicitli spelt spectat know man like titta accept consequ love unimagin consequ film without singl scene sex violenc film unfold time conced noth spectat expect le conseguenz dellamor fine repres small quiet discreet renaiss take place italian cinema sinc declin cinecitt second half 70 world wait itali produc il postinolik fare la vita bellastyl film neglect explor fine creation like le conseguenz dellamor limbalsamator other loss world', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch film realli expect much got pack 5 film pretti terribl way fiver could expect know right terribl movi stretch interest point occasion camcord view nice touch drummer like drummer ie damn annoy well that actual problem bore assum attempt build tension whole lot noth happen utterli tediou thumb fast forward button readi press movi gave go serious lead singer band great look coz dont half mention beauti hell lot thought look bit like meercat havent even mention killer im even gonna go worth explain anyway far im concern star london reason watch except london actual quit funni wasnt act talent ive certainli seen lot wors ive also seen lot better best avoid unless bore watch paint dri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'bought film blockbust 300 sound interest bit ranmaesqu idea someon drag around skeleton cute girl miniskirt back restrict view sticker thought go sweet least sincer come age stori weird indi edg 100 wronghav watch wonder got restrict sticker sinc hardli foul languag littl violenc closest thing nuditi honestli dont usual go around hope girl nightgown see panti see panti lot movi matter she wear miniskirt sort even antireligi humor tame lame caricatur insincer deriv unorigin worst funni slightestit would better listen ray steven would jesu wear rolex televis show would bare qualifi pg13 rate blockbust refus let anyon age 17 rent thisa pornograph littl kid could go rent edit version requiem dream insist zack reba worseit wayin way worri meth thing left could offend peopl idea suicid begin anybodi need see movi honestli portray suicid one better one like virgin suicid teenag movi rate r pure suicid aspect littl chanc turn stori ive write pg13 movi main charact eleven half twelv suicid one top three lead caus death teenag think number 2 chanc teen affect itjust say movi though 210', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'plot death littl children hopper one investig kill movi appear troubl daughter end serial killer get caught that find dunnit see terribl act actor unbeliev bad actor includ hopper could go like much wast time dont watch movi ive warn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ever watch movi lost plot well didnt even realli one begin withwher begin achingli tediou scene heroin sit around hous actual sens menac even forebod creat even appar constant thunderstorm strang never actual heard housegreat doubl glaze hous appar mile town yet sever hour walk away third girl serv purpos plot except provid surprisingli quick gori murder tedium becom unbear even begin suggest spate 20 kill throughout area even though appar killer never ventur far hous bizarr ritual salt pepper pretti much sum film inher lack directionadd lead actress cant act least will complet irrelev nude shower scene video truli nasti way hopegiven follow simpli ban uk 80 mostli final surprisingli extend murder offer noth curios valu one classic daft murder dont worryit telegraph least ten minut beforeaft walk wood victim come rather steep upward slope obvious struggl halfway see figur top dress black brandish larg scyth slide run like rest us cours struggl top stand conveni nice upright front murder weaponit realli movi say', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'okay seri kind take rout go week week david mors charact help ride bit pickl what wrong david mors one greatest charact actor certainli coolest seri creat david koepp great writer heavendu lack love show mani cant see go season seri never know amount rubbish made beyond baffl let hope someth good make past first seri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'sit pile dung husband wonder whether actual product experi see whether comput program could produc movi listless formula us propaganda thrown face throughout film provesdisappointinglythat work human call conspiraci theorist quot like steal declar independ protect seem like way justifi action like invas iraq etc fact nichola cage spew line like would never use declar independ bargain chip straight face made husband wonder whether entir cast took valium shoot scene reason behind plot turn new clue truli ridicul imposs follow there also bonu side plot misogyni dr whateverhernamewa chide involv never shut she clearli movi look felt need slap dr titl charact give graviti one point cage charact say dont ever shut camera pan look poutili hand like she child truli grotesqu benefit movi astonishingli bad get laugh realli scari thing major peopl watch movi us seem enjoy creepi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'clich movi type substanc plot went nowher end movi felt like sucker watch product good howev script act bmovi qualiti cast poor good actor mix crumbi actor good actor didnt hold lift other movi worthi word say meet minimum requir ten line jame wood cuba good jr play caricatur movi look mindless entertain still wouldnt recommend movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi base book mani splendor thing han suyin tackl issu race relat asian white topic come han person experi eurasian grow china background beauti hong kong set give love stori uniqu rather dare atmospher timeoth stori stereotyp romanc memor song perhap rememb movi beauti jennif jone look part give wonder oscar nomin perform doctor mix breed advent commun mainland china william holden never look better play romant lead journalist cover war torn region world act top notch chemistri two lover provid genuin moment silver screen affect sure melt heart romant inclinedth cinematographi realli bring fifti hong kong especi hilltop overlook harbor two lover spend intim moment end real tearjerk may consid sentiment romanc pass enjoy classic hollywood love stori shine exampl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film seen one rage got one worst yet direct logic continu chang plotscript dialog made cri pain could anyon come someth crappi gari busey know b movi sure w movi wwastetak exampl two dozen fbi local law offic surround trailer hous jeep wagon insid jeep confus cop within second huge gun battl ensu kill straight cop blast away jeep gari compani blast away cop fall like domino jeep gari drive around circl hit one singl bulletpellet kill gari seem noticeddamn guy tough truli miracl sinc sixshoot held 300 bullet miracl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'heard good thing state grace came open mind thought god armi okay thought mayb dutcher improv matur filmmak film began shaki act thought well mayb get better unfortun never pictur start introduc two elder mormon missionari seem audienc get know grow care instead stori degener highli improb seri unfortun event highlight blatant disobedi missionari someth undeni exist rare level dutcher portray becom almost laughabledutch success movi success alien target audienc unrealist inaccur portray live mormon missionari dutcher accomplish noth anger predominantli mormon audienc film way reflect realiti mission noth like dutcher show serv mormon mission attest fact gang life california certainli contain much explicit languag occasion mild vulgarityth conclus im assum suppos touch audienc inspir believ forgiv avail unbeliev cmon entir mission gather see elder sent home mom girl stand right next cheesi next time dutcher tri make movi someon identifi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi struck home 29 rememb 80 father work factori figur work hard pride never gave could american dream hous kid car call ive note howev without degre someth unlik father quit ninth grade keen sens greed lazi cant get anywherei would like know anyon movi dvd vh made tv saw hour ago ic ant find anywher id love show friend pseudo friend famili rel see think remind upon time american would work sake feel honor pride accomplish think feel still heavi downward spiral mani thing made oversea', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'disclaim ive seen movi 56 time last 15 year saw music week allow judg movi without taint wasnt music howev taint watch music actual believ michael dougla work quit well role along kasey think let danc scene one best part movi worthwhil addit compar music dancer sing movi much superior music well cast least 10 time bigger easier movi cours decor light danc sing also much superior movi expect inde deliv song common music better done movi new one quit good one whole movi deliv music opinion especi compar music decor one bad point movi obviou cut actor talk dub singer sing portion charact danc impecc end product enjoy music', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'protocol implaus movi whose save grace star goldi hawn along good cast support actor stori revolv around ditzi cocktail waitress becom famou inadvert save life arab dignitari stori goe downhil halfway movi goldi charm doesnt save movi unless goldi hawn fan dont go way see film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film could classifi drama idea john voight mari steenburgen would tri eras cv histor accur xena hercul abraham mose got meld noah lot abraham nephew lot turn thousand year would born canaanit wander earthreal scriptwrit think ignor rememb someth noah anim lot canaanit stuff sunday school tri offend maximum number peopl planet possibl christian jew muslim historian archaeologist geologist psychologist linguist matter fact anyon get offend anyon even modicum tast would winc one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'preston sturgi power glori unseen public nearli twenti thirti year late 1990 resurfac even show televis meantim gain notorieti paulin kael citizen kane book suggest herman mankiewicz orson well screenplay kane base sturgi screenplay mention begin thread film imdb web site kael overst casether six narrat take turn deal life charl foster kane newsreel repres ralston henri luce clone thatcher memoir bernstein jed leland susan alexand kane raymond butler differ slant kane reflect faith disappoint hatr man cours also reveal fail tell version kane stori method also lead frequent overlap retel incidentthi situat power glori ye like kane legendari busi leader tom garner spencer traci man rose bottom head success railroad system countri two narrat garner right hand man henri ralph morgan wife sarah padden restrict nearli three dimension view get time kane garner henri narrat talk boss friend respect love wife like voic skeptic public see flaw henrytyp exampl although work way tom becom antilabor later year union troublemak care slow shenanigan henri describ tom confront union major walkout preoccupi detriment home life henri wife remind tom use scab violenc end strike appar blow union headquart kill mani peopl two view man one pure white one pure blackim realli knock power glori duplic kane success film includ orson well film awar stori present well enough hold one interest end thank perform traci colleen moor wife salli tragedi worldli success pair fulli brought homewhen marri tom want well part give wife famili benefit never america great busi success come cost tom get deepli involv run railroad empir expand improv constantli take away home much lose touch salli also notic eve helen vinson younger woman becom mistress salli learn unfaith behavior destroy hersimilarli tom get full shock make martyr eye henri eve marri tom present son turn eve son tom son tom jr philip trent discoveri incestu cuckold caus tom shoot himselfth film total success action jump time unconvincingli yet make busi seem real note scene tom tell board director plan purchas small rival train line discuss use debentur financ plan sturgi came wealthi background could bring type detail whole first rate film citizen kane perhap interest movi lover attempt busi realism social commentari depress america', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'averag surprisingli tame fulci giallo mean still quit bad normal standard redeem solid buildup nice touch neat time twist issu vision clairvoyanceth genr wellknown weak full gear banal dialogu wooden act illog plot point final goe much long denouement prove rather lame shall say limp affairfulci iron handl giallo norm amus though yellow clue wherev look3 10 limp killer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'return 36th chamber one classic kungfu movi shaw produc back 70 80 whose genr equival spaghetti western hollywood protagonist gordon liu counterpart western clint eastwood digit remast new print made fantast film fest present shaw scope like good old daysthi film simpl stori good versu evil told 3 act less sum narr martial art film eraact one set premis worker dyemil small villag unhappi lot wage cut 20 incom manchu gangster cant much exploit none martial art skill take gangster boss first minor success get liu imperson highli skill shaolin monk one best comedi sequenc rous got expos push limit credibl imperson one mani timesact two show protagonist want get back mob howev without real martial art embark journey shaolin templ tri infiltr learn martial art sli slapstick moment final get accept abbot imperson disappoint teach method kinda like mr miyagi style karat kid instead paint fenc get erect scaffold around templ noth keep good man unwittingli build strength endur learn kungfu unorthodox wayact three fight fest begin cheesi sound effect obviou noncontact film given maximum impact treatment rather refresh watch fight scene wide angl shot highlight clariti detail spar partner use slowmot showcas stunt differ angl may find speed fight tad slow paus move yuen wo ping style use adnausem hollywood flick sure dont make fight scene like use return 36th chamber get repeat screen monday your game nostalg trip memori lane wait', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'spoiler real life well movi familiar stori happen mani young men put war zone gun rifl hand case young innoc never handl fire gun jimmi davi franchot tone repeat thousand time centuri men like jimmi davi forc take arm countryjimmi first want kick us armi encourag stay belt mouth good friend fred p willi spencer traci end front line franc jimmi unit pin german machin gun nest singl handedli put commiss pick half dozen german soldier safeti nearbi church steepl jimmi gun last surviv german rais arm surrend artilleri shell hit steepl serious wound himrecov wound armi hospit jimmi fell love us armi volunt nurs rose duffi gladi georg rose realli love jimmi good friend happi go lucki fred despit obnoxi antic toward fred lost fight western front rose think kill fell love later marri jimmi fred unexpectedli show french town jimmi fulli recov wound station thing got sticki rose alreadi accept jimmi propos marriag herwith wwi jimmi marri rose left fred who still love bitter resent young man almost accid fred ran jimmi street new york citi discov shock surpris complet chang meek nonviol person knew sent war european western front smug sure abil shoot gun jimmi becom top mobster new york citi underworld fred later found wife rose idea jimmi realli involv jimmi tell work law abid inoffens insur adjusterjimmi life crime came full circl rose found secret life rat polic prevent execut valentin day like massacr gang member dress cop rival mobster trial jimmi came sens admit guilt will face music three year sentenc get life back togeth spoiler alert hear rumor fellow convict rose best friend fred affair behind back jimmi broke prison end fugit law fred circu work manger barker jimmi see rose well fred true like trial sudden chang heart thought go back prison least anoth ten year ad sentenc much jimmi jimmi decid end let polic track job didnt heart', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'bela lugosi appear sever low budget chiller monogram studio 1940 corps vanish one better onesbela play mad scientist kidnap young bride kill extract fluid bodi keep age wife look young report doctor stay night home discov respons bride death follow morn report murder polic mad scientist shot drop dead shortli afterwardsy got almost everyth movi scientist assist consist old hag hunchback dwarf son thunderstorm spooki passag bela hous bela wife find sleep better coffin rather bed movieth corps vanish worth look especi bela lugosi fan great funrat 3 star 5', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cannot believ enjoy much antholog stori better par link stori surpris end hook alot familiar face keep ask seen forget run time list new line tape aint 103 minut accord vcr timer imdb space maggot dous campfir special way hike 8', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '33 percent nation nitwit still support w bush would well see movi show aftermath french revolut terror 1794 strikingli similar post 911 sociopolit landscap mayb could stop worri save face take awhup deserv realli shame politician ruin countri vote cant deni right ever vote theyv clearli shown sens characterwhat realli stand movi ambigu charact hopelessli doctrinair robespierr haunt empti man simplist reduct ideolog cant help elucid boundari safeti totalitarian execut murder selfdefens patriot legalist litmu test aggrav hopeless situat he help creat sound like belliger overprivileg retard yale cheerlead know wojciech pszoniak blow slovenli deparidieu screen sympathet robespierr plight comfort know shortli film end hell jaw shot sent guillotin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'someon alreadi mention board difficult make fake documentari requir tremend skill pace patienc directori distanc plausibl premis narr flow realli believ act aka great act case love machin start show faux hand 20minut mark 60 minut left watch viewer start realiz taken downhil theredirector gordon eriksen simpli peak soon fair eriksen problem start earli explain extra began want real doc couldnt get fund settl cheaper way make filmth premis peopl secret live post porn websit perhap interest 199798 film made eriksen lot tricki stuff pushi host handheld camera zoom graini black white guess elicit sens authent doesnt work film confus forc ultim bring believ actor pretti aw dialogu', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hill eye ii would expect noth cours go oscar nomin film pure entertain lose 90 minutesth plot basic group nation guard traine find battl notori mutat hillbilli last day train desert fight back throughout whole film includ lot violenc basic whole film blood gut constantli fli around throughout whole thing also yet anoth graphic rape scene pointlessli thrown shock audienceid give hill eye ii 4 10 pure entertain although even found look watch film went began drag due fact continu tri shock audienc graphic gore occasion jump scene make sure audienc stay awak hill eye ii decent entertain someth pass time your bore noth else410', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'laugh way rotten movi unbeliev woman leav husband mani year marriag breakdown front real estat offic happen offic manag come outsid offer job hilari next thing know two women go yep theyr lesbian noth ring true lifetim women noth better movi clunki dialogu like dont want spend rest life feel like chanc happi didnt take doesnt help there wealthi distant mother disapprov daughter new relationship sassi black maid unbeliev year 2003 film get made there sassi black maid hatti mcdaniel must turn grave woman husband freak want custodi snotti teenag kid sheesh clich left unturn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'spoilersaft hitchcock success first american film rebecca base upon daphn dumari lush novel gothic romanc intrigu return familiar theme earli british period mistaken ident espionag us settl world war ii larg scale war effort civilian build plane weaponri necessari militia boom film entertain busi began turn paranoid often jingoist thriller war time theme thriller often involv network decept skill oper work shadow among good law abid citizen know director home espionag genr produc jack skirbal approach hitchcock direct properti own dealt corrupt wartim sabotag helpless hero thrust vortex coincid mistaken ident darker element narr sharp wit literari maven dorothi parker brief stint hollywood return bohemian root nyc coauthor script perfect match hitchcock sensibilitiesthi often neglect film tell stori unfortun 25 year old barri kane robert cum work lo angel airplan factori meet new employe frank frye norman lloydd moment later frame commit sabotag flee author dont believ farfetch stori meet sever charact way soda citi utah final new york citi memor charact includ circu caravan car full help freak popular billboard model patricia martin priscilla lane worst crisi life well nation secur fall madli love cours land hitchcock patricia kidnap suppos saboteur barri fall captor thu ad romant tension mixin good form outing hitchcock brew nation network demur old ladi averag joe respect businessmen doubl secret agent terrorist harbor crimin pull gun deton bomb keep thing move terrif plot take time move forward ignit culmin one hitchcock memor final look incred life like nyc tourist attract recreat art director hollywood due wartim shoot ban public attract saboteur may one hitchcock well known film popular bmovi certainli solid engag plenti clever plot twist usual terrif hitchcock villain rememb look hitchcock cameo appear outsid drug store second half film hitchcock origin cameo idea shot fight sign languag deaf wife axe bureau standard practic afraid offend deaf', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch dresser even seen dozen year agoit big movi doesnt tri make big splash god brillianc two lead leav speechless albert finney tom courtenay noth less amaz movieth dresser stori sir age shakespearean actor finney dresser norman courtenay sort valet put product king lear blitz london world war ii two men depend upon sir almost helpless without aid norman cajol wheedl bulli get onstag 227th perform lear norman live life vicari sir without sir need noth think anywaythi characterdriven film plot secondari interact charact requir actor highest calib bring life finney 47 year old complet believ old sick petul bulli brilliant stage actor hiss fume fellow actor even theyr take bow courtenay less convinc minc dresser must sometim act mother valet elderli employ employ realli wrong term use though although technic relationship employ employe time sir norman act like noth much old marri coupley other cast movi question true star finney courtenay marvel script ronald harwood say arent fine perform notabl eileen atkin longsuff stage manag madg wonder scene sir madg talk old desir old regret might beenalthough doesnt get talk day worth rememb dresser nomin five academi award best actor nomin finney courtenay best pictur best director peter yate best adapt screenplayi rememb good movi wasnt prepar complet mesmer begin end want see exampl great act huge entertain encourag see dresser', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'happen basic solid plausibl premis decent talent cast somewher movi lose actual never realli got go littl excit find angi realli pregnant find steve martin talent person usual bring lot movi dread entir charact even close import movi make longer realli would like see interact main charact kate angi mayb tri pure comedi unfortun mayb drama comed element think movi could funni sinc actress quit funni way sit think numer scenario would riot', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ive watch fingersmith im stun see 810 averag rate shownot plot difficult follow seem charact develop randomli appliedth actor adequ process attempt creat twist turn charact render entir one dimension happen stori realli fall flat becom tediousand case anyon didnt see predict lesbian underton mile way hammer home banal term end filmth end scene disappoint phone anyon sat back went ohhh carpet muncher along must eveningtwo star tonsil hockey earlier scene least bit raunchi none rest', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'let beginth movi origin cronenberg movi would usual appearmi intent see certainli jjl one favourit actress love usual cutiei would say favourit movi still quit interest entertain follow rest cast extrem impress kind miscast star array recommend confid', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'besid bore scene oppress dark movi tri portray kind moral fell flat messag redeem qualiti top dont think could make librarian look unglamor', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'unmarri woman name stella bett midler get pregnant wealthi man stephen collin offer marri sens oblig turn flat decid rais kid thing go ok child name jenni trini alvarado becom teenag thing gradual predict becom worseiv seen silent version sound version stella dalla neither one affect much cri easili wellmad date tri remak 1990 stupid idea guess midler enough power incomprehens success beach get made predict bomb stori laughabl date today standard even though midler alvarado give good perform film realli drag bore silli end stephen collin marsha mason good actor dont help support role flimsi dull reallywho thought would work see 1937 stanwyck version instead give 1', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont tortur duckl one fulci earlier honestli term storylin better film although typic bloodbath fulci known still uniqu enjoy filmth stori surround small town seri child murder occur color charact involv investig either suspect help investig case includ town polic forc smalltim report beauti rich exdrug addict young priest mother old man practic witchcraft femal protg mental handicap townsman deafmut littl girl peopl interwoven plot creat sever twist turn actual killer revealeddont tortur duckl neither classic giallo typic fulci gore film although contain element oldfashion murder mysteri darker subject matter scene graphic violenc although noth nearli strong fulci later work well written film lot twist kept guess end recommend giallomurdermysteri fan anyon look check fulci nonsplatt film dont despair dont tortur still fair share violenc sleaz may put subject child kill one main femal charact strang habit hit young boy also kind disconcert type materi doesnt bother definit give one look 8510', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'busti beauti staci randal play pvc clad badass bitch alexandra faith acolyt faust evil entiti trap hell determin free master malevol minx break warehous steal magic gem vital success whilst conduct satan ritual summon faust silli mare accident enter pentagram drawn floor result loss gem releas two diminut trolllik creatur call lite darknow alexandra must find replac gem isnt go easi stone trick worn around neck exlov polic detect jonathan grave peter liapi investig warehous robberi know well evil alexandra capabl meanwhil wisecrack interdimension halfpint lite dark get sort zani troubl tri find way back homein warp movi world jim wynorski femal bigbreast babe fashion sens cheap hooker ghouli iv except everi woman filmwheth polic captain curat antiqu mental patient asylumi hot hot hot wear lot fact make otherwis total unwatch piec stv crap bearablebut warn even though presenc seminak qualiti crumpet make go slightli easier still plenti film warrant label ordeal act wooden dialogu pain black humour dvd blurb describ funni knee knacker comed banter lite dark particularli cringeworthi special effect bargain basement consist rubberi creatur visual effect would look date ten year earlier310 sole high bimbo quotient', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'realli like salman kahn realli disappoint seen movi didnt much plot appeal salman howev look good movi look young refresh worth price dvd music bad quit nice usual indian movi least two three hour long short movi indian film american actress play movi televis hit seri hero ali larter act lot desir howev look good indian dress wore movi lot desir hope salman lot better next movi thank', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'im sure produc need trade name somewhat success movi franchis titl suggest sequel first three movieswhich even though marqu houston appear hp3 play total differ charact eight year older film okayso reid martin werent talent couldnt carri film themselvesbut trade hp franchis seem could made sort refer albeit minor earlier movi im sure everyon want see hoodwinkedinto think see sequelnot total differ film familiar name im sorrykym whitley funni could hold candl late robin harri ketti lester dc curri earlier film although meagen good mari morrow substanti visual diversioni give thumb name film last minut would ok furthermor hudlin brother produc first three movi involv make film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film labour along predict stori line shallow charact ever seen writer obvious bought playbook write space disast movi follow play play particular stereotyp use astronaut talk love one outer space put brave show face disast done time time againmax q appear written hope produc would throw 50 million project judg latter half film contain numer lame attempt special effect produc could muster 50 thousand learn film nomin special visual effect emmi absolut gobsmackedi think hand high school student pass media studi could creat believ effectsand plot hole numer mention pick one exampl im nasa expert sure highli implaus worker attach shuttl simul would suddenli hold posit power control room thing start go pearshap program sure someon experienc mission control program director would call rather twentynin year old control room beforeth save grace film work bill campbel manag make good attempt salvag someth train wreck scripti give film 2 10 aboveaverag work bill campbel lead role save lower mark', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'caddyshack two good movi compar origin cant stack robert stack horribl replac ted knight jacki mason funni cant compet rodney dangerfield ty webb funni charact origin charact movi lack punch origin henri wilcoxon exampl except hystericli funni lawyer peter blunt play randi quaid everi line say remind origin humor especi scene offic dont go law suit motion find live come hous beat door fing basebal bat make bonfir chippindalemayb roast golden retriev arff arff arff eat im comin upstair junior im grab brook brother pj cram brand new bmw tight understand offset small role howev dan acroyd obvious replac bill murray voic beyond irrit everyth isnt even funni stupid overal caddyshack ii good movi comparison awesom origin cant cut', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'honestli short film suck dummi use necro scene pretti well made still phoni enough look ruin view experi unearth dvd crisp clear havent made mind help hinder film littl graini might ad creepi factor go idea film much hype surround subject matter honest necrophilia scene film like nekromantik visitor q among other shock aftermath talk film loneli manner deep philosophi bull expens beauti film turd shock disgust insist view rent give 3 fact mani peopl make explicit movi necrophilia definit bigger select us sicko film good gore watch rubberi look doll get cut open consid gore absolut noth go overhyp mess hand genesi cerda sequel aftermath avail doubl featur releas unearth film absolut masterpiec short film realli show good director cerda realli given right materi although dont care aftermath genesi well made forgiv cerda definit keep eye futur', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought mukhsin wonder written entertain there tonn subtl messag think yasmin tri bring across ye might confus youespeci didnt watch sepet andor gubra 76 timesi bet u notic use charact two movi right realli iron charact relat like bossi neighbour prostitut gubra chick snooker pad turn religi wife piou man futur absolut love voiceov crude yet awakeningli fresh like took shot rumah tumpangan gamin signboard suddenli mukhsin voic say bismillahhirrahmannirrahim scene climb treeit captur malaysian attitudeand mild way snigger pathet portray charact exampl even kid realli sharp tonguedcomplet shrill annoy voic simpli bad mouth ppl movi long busybodi talk ppl ur life isnt sort say movi total reach expect exceed kept glu screen couldnt even take eye even make cinema ha ha', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'golf fan mean may 26 1030 pm movi start scene late 1800 old movi like golf howev within first scene young boy harri vardon awaken voic men goe outsid inquir told go build golf someth turn televis someth stir back movi excel see young boy man profession golf player haunt vision childhood meet true focu movi franci decis make golf meet mother father want protect class thing obviou period littl eddi loweri caddi encourag word littl push instrument franci win dont want give away much 2 super pleas see movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'upon view tobe hooper gem crocodil 2000 develop great interest collegecrocodil nich exploitationmonst genr look forward wayward produc follow sever sequel delight bonbon camp good ed wood could bring subtl sens flair digniti remark script ed write script room full monke creat crocodil special effect comput wed need would cast crocki fodder russ meyer breast ren hoek pector implantswhil tobe hooper crocki opu referenc movi blood surf chose dish bunch age theme chum bucket movi see look past reveng nerd sequel set find allusionshomagesripoff jaw templ doom indiana jone last crusad convent godzilla 2000 jame bond movi also tri find readyfortv fade editor gave make sens stocki disappoint crock didnt get tri sotto voce tenor soliloquy environmentalismor crocki appreci quasicaptain ahab stori get tour de forc speach perhap come year well see crock gallop shootout golden sunset hope monkey flush crocki toilet intern space station midget enjoy exploit waltz zerog monkeymidgetcrocodil bloodshedallinal lack whammi bar surf music irk', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'tri epic adventur centuri cast like sh kasugi christoph lee johnrhi davi realli perfect badventur time actual pretti fun swashbuckl adventur even flaw captur interest must felt biggest movi ever peopl made even made 90 doesnt modern feel feel old errol flynn movi big adventur movi big thing hollywood im afraid feel never old movi hand real feel cant hate think okay adventur movi realli love soundtrack damn want theme song', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'last hard men find jame coburn outlaw long sentenc break free chain gang friend head mexican border jail safeti dont coburn mission reveng kill peac offic brought process kill womanthat peac offic charlton heston retir know coburn explain daughter barbara hershey coburn hole shack involv waco like standoff indian woman kill hail bullet fire someth he proud collater casualti manhuntlest feel sorri coburn let us know full well evil man truli heston usual stalwart hero act honor last hard men go jame coburn blow everyon els screen he coburn get bright idea make sure heston trail kidnap hershey take indian reserv white author cant touch know heston make person thencoburn gang includ morgan paull thalmu rasulala john quad larri wilcox jorg rivero heston chri mitchum along soninlaw beth last hard men one nasti brutal western andrew mclaglen direct im think may project origin intend sam peckinpaugh sure show lot influenc liber use slow motion accentu violenc lot littl peckinpaugh lite last hard men film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mayb titl trailer certainli interview dvd director keep say hi kid camera like buffoon expect entrail virgin least bit sleazi fun good sex scene brutal bloodi kill weird japanes penetr turn way sleazi good bad whatev there problem one see also italian sexploit flick porno holocaust similar mani respect balanc sex violenc much sex turn prototyp porno even much product qualiti comparison profession porno movi kill scene least littl tack mayb smidgen ingenu creat creaturekillerwhatev entrail virgin neither safe say pretti soulless movi even isnt one worst ever made horndog japanes fetishist get girl troubl men brain headsin case given photo team guy take shot girl noth salaci way dens fog stay hous one night pick one one murder he credit first director kazuo gaira komizu decid put quota random sex scene earli get splice phone take pick clip one photograph sex one girl elsewher look like anoth movi settl hous there wrestl scene that poorli choreograph shot yeah realli need see rape kill first rape photograph promis girl job time murder like damato creatur simpli cover mud given stupid facial unknown reason kill men andor rape women one onenow latter taken consid highlight movi like say howev croton best part wretchedli tast salad eyegoug scene spike thrown like olymp event scene actual kind cool final entrail overli sexcraz girl whose inconsequenti name cant rememb even becom disappoint correct titl top sex scene becom tediou gaira indulg longtakeswithoutcutaway everyth japanes censor blur anyway dub actor youd think seem enjoy enough henc need let speak overal feel entrail virgin lumpi one gawk without shred suspens true horror watch last girl left aliv virgin pictur tri stop murder get last five minut keep throw stick want done hate women mantra eas rid altogeth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'scene actual attempt depict revolutionari struggl resembl hirsut boy scout troop meander tent swim hole sharif pleas god palanc tri hand fieri oratori sound like kurtz swallow bug display strateg brillianc incorpor map cuba replet smile fishi ocean posit vaudevillian hypothesi bay pig came pass leav us one comic dentistri scene surfeit uppiti hollywood peasant address camera though move train kick passel homoerotic limit castro manic unremit cigarfellatio never trust medv even bust clock right twice day histor aw movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film took surpris make habit find littl possibl film attend trailer review provid spoiler spoiler knew upon enter theater documentari long marri coupl imdb reader gave 78 rotten tomato user rank 79 critic averag amaz 82 anyth underr littl gemfilmmak doug block decid record parent poster begin film treat requisit interview parent outspoken mother mina less forthcom dad mike immedi found coupl interest idea filmmak mike mina son doug go take us matter fact doubt doug knew go thislif take unexpect twist turn beauti express film follow journey difficult verbal move stori uniqu way told absolut rivet begin end realli mustse even arent fan documentari genr film make think life might even evok memori thought long forgotten 51 birch street one rare filmgo experi make deep impress never leav best news hbo hand product instead play limit art hous audienc eventu million peopl chanc view incred piec work bravo', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'stephen hawk geniu king genius watch movi make feel dumb great movi highli entertain intrigu movi center around wheelchair bound stephen hawk man make einstein look averag theori scientif discoveri univers time galaxi black hole everyon sometim anoth realli intens high come moment think theyv got univers cosmo figur swear soon sober theyll write well man actual held feel six hour man despit suffer lou gehrig diseas becom greatest mind world yet seen watch listen formul theori black hole awesom wont see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'stori psychic woman tori return hometown begin reliv traumat childhood past death childhood friend abus father tori discov friend first string murder still occur psychic power help solv crime stop continu murder realli dont need find oh god bad know nora robert fan flock movi give ton 10 rest us see imdb score 6 actual think movi worth watch fool end predict act terribl dont even get start southern accent yall stori trite remembery warn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'oh god must seen 11 twelv dont ask may young wasnt stupid anyon could see bad movi nasti gross unscari silli ive seen impress effect disneyland ive seen better perform school play ive seen convinc crocodil zoo noth sit water ignor children tap glassth stori set northern australia hand ambiti young peopl tri new water sport surf shark fill water soon becom evid someth danger water learn get help grizzli middl age fisherman want kill anim aveng eat familyi think seen everi crocodil film made last fifteen year best lake placid wors sequel blood surf would second worst croc flick think primev crocodil tail close behindth australian saltwat crododil one danger creatur result hundr injuri death everi year movi like blood surf howev ruin feroci imag creatur good hour half viewer life unless realli want see avoid blood surf', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'fate lead walter sparrow come possess mysteri novel eeri similar connect life base around number 23 stori unfold real life fiction sparrow must figur connect book stori eventu endth number 23 offer intrigu premis undon weak execut film fail mani differ level pretti disappoint held much potenti screenplay probabl worst part fill silli sequenc laughabl dialog kill mood movi seem like screenwrit good idea didnt know develop stretch nineti minut run time second half film run low idea twist pretti obviou end awfuljoel schumach respons one worst movi ever redeem littl phone booth film number 23 remind he still capabl make stinker movi drench style cant get good focu move film clunki slow pace switch realiti what actual happen book quickli got annoy actual book film that titl number 23 aw detect stori audienc get stuck listen carrey narrat bore tear carrey final done book get stuck watch run around tri solv mysteri point audienc lost interest real tension impati wait movi reach horribl end unconvinc explan celebr film final finishedth act mostli averag pretti forgett jim carrey clearli sleepwalk perform didnt even seem tri either complet top scene wooden narrat complet bore listen put life insid charact virginia madsen best could limit role need pick better script logan lerman pretti bland danni huston overal number 23 aw thriller offer laugh suspens thrill rate 310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'brought film joke friend could worst joke play film bare watchabl act dire worst child actor ever use hasslehoff give substandard perform plot disgrac point bore wonder hell go tri gruesom place laughablejust terribl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'probabl worst movi ever seen life stupid plot special affect ridicul never seen bad act life good part movi hot guysespeci drew fuller dont know peopl think made movi didnt even want finish whole thing get point movi guy bed touch mean like kind sick twist kiddi porn would advis anyon heard movi interest see forget find anoth movi watch disappoint whole movi complet wast time opinion', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'typic steel novel product two peopl undergon sort tragedi manag get togeth despit odd wouldnt call spoiler anyon read steel novel know end dont want know much plot dont keep readinggilbert charact ophelia woman french decent lost husband son accid gilbert need stop film requir accent otherwis good actress cannot realist pull kind accent brad johnson also excel actor matt recov rather nasti divorc gentl convinc compel roleth two meet beach daughter pip initi ophelia accus matt child molest talk art kid becom friend episod coupl fall loveth chemistri two lead great even though talent two peopl opinion question best could predict plot script border stereotyp two peopl meet tragedi bigger tragedi secret reveal anoth tragedi get togeth wish nutshelli want mindless entertain got regard genr romant film one fail memor secret affair janin turner far superior steel book steel earlier book turn film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'oh noe one attack japanes ghost girl movi dont even rememb mani ive seen mayb sell scari japanes horror movi similar sinc first one also pull kid seen pull scene mani time mani horror movi cellphon scene also noth new dramat guy get hit train kinda suck mean lack dramat ok kid 1416 listen japanes rock think uniqu well let tell there million one 310 ive seen wors wont miss anyth see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'nichola walker paul local town reverand who marri martha alli sheedi also habitu woman decid fake death run away current affair veronica dara tomanovich howev get bout amnesia henc name film salli kirkland also hand crazi old coot pine good reverand shade miseri type way sad see pretti good cast wast like least bit john savag horridli forgett role shoddi privat investig film bill black comedi one bring element said movi bring former spade sadli contain none latter furthermor cant emphas charact thu absolut vest interest technic alltogeth bad movi extrem forgett oneey candi dara tomanovich get topless salli kirkland also show skin grade c saw showtim showcas', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hollywood movi industri laziest one entir world need singl hit flood theater old crap reinvent take superhero exampl xman spiderman daredevil elektra ghost rider hulk japanes horror remak even worst took ring pitchperfect mostli mr gore verbinski bring ton lookalik creepywoman base horror eg ring 2 eye dark water fine pointless grudgesth first grudg wasnt entir bad scari way one could expect plu plot brain mix narr grudg 2 exactli like previou could good thing hey boy men black ii nice thing xerox entir screenplay chang villain grudg 2 critic goe waytir scare bad act except amber tamblyn clich place three stori take place differ place time aubrey tamblyn investig drove sister karen sarah michel gellar death allison ariel kebbel taken colleagu visit hous incid depict first movi took place final american famili wit strang stuff happen apart next door glad say mean everyth tie end one must reli end make good pictur everyth els simpli tiresom dullth chill girl alon locker someon shouldnt enter hous other dig deep meanwhil ghost keep kill kill kill seem even deadlier ten world war ebola epidem hey doesnt seem like anoth bad japanes remak someth call puls yeah day day get easier hold grudg hollywood bullshit', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'periscop librari sinc first arriv vh sinc acquir dvd digit cinema nowit quirki flick go militarili overboard either pro con first foremost comedi vehicl main charact quit surpris sequel never offeredth movi gain follow border cult obsess even among young becam awar visit uss drum mobil alabama 2002 group cub scout grandson among taken role movi plan reliv overnight boardit fun romp make proud navi hollywood rare companythank kelsey grammar lauren holli rob schneider make could otherwis unremark movi great entertain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'came youv alreadi seen film curiou other say iti feel realli profus apolog canadian that film ever cross eye moment hear cure retin bleed report everi dozen casesi like everyon els rent movi believ stupid bmovi ripoff blade thought sure could use good laugh stupid movi ill give creator film one posit comment creation thank remov rec xxxxxx bottom righthand corner screen see would distract see movieand record saw movi watch dialogu incoher scene took place grandmoth trailer swear godyou know im write anymor pain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'deanna durbin nan grey barbara read three smart girl univers film 1936 introduc deanna durbin film audienc also star ray milland mischa auer charl winning john king binni barn alic bradi sweet stori three young women live switzerland divorc mother hear father winning marri seen 10 year know mother still love board ship america help housekeepernanni determin stop wed realiz intend call preciou barn noth golddigg aid abet mother bradi arrang introduc wealthi count arrang father account king man choos fulltim drunk auer girl mistak actual wealthi count milland messthi delight film cloy overli sugari nice perform particularli auer milland barn bradi young women pretti good work emphasi cours young durbin natur actress beautifullytrain singer fact voic youngster much even would adult troubl high note later put much weight middl voic sing delight il bacio polic stationon nicest thing film see father play charl winning want children around see get know barn golddigg isnt young girl mother look way infer probabl older man seek youth younger glamor woman fact find youth seek daughtersunivers give durbin big star buildup final shot movi ray milland point still pay due probabl surpris even film fan young attract isveri entertain cours led sequel big stardom deanna', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon wonder one make movi like use convers charact simpl theme friendship struggl evolv someth new better differ folk need take film see top notch write direct act meld wonder even observ thing use itali england day time funnel terrif comedi entertain made 1992 alfr molina joan plowright polli walker josi lawrenc jim broadbent miranda richardson michael kitchen major role brush stroke direct mike newel actor accomplish vividli memor perform photograph sublim subtl painter eye reminisc theatric bedroom farc turn centuri film might call friendship farc becom worthwhil experi growth romant natur within charact viewer artist telegram import care around us', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch seri curiosityw see could possibl modern technologyout cecil b demil classic epic 1956 star charleton hestonyul brenner sir cedric hardwick cours let ye biblic charact correct didnt give us spectacular theatric scene held interest throughout first movi go miniseri rivot scene burn bush part red seadrown pharoh armi build sethi pyramid could done today technolog scale blockbust movi lord ring matrix obvious didnt want leav last impress faith sacrific much need troubl time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'daniel daylewi versatil actor aliv english aristocrat snob room view passion irish thief name father impud violent butcher gang new york perform ten time stronger adrian brodi pianist outrag cristi brown cerebr palsi left foot name role influenc eachoth seper utterli uniqu chang complet charact take im begin believ act anyth anythinga cristi brown stun ridicul charact piti charact difficult achiev cristi brown come life smart man outrag man humanthi movi despit small scenetransit fault like inspir ye predict stupidli sentiment laugh cri singl moment chees proof isnt hollywood moviemi favourit scene scene restaur cristi discuss painter eileen peter friend here daniel daylewi reach act climax ill kick part anatomi that anim wheel crippl perform never slow never falter beauti simpli lot screen time watch never get tire cristi perspicaci eye twitch guttur speechesa mustse fo sho yo', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'guess would origin go least two part thu least quarter longer otherwis one explain confus abbrevi storylin never complet lost often partial lost usual unclear charact motiv movi feel though join plot point drop squeez time slotif longer might make sens still wouldnt much good movi interest idea war zeu hera war male femal movi drop ball make hera follow fairli horribl clear zeu follow believ movi also interest dont see god there real certainti exist got coupl intrigu idea doesnt anyth use thembad dialog cardboard charact one interest scene involv hercul three antagonist son unwatch also worth watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'well like watch bad horror bmovi caus think interest see stupid unabl creator shoot serious good movi alway compar movi exampl spielberg work againandagain dont understand huge differ see like ed wood movi caus inept funni peopl chill funni even interest extrem bore horror movi without anyth make even bad movi watchabl there act screenplay direct thrill even blood extrem inept amateurish film definit worst movi ever seen seen lot worst movi believ warn 110', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'worst movi ever seen well worst probabl ever see see need rehash other said previous forewarnedthi one bad movi think want watch want abl make fun plain bad bad bad bad badthi movi equival pet rock friend wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait someth happen unfortun never least pet rock knew get lion gate complet deceiv bombshel nothi disast watch film would swear georg w bush hand make film ye idioticstay away unless cours want watch worst movi time probabl lion gate figur would make money piec tripe', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mario fan long rememb fond memori play super mario world kid game brought back mani memori ad someth new super mario galaxi latest instal amaz mario franchis much differ game mario still keep intact greatest element mario first notic differ stori take place spaceth stori begin much like mario game mario receiv letter princess peach invit celebr castl mushroom kingdom upon arriv peach castl mario find bowser son bowser jr attack castl airship bowser kidnap princess peach lift castl space midst castl lift space mario fall land unknown planet mario found talk star name luma taken back luma home float space station mario meet mani luma also meet leader woman name rosalina rosalina tell mario bowser taken away space station power star scatter across univers mario help luma find save peach thu adventur beginsth way play game fli space station galaxi galaxi consist multipl planet mario travel amongst level via shoot star retriev power star mario mani time walk way around planet without lose graviti planet small other big mani planet similar classic mario environ best thing game control stuff like jump still wiimot use mani uniqu way game shake remot mario perform spin use primari attack game well activ shoot star also point remot screen use pointer fire star bit enemi object environ graphic far best graphic wii hard describ great game look could probabl almost say look good 360 gamesmi minor gripe go upsid effect take get use also stori pretti weak worst part lose live turn game matter mani last quit restart 4 live still minor problem asid superb game highli entertain challeng type game weve wait wiia perfect 10 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'short film inspir soontob full length featur spatula mad hilari piec contend similar cartoon yield multipl writer short film star edward spatula fire job join fight evil spoon premis allow funni content near begin bare present remaind featur film 15minut run time absorb oddbal comedi small music number unfortun much els lie plot set doesnt realli time show sure follow plot better mani highbudget hollywood film film worth watch least time take dont expect deep stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'okay last night august 18th 2004 distinct displeasur meet mr van bebbl show film manson famili three penni chicago part chicago underground film festiv here say first film obviou rip everi kenneth anger roman polanski oliv stone terri gilliam movi ive ever seen second short q session show mr van bebbl immedi state never made contact actual manson famili member charli call liar say want noth film base van bebbl take trial seen live room tv news im assum autobiographi book helter skelter directli mimick narr second dib question ask tri present outsid mtv sex drug rock n roll version necessarili true stori question obvious piss slosh director start shout f shut f truth movi bullshwel anyway didnt even think ridicul next day read taglin film youv heard law side storynow hear stori told manson famili excus guy never even spoken famili consid liar doesnt want anyth god name tell stori ridicul statement ever heard film obvious cater sex drug rock n roll audienc troubl attract small dimli lit theatr even obvious spawn sex drug rock n roll mind man couldnt even watch film without get everi ten minut go get beer shout sort rocki horroresqu call line actor screen film accomplish littl warp public imag actual event help shape state america much world today sort slashercom bookpornorap fantasi dream obvious shallow individualth film definit impress look soundtrack refresh contain actual sampl charli work famili lie album edit nice choppi simul nauseat uncertainti modern music video film would made much better addit catalogu mtv underground film festiv matter mind intellectu observ felt like midnight rocki horror view way audienc dress behav probabl best part experi cast good except charli resembl sort stone dungeon dragon enthusiast actual role portray descript film gave full energi throw ten thing physic match slow letharg chubbi represent actual presentedal film basic explain sadi mayb linda declar end write bunch bullsh book make bunch bullsh moviesetc etc case point even disclaim base true stori dead giveaway signal somewher beneath psychedel garbag heap lay foundat actual stori content make made differ world littl bit alchemi separ truth crap actual mayb could avoid togeth go read book insteadal say film end got free beer im glad went glad spent fifteen dollar ticket told shut f ask director question peac', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'bought game impuls buy walmart glad entertain listen sean conneri play game thought graphic best ever seen moviegam remak bonu level hard sniper one think hard made frustrat didnt play game week half mani peopl shoot noth hide behind life handl thing might chang upgrad system didnt notic differ unupgrad equip upgrad buy armor upgrad didnt seem make armor stronger fill life meter realli like q copter think develop good job', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hilari horribl 70 madefortv horror clinker isnt deadli demon possess dessert cake still except aw yet undeni amus thu enjoy cathod ray refus reach breathtak apex absolut unremit silli atroci that quit tasti soexecrableitsdownrightawesom sort way richard crenna look haggard possibl inebri yvett mimieux act never got brutal rape endur jackson counti jail sluggishli portray disgustingli nice respect suburbanit coupl whose quaint dull sleepi small town exist get rip asund cute german shepard take famili pet turn ancient lethal evil spirit pretti soon mimieux two repel cutesi kid kim richard ike eisenmann psychic alien moppet disney witch mountain pictur worship crude crayon draw nasti ugli canin entiti den boy doesnt sound realli scari disturb well scari disturb laughabl ludicr claptrap sure aint sure funni thank curti night tide harrington hopelessli weak direct cartoonish special effect almost pain risiblenridicul plot game cast struggl valiantli absurd stori besid lead martin beswick rg armstrong briefli pop member satan cult victor jori nice cameo help nativ american shaman favorit scene malici mephestophelion mutt put whammi crenna practic forc stick hand wildli spin lawnmow blade stuckup snobbi fright film fan may hold nose perfectli putrid stench admittedli smelli schlock devout tv trash lover deem endearingli abomin offal boob tube equival alpo', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'easi tell earli movi exactli happen die 4 women man vacat made end ultra nazi seventi blond women supposedli ultra american survivor brunett deserv deaththi movi like other era contriv bring viewer know mysteri suspens peopl squabbl everyth predict prejudic time laughableth five peopl happen upon two savag young charact go nut everyon nut directorwrit team justifi nazi propagandafor reason guy attract blond realli much look ignor super hot look brunett heterosexu man would go nut one must rememb seventi movi meant appeal women mentot crap total depress', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'marion davi star remark comedi show peopl releas mgm 1928 davi play hick savannah georgia arriv hollywood father dell henderson jalopi arriv hoot davi outrag southern costum davi land job slapstick comedi want bring success meet fellow slapstick star william hain immedi smitten well davi get job prestigi studio high art studio land job stuffi period piec handsom fake actor andr telefair show rope typic pretenti hollywood star davi abandon slapstick friend father good life cours learn realli marion davi wonder throughout outrag run gamut emot requir seriou actress william hain usual wonder comed self cameo charl chaplin john gilbert famou star day includ director film king vidor silent film sound effect sound pictur come treasur film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'perform everi actor actress film excel natur movi act direct skill brilliantli handl everi detail never tire see howev rather surpris see film includ actor director attenborough credit puzzl arent proud make claim made excel long last film audienc hope would get answer puzzl one possibl one knowledg personnel insid film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'star trek motion pictur mostli bore star trek final frontier plain bad terribl sequel crew shore leav get distress signal feder ambassador repres earth romulu krono klingon home world kidnap renegad vulcan bent quest attain starship ventur great barrier hope find god use mystic bad write persuad mani senior offic enterpris betray kirk get hold ship reach insid great barrier find planet meet godlik alien one bad hard figur begin core good idea never realli develop plot goe nowher instead man gone almost like writer idea end fiasco action scene dont suspens wrath kahn philosophi bore humor stale focu anger william shatner take director chair ego get bigger focu spock mccoy give other enough moreov wherea shatner usual guilti overact previou movi televis spot plain bad one kirk reckless practic joker silli one worst scene involv three leader sing song row row row boat round campfir case worst star trek franchis given three ten instead five', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'despit later claim earlytalki melodrama littl common citizen kane biopic ruthless human fiction plutocrat told flashback hop around time scriptwrit preston sturg show none later gift sparkl dialog none myriad cinemat innov kane evid still watchabl young spencer traci oldman makeup make look like well old spencer traci show depth author colleen moor littl past prime physic well match play multifacet womanbehindtheman there also helen vinson one treacher femm fatal movi histori send final third ecstat soapopera reverber surviv print jumpi miss audio snippet plot hole left open would know whose son she sleep music aw hokey quit fascin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'best version far see true bront work dalton littl tough imagin rochest jane eyr declar handsom act overcom zelah clark pretti also complet believ jane eyr product lengthi watch well worth nearli direct quot book script want first true romanc literatur way see everi copi movi read reread origin film may seem littl date never anoth like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'appar peopl wrote back box bother watch socal movi describ blindingli choreograph intrigu violenc saw intrigu instead saw miser attempt dialogu suppos kung fu movi saw violenc least saw noth could caus suspend disbelief could possibl hurt man impervi skinbut perhap reveal much plot furthermor viewer mani sundri film includ occasion kung fu movi authorit say piec celluloid unwatch whatev may choos alway remain correct jonathan tanner ps blind choreographi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like boyl perform that posit thing say everyth overdon point absurd actor spoke like would expect 9yearold nephew speak pretend jade stoneheart cop ultraevil villain raspi voiceov seem amateurish could go buy cheap synthes crank better open music what whole 1984ish polic tortur stuff total superflu noth actual event stori cox ad lot thing fact appar thought would realli cool noth stori that big disappoint one thing make borg stori good minim tightli bound superflu detail movi opposit stop watch scene lonnrot question guy yidisch zaitung thereabout wast 4 rent least get satisfact write review hope save other make mistak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'terrif funni movi doesnt make smile piti film bore long simpli painful stori stagger without goal funyou feel better finish', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'well made cgi crap anyon els jump croc tour darwin adelaid river black water way realist rogu bit cringeworthythought blond chick excel havent realli seen chick babe alway excel v suspens would compar jaw man eat anim flick got hole aussi thing pat without go ott struth crikey well love', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'assign outstand thriller sever plot twist driven charact rather star turn need stage special effect obligatori romanc endless car chase howev car chase dandi aidan quinn wonder terrorist naval offic recruit elimin rare second third tier actor quinn given import star role like carri film usual role given alist actor box offic draw probabl never heard film saw donald sutherland great moral ambigu somewhat creepi time agent recruit quinn ben kingsley fine also isra agent plot complex multipl stori line converg gradual fashion toward end use see paranoia claustrophobia type thriller captur portray moral ambigu frighten intens locat convinc effect soundtrack noth special rare get mention qualiti day without dumb andor meaningless plot develop unconvinc star turn loud annoy music video type soundtrack villain ham repeatedli cast costum plot cater mostli audienc 25 outstand thriller assuredli get due upon releas 12 4 star', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'one finest movi ever seenth stark sceneryth isolationth ignor bigot peopl hide behind religiona backdrop wordli sophisticationth act complet naturalbut afoodi best actual choos prepar feasti spent time pari know cuisin wellwheth cafe anglai realli exist dont know know similar establish babett menu choic wine authenticand cours end despit perfect meal mellow back friendship end could bethi 10 10 film seen anyon enough brain tast understand', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'set 1794 second year french republ form execut loui xvi film portray power struggl revolutionari leader danton gerard depardieu finest robespierr command perform polish actor wojciech pszoniak moder revolutionari danton return pari countri seat sinc depos leader committe public safeti previou year robespierr oppos reign terror result execut thousand citizen mainli guillotin thought oppos revolut danton confid support ordinari peopl tri persuad robespierr curb bloodlet robespierr committe afraid popular danton lead overthrown put danton support trial traitor first french languag film made andrzej wajda arriv franc poland polish film compani close govern due support solidar trade union oppos polish govern late seventi earli eighti previou film man iron 1981 dealt solidar union leader lech walesa easi draw comparison relationship walesa polish leader gener jaruselski danton robespierr dantonwalesa voic reason oppos robespierrejaruselski continu dictatori rule despit lost support peopl claim repres film base polish play danton affair written stanislawa przybyszewska 1930 releas film criticis static theatric film concentr behindthescen meet committe scene nation assembl courtroom rather activ street pari', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'usual im bit fan bad eighti earli nineti film featur beensbut film incred terribl real endur test sit guy dress girl done death never pathet corey haim perform abysm usual nicol eggert much better redeem qualiti even number 1 fan actoractress piec trash stay away', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seen quit film pedro almodvar would disappoint far film seem lack zani usual everywher film stori never got interest mani almodvar regular appear film like lack onscreen talent film seem seriou film comed edg movi certainli couldnt find made one surprisingli weak movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'greatli enjoy margaret atwood novel robber bride thrill see movi version woman frame cop boyfriend murder buddi excop journalist tri clear name check dead woman crazi femal friend fortun movi script fix ms atwood clumsi plot focus stori two men victim scheme womenheh okay got guy mention book im pretti sure theyr entir made movi ill eat dust cover hardback copi appar three main femal charact novel arent enough carri movi zenia manipul arent interest unless see happen man man life screw roz chari toni tell stori man import man doesnt hear themi like charact book hurt see push side man stori normal look feminist angl media tri enjoy movi hadnt read book might enjoy movi lot like cop excop want read your luck read novel want enjoy lusciou prose character subtli layer plot plot movi excav iron sprinkl male angst like zenia reveng margaret atwood', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi get 10 lot gore itwho care plot actingthi italian horror movi peopl know cant expect much act ploteverybodi know fulci took footag movi ad onesinc never seen movi took footag didnt matter meth italian godfath gore done moviethi one goriest italian movi ever seeno gore hound without movi horror movi collectionbuy movi matter horehound dream come true', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ingrid bergman play dentist walter matthau faith receptionist harbor littl crush boss absolut wonder film handl witti reparte script aplomb steal terrif scene goldi hawn talk record booth ingrid monologu front face tell believ heart matthau odd choic lead man he old goldi hawn unrefin bergman mention unfocus dentist like way tri hard pleas goldi stumbl around tri free lie hawn support oscar fresh bubbl today bedroom farc isnt terribl sophist faintli remind one wednesday besid welcom relief noisi teenori comedi turn today cactu flower love sigh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'bore televis director introduc black art astral project girlfriend learn abil separ spirit bodi man find renew interest life sens wellb unfortun man discov sleep spirit leav bodi uncontrol bodi roam street murder rampag accord dvd sleev synopsisth synopsi isnt entir correct turn outanyway movi open dizzi outofbodi exampl handsom director winston rekert paul sharp newli discov astral bodi experi also foreshadow upcom dogfight young andrew bednarski matthew sharp kid draw pictur blue man murder spree begin handsom detect john novak stewart kaufman discov victim connect mr rekert mr novak investig lead supernatur prime exampl karen black janu rekert fear fall lovesever cast perform well blue man wind tie knot aka etern evil unsatisfi stori tri far clever good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ah ye 1980 time reaganom sli chuck host action star hide remot jungl blow away commi time couldnt believ movi like rambo miss action uncommon valor forget ridicul red dawn made money box offic theyr turgid action crap fest rather put right wing agenda date badli troma war tongu cheek take type movi youv got ask need spoof first place cours troma war lack sort sophist though make point there real differ right wing tyrant left wing one sometim feel like grade z movi send mayb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'tale base two edgar allen poe piec fall hous usher danc death poem actual quit creepi begin end similar old blackandwhit movi peopl meet old decrepit hous exampl cat canari old dark hous night terror bori karloff play dement inventor lifes doll terror guest die earli film resid hous subject number terrifi experi wont go much detail definit mustse fan old dark hous mysterieswatch plenti popcorn soda darken roomdan basing 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'happi surpris much interest movi jack frost introduct film produc distribut apix entertain without except everyth compani deal pure crap first import never ever watch movi sober would unlik mani entertaingli bad movi one feel made intent bad cant get fake snowman alway shown briefli way move best movi waaaaaaaaaaay better michael keaton piec crap becuz made good movi version bad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'revolt zombi prove director revamp recycl idea doesnt necessarili make lightn strike twiceth halperin brother respons horror classic white zombi made trite piec garbag mere year later cash popular even recycl closeup lugosi eye previou film court battl white zombi film right owner didnt want halperin abl use word zombi titl word thing could help film everyon know bad film make much money simpli word zombi appear titl know victor halperin capabl year make uninterest film insult seem never direct anoth horror film debacl zombi seem true walk dead simpli hypnot victimswanna creat mindcontrol armi zombi readi crack egg includ ownth lame plot man fall love scheme woman play heart becom engag make friend love jealou send man spiral mad tri use zombi mindcontrol techniqu chang thing advantag attempt win woman isnt worth spitthi includ one blatantli obviou plot develop ive ever seen youd blind stupid see end come act isnt even good movi make racial insensit king zombi appear doubl bill dvd bought seem like atmospher horror masterpiec comparison remind us everi black white film classic make atom age scifi alien zombi chees fest invis invad seem like seriou drama one big ball chees ridicul melodramat could probabl make mani korean film fan twitch south korean film often known use melodrama credit list iron name compani favorit film im sure whose favorit film would theyr obvious idiotnot recommend fan zombi romanc classic film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'complaint valid biggest problem soap opera aim women okay night time soap like grey anatomi ugli betti west wing stori interest even given never end howev idea parallel daytim soap aim put hunki men tay digg tim dali chri lowel sexual tension romp numer ridicul difficult situat socal littl hospit seem like gener hospitalor femal counterpart baywatch men want women want idea high brow show someth men watch unrealist', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi one best movi seen year didnt see cameo movi still pretti good similar anchorman humor depart think better put togeth movi actual point go see whole bunch ta disappoint well put togeth movi noth day need lot humor find realli good movi definit think ebert roeper review movi right mean dont realli like ebert movi movi agre movi contain good enough stori actual believ type peopl definit someth said treat virgin movi yea sure get laugh found still suggest wait steve wonder job portray person movi yet still funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rememb see film mid 80 thought well pace well act piec work quit often berkeley squar get copi dvd remind littl area chang although offic newish 30 second away bank even jack barclay car dealership still sell bentley roll roycesit look like dvd due region 2 releas soon region 1 copi poor qualiti let hope theyv clean uponli slightli dodgi escap sequenc court spoil would otherwis great film guess line caper tag film goe', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'two hour ago watch brilliant movi overwhelm imprison photographi quit understand prize best camera cann 2000 close up predomin close up wall human mani thing warm color light also usual director gave movi warm atmospher two person princip seen interest music especi three song theme accompani movi nearli time one theme repres certain atmospher whole movi silenc slow movement character movi scene extend moment seriou closeup toni leung deserv prize superb act sinc maggi cheung also brilliant wonder mani dress wear differ scene stori also connect somehow histori hong kong region 1960 prevent understand detail especi end short would recommend fan artist movi watch cinema', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'luckili bill murray lightweight project sinc pretti much carri meatbal stori lowrent camp northstar counselor deal camper well one anoth much made wealthi rival across lake name camp mohawk culmin twoday olympiad competit bill murray clown around make pretti memor film debutth film sprinkl mediums laugh chuckl guffaw along way biggest laugh come prank play nerdi camp director three involv counselor move bed outsid variou locat he sleep morti micki everyon call wake along side road strung tree sever feet ground final float raft middl lake also funni moment involv counselor hit one anoth pg rate film littl way raunchinessth film take seriou note involv shi camper name rudi play chri makepeac cours murray teach kid open give confid need run marathon olympiad sentiment rudi situat seem tack great degre notic murray first see kid sit alon grass get bu tell must short depress kid order make wonder line realli script murray adlib camera roll word murray might well said makepeac must actor hire play stereotyp lone kid see summer camp film doesnt fit murray perform make plot devic bearabl realli seem good chemistri makepeaceth film culmin game two rival camp littl event shown even slightli believ doesnt matter pretti good film mani level dont let absurd 56 rate film current get scare murray keep laugh throughout warn avoid sequel especi one corey feldman 8 10 starsth hound', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'danish bladerunn boldli state box kid film complet drag im thirsti go soda kitchen usual paus vcr wont miss anyth time actual found look long hard fridg wouldnt go back hell one sciencefictionscriptwrit vaguest clue comput work mindboggl one premis film hero who hacker littl computerassist help microsoft offic paperclip final caught futur lose assist movi he helpless cant get comput he hacker like say cant drive car dont lucki drivingcap wont even go lightningeffect reciev electroshock', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi show clip live anim mutil anim get hack machet get skin rip know horribl thing happen world im watch movi base fact im watch actual happen screen live anim clip meant movi meant show peopl belong certain organ help horribl thing human speciesthi ban destroy also contact netflix resourc collabor get movi marketthi movi remov public person made movi need psycholog help', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon think kool moe dee carol alt corey feldman compris list good actor must smoke someth id love tri sometim begin lousi soundtrack hammi act action place typic amateurishli written hack fodder washedup hasbeen neverwass love star actual felt embarrass star film thespian miss top turd gari coleman would movi would made least somewhat howlingli bad rather plain badther one part film carol alt scream think im idiot ye carol agent pleas love decent holi go away stop degrad like film someth anna nicol smith would take part ini would tell plot would one sentenc fragment articl plu mind drift mani time movi anyway bare paid attent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film could decent remak gosh know tri ms english tri assembl talent actor togeth success experienc writerdirector formula decent film ms english experi accord imdb bio exclus limit televis work glaringli obviou throughout filmi surpris none review read mention found unlik film kept reach even portion potenti look felt like made televis give credit ms english mani joke simpli work movi screen would terrif tv mayb laugh track would help much camera usag light would play fine tv look awkward odd big screen whole film chop miniseri sitcom think could work cinema sadli ms english talent didnt translat cring mani differ point embarrass actor writer felt like came theater half shrivel meg ryan usual perki cute self except aw plastic surgeri face chanc use talent made film doesnt recreat stereotyp role done well annett bene seem simpli go motion great talent yet poor perform enjoy women charact caricatur substanc sad see work film 1930 doesnt translat 2000 one help ms english get chang updat subtleti right writer director produc reach assist think could good notit frustrat go movi good star good writer director come away feel wast everyon time money new yorker cartoon saw yesterday appropri movi exec meet caption read let remak classic wors everyth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'find intrigu lee radziwil jacki kennedi sister cousin women would encourag maysl make big edi littl edi subject film certainli could consid skeleton famili closet extra featur dvd includ sever contemporari fashion design credit idea oddbal women id say anyon interest fashion would find discuss design fascin ie nut miss someth movi hard come netflix facet though', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cmon guy previou review nearli written novel comment episod old 60 tv show episod star trek notabl seriou babe yeoman barrow ever use star trek fact film real outdoor locat unlik tng voyag seri total confin sound stagesthi use outdoor locat babe give proper depth almost film like qualiti quit ordinari episod date familiar showexcept notabl except ie citi edg forev assign earth tomorrow yesterday old seri star trek need serious mothbal put bore miseri half dozen good episod 79 quit poor bat averagethi typic bore stuff gene roddenberri produc back actual contrari popular belief peopl worship ground walk actual made lot rubbish doesnt deserv spoken breath irwin allen examplejust look set bridg enterpris modern point view use wobbl plywood floor cafeteria chair plastic back cheap cardboard instrument panel clearli see fold paper everi expens spare', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi premier night curios sheer nostalgia like love mork mindi kid mostli robin william zani energet perform movi made rememb origin show great realli robin certainli bring moviei pleasantli surpris expect noth paint number chronolog retel show way cours real focu robin interest see robin journey struggl street jester nation tv star drastic differ affect long suffer wife hat star chri diamantopoulo portray mr william integr sensit heart cute impress although even deadon unrel note notic robin struggl way similar andi kaufman underappreci network tv held back creativ that taxi behind scene biopical enjoy flick felt got know littl man behind orkan act solid never melodramat like suspect stori move along well perform particularli good play garri marshal john belushi scene belushi heckl robin hoot great masterpiec mean would like seen tad pam dawber definit watchabl especi robin william mork mindi fan nanoo nanoo', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'caught film azn cabl sound like would good film japanes green card cant say ive ever dislik asian film quit contrari incred horror film time japanes korean huge fan john woo hong kong film advers light heart film like tampopo chung king express two favourit thought would like well would rather slit wrist drink blood watch labori badli act film ever againi think director steven okazaki must spike water quaalud one film person charact tri act oppos mumbl line two perform came across forc incred fake honestli think anyon ever act beforeth person sound genuin brenda aoki find amaz promot comedi didnt laugh even surpris cb morn news call refresh breath comedi neither refresh breath comedi end predict previou review must idiot think thingsavoid film unless want see bore predict plot line wooden act actual think spike bensonhurst better act film thisand walk half way film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'begin let get someth chest im huge fan john eyr first film project shadowchas film bgrade cross termin die hard may work cinemat geniu huge entertain action film becam cult hit spawn two sequel spin offjudg juri begin joseph meeker convict killer sent death row follow captur socal bloodi shootout seem like poor name kill spree meeker kill three peopl tri rob conveni store led electr chair amus scene meeker talk priest live sex meet one true love kill shootout express reveng person kill michael silvano washedup footbal star spend day watch son alex practic footbal high school team end harass son coach execut meeker return reven kelli perin call hamburg without fri whose sole aim get reveng basic mean make silvano life miserylet point fact judg juri true horror film supernatur action film meeker chase silvano use abil chang form amount david keith dress everyth elvi imperson french chef accent bad moustach drag queen clown standup comedian shotgun fire explos round invulner death although doesnt stop martin kove shoot keith desert eagl pay silvano back kill meeker wifedirector john eyr seem interest characteris instead focus sole action scene film plenti film main flaw sinc there noth connect action scene togeth act surprisingli good keith deliv best perform support abli kove well paul koslo play washedup cop quit well kelli perin annoy cabbi tri help make situat wors', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ye lou film purpl butterfli pit secret organ purpl butterfli japanes forc war torn shanghai ding hui zhang ziyi exlov hidehiko itami toru nakamura find opposit side conflict chanc meetingi agre review pari film substitut convolut semihistor conflict plot without give audienc singl reason care charact caus sudden time shift doesnt help matter appear complet unwarr pointless normal dont mind dark movi absenc light bonejarringli shaki camera footag gener bad filmmak techniqu realli make tough film watch stay interest also agre viewer georgia film chaotic edit style claustrophob cinematographi dont think help movi backdrop film one potent event 20th centuri dont believ justic edit michael bay film overli melodramat moment dont add watchabilityth actor suitabl melancholi zhang ziyi show except limit act rang spend entir movi seem best film brood look gener annoy howev least add varieti role chainsmok engag worst lovemak scene sinc michael biehn linda hamilton terminatoral disappoint film especi see come director suzhou 210', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hear georg orwel prophet masterpiec life im 37 never read book total confus ive seeni familiar concept cover novel im sure hearsay quot without limit knowledg film would complet mysteri even im still educ stori 1984 watch iton plu sideth cinematographi amaz hurt burton deliv fine perform overal feel movi wonder grim desol prostitut scene fantast dark piec film makingnow side plentyther war go least far propaganda concern noth explain coupl name bandi eurasia etc mean noth without explanationwho winston come work chang news report isnt front line doesnt eat food canteen drink he drink entir film weak ill isnt brainwash like rest what deal mother sister happen father littl back stori would nice scrub essenti like havent read book without confus hard follow arthous movi constantli keep guess actual go onth soundtrack disjoint badli edit constant chatter big brother screen swamp dialogu place make even harder work what go accept may artist choic annoy samealso know mention nuditi seem total gratuit felt like thrown make lack plot coveragei person cant abid way hollywood feel explain stori line word word day brainwash simpleton step far way imagin total reli fact youv read book film realli liter translat ive seen mani peopl say would find hard understand 1984 hail classic isther deni light year ahead time pretti much predict everi chang societi date mayb sort bibl power mani scifi novelist done without leav gape hole storylinei guess done start buy copi book im make sens thisal disappoint someth ive wait year watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cute anim short featur two comic icon betti boop henryhenri bald slightli portli boy comic never speakswel speakh want get puppi betti boop pet store left mind store hilari hijink ensuebetti sing song pet henri get battl bird monkey everyth work end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'got back free screen osama witch project handsdown worst film ive seen year wors even catwoman decenc least pass fictionin septemb tape film crew documentari journalist head afghanistan despit thoroughli unprepar trip condit oh yeah psychot ridicul vendetta filmmak leader aveng wife death sept 11 track osama bin ladenthey made eight tape journey document travel cours attempt kill terrorist leader eight tape thank end point signific narr conveni documentaryth psychot idiot protagonist given long signific speech probabl learn watch macgyv care noth life life innoc crew get danger seri complet dumb mishap dont know didnt wear sign back said shoot meth crew translat supposedli sensibl voiceofreason littl whine get baffl idiot hero lead doom wish theyd brought along someon trip call moronsaround tape 4 began root terrorist shoot film crew', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rememb see film theater 1984 6 yearsold math absolut love tarzan 2 week see climb furnitur jump around make monkey sound start fascin tarzan monkey oddli enough longer last love christoph lambert keep mind saw highland shortli 1984 last time saw film month ago happen cabl get readi bed 330 even though late tire work 900 stay watch movi love kid upon view realiz great film even odder andi macdowel voic dub someon els ian holm cours solid usual surprisingli monkey suit still kind held surpris good lambert tarzan great depth manag captur line primal bodi languag importantli abil bring charact extrem larg ark amazinga state earlier lambert fan im use highland hunt fortress film realli quit good shame never got chanc portray charact depth againso make short stori way long littl disappoint film good glad see lambert good regret stay 600am see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'famili travel mid west there widow ben charl bateman girlfriend nicki ahna capri ben littl daughter kt geri reischl hit town name hillsboro everyon act littl strang car break theyr forc stay soon find witch coven spell town incred evilth stori good peopl figur thing noth happen find witch end also lot loophol left dangl end act pretti poor bateman capri bland everybodi els old pro strother martin lq jone give good perform still movi work forgo blood gore there pg mang work creepi visual atmospher act hamper lot still work martin especi chew sceneri role cant explain exactli sort like movi work quiet kind horror isnt made anymor hardli masterwork deserv rediscov 7', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'franci ford coppola wrote direct stunningli person stori marri woman flight husbandand realiti perhap youth glee excit younger year behind learn littl woman marriag except feel independ slip away late she also recent learn she pregnant complic heart doesnt want complac wifey despit matern way speak husband phone meet two men journey former colleg footbal hero whoafter accid gameha left perman brain damag sexi strut motorcycl cop great deal troubl life clear clean landscap photograph talent wilmer butler astut realiz charact shirley knight jame caan robert duval deliv strong grip perform especi sinc likabl peopl convent term scene knight first call home payphon first night alon caan play simon say almost intim watch coppola toy realiti turn jag memori charact scrapbook weve made privi allow scene play yet edit quit nimbl film never allow get heavi least two three friski moment headi endeavorso much pictur still shown festiv nearli five year later may shun coppola unapologet twist event order underlin final bitter ironi howev forc drive behind pictur nearli obliter shortcom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi well direct almost total disregard booki guess tri 2 save time upsid 2 actor play finni cute dialog main charact appear littl gay case book major part book chop outyou lost effect haunt book left lack sever also strong languag although brief unnecessari also surpris pleasantli new charact bookon favorit charact leper poorli interpret portray seem sinist movi real leper book disappoint', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'buzz film alway fabul graphic make kevin bacon disappear sadli stop continu make script disappear silli set final everi visibl element film there noth els showgari thompson andrew marlow list write credit film dont realli think exist think bought script scriptsru buy standard blank monster movi script fill blank there monster stalk us let split actual let split movi hit aliengiantbugmonsterinvisibleman crowbar dead yet burn hugerabbitsharkinvisibleman unsurviv fire dead yet know standard stuff even minimum number element specif invis man movi ir glass spray someth like paint handl badli sad lot possibl fascin movi psycholog issu subject deterior mind due process treat invis subject mani idea touch usual less 2 second would far interest desir save kevin bacon end would much better movi stunki would mention incred stupid element end movi dont want spoiler suffic say charact stupid dont think pull plug machin rather', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'young girl becom wartim marin penpal visit war end expect someon bit avail comic complic ensu ultim work well natur everyon involv thoroughli chew sceneri errol flynn deadon impress humphrey bogart casablanca highlight variou sendup swashbuckl imag jump scene kitchen forrest tucker riot tucker though tuck movi arm lower head barrel goal line demonstr comic flair fulli develop twenti year later ftroop impart liveli energi flynn repeatedli play rais perform eleanor parker fine job woman pursu littl patti bradi charm tucker actual penpal friend fine lightweight come home comedi genteel set children romant age find entertain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi perfect adapt english flick unfaith ashmit play role richard gere emran olivi malikka perfect cheat wife role lanethey chang second half film adapt indian mass even movi got full trace unfaith though couldnt catch origin cheap soft porn bollywood lover mallika show lot skin anyon dare show emran role like even nicknam serial killer futur indian director plan remak english movi look feasibl plot indian censor though film bomb box offic actor got undu recognit futur director littl care remak oscar nomin film said famili film take extra caution watch home famili', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'robert altman downbeat newfangl western edmund naughton book mccabe overlook time releas past year garner sterl critic follow asid complet convinc boomtown scenario charact dont merit much interest pictur look intent brackish unapp beard warren beatti play turnofthecenturi entrepreneur settl struggl commun outskirt nowher help organ first brothel profit start come beatti natur menac citi tough want part action altman creat solemn wintri atmospher movi give audienc certain sens time place action sorri littl town limitedmost stori made vignettesand altman pace deliber slow there hardli statement made opposit fact languid actor stare without much mind selfdef pictur yet altmanquirki way wear defeat proudli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seem first anoth introvert french flick offer bale sentiment becam second view genuin insight quit satisfi presentationspoil sort followspoor cedric appar didnt know hit poor audienc first caught seem realli beauti romant stori led back forth dark realiti mismatch two guy didnt belong togeth first ambigu encount much mathieu cedric sexual attract absenc deeper emot tie made imposs mathieu intellectu find fulfil share life someon whose sensibl attun carniv festiv romp beachon pure technic note love camera action film subtitl total unnecessari even though french presqu rien could watch without annoy english translat enjoy even polish profession made motion pictur though mani scene seem superflu rate nine ten', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont think ive ever gave someth 110 rate one easili get denomin find hard sit one joke joke bad combin fact carson daili zero charisma cant set finish punchlin youv got late night comedi recip realli turn stomachi watch show never entireti mani time still creep conan usual watch minut two see carson daili still worst talk show host everactu ever see interview guest interview feel sorri everi time guest confus smile tri mask bodi languag that scream get hell away freak recommend watch show laugh ponder got air he still watch much think find complet awkwardnessinterest', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'standard view pure aw movi howev rate near perfect score unintent comedi scale think actual comedi make laugh hard watch movi andi griffith ghost dress nativ american garb danc send hyster everytim wouldnt wast ga energi drive video store rent happen lay couch 3 morn come tv check', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film first shot keira knightley elizabeth bennet wander read field dawn thu invok clich cinema develop address phenomenon strongmind rebelli femal charact period drama knew someth make want kill myselfjo wright seem read book regrett misapprehens film fact jane austen subtl nuanc comedi manner conduct sparkl delic social interact eighteenth centuri english drawingroom sort ucertif wuther height thu treat everi scene elizabeth darci take place outsid appar reason inappropri rug sceneri often pour rain mention jane austen particular p p passion sexual tension love differ strategi negoti stultif eighteenth centuri societi complet ignor bennet hous rambuncti chaotic place everybodi shout run around leav underwear chair pig wander happili hous societi ball becom rowdi countri danc one step away matrix reload style danceorgi everybodi say exactli think without slightest regard proprietyth geniu jane austen lie explor void creat societi nobodi say think mean overwhelm regard proprieti tragic predica charact aris misunderstand miscommun enabl speechless gap brillianc jane austen factor allow plot particularli film function complet eras subtleti gener nowher int film sacrif favour overwrought drama jar entir materi performancesit obvious tri seriou film humour pride prejudic austen methodolog appeal almost entir suppress favour pofac melodrama allow handl clumsili pride prejudic seriou narr make seriou point ye seriou point weightier theme intertwin humour embed cant lose jane austen techniqu leav bare bone stori expect theme remain even replac techniqu heavyhand mysticalnumin fauxbrow cinematographyelizabeth bennett suppos woman adult matur sensibl clearsight keira knightley play first half film like emptyhead giggl schoolgirl second half like emptyhead schoolgirl think tragic heroin elizabeth wit comb verbal exchang quintessenti characterist abl see laugh everybodi folli includ strength composur fantast clearsighted complet lost replac lot giggl stare distanc rather abl keep head lose start cri scream slightest provoc genuin rage either petul hissi fit great strength austen elizabeth least austen eye abil retain integr observ remain within boundari societi sustain impeach proprieti knightley elizabeth regard whatsoev convent furthermor seem think wander around barefoot mud eighteenth centuri version overal establish beyond doubt spirit strongmind therefor noth charact written perform sustain astonishingli unsubtl bland perform quest bland weak abli match matthew macfaydendonald sutherland mr bennet seem weak ineffectu perman befuddl without wick sens humour iron detach expens human relationship make mr bennet fascin tragic special bond lizzi two sensibl peopl world fool complet lost least fool world fool complet depriv end film emot impact mr bingley longer amiabl wellmean point folli play complet retard cheap laugh woman play jane wildli inconsist may well tri anyth charact script veer wildli verbatim chunk jane austen deliv remark clumsi total contemporan languag would place modern day romant comedyjust get bbc adapt dvd save heartach', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ive alway enjoy film depict life life sometim bore patch real plot necessarili happi end river run perfect name film norman maclean novel life ebb flow like river rough spot wonder triprobert redford bring lot film narrat friendli feel fit pictur perfectli director restrain calm captur incred beauti scene act craig sheffer brad pitt work surpris well brother dont know quit describ tom skerritt brenda blethyn perform except truli feel real river run wonder film86 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'stori trustworthi power technic side movi quit fine even direct main problem cast turn movi almost anoth local regular clich great lack impact even greater lack impress besid small role father rafael play impress asi dayan actor unfortun best role elder blind girl play tali sharon fresh without intens lead role therefor figur act becom mild low profil moment episod look like rehears real movi good point begin make big improv futur', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi much promot greeceeven though got good actor great script rather good photograph call blockbust movi countri movi powerfulit hard time newcom go return homevillag releas 5yo prison timedrug end rather sad mouriki tri keep part handl pretti well lambropoul great sexi strang way cours hatzisavva one time close excel 7 10 greek movi make impress', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mysteri men got stupidest film ive ever seen film thought fabul excel impress funni welldon nice see ridicul super hero chang abl pull great ill definit watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'know mouthwash commerci guy mouth full listerin whatev he tri realli hard keep spit sink that great metaphor movi kept watch even though realli difficult keep mouthwash mouth leav minti fresh feel movi left bad tast mouth spit chanceth premis corni enough fun first time like thousand year gargoyl return romania priest knew fight kill thing long dead michael pare secret agent get bottom thing gargoyl run amok unfortun premis complet lost bad dialog less enthusiast act part human lead best act done cg gargoylesin end movi feel like poor man van hels check brain door might get dreari monday night gave 3 10 star', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant believ worst movi ever seen life laugh coupl time probabl stupid someon paid see movi wouldnt plot horribl made sens act bad couldnt even tell tri movi terribl rate f', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one rariti movi instead bowl popcorn one watch bottl vodka complet honest group peopl actual know man mo ogrodnik decid drink stupid filmth cinemat aspect wolfgang someth photographi seem left closeup breast mo wolfgang collabor effort reveal passion two actress plastic peen hold passion there also beetl bang violet would put plastic peen goe butt rat porn subsequ rat smash awesom alright still read let us explain mo ogrodnik teach nyu group student finish film class decid get poop face watch directori debut also wrote uptown girl cant tell much that hammer skull movi quit experi bottom post drink game creat movi 13 minut game none us could see straight sheer amount dido first thirti minut creat enough reason drink pacifi elephantther someth secretli pleasur see two underag girl hit kurt cobain lookalik absolut context save mysteri scene conveni store ohsonatur read local newspap that heartshap glass delight deriv lolita someth provoc scene nude chinup boy suggest director histori homosexu pornograph experi wish kiddingenough intellectu contempl drink game ensur view experi posit one simpl like send least one member parti immedi careth mo ogrodnikrip drink game 1 everi time see anyth relat pornographi take drink 2 everi time see auteur mo ogrodnik name appear take drink 3 sex 4 plastic peen requir two drink 5 time somebodi point gun anoth charact take drink point probabl need refillpe pee remain sobrieti bodi 6 time blood includ ladi blood pleas take sip 7 underus hulahoop girl requir one drink per second 8 gratuit use magic black man requir one drink 9 cant figur throughlin keep drink beyotch 10 whenev abl predict line take drink trust us easi that internet keep drink tri get ripedhawaiian smirnoff punch jr', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'even though im quit young beatl absolut favourit band never chanc hear music releas love sinc rememberit sort film worth tri see wasnt releas cinema certainli great film put tv flick tv guid happen see film didnt much detail except someth like john lennon paul mccartney meet beatl broken jare harri star id never heard play john aiden quinn play paul howev certainli underestim actorsth film slow start develop could see well quinn especi harri play charact huge fan sort know real lennon mccartney like script brilliant harri got lennon accent person manner spot quinn play mccartney quit well sometim went irish accent makeup artist made look excellentthi paragraph may count spoilera mention got slow start soon develop becam quit emot film found bit park total wast time quit charact musician lennon rude line italian restaur total unnecessari end poignant bring tear eye whenev watch itit quit differ biograph film ive seen beatl got togeth becam famou never realli charact well eg backbeatin conclus would say your beatl john lennon paul mccartney fan give chanc may pleasent surpris 95 minut long worth wait film developif anyon know whether meet 1976 realli happen pleas send comment page film id interest', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'american werewolf london funni part one isnt good comput werewolv aw perspect like see distort mirror writer step throat mani gag american boy say parisian girl cafe around instead leav girl sigh respond pari', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'origin tenaci fan first album natur listen track pod rather disappoint watch movi view chang movi pretti funni begin end found self engag even though realli stupid storylin attitud kg jaybl portray movi much entertain enjoy movi seen theater late ex saw iii dull drag casino royal way homoerot prior instal realli enjoy enjoy borat enjoy tale greatest band earth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'one hideou film find lifetim tv portray abhorr behavior disgust woman empathet manner along nasti film burn bed enough monster film take disgust crimin attempt show viewer she bad person give us break here question filmmak letourneau man vili 12 year old girl would made pictur sympath empath person answer hell noimagin switch gender film youll see other consid worthless piec garbag gender switch would attempt empath crimin instead wed like treat portray monstrou hideou man prey upon young girl lascivi behavior land prison brainwash victim suffer stockholm syndrom reason letourneau receiv treatment film virtu sexlet call spade spade letourneau pedophil plain simpl if and but she crimin belong prison deserv deris contempt certainli piti empathi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'premis movi decent enough sub par act bland dullspoil film work natur death accident although murder wasnt like guy set also flashback secret reveal sort make event like justic degre emot film first 20 minut woman call sister hear messag dull boringwith polish better act could pretti good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'live saint start atmospher vision london bustl citi busi quaint street sunshin hope would maintain atmospher get bog stori goe pretti much nowhereothello work big fat mr karva crimeboss stepdad least think suppos never realli defin drop kitten deep fat frier trust he prick scrappi littl errand skanki girlfriend give daddi handjob one colleagu runner black dude alway dash b day come across almost mute homeless child grant wish abl stop run runner dump lost boy othello flat promptli start grant wish keen desir fulfil karva boy kidnap isnt sure would realli bring happi innoc child anoth handjob either way dont want see littl boy grant secondit take age get go load repetit scene end tri shock sinc there hardli backstori invest charact serv releas bore audiencewrit toni grisoni favourit terri gilliam tri blend kind religi allegori end pretenti hell iron gave us someth access least better explan charact suddenli act weird would enjoy film introduc bunch annoy loudmouth miracul seem develop intellig confront mysteri boy who origin never reveal that plain irrit asid sporad moment atmospher moodi score film littl recommend', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant emphas enough get movi kidsfor matter youd best spare adult wellal right perhap im overexagger littl isnt worst kid movi let rephras isnt worst movi made dissilus adult dissilus adult somehow market toward kid would jack ive mean review gut like fishadult wont learn anyth surpris well must fastforward end credit educ bit interest cosmic phenominon dont usual end adult want kid realiti tend get way well duh could told four year colleg art school degressi idea heck kid could possibl get movi like upset get watch moment russ traumat eight year old there better movi kiki deliveri servic essenti messag handl lite instead drill head adult like toobi way moment movi made amatur mst3ker mind think bruce willi movi sad littl kid', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'noth els tv realli bore well watch phat beach howev dont rent definit buy would big mistakei watch tv found laugh certain point laugh long laugh hard howev subtl joke comment laugh look extrem funni hood movi watch friday look power emot movi someth movi tri atkind watch someth like hoop dream jason lyric lookin good black booti go watch dominiqu simon porn flick nuditi movi nearli nonexist howev noth better cabl go ahead watch slightli amused3 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'eleg documentari dont watch movi your egotist knowal student physic much less one percent miniscul fraction popul may find show tell alreadi learn alreadi knowdo watch movi your one massiv major peopl fall greater 99 popul studi alreadi sound knowledg theori physic includ rel quantum string mtheorywhat brilliantli architect documentari start help histor background lead step eleg step univers pure magic dimens beyond alway huge appreci mathemat movi easili give insight exquisit beauti languag mathemat without make feel like your fail gradeth show repetit time origin format miniseri split three show therefor make sens give us polit littl remind principl present found immens help kept remind multitud question possibl answer make amaz tapestri existencew everyth around us vibrationalenergi natur tendenc toward harmoni movi may blow mind least help realiz univers far far bigger see around us even hubbl telescop far far smaller proton neutron within atom learn highschool mtheori hold mani magnific magnitud possibilityit seem appropri eleg natur move admiss mani brilliant scientist present realm scienc realm philisophyy religi feel like movi brought one step closer godbravo brian green well done indeedp your interest feel even comfort home place univers would like insight possibl quantum mechan blend spiritu thing bring highli recommend also watch bleep rabbit hole ye know make silli mistak suggest shaman may abl see boat hasnt seen one eye process light reflect fine see thing everyday ive never seen brain cell cell bodi actual dont divid get littl hurdl put thing dont like hang lot like filmthen watch secret 2006 documentari law attract search imdb titl tt0846789 inform might chang life profoundli forev search deeper might even find univers talk us thought youll listen truli incred modern day jesusmohammadbuddha among other histori suggest commun nonphys aliv today live texa know know im talk abouti consid religi tradit definit never felt home comfort univers', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '1993 success first season batman anim seri warner brother commiss team respons hitshow produc featurelength movi origin slate directtovideo bump theatric statu would becom known batman mask phantasm ten year phantasm addit three featurefilm releas boy wb subzero return joker mysteri batwoman join familyth plot basic mani way similar mask phantasm new femal vigilant model batman begun target oper run gotham mob boss rupert thorn oswald cobblepot aka penguin batman must attempt unravel mysteri batwoman cross lineth anim sleeker futurist style util batman anim seri fifth sixth season aka new batman adventur quit nice done sleek return joker anim also use cgi minor compar overabund subzero music alright differ exot similar justic leagu score although point score old anim batman theme come sure send wave nostalgia older fan rodentshap heartskevin conroy alway wonder job bruce wayn batman also great old batman anim seri alumni back includ bob hast commission gordon robert costanzo detect bullock tara strong barbara gordonbatgirl cameo hint romanticrelationship bruce mention batman beyond efrem zimbalist jralfredvillain also great especi given rupert thorn old mob boss origin seri appear first time sinc fourth seasonoveral quit reach standard set mask phantasm ten year ago motb carri torch quit nice anim batman film dvd hardcor fan love fiveminut short chase', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'think movi suppos shock way inde shock shock badli made simpli oneandahalf hour torment even viewer charact movi five girlssur main charact get bloodi piec bad way basic fine sinc horrormovi usual like horrormovi ive problem violenc type movi per se howev violenc film serv end whatsoev spectacl simpli grotesqu lame even get bore realli quick tooth worst thing wasnt bad enough ya movi theyv tri copi blair whitch project film cheap handheldcamera serv end whatsoev blair sure enough there explan name camera look blair witch film there explan hey yall want look like blair whitch sound movi also someth get depress girl scream hyster mani time cant make theyr say also effort made make anyth better soundwis wisethan final there soundtrack bad rest vari cheap eurohous worst grungi hardrockmi advis dont watch circumst', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant movi rate zero even neg number movi plan nine outer space bad theyr fun watch one dungeon horror might worst movi ive ever seen anyway fast forward lot fortun indiscret youth senil advanc age may wors movi ive seen thank cant rememb set appear made cardboard finish can spray paint special effect look like fifth grader c diorama set shoebox movi contain unforgiv gaff marqui shoot kill servant immedi get scuffl escap victim take flintlock shoot without gun reload movi bad dvd copi name credit guess compani studio want incrimin though guess film garag make set cardboard box studio isnt need movi definit rank cellar time worst movi horribl sacrileg manipul worst movi ever seen actual one time hollywood lead manmickey rooney time would recommend watch dungeon harrow manipul matter would someon pay im kind cheap id 7 8 buck dungeon least ten manipul philth never cinematograph', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi took surpris open credit sequenc featur nice done anim plung semicheesi product betray low budget charact typic american teen introduc slowli person detail usual found movi like time shlitz hit fan know one charact either like hate accord distinct person slow uphil setup kind like ride slope realli tall roller coaster thank action kick full blown old school horror steve johnson makeup effect awesom equal qualiti much bigger budget film scare jolt kevin tenney deliv best movi ever heartstop surpris creepi suspens setup tongueincheek sometim cheesi humor mark film pure 80 horror oppos sullen tone earlier genr fare like night live dead hill eye true horror fan one worth check play first entri doubl bill 1999 remak hous haunt hill setup charact dynam similar realli wonder film actual remak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'though id heard cama de gato worst brazilian movi decad watch give chanc firsttim directorproducerwrit alexandr stockler manag make debut featur shot video us 4000 though look even cheaper cant begin imagin went final get exhibit theater big sponsor product compani behind watch realiz whatev chanc your readi give cama de gato shrink zero within 10 minut unbeliev preposter verbos ideolog fanat technic catastroph attempt portray brazilian uppermiddl class youth bunch spoil neonazi hook bad sex drug violenc theyr made look like closet gay made visibl trace talent imagin expertis notion structur visual aural recal worst amateur stuff find youtub last nineti two countem minut unrel hysteria clumsi even funnybadwev seen stori bore young guy want fun go parti take drug everyth goe wrong there gangrap spank murder accident death fall staircas mother one boy culmin boy decid burn corps girl mother garbag landfil moral liter garbag get film heavili influenc larri clark especi kid bulli clark film though also moralist sexploit highclass masterwork compar crapi dont think ever monomaniac drive filmmak stick idea audienc throat stockler grab us collar tri forc nonstop moralist rant brain repetit exhaust get numbmind much babbl yell inept direct shaki camera terribl act go stockler doesnt care bit techniqu qualiti imag frame sound record soundtrack song dialog set edit etc uniformli appal he narcissist controlfreak anticip critic he bound get ad subtitl smartiecuti comment make protagonist comment one point farfetch phoni could relat despit megalomaniac ambit stockler seem incap give us minimum visual narr structur cant even decid want gritti realism handheld video camera etc styliz repetit scene use altern take etc damn cant even decid put camera there use subject camera three lead dialog featur stupefyingli banal verbos ever plot exist simpli justifi director profound hatr charact stand see filmmak hate preachi condemn moral without benefit minimum talent techniqu go itit disappoint find caio blat mess certainli one promis young film actor brazil sleepyey puppi dog look emot edg often recal sal mineo blat highli effect good direct carandiru lavoura arcaica proibido proibir he told go top play embarrassingli underequip actor recent memori also enter riski realm graphic sexploit scene goddaw look rather like webcam pornth film open end real interview typic middleclass youth stockler want us take interview proof he tri preach fiction blatantli despis make fun interviewe select highlight abject racist sexist stupid statement show asshol exist everywher stockler want prove brazilian middleclass youth present futur fascist theyr middleclass enjoy recreat drug say neofascist drug drug potenti fascist behavior couldnt tell dogmat selfright headacheinduc techniqu mindbend boredom cama de gato bad 1000 reason harm insidi manner give detractor brazilian cinema power case argument cama de gato best unwatch unment buri forgotten', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'unforgett masterpiec creator secret nimh land time touch bittersweet cartoon rememb well childhood funni sad beauti well start bit dark dog escap pound get kill old friend end heaven come back becom sweet befriend orphan girl talk anim scene bit scari contrari cartoon like dream sequenc charli everyth els okayand song fair memor role burt reynold dom deluis love guy aheheh judith barsi jaw reveng may god rest soul poor girl didnt deserv die heaven good peopl go heaven overal good anim movi bluth classic enough put anim disney shame recommend whole famili know origin video youll find movi dom deluis import special messag gotta love guy aheheh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi failur comedi film gener slow pace movi seem tri convey messag messag clich hopeless mess begin movi fall shameless environment point even make selfright point destroy suv promot anim planetin sit couldnt help notic steve carel got singl truli funni line thing could hypothet mark comedi piti attempt give comic relief line wanda syke charact get frequent cringeworthi line absolut fitfar brillianc bruce almighti evan almighti blow whole recordbreak budget special effect plot devic turn bare advanc plot movi spend first half build construct evan ark end learn ark complet meaningless whole plot vessel stupid gag even stupid messag movi conclud learn whole ark flood anim gather weak polit statement none god ye god tri influenc polit', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'gratifi see one great piec art convert anoth without distort contriv guess extraordinari piec literatur could recreat film worth see love bulgakov book would understand afraid see misguid interpret done sake artfilm project actual bring stori deeper mean screen coupl exampl master margarita complex farfetch stori movi leav noth filmmak read bulgakov work way orchestr conductor read scorewith note miss cant find talent us favorit book movi titl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi violent yet excit origin dialog cool charact one move stori true life movi start action star leo fong cop approach end career stumbl big case involv corrupt black mail murder kill start start finish fong deliv must see action caper movi also costar richard roundtreei realli enjoy film child got older realiz film pretti cheesi good would recommend film action bad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'day final come wit perpetu azumi fate assassin fruition charact ultim attempt draw deeper world rampag mercilessli first sagathat poetic ill get talk azumi 2 death love cring heavi sentiment hous fli dagger complain credibl aya ueto portray blooddriven assassin watch azumi 2 start appreci previous mention shortcom ever beforenot determin assassin feel sluggish uninspir also mani import element omit entir experi azumi 1 saw assassin use variou stealth tactic number one prioriti well logic make easi work mark swift execut quicker abil escap wont hold movi much sinc stori slightli tweak time around mani obstacl plant azumi way prevent reach warlord display sign charisma way chiaki foolishli shelv part film basic play tone version go go minu cool weapon sens menacethi bring final blow action simpli disguis titl death side epic first half film see debut mani promis adversari flashi look even flashier weapon one surpris meet end one way anoth film fall short start die fast easili azumi 1 young assassin mostli overpow opposit quick somewhat satisfi battl final showdown azumi bijomaru comparison fight azumi 2 least climax worthwhil interest effect introduc unabl achiev innov due short encount way knock convent style samurai film quick realist battl charact azumi film imagin straight anim rule could broken action enrichedth romanc side azumi fill time fight scene unfortun end serv purpos provid much need resolutiona fan open mind wide varieti movi anim wont lie ill admit neutral unimpress toward first azumi film ill step right say watch azumi 2 origin made look like flawless masterpiec worth azumi 2 death love could gone straight video invis richer budget fail potenti add even expand bumpi journey desper assassin best restor peac unwav courag die tri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'worst piec garbag ive seen whileheath ledger heartthrob look deform wish id known naomi watt item real life spent 2 longest hour life wonder saw orlando bloom heartthrob scraggli beard deerintheheadlight look cant say agreerachel griffith usual fabul self geoffrey rush look couldnt wait get set im suppos feel sorri bankrobb murder far cri butch cassidi actual entertain film trite clicheridden bore stay convinc would get better didntth last 1015 minut unintent hilari heath gang hole frontier hotel women children die presenc that funni funni walk hotel armor could think black knight monti python holi grail kept wait say ill bite yer leg howl laughter sever warp member audienc left pretti much everyon talk wast time film wasi may paid cash see disast sneak preview certainli wasnt free cost 2 hour life never get back', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ordinari madefortv product tyson attempt seriou biopic stretch moment angst effect fast forward esoter corrupt sport box muddl sensationalist stuff thing make tyson even remot interest lukewarm watch best like appeal gener public box fan', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'im sure deep recess jack black mind charact nacho libr absolut hilari isnt tell ol jack whale time hammin play smarmi slimi mexican friar dream becom wrestler movi total misfir everi singl departmenti sat movi think suppos funni guy tenaci right truth film noth offer lousi script crappi charact realli naff act direct youll watch endless moment think someth funni sure happen doesnt bore stupid 10 minut though would sure pick didnt 90 minut later id bare manag stave aneur painfulit like rememb year ago youd see anyth fave actor even realli earli pap famou youd realli embarrass said actor actual load plop yeah like thativ enjoy jack black earlier movi like shallow hall im realli look forward see pick destini come man us jack im gonna come round hammer kneecap someth least give seriou talk toi know clich one worst movi ive ever seen mani reason', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'havent read ann rice novel movi base know mayb read book cheaper rent queen damn probabl better health isnt movi necessarili bad health book relax certainli exercis activ part brain movi count number page ann rice ive read one hand see movi interview vampir get feel write realli good novel plot movi hint whole sea deep interwoven vampir historystil stuart townsend voiceov narrat get heck lot annoy brad pitt vampir narr ever tell queen damn limit product resourc bare give enough flesh ann rice storylin interview decid go lace eleg queen reli low budget special effect tri realli hard taken serious one see origin novel potenti movi product team focus attent wrong place costum rock roll stage could replac blood eerier soundtrackhowev ill give credit credit due soundtrack excel korn disturb sick bob noggin like buttheadth film open cool gothrock zoom splice montag first ten minut direct degener quickli movi long director realiz wasnt enough time enough money ann rice novel justic result mediocr vampir scene plenti cheesi special effect unfortun queen damn fail genr justic john carpent counterpart fail impress yellow contact where pale blue makeup scene scene shook head reminisc day salem lot fright night low budget done rightther redeem qualiti though save movi garbag prop aaliyah may soul forev rest peac might becom renown actress life taken us prematur give movi decent perform plenti nice belli danc mention soundtrack good let see els say wasnt long ann rice novel could easili three hour movi ambiti director like franci ford coppola got hand twist turn plot legitim rock roll addit slew secondr vampir movi director movi went direct new battlestar galactica mini seri tell anythingjyjimboduckdotcom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'count fan babylon 5 televis seri origin movi introduc seri weak start although mani element would later matur becom much compel seri pace gather slow makeup somewhat inadequ plot confus wors character premier episod poor although rate chart show mani fan will overlook problem rememb gather almost turn soon grew spectacular seri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'leonard maltin gave film dread bomb rate 1995 movi video guid film look kid vengeanc god gun bomb film delight fantast liter well mount beauti photograph make brilliant use color right open scene film grab attent tip film welldon satir whole spaghetti western genr film play laugh begin end homag dougla fairbank 77 sunset strip famou showdown good bad ugli edd byrn georg hilton gilbert roland work brilliantli togeth make satir work bad mr maltin rate film poorli undeserv one guess reason suspect miss point movi entir expect someth seriou film meant kudo belong everyon involv project film littl gem wait discov peopl care liter movi appreci satir', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont believ ever evil wick televis program air unit state 700 club today equival ku klux klan 20th centuri hatr good sweet human pure beyond abil understand daili constant attack upon million million american well billion human world dont happen share bigot cruel monstrou utterli insan view human beyond anyth televis ever seen lie spout ridicul lie tri pass truth idea life death god sin devil preposter actual seem mental ill lost fantasi sane peopl know religion drug shouldnt let get addict type fantasi howev 700 club class truli cult believ freedom speech way spread hatr lie disinform fantast idea beyond limit hope one day american psychiatr associ final take studi peopl delud way peopl let sink deepli fantasi land religion longer real concept realiti treatment afflict individu sore need countri mani peopl complet lost mind fantasi religion 700 club though even horribl rise legal definit cult due 700 club vast wealth con daili million american lock deceit grip law countri seen movi matrix know movi metaphor religion earth evil one top religion drain one trap cruelli abus selfish purpos million held death sleep slowli drain life forc repres mani peopl belong religion lost abil perceiv realli go around themin less civil time good townsfolk would run monster associ 700 club town torch pitchfork today world peopl lost choic choic televis present way rid 700 club plagu televis rate system v chip tv also rate call r religion ration peopl concern parent could easili screen vile intellectu brutal emot rape present 700 club everi day countri children', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'wish see shakespear masterpiec entireti suggest find bbc version inde overlong four half hour jacobi perform hamlet patrick stewart claudiu well worth effortit never ceas amaz clear hamlet see length order set bard everi film version hamlet tinker structur olivi concentr hamlet indecis gibson passion jacobi abl pull aspect hamlet charact togeth aid shakespear full scriptwhi hamlet kill claudiu immedi hamlet say proud reveng ambiti hamlet extrem upset father death suspect murder mother marriag uncl also mostli claudiu usurp throne belong hamlet furiou mother marri claudiu marriag royal kin unknown done polit reason marriag solidifi claudiu claim throne could return wittenburg claim therefor impot anyth true even hear father ghost cri vengeanc cannot simpli kill king lose throne must king secret tragedi moment hamlet success display claudiu guilt public opportun kill want want reveng throne damnat claudiu soul hell hamlet overreach classic tragic form hubri undo kill poloniu think claudiu rest play spiral final death rosencrantz guildenstern ophelia laert gertrud claudiu hamlet', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'golden door stori sicilian famili journey old world itali new world america salvator middleag man hope fruit life persuad famili leav homeland behind sicili take arduou journey across rage sea inhabit land whose river supposedli flow milk short believ risk everyth new world dream prosper fulfil imageri new world optimist clever highli imagin silver coin rain heaven upon salvator anticip prosper hell new world carrot onion twice size human be shown harvest suggest wealth health river milk swam flow mind anticip new world yield imageri surrealist interwoven charact help nice compliment gritti realism stori unfold audienc contrast imageri versu dark realiti sicilian peopl help provid hope theyr aboard ship new worldth voyag new world shot almost complet dark especi sea tempest roar nearli kill peopl within dark realiti refer old world journey new world old world depict somewhat destitut primit shown salvator scrambl togeth sell possess left donkey goat rabbit order obtain appropri cloth need enter new world thought rather interest peopl believ conform certain dress code order accept new world almost suggest peopl fit particular stereotyp mold order recogn moral fit power imag film ship leav homeland set sail new world shot show overhead view crowd peopl slowli seem separ one anoth depict separ old new world shot also suggest peopl torn away familiar want divorc previou dark live condit desir enter world held promisea later contrast new world visual look old world seem dark bleak compar bright yet foggi new world thought particularli interest statu liberti never shown fog elli island remain hidden think intent direct choic seem negat purpos statu liberti stand give poor tire hungri seem like joke regard peopl go arriv new world arriv america go rather humili test ie delous mathemat puzzl etc order prove fit new world test complet chang perspect sicilian peopl particular salvator mother difficult time subject rule law new world feel violat treat respect dream provid hope optim new world would provid realiti new world requir disparag rude salvator doesnt chang much attitud toward felt new world would like versu new world actual seem disappoint attitud share mostli everyon voyag charact arc deal cherish dream greatli upset dark realiti acceptedth film seem make strong commentari prepar oneself enter heavenli civil societi cleanli marriag intellig prerequisit adher rule prevent diseas immor behavior stupid domin perhap commentari america learn fail nation purpos establish secur plagu infest destruct though rule seem rigid protect help peopl flourish', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'nifti littl episod play mainli laugh clever dollop suspens somehow martian snuck aboard brokendown bu way nowher passeng talk illeg immigr allstar support cast wildey jack elam ham shamelessli sexi jean will she martian say let open border cruelfac john hoyt obviou suspect along familiar face john archer barney phillip nice turn bill kendi bu driver make entertain halfhour even action confin singl set', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'feel mislik russian film see film havent uniqu masterpiec made best director ever live ussr know art film make use well find movi buy copi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch mask 80 current show fox kid uk late night rememb think kinda cool back day coupl toy watch bore tear never realis tediou bland cartoon show realli plain aw near leagu transform heman thundercat quickli forgot nearli everyon stop made watch fox kid ulyss 31 come straight that mask doesnt put sleep first one lesser 80 cartoon hope complet forget finish air fox kid', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'phantasm class phantasm iiawesom phantasm iiiermterribleeven though would love stick film quit simpli cant movi seem sold first bad sign come video trailer film start someth other also mani pointless charact prime exampl kid crack shot funni initi soon want dead woman use karat fight ball erm gonna work rather shouldnt bloom zombi hell link phatasm also sever lack midget run aboutth good bit crack start cours reggi bpossibl spoiler come upto film seem like filler ii iv extra charact leav end continu main 4 ivoveral disappoint 3 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ludicr angel 9yearold annakin turn whini brat 19yearold annakin somehow seem appeal amidala 5 year senior 22yearold jedi warrior hero annakin coupl bad dream take slaughter children friend entir framework exist crazi old man convinc preciou wife might realli die b prevent ludicros squaredi think peopl like movi pay attent stori ridicul charact unbeliev liter pervert sens fantast wonder etcobiwan kenobi wise kind anchor entir seri climax hack annakin leg let burn lava leav suffer doesnt anyon think that littl charact mention pretti stupid take chanc live turn outi expect least stori show consist charact plausibl motiv none stori could written 10 year oldoh yeah cgi pretti cool', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'scotti grant cramer would go star great bmovi killer klown outer space agre help three middleag guy learn dialog ladi bad 80 comedi bad 80 lingo meant good bad bad likabl charact includ limit kid who freakiest look guy sinc friday 13th part 2 girl lead men goe hissi fit want touch token fat slob would 80 sex comedi without fat slob well one two movi pretti much bottom barrel 80 sex comedi came sequel thu deepen said proverbi barrelmi grade eye candi numer count even see freaki look kid imagin boob point think bachlor parti funni disturbingwher saw comcast moviepass', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'keep rigid histor perspect film actual quit entertain got action adventur romanc one premier cast matchup era errol flynn olivia de havilland lead role evid board pictur doesnt pass muster purist look one hundr percent accuraci stori tell get beyond one need put asid histori book enjoy stori work fiction know know that hard consid custer last stand littl big horn promin histori post civil war america guess there unresolv quandari pictur matter look itther lot take though pictur two hour plu run time custer arriv west point probabl first head scratcher ride full militari regalia practic joke sharp arthur kennedi put major headquart probabl gotten troubleiron lot scene militari film play comedi custer first meet libbi bacon subsequ encount includ tea reader calli hatti mcdaniel hadnt notic film mcdaniel remind aw lot anoth favorit charact actor mine forti mantan moreland much one scene look like might moreland ham dress mind owl scene hoot tooa flynn interest note year earlier portray jeb stuart opposit ronald reagan depict gener custer santa fe trail vy attent none olivia de havilland film reagan put none arrog flamboy charact custer histori rememb flynn portray evid doesnt come close richard mulligan take militari hero 1970 littl big man let say one bit topth better take away pictur manner custer persev maintain good name gambl away riski busi ventur loyalti men led battl along disciplin develop cours stori poignant final confront arch rival sharp ride littl big horn declar hell glori entir depend one point view earlier similar remark might given us best insight custer charact state take glori time go', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film quickli get major chase scene ever increas destruct first realli bad thing guy hijack steven seagal would beaten pulp seagal drive probabl would end whole premis movieit seem like decid make kind chang movi plot plan enjoy action expect coher plot turn sens logic may reduc chanc get headachei give hope steven seagal tri move back toward type charact portray popular movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'interest short televis movi describ machin surround jay leno replac carson host tonight show film current topic given public drama surround conan obrien jay lenoth film good job spark viewer interest event show concern stakehold particularli nbc execut portray ovitz particularli compel interest thoughtstil mani charact briefli limn touch upon act seem perfunctori nevertheless interest stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film wwii made wwii british product compani latterday peer opinion respect confluenc mani thing near dear heart dawn dive descend admir horatio nelson student aspect world war two particularli naval warfar favor depict sub action north atlant especi includ german side thing unacquaint target prioriti attack enemi warship greatest event submarin hope encount rare opportun would develop surprisingli similarli see pace deliber typic work come eal rank britishgaumont studio back day frankli prefer quieter cerebr approach human realism engag far better overproduc hollywood movi ever could remind powel pressburg 49th parallel thank power persuas eric portman favorit mine john mill receiv second bill smaller font titl clearli meant mr portman film whole cast shine titl sequenc one utterli charm gainsborough product love precgi gainsborough girl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'brilliant horror film utterli gruesom scari thing remak john carpent pleas let put film simpli brilliant start film alien spacecraft hurtl toward earth centuri mankind walk planet explos unleash film titl amaz shine white blue state thing one best open credit horror film everth cast actor play twelv man scienc team joy behold locat set station antartica visual impress dvd widescreen must great cinema regret see big screenkurt russel excel macreadi helicopt pilot reluctantli becom leader men tri combat lethal shape chang monstros infiltr base actor realli good creat terrif scene paranoia tension thing infect favourit scene whole film macreadi test everyon that still aliv infect tens scari final spectacular love funni wellspeci mention must go rob bottin truli amaz make effect shape chang design alien didnt get oscar best visual effect time damn well also debat whether john carpent greatest filmit certainli gruesom masterpiecewait cold winter night get budweis fridg sit watch thing horror masterpiec flame throw hero fight shape chang tower gore slimeutterli brilliantten ten', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'absolut love film everyth almost felt like watch friend screen way movi film pure masterpiec origin creativ relat charact even thought im realli glad ran across movi geniu like justin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'one say wasnt warn read review user extern like us attract horror movi curios got cat come scream peopl movi go dark room know that horror aficionado alway die know what even know itll badth bottom line movi left angri pretend real caresgimmick allow actor dialogu lame unusu event horror movi even movi bad polit realli got mad film rip bwp also halfheart lazi rip thati dont believ sacr cow thought could outdo bwp kudo didnt even tri movi made littl effort care unforgiv sin horror movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'new way enjoy goldsworthi work river tide allow fan see work motion watch goldsworthi build piec one develop appreci everi stone leaf thorn use goldsworthi describ flow life river tide inspir affect work although happi film cover major goldsworthi piec snowbal feel bit long film maker wonder job bring goldsworthi work life creat beauti film joy watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'like william hickey prizzi honor resurrect charact anthoni mob boss weak godfath satir laugh stuart whitman look perplex he schlockfest morgan fairchild perform one better effort movi alon good sign sure eddi deezen vacil three stoog slapstick bad woodi allen imit fatal flaw mob boss deriv boredom quickli overcom comedi film drag car chase hidden weapon restaur bathroom numer nonsens merk', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seen laurel hardi classic film alway enjoy comic stupidli even watch new film attempt bring back classic two new actor resembl laurel hardi howev fail miser variou reason one place cloth still earli 20th centuri howev portray 90 set former dialogu brought back howev also fail miser come close classic seri film could well worst film ever seen pull shelf lock away forev real laurel hardi surli spin grave bad imit', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'start watch show around juli found mistak channel surf vacat great show wish wasnt late night 1230 work person make hard watch timei read comment agre late one grow 60 believ stuff happeni grew 60 im hispan white boyfriend plu black friend high school believ peopl get along interest person noth certain race colori cant wait till show goe dvd buy way see begin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film well cast often silli alway funni lemmon matthau work tag team magic perfect brent spiner riot egotist tyrant cruis director first hare krishna last ought pay fifti buck call two stud thought total entertain fun comedi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'given 10 thiev highway mention two reason one prove im git give bad review 2 theme film thread name fall love woman nightw know pretti woman chick flick cant avoid theyll eventu get pretti woman two thing two terribl horribl ghastli thing firstli portray prostitut career akin dancer know absolut great friend leg warmer lot giggl borrow other make see realiti pretti woman prostitut street walker prostitut talk great life she healthi happi occasion whimper explain predica feel happi hooker type protagonist lot palat even nearli realist charact beg question make movi type person chicken scare adorn player characterist familiar role make film chef dont want cook talk food wear white hat make film chef first place bail turn hooker respect dancer type stori miss point complet consequ never indulg moral social question could cop realli realli lame secondli pretti woman insult romanc edward lewi play richard gere clue seduc romanc ladi without plastic friend yep dont leav home without especi moron suit imagin 8 10 romant moment involv splash cash one way anoth even first meet lotu esprit turbo work necklac diamond limo money money money where charm where charisma dont mention attempt piano pleasegirl like film also girl like shop guy like film even realiz old eddi less charm calcul probabl dont either wont regist importantli anyon like film hate thiev highway wonder stori part base subjectil finish songpretti woman hangin round street pretti woman kind like treat pretti woman dont believ your truth one could spend much mercypretti woman wont pardon pretti woman couldnt help see pretti woman look love lack imagin like mepretti woman shop pretti woman talk pretti woman sell smile pretti woman yeah yeah yeah pretti woman look way pretti woman say youll stay meand ill pay youill treat right', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi terribl plot terribl unbeliev cannot recommend movi movi come movi funni wast talent great actor actress includ gari sinis kathi bate joey lauren adam jennif tilli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'strongli dislik show mean like basic everyon school perfect rich doubt board school would look cool suddenli allow girl school isnt littl weird anyway jami lynn spear cannot act alway facial express realli annoy basic emotionless guy seem like herand shouldnt chase tell like hard realli none show real life isnt girl like major regular girl go board school design cloth live beachfak fake fake', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'normal dont like seri theyr predict tend becom bore dull fastthes seri howev well play stori follow episod even miss one stori still catch mindth episod film hospit take mysteri dark old secret lie beneath surfac mighti hospit', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'holi sht god aw sat theater hour ten minut thought go goug eye much manor oedipu rex dear god movi deserv credit anyth done middl school film buff pleas save money movi offer noth unless enjoy sideshow sleep movi theater know h3ll bring girlfriend make thing interest one anyway fck slide show ye warnedi recommend watch thishellohow youim pretti goodenjoy dayi amthi comment onehundr time fun pretend watch daym movi sad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi without doubt perfect 1010 peopl rate film low grade good plot anyth like that ridicul say jacki chan movi bad plot like say porn movi bad plot watch jacki chan fight scene action much concentr good stori anyth like look make movi compar american film era even later realiz jacki chan movi top fight scene realli good plot american movi good plot shitti action scene compar jacki chan time porn watch porn jacki chan watch action think peopl rate bad there plot think that smart movi critic would rate good movi way see good movi movi keep entertain sure middl movi bore bore put way rest action scene stunt much pay chang way american action movi creat even stollen scene movi want true man true entertain watch movi mani jacki chan he pure everyway liter make american movi look like walk park even today movi american movi reli much special effect safeti wire stunt doubl much polic stori mani jacki chan film piec work true entertain goe talent masterpiec', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw london film festiv last night appar shorter version jame mcnalli summari content film good nossit deftli blend investig wine busi wider concern globalis homogenis effect mass media power capit need diversityth film shot handheld dv might find offput enabl nossit catch peopl guard number occas probabl would possibl use convent equipmentdespit sprawl feel film edit sharp give us parad world dog also undercut number interviewe comment somewhat contradictori visual imag give other suffici rope hang degre evok michael moor recent work although nossit oper subtl way probabl root film go back marcel ophul sorrow piti way film construct emerg salt earth french peasant star de montil pere et fil present lff screen answer question afterward inde need littl disord bravo hubertoveral excel film implic go way beyond world wine way construct peopl organis world', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant believ movi manag get rel high rate 6 bare watchabl unbeliev bore certainli one worst film seen long long timein nobudget way remind star war episod ii sheer impress watch total creativ train wreckthi film avoid cost one festiv film pleas pseudointellectu badli made peopl think make differ therefor goodbad filmmak differ bad filmmak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi realli woke like wake main male charact brave differ movi life slumberthi guy john ben chaplin lead mediocr safe life bank teller small provinci english town stunningli gorgeou wild girltodiefor nadia nicol kidman order email russia enter life becom belov wife john plan howev glitch turn nadia speak word john languag although calm emotionless outsid john becom interest beauti nadia instead use full refund polici match servic buy dictionari start commun processwhat happen henceforth plot realli shake poor john slumber decentlypaid safefeel clerk decisionmak decent think action figur give viewer sublimin messag would probabl act likewisekidman cassel kassovitz make great team act russian almost indistinguish real thing almost due slight accent present russian dialogu howev slight enough amaz nativ russian hard work done get word sound right nicol kidman prove talent play charact quit differ previou role least cultur backgroundth pace film fast captiv certainli readi quit watch end titl appear rather feel your middl plot left desir see sequel soon come outmi advic go get film immedi watch enjoy sum unusu plot great act idea surfac like idea rude awaken artifici safe routin life wheel societi machin life member fight club keen quit machin pink floyd sing welcom machin bet end john rather sophia way unknown met allthank writer great stori everyon els great movi pleas make sequel stage whereev name locat whatev authent place irrelev 999999 percent potenti viewer sure', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ed wood ride fact movi made give youngaspir film maker hope screenplay might thought use tolin litterbox birdcag seem bad watch movi unless healthi stash tylenol rolaid watch thismovi made realiz boa vs python bad probabl would better movi claymat least way actor would take credit film understand director mani alias bright side watch movi get someon bring bag chip eat way cocoon chees surround enabl tomak toward tv set cocoon chees surround', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'sport nice deep cast thriller better deliv name actor talk first third movi noth talk talk bunch women bitch everyth first five list actor women verifi realli chick flick littl els probabl play lifetim networkther quick murder scene talk halfway lost way salli field look 15 year old', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'think movi got realli cool music never get head cool look charact realli funnyy know kind youll crack ground youll keep say funni part everi day three weeksdespit bad act bad cgi bad storyabout cop go robot realli cool one movi famili watch get togeth eat pizza laugh like crazi watch two timesther mani funni part like kurt tri get edison attent gave finger threw paint ball gun could play paint ball part kept say rememb rememberto cousin saw show happen also realli funni part edis ran room kurt therejust fought kurt talk strang dream superman love part although sinc saw dont rememb part everyth actor said funni like kurt say worship like god robotalthough bad thing great movi man cant stop laugh wish movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'howard kevin kline teach english high school small indiana citi final get marri emili joan cusack much parent delight town abuzz one cameron matt dillon nomin act oscar everyon includ howard emili watch academi award televis cameron declar winner accept speech cameron announc abl fulfil role gay militari man part lesson learn gay teacher high school guess howard howard never come fact believ straight whole town member media wait observ happen howard emili go ahead get marri howard truli gay realiz go ceremoni wonder funni human film gay man situat manwhodidnotrealizehewasgay kline excel touch rest cast equal fine cusack stitch mixedup fianc dillon bob newhart debbi reynold tom selleck other hand delight audienc well costum nice set love indiana heartland beauti script direct product nice insight humor thought look gay popul film best asset doubt would offend gaythem film ye skip one everyon want laugh heartili gain better understand gay situat time definit best film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'open shot us marin serious disrespect us flag movi tough road ahead unfortun downhil militari advis credit also appar retir us marin make even baffl incred breach protocol law went unnot even baffl way simpli gloss marin report kia buri short order without slightest explan identifi bodi even bodi us govern still find miss wwii take month identifi remain militari shot remain mia month year declar kia remain posit identifi year red tape expect believ happen within matter day week mayb happen denmark us clearli none peopl involv ever slightest involv respect us militarybeyond number utterli laughabl moment charact come zinger nowher must realli extend meet auteur actor struggl find motiv hogwash script work might help one seem made spot work cliff note there way know script aw origin auteur middlemanag kid studio bear respons either way aw movi never made', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'usual think british expert render great adventur imperi age like four feather 1939 zulu simpli imperi age part british wind lion see wonder render america imperi ageamerica project power teddi roosevelt backdrop convent tale kidnap damsel despit gentil smitten rough manli nobil captor turn disarm beauti scorn polit correct prig eager see slight nativ peopl cultur rest assur way arab muslim depict far flatter way modern counterpart depict current world stage make stori differ terrif product valu faultless photographi composit edit terrif cast underappreci brian keith play bulli teddi vivid historythough wind lion told larg eye son everi member famili identifi one charact whether sean conneri nobl brigand candac bergen feisti heroin john huston wili john hay steve kanali spiffi radiant ruthless cando lieuten roosevelt big stick transcend scene end littl boy symbol swept away dash moor white steed high adventur best', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'look forward see dreamgirl quit whilewhat rave review nomin media attent must say first quarter movi good realli portray black music scene back howev movi wore whole famili bore wit sing kept come one mean serious one music number would broke even rentfurthermor notic hardli charact develop charact didnt care happen even eddi murphi charact die drug overdos knew sad couldnt feel emot charact charact given flimsi background sing childhood whatnot person reveal enough draw infin conflict simpli signific enough make viewer care goe along lack charact develop movi remind copycat movi base ray chicago rent ray chicago wonder movi opinion overal think movi would best suit someon doesnt realli care overal stori yet would enjoy two hour entertain fun sing perform', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one starewicz longest strangest short film follow toy dog search orang becom anim tear mother girl long orang dog come upon orang fall back car way sold night must protect orang come enter devilish nightclub featur mani bizarr scari charact help stuf cat dog get orang back littl girl save terribl scurvi death mascot featur new techniqu yet seen starewicz film addit sync sound mixtur live action stopmot anim make new twist starewicz old style puppetri live scene move car peopl feet walk puppet sit concret sidewalk impress fresh honk car cri street vendor noteworthi due fact small studio shift sound costli starewicz util new technolog seem like old hat new puppet charact film frighten contribut devil club scene twigss newspap shred come life skeleton dead bird lay egg hatch skeleton chick charact come fli pat pan rock hors new edit techniqu use quick zoom accomplish edit speed pace might slow scene overal starewicz abl updat style filmmak meet demand new audienc make film one best exampl work', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'nice charact develop pretti cool milieu male im probabl qualifi total understand nice job establish restrict victorian environ start isnt bleak realli treatment women probabl even harsher make go wonder chemistri among princip charact thing contend come rain break spider web begin interact slowli lose sens suspicion enjoy movi didnt go cheap comedi could didnt tri pound lesson us peopl seem utterli without merit realli nice develop human be get see light littl troubl alfr molina charact epiphani quickli within world need happen good act around someth posit take place live pretti good peopl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'prussic ga murder don red clansman suit hood wield white whip murder colleg school girl hand paid convict enlist mysteri mastermind keep face hidden within offic contain aquarium turtl fish inspector scotland yard higginsijoachim fuchsbergerand superior sir johnsiegfri schrenbergcertainli hand full case seem center around student ann portlanduschi gla turn 21 inherit great deal wealth girl target share room ann reason murder remain mysteri sy finest must figur staff girl dormitori seem hide someth certain member faculti fall prey killer red monk robe disguis talent enough precis strangl neck attack whip two prison commiss mysteri man use newli creat toxic ga creat scientist murder begin film suppos monetari exchang creation clever scheme driver greavesgnt meisnermeet convictswho hide barrelwho assist corrupt prison guard taken blindfold secret room mastermind give order kill uncov oper top prioriti higgin sir john lead truth seek regard murder happen suspicion girl dormitori headmistress author brother sweati incred nervou chemistri teacher snoop garden bannist red her dispos throw viewer loop time real mastermind discov end featur multipl twist krimi film ive seen colleg girl murder closest giallo color killer convolut plot yield lot surpris potenti suspect sordid shenanigan adult colleg girl dormitori think also see influenc jame bond particular krimi film villain mastermind secret hideout allig pitwhich isnt use fake biblewat pistol open fire ga face startl victim greav royl royc latch caus flap darken window without reveal passeng back seat peep hole use spi girl room swim mani might consid sir john liabil due bumbl buffoonish behavior often undermin higgin abil get truthperhap poke fun knowital british inspector harm case solv iti felt use comedi relief particularli attempt psychoanalyz suspect potenti victim often misunderstand told higgin use skill adopt year investig instead follow cluesfact often avoid sir john much possibl capabl direct reliabl alfr vohrer keep pace hum nice speed screenplay full interest charact lurid contentth fact mani adult surround dormitori suspect might one wield whip call shot behind murder girl execut id say may one bestif bestexampl krimi genr keep guess alway one ace sleeveth revel unearth end quit eyeopeningand even get liter unmask real mastermind pull string top', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'lucki see film part melbourn intern film festiv 2005 day ago must admit partial movi focu human relat especi one concentr tragic side life also love major scandinavian cinemat offer often particular deep qualiti way stori unfold charact drawn charact build film extraordinari detail depth despit fact encount quit number charact particular person situat locat within commun audienc end screen silent pensiv still play scene mind still amaz power meaning', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi realli bad look like film either park basement there giant spider see one leg worm live cave cheap sock puppet cardboard teeth plot bunch postapocalypt mumbo jumbo make sens whole thing laughabl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'think one hell moview see steven fight around martial art stuff like segal movi there messag without messag would one mani actionfight movi messag make segal movi great special', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi theater thoroughli impress clair dane good actress foolish arrog hollywood bitch today anyway film realli struck one raw realist beauti friendship film far would realli go best friend move tear end still tear watch rememb soon left theater call best friend sob much love great film watch best girlfriend howev prepar almost certain convers afterward turn ask youd someth like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ive seen film liter 100 timesit absolut jampack entertain power booth give stellar perform fan actor william shatner impuls 1974 ron liebmann academi 1981i never thought actor could captur intens like shatner liebmann role saw booth jim jone far im concern power booth jim jonesthi film captur best perform', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'three main charact hopeless yet feel sorri one ernesto hopelessli devot merced part frustrat scream merced get clue ditch nogood harri availthen there satisfact steve buscemi great part transvestit harvey keitel move stori indign play gorilla cheap tv movi incred least expect quentin tarintino half monologu anthoni quinn turn ernesto wealthi mantim great moment appear stori end hard know feel movi doesnt happi end even complet one somehow feel rightthi movi strang wonder like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rees witherspoon first outing big screen memor one appear like fresh scrub face tween slight stringi undeni reesei alway like actor idea start young career go figur actual gain respect rees know earli say whenev watch perform charact thu far portray also seem persona live charact quit nice factanyway first film experi rees littl red ride hood parodi rees kiefer sutherland somehow assum first time bat well done rees', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'game rank far honor play mine ps2 graphic realli good voic act standard difficulti level right wesker best charact seri opinion stori amaz took mani differ twist wasnt expect rate game deserv great', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi worth anyth mean want watch kind stuff flip hollywood movi total disgrac bollywood name neal n nikki serious suck never watch movi actor appear act gene skip gener tanisha couldnt worn less uday chopra obvious pick director spoil son halla amazingli stupid song eh hope director spend much money bottom line hate movi let kid watch hous stupid movi discard buy cd must said song eh least better movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'yet anoth western greedi cattl baron look push small rancher farmer certainli done sinc violent men someth specialwhat make special barbara stanwyck play role vixen often later film she marri crippl edward g robinson who cattl baron robinson crippl hint injuri may left impot matter barbara whose need met brotherinlaw brian keith doesnt sit well either diann foster robinson stanwyck daughter lita milan keith mexican girl friendth infidel subplot almost take film glenn ford stalwart small rancher civil war veteran come west health manag hold he everi inch quiet western hero peopl make mistak push often almost expect famou word wild bill elliott come ford mouth im peaceabl man would applic vioilent menth fifti age adult western theme enter hors opera hadnt explor follow year glenn ford would anoth western jubal one best also explor infidel plot componentther enough tradit western stuff violent men plenti addict soap opera well', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'appar mutil man guy wander land perform show selfmutil way cope abus childhood use word appar without listen director andi copp commentari didnt avail read film prior watch viewer wont clue aboutgorehound fan extrem movi may lure watch mutil man promis harsh scene splatter unsettl reallif footag unless theyr also fond pretenti headacheinduc experiment arthous cinema theyll find one real chore sit through82 minut ugli imageri accompani dischord sound terribl music incomprehens dialogu mindnumbingli aw drivel perfect way test one saniti youv still got marbl youll switch rubbish watch someth decent instead watch whole thing well awar im complet bark', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi absolut pathet piti screenplay lack stori left watch three loser drool bikini babe time felt like watch episod beavi butthead couldnt even sit whole movi emran hashmi disappoint hrshitta bhatt impress celina jaitley bad worthwhil part film spoof anu malik obsess shayari pretti hilari song sini ne remix version realli good alway count emran liplock lipsynch chartbust seem emran doesnt good script bhatt back time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'feel niiiiiight heat feel heeaaaaaaaaaartbeat someth aint right theme song written bj cook skylark david foster old band wife also wrote memor theme cbc airwav oh night heat program wellwritten wellact total classic crime solver good team dash humour end id like think realli detect dodid giambon real favourit canadian tip learn everi canadian actor name style guest spot done night heat everyon pass night heat set like law order storydriven could watch enjoy without lot charact melodrama', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi fail miser everi level idea let take everyon involv movi ship hot zone middl east mayb lucki theyll shot kill wont ever time wast mention never bitter cinemat pile crap entir life god cant think anyth ive ever seen bad id rather watch ishtar 25 time row sit 10 minut sorri excus film ever happen meet anyon involv film ill spit face beat senseless that two cent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ye ill say start comment movi incred underratedsharon stone great role catherin trammel morrissey dr glass analyst sent evalu death sport star glass drawn seduct game trammel use manipul mindth act good apart thewlisston realli talent role she slick naughti seduct doesnt look day older firstsh realli impress melik casino morrisey also good show much vunerablit role need thewli howev lame ruin charact overthetop whole way realli suckedoveral movi good first stone hoot watch ignor thewli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'base edgar rice burrough novel earth core provid littl mean escap give brain rest victorian scientist dr abner perrypet cushinginv giant burrow machin american partnerdoug mcclureus corkscrew way deep earth explor mysteri may hold soon discov lost world subhuman creatur conflict prehistor monsterscush come across absent mind professor point annoy instead bold adventur come across effemin hand mcclure overact enough make also laughabl carolin munro play pretti princess dia refus leav world near center earth also cast godfrey jame cy grant michael crane', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seen film least 100 time still excit act perfect romanc joe jean keep edg seat plu still think bryan brown top brilliant film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'show make absolut sens everi week two ladi go estat garden everi week without fail somehow stumbl upon murder everyon own big hous larg garden involv murder right even somehow happen stumbl upon murder murder wouldnt smart thing tell polic know peopl actual someth everi week two fool go around pollut evid commit crime case caus murder miracul solv murder way murder could ever convict evid sabotag youd think peopl cover murder would think hire two wouldnt yay weve solv murder like everi week let go confront murder backup tell know way could get danger rosemari thyme one worst show televis certainli ridicul', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi bad funni awhil thought actual watch parodi bad movi la consider cliffhang scene end laugh insid hurt script dread enough coupl sean young terribl act especi explain entir plot great detail complet flashback dangl cliff make truli classic bad movi worth watch fact fakey shot scene remind ed wood movi still cant believ thing got made first bad script get green light star actor get attach low point career question question', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'meryl streep geniu well least actress know she made fun lot role accent nail accent everi time perform lindi chamberlain inspir mr chamberlain portray particularli likabl smart make streep work remark think worth 10 oscar nomin film well coupl interest thing dont know much australia theme religi bigotri among gener public play big part stori larg miss first saw film year ago came loud clear yesterday seem australian press accomplish miseryinduc pursuit overkil american colleagu pretti good film bit differ grade b', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'airport 4 basic slop togeth mess univers studio tri work new twist concord superson airlin disasterintheski formulabog unintent humor best georg kennedi stick hand concord window superson speed fire flare gun heatseek missil follow aircraft flight path simpl fact dumb passeng keep reboard plane continu flight despit problem air mani star one includ robert wagner sylvia kristel alain delon martha ray nervou passeng realli relat airport film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'supposedli social commentari racism prison condit rural south 1970 nightmar full bad southern stereotyp complet phoney accent would offens sensibl american southern tawdri piec work come thinlydisguis babe prison movieespeci uncut origin version nevertheless act gener averag late chuck connor particular good job make viewer hate himeven though look somewhat uncomfort sever scene there also changeofpac role late robert reed appear lecher warden tina louis previous ginger gilligan island made rather believ sadist prison guard grade', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ok bought film woolworth friend joke present birthday front cover sexual innuendo itbut decid watch anyway hilar purposesand im sorri got one worst film historyit began alright thought ok might actual ok 10 minut sadli mistakenit began mysteri paint baller turn obviou charact scouseraustralian say accent couldnt identifi who act might say abysmalthen got end time lost live paint ball finalsth thing like plot didnt actual win annoyingli enough defaultand know noth name team given aw critic damag mean could pick awesom name like destroy antichrist someth that film call anyway', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'insignific lowbrain haha 80 horror like thirteen dozen yet consid amus watch right state mind special effect tacki act atroci screenplay seem miss coupl essenti paragraph brain take place typic quietamerican town set everi adolesc work diner coolkid high school flush cherri bomb toilet tvguru name dr blake ador petbrain begin quest nationwid mind control label independ thinker giant cheesi brain send wave televis set forc innoc viewer kill cool meadowval teenrebel save world funniest thing plot never explain dr blake monstrou brain actual come obviou refer toward extraterrestri life that meh need background movi like realli there much bloodsh unfortun evil brain look like overs sockpuppet less interest element horror buff take look cast crew made movi director ed hunt writer barri pearson men made bloodi birthday guilti pleasur mine plagu much better movi wise decid resign film industri familiar face cast unquestion great david gale horror fan worship forev role reanim girl name christin kossak provid nudityfactor she obvious great talent exactli 3 movi repertoir masterpiec debut credit runaway model 3 men babi charact refer one jack girl realli wonder feel career actress', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon rememb altern comedi show comic strip present one edit featur charl bronson robbi coltran interview new movi glc man ordinari man whose wife famili get wipe creep hunt kill sadist graphic manner glc next bronson use new angl famili dont get wipe go creep accur describ evil men bronson vigilant thriller motiv isnt blood feud lead credibl becom strain bronson retir hitman isnt give retir anyth someon show video tape featur interview victim doctor legendari time travel infam expert tortur never realli explain doctor infam sinc polic state myriad sadist explain doctor sister ridicul english accent may guess lazili written movi incid happen screenwrit need thing happen plot matter unlik like one bad guy get invit threesom kill thing reveal like doctor sister lesbian ta includ mani way like one nasti chuck norri vehicl releas time disappoint thing director also man made ice cold alex gun naveron two well regard war drama often shown sunday afternoon believ movi wont shown well watersh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'well here anoth terrif exampl awkward 70 filmmak rudimentari premis what matter helen quit shock disturb present stylish sophist fashion hand movi crew certainli would becom nasti gritti exploit tale director curti harrington whoever slew aunti roo scriptwrit henri farrel hush hush sweet charlott charg becam beauti almost enchant mixtur theme genr basic plot film definit horrif there lot experi like love stori swing 1930 atmospher whole lot sing tapdanc set unquestion make movi uniqu liter catapult back 1930 sublim depict era music religion theatric busi wardrob follow long exhaust trial sentenc son lifeimprison murder adel debbi reynold helen shelley winter flee california attempt start new life run danc school young talent girl particularli adel adapt perfectli new environ fall love local millionair poor old helen continu sink downward spiral insan paranoia listen rambl radioevangelist fear punish crime son commit slowli develop violent tendenc script although entir without flaw well written film adequ pace there never dull moment what matter helen although sing tapdanc tango sequenc quit extend much unrel actual plot atmospher continu omin film definit benefic terrif act perform shelley winter she downright scari unpredict introvert ladi who snap second especi last ten minut look petrifi freddi krueger jason voorhe michael myer combin sever terrif support charact sadli littl underdevelop rob potenti like michal macliammir cocki elocut teacher agn moorehead creepi priestess timothi carey obtrus visitor ladi hous coupl surprisingli gruesom scene moment genuin shock enjoy grand guignol fanat among us particularli set piec costum design even nomin oscar breathtak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'resnai wow geniu brought us hiroshima mon amour take challeng make 1930 french music vibrant colour open voiceov old embellish intertitl nice touch camera apertur open like old hand cranker black white placard camera back rather suddenli show us surprisingli brilliant colour eleg tabl set tea parti first 60 secondsthen music start rather banal forgett diddi featur unconvinc choru 3 girl blabber nonsens relev film ye speak french cant blame subtitl charact whiz door replac peopl break even forgett song leav final audrey tautou appear hear first appreci dialogu 15 minut filmim sure resnai intend start yawn wast time music cacophoni effect viewer make want hurl skittl screen storm enduredit didnt get much better ill tell absolut familiar charact dont even see face half time resnai seem intent show expens sceneri care actual peopl front camera peopl flit stage like moth around lamp audienc unabl focu particular person plot take everi episod bradi bunch cram 2 hour movi bad songsth thing kept watch long 1 hour look camera techniqu light sceneri admit excel enough hold attent 2 hour mayb tomorrow ill tri watch end aw kid import thing im sure skip', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi middl night flip channel noth els watch one film stop see moment realiz twenti minut cant turn matter bad one movi somewher bad good bad well plain bad worth see experi confus realiz great middleofthenight fare fabul tenni drag dont even bother ask nobodi tell chad low obvious male logic appli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi take plot behind scifi flick doppelgang astronaut earth crash counterearth opposit side sun cold war totalitarian vibe world tri turn pilot tv seri howev whole thing sank without trace tv probabl better iteveryon perfectli adequ made tv way cameron mitchel turn usual solid perform glenn corbett seem kind poor man john saxon play rug individualist whose exist pose threat foundat world order counter earthbut low budget low energi inconsist script lack real imagin set design cinematographi keep scifi adventur firmli tether launch padil give one exampl origin templat pilot dopplegang astronaut lose control land vehicl thunderstorm crash ship truli appal sequenc obviou ship never go fli two astronaut stagger helplessli smoke remain vehicl middl howl rain wind smack overcom faceless men yell loudspeakersin strand space astronaut sit seat buzzer sound thing start shake camera blur blackout friend point pretti obviou actor simpli shake seat director wasnt even shake camera set ive seen episod twilight zone outer limit took effort establish mood set madefortv mediocrityand essenc what wrong strand space budget time imaginationjust make token gestur hope scifi fan boy imagin enthusiasm fill rest sorri guy didnt work im sure everyon finish work one walk away never thought except list cv that viewer youll rememb press watch tv movi call strand space made last impress cant recal much', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'black comedi isnt alway easi sell everi get black comedi huge success like fargo exampl usual dont often find big audienc peopl seem either set mind comedi seriou mayhem doesnt seem big market good mixtur throw momma train fairli decent hit yet peopl seem rememb much day age danni devito hit one way park back 1987devito play odd mamma boy name owen look rid outrag overbear unpleas mother still live mother play ann ramsey pass away shortli releas quit caricatur loud ugli rude overbear though owen hardli seem like could take care want desper mother of fantas truli weird scene clearli doesnt gut actual that billi crystal come crystal play larri donner owen creativ write teacher nearbi commun colleg larri paranoid wouldb intellectu novelist claim exwif stole novel made million current tri write new one cannot even come decent first sentenc night owen hear larri wish exwif dead outburst school cafeteria borrow idea stranger train owen decid travel hawaii murder larri exwif appear done expect larri return favor kill mother result action often quit funni even poignant certainli never dull often full surprisesth act except even ramsey bit top crystal good devito alway undervalu perform film reli quit bit physic comedi usual work often pain film make use truli innov edit techniqu scene offbeat tone truli refresh often critic late 1980 time artist malais right lazi filmmak throw momma train take chanc charact drawn well gener plot mani comedi revolv around son mother murder film isnt long chock full laugh writer apt find interest gener public still enjoy anyon 9 10 starsth hound', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'back 1994 realli lengthi vacat around fourth juli someth like 17 day row two week paid vacat weekend holiday stay town time hang parent hous loti didnt tv apart use watch parent tube finish watch segment x file program came call person fx hook instantli alway fascin item home come parent famili home inherit rel estat often wonder histori valu etcaft long vacat use go folk hous lunchhour catch person fxi rememb one episod cohost clair carter announc new york apart seri film renov said renov complet personl fx would return airit never person fx first best collect show vanish air almost fifteen year later im still soreway go fx', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'paul verhoeven predecessor breakout hit basic instinct stylish shock neonoir thriller verhoeven becom known make somewhat sleazi trash film nativ holland america film one reason fourth man follow strang stori gerard reve play jeroen krabb gay alcohol slightli mad writer goe vlissingen give talk stori write meet seduct christin halsslag rene soutendijk take back hous discov handsom pictur one lover proclaim meet even kill himpaul verhoeven twist truth mani time film ensur never quit know mani occurr fourth man could appear could easili interpret someth els entir keep audienc edg seat durat also make film work narr thrive paul verhoeven filmmak feel restrain one thing like best film featur shock scene made feel ill hour afterward doesnt happen often wont spoil need surpris element workbut youll see mean see film make sure get uncut version also number macabr scene less shock one ive mention love nonetheless man get eaten lion anoth one pipe sent skull boat smash halflovelyth act fourth man isnt anyth write home solid throughout jeroen krabb hold audienc attent look part drunken writer rene soutendijk impress though femm fatal centr tale perform sharon stone would imit nine year later basic instinct origin fatal best paul verhoeven direct solid throughout direct attent numer point view help creat mysteri stori verhoeven gone make rubbish obvious talent shame doesnt put better use verhoeven film ive seen best although might difficult come across trust worth effort', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'accept 50 horror arent scari today standard hell see titl like expect see blood blood thirsti beast instead get blood beast either want take world live peac earthyeah peopl wantedth overal stori fine astronaut come back life one beastbut titl realli kill movi night beast would made fan happi realli isnt blood speak ofi like 50 movi end left room sequel wise never made one movi isnt worst ive ever seen almost there2 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'demon wind much fun break leg definit aw exampl film aw fact dont even consid movi describ thing monstrou thing thing must stop cost friend first discov thing buri big box video tape friend hous late night noth better decid watch cheesi horror movi unfortun pick one well 90 minut thing play end laugh hard almost threw thing liter pointless everi sens word cheap poorli done ripoff evil dead whole stori seem noth guy want knock friend invit abandon hous let demon rip piec bet writer actual write stori film ive seen bad horror movi mano troll 2 hobgoblin shudder would say demon wind could definit contend film term sheer stupid watch enjoy laugh stupid filmsfun fact film like cockroach steroid much like ouija board everi time tri get rid alway seem mysteri reappear kind scari huh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'differ film movi film regardless qualiti readi public consumpt movi group friend get togeth make cours weekend camcord time viewer seen may exampl bothon septemb 19 attend screen writerdirector jon satejowski donnybrook read script seen two differ cut rough cut finish product piec safe say movi student movi lack better word compet say director knew push record camera captur move imag visual part static unimpress dialog scene reduc mostli long shot littl close shot allow audienc establish relationship charact understand modestli budget film visual flair would appreci would gone long way toward keep audienc interestedgr independ pictur shown limit camera work come well well written engross stori sharp dialog steven soderbergh sex lie videotap come immedi mind movi howev neither main stori weak unfocus main plot davi tri mend relationship father feel movi miss point got davi main aspir chang face rock n roll howev see littl activ part show one dream sequenc begin impromptu perform end seem get scene davi listen music casual strum guitar simpli told davi play lot gig never see full rock mode next time show dont tell audienc anyon taken creativ write class know also davi doesnt look like someon would big glam rock era 1970 look like hed comfort earli day rock n roll pose jame dean less talent brother meantim rest movi event seem happen random rather clich charact stori thread littl noth slim main stori brought abandon alarm frequenc ie subplot involv terri father want see film kind haphazard construct consid watch napolean dynamit film could bare make first timea mention dialog scene guess mention extrem far much ask charact speak dont think charact speak short choppi sentenc collect oh insight question anger grunt wildli overthetop outburst charact simpli behav like normal ration peopl work materi like easi understand one good perform film al hudson that he poor imit sam elliott time screen good director least one readi challeng featur director would abl spot problem get writer camera peopl correct howev satejowski close materi simpli doesnt see unwil take necessari step fix itll hurt creativ vision unabl unwil deal critic construct manner mark selfindulg misguid fool ask rob schneider end left poor highschoolset knockoff zach braff amaz garden state combin equal amaz velvet goldmin two film far worthi timenow cast crew come word work take task review allow offer best compliment mr satejowski ambit make film put audienc see howev hope movi pick distribut simpli delud vision grandeur student movi noth noth less movi hold promis let face point isnt go come act write direct peopl associ film will pleas learn movi file away use lesson learn next attempt dont attack critic friend famili abl mayb next one worthi distribut worthi call filmi audienc will watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'pleas rewatch 3 seri go see movi trailer complet mislead 3 weakest charact seri stretch badli thought 25min tv episod pain 2hr life truli aw film tubb edward min micki 1 line lipp reel tire old pun also mr brisss accent chang 5 time film ton badli act extra realli laugh seem recycl 2 hr honestli feel seri complet ruin godaw piec crapbatman robin forgiven', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'final iranian film made majidi kiarostami makhmalbaf nondocumentari entertain black comedi subvers young girl subtli kick system ass footbal funni realli funni director say place real event real charact extra purpos chose use profession actor presenc would introduc notion fals nonactor root straightaway unless heart made stone b blind excel script film challeng patriarch author almost absurd fresh juri grand prize berlin 2006 dear reader nearperfect get hold', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'sometim patient watch indi horror toetap way slowpac earli scene sometim real gem present unfortun case satan whipwritten direct jason maran satan whip attempt drag us along bore snorefest film real pay end im guess black white blue cinematographi must reason howev never explain major blood blue found increasingli annoy film went stori bad actual origin decent content act simpli pathet combin slowpac lack real red gore made satan whip one forget quit quickli give 4 rate witti dialog made chuckl ala could save bore wast time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'taint look kibbutz lifethi film less cultur stori boy life kibbutz deliber demon kibbutz life gener first two minut movi milk man charg cow rape one calv downhil term charact repres typic kibbutznikim besid two main charact clinic depress woman young son everi one els kibbutz gross caricatur well evil stori center kibbutz like sort cult slowli drag mother son deeper despair inevit follow happi joy laughter kibbutz everi charactersitu repres differ horrif human vice like misogyni hypocrisi violenc cultism repress etc exampl protagonist strikingli handsom european look 12 year old boy older brother typic kibbutz youth complet jewish physic appear brutish person care screw foreign volunt health die mother treat volunt like trash littl brother plead visit die mother hasnt seen long time due militari servic order quot linda go take shower cum two minut one good charact movi european foreign play mother boyfriend anim rapist tri hit mother son boyfriend defend break rapist arm summarili kick kibbutz violent behavior one kibbutz member hypocrisi indescrib annoy french woman play school teacher preach sex cannot happen age 18 without love give account actual act that suppos humor audienc realli stupid cours screw head kibbutz field turn screw littl boy mom mental health take turn wors film portray kibbutz like sort cult children get yank bed middl night taken ritual swear allegi field overseen kibbutz elder mother appar cant escap kibbutz although realiti anyon wasi alway free come go choos mysteri boy father die rest assur kibbutz drove surviv parent anoth pair heartless wretch charact weigh mother son that gist movi one dimension charact dramat dri perform insidi messag keep tri hammer audienc head kibbutz life degrad miser even deadli didnt fit feel sorri guy made film obvious bad experi grow kibbutz feel though took kernel truth regard kibbutz life turn huge atom stereotyp bomb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ever learn ecstat review npr made think turkey anoth citizen kane pleas allow vent spleeni admit set presum new york citi never downright ugli unapp remind 70 bad decad men fashion automobil smoke plan cheapen charact succeededfor film work least simpl estim least one sympathet charact ned beati came close could wait finish nicki stray shot struck mikey well may elicit shrug indiffer mosti cant rememb detest film strongli suppos im rube doesnt dig art flick oh well', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'lost 24 carnival desper housewifesth list goe bunch highqual show prove middl golden age televis histori lost pure geniu incred layer person psycholog viabl stori underscor sublim cinematographi incred use word describ tvshow killer score great perform edit anyon isnt hook miss one import creativ express televis ever may problem watch one episod week dvd format actual incred way watch hope keep im sure', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'clifton webb one favorit howev mister scoutmast one best patent curmudgeon role seem forc even unpleas rather funni film overflow mawkish sentiment addit viewer present numer hamhand refer religi faith us patriot come overrever rather genuin clifton webb best poor script edmund gwenn play yet anoth jovial clergyman given noth child actor lead play talentless child display flat affect throughout entir film sole claim fame perform evid bullfroglik low voic unusu someon age howev youv heard youv heard dont need hear unfortun major film scene find child irrit fast forward whenev show sinc lot scene film mean fast forward lot film mani talent child actor piti film doesnt still clifton webb tradit broadbrim hat short sight worth see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mustse documentari movi anyon fear modern youth lost tast reallif adventur sens moral dariu goe west amaz rollercoast stori live live dariu crew embark journey lifetim dariu duchenn muscular dystrophi diseas affect muscl bodi confin wheelchair need roundtheclock attent could crew young friend possibl manag take 6000 mile roundtrip west coast back watch movi experi up down great adventur laugh cri crew cope unimagin challeng along way enjoy final triumph arriv back three week later home town raptur recept great surpris', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'messag world brink war disregard mass mythic citi everytown 1940 repres england gener could well stand nation world war final arriv ravag continu anoth five year 1966 time everytown complet destroy ad desol toll human wander sick pestil continu anoth four yearsth come balanc fatalist futurist world view scienc hold hope reviv civil wing world concept play bit corni though spokesman cabal raymond massey unwav mission dedic caus fail other follow messag continu reinforc throughout film brought home convincingli massey end movi speech man insati need test limit knowledg achiev requir univers noth mindsetth film imageri autom machineri second half reminisc great silent film metropoli everytown rebuilt transform year 2036 spectacl citi rebirth strike reson chord architectur modern citi today suggest movi eerili prophet vision come fruition movi get wrong sixti seven year though man first mission moon 1936 hundr year timet probabl seem legitim 1969thing come one rariti film pictur make think side come forc advanc face uncertainti maintain statu quo comfort question choic offer inher danger unknow outcom choos bystand risk swept away forc beyond control', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'fulci man bring one goriest weirdest movi ever made answer ye cat brain also known nightmar concert fulci last masterpiec ye matter peopl say fact movi one best fulci moviesfulci make fun movi one lead roll movi fulci play well horrorsplattergor director think slowli go insan fill black humor unlik modern horror movi work fulci flick need know gori much well pretti much alway love gore movi never get enough cat brain actual stop thirst gore believ hard archiv even braindead didnt stop citb gore almost everi scene revolv fulci hypnot khmmm evil psychiatrist see kind horror everyth happen everyth see scene involv accident drop whiskey instead see rotten corps lie floor start spit ooz wound forget beyond zombi 2 goriest fulci movi like fulci manag appli comic part gorefest movi brilliant director funni moment line happen time time like one fulci say make gore movi kind sick end good consid fulci italian horror master know make end sens mani plot hole fun fulci make sure check weak stomach avoid repeat movi ps gore scene within movi chainsaw dismember full tongu torn eyebal torn maggot infest corps zombi decapit face put boil water stab shower head throat slit mani part bodi organ toast asid hammer smash face', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'incomprehens mess movi someth cop extract bullet get shot keep glass jar bathroom size jar he shot fifti time top secret tank guard five six incompet soldier reason drive mexico whether sent intent got realli realli lost never made clear youll never hear anoth screenplay featur word butthorn either gari busey tri mel gibson role lethal weapon busey servic actor screenplay damn whole movi mediocr william smith anoth turn russian soldier charact play red dawn year earlier play biker heavi 70 sort nice see expand rang play communist heavi sadli hell probabl alway rememb best guy clint eastwood whup everi way', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'love watch movi lot scari scene raptor like raptor scari favorit part one raptor look behind pillar remind scene friday 13th movi girl eat bananai realli love watch lot movi comput graphic seem littl fake okay get movi hardli even notic go think got good end even though didnt realli understand go first coupl view figur time that import part import part scari dinosaur your watch first timethi best movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'warn review contain mild spoilersa coupl year back manag see first five film franchis plan overview whole elm st seri howev two year find cant rememb enough order guess couldnt made much impress recal sequel dream warrior particular werent bad often made though even origin classic gener predict premis peopl fall asleep get murder dream doesnt lend narr tension cannot recal much first five film know never plumb depth freddi deadan indic sick freddi public point judg fact film promot sole charact demis fact movi conclus even hidden fact entir purpos film goe illustr vacant soulless cynic ventur wastak moral question idea child molest charismat villain robert englund innowayscari interpret boom laughter alway thought freddi mockeri teenag victim less aim charact teenag audienc could ever watch tripe like englund cri know garbag your pay see who one laugh im sure victim child abus would dishearten see insensit depict plight freddi appear film alway rudimentari get haaaaaaaaaaaaaarr har har har that elm st film youd ever seen wouldnt get know charact even charact predeath flashback englund play boohiss pantomim villain slop transatlant ie overst misplac funni ironyact almost univers poor look mani time breckin meyer overact hand gestur bodi languag kananga yaphet kotto keep digniti roseann tom arnold alic cooper show almost visibl see film sink mire script absolut lousi almost wholli without merit carlo ricki dean logan open road map upon noel cowardlik freddi wittili written your fked prompt map carlo respond well map say fked wrote screenplay oscar wildeor scene carlo tortur freddi hear enhanc pain level freddi torment threaten drop pin potenti fatal sound given sound magnifi oddli fact carlo shout top voic drop seem effect nice hear carlo quip freddi hope better line come along also worth note dream sleep doesnt occur instan knock unconsci wouldnt allow instant access freddi world though part narr contain human comput game 3d final plot logic isnt high list requirementsth teenag head cast time realli obnoxi dislik group whole seri traci lezli dean one get greet freddi shut fk man kick scallop incongru pop music alway part ingredi freddi dead laugh scare interest fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'comment imdb liken dog bite dog classic cat iii film 90 although undoubtedli brutal violent downbeat film pousoi cheang isnt realli sleazi lurid sensationalist enough earn comparison howev still pack punch make worth watch particularli gritti hardedg action thingedison chen play pang cambodian hitman travel hong kong assassin wife judg sam lee wai ruthless cop determin track whatev cost wai close target pang stop noth ensur escapeuntil meet yue pretti illeg immigr need help escap life abusea relentlessli harsh drama great cinematographi amaz sound design haunt score solid perform chen lee well newcom pei pei pang love interest dog bite dog one fan hardhit asian hyperviol think along line chanwook park vengeanc trilog stab shoot merciless beat happen regularli film caught unflinchingli director cheangof cours kind tale destin unhappi end involv sure enough pretti much everyon film die rather nasti death unfortun fine line tragedi unintent comedi final moment dog bite dog cross laughabl overdramat final scene pang wai lock battl pregnant yue look eventu three suffer sever stab wound fraca wound pang perform diy ceasarean dead yue deliv babi moment dieswhilst film might classic slice hong kong excess deliri ott action stylish visual still worth seek', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi hot guyand even suck worst onewel okay give prop freaki polic offic rapist guy even wors guy wasnt cute end terribl accent definit definit hicksvil idiot cant stand mom one love there ever overal make sens go pick movi video store think read back movi look soso well least cant wors carolina moon terribl movi terribl write act ploteveryth made gag reflex want back flip horrid movi ever see gabriela way hate trust number 1 imdb rate id choos heartbeat', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'absolut must see documentari anyon interest get bottom stori told unflinch eye grip style think conspiraci theori paranoid disturb peopl could chang mind someth fed good model govern coverup like news tidi easi consum', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'decid believ famou movi critic say even though movi get best comment movi made day got think fals world iswhat love one deceiv said matter often feed milk snake never loyal bite given chanc way peopl never grate movi selfish peopl everyon ultim think oneself work oneself brother die inadvert hand gangster surviv brother decid take reveng process learn futil world noth real one loyal anyoneamitabh gave perform life new actor aryan gave good perform actress play wife amitabh stole show role small portray role dilig one move perform chawla realli great face express role limit given chanc fulli express herselfa great movi raj kumar santoshi movi alway give messag audienc movi like novel nanak singh punjabi novelist who novel alway purpos target social evil real messag audienc entertain well lessongiv', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'scari crude open give creepi chainsaw massacrefeel everyth fall apartspoil alert soon two fbioffic start jab know real killer anyon seen enough fooledyamovi figur outthi movi mader one thing mind depict brutal murder littl girl tortur murder well next us moviego tortur abus children what wrong peopl lynch truli disgust ugli mind', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant say much film think speak current rate rent two year ago total regret even tri like watch twice couldnt safe say absolut desir see wast time ever ever im one trash movi truli believ aw wasnt even funni slightest bit enjoy scene christoph walken think film ruin jack black ben stiller think see one film nowaday terribl movi remind wast money ami poehler annoy toooveral well think get point star walken way', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'old cant rememb laugh bobcat goldthwait coupl time year drug abus lost sens humor well brain cellsfrom moment film open sympathi empathi femal lead neither find anyth remot funni hear open line goldthwait obvious hate much need degrad order feel better even imaginari charact degrad ever saw shake clown know unfunni bobcat 15 year agothi movi wors even funni accid sad pathet total wast time may goldthwait hand render paralyz write anoth script strike tongu dictat anoth unfunni scene sad pathet need make room new talent die get hollywood', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'new orlean illeg immigr feel sick leav poker game win smalltim crimin blacki walter jack palanc chase blacki men raymond fitch zero mostel poldi guy thomajan kill blacki bodi dump sea autopsi famili man lieuten command dr clinton reed richard widmark us public health servic find dead man pneumon plagu caus rat need find type contact man within fortyeight hour avoid epidem citi mayor assign skeptic captain tom warren paul dougla help dr clint find killer infect plagu inocul thempan street disclos simpl stori still effect great villain engag plot becom date fiftyseven year jack palanc perform despic scum debut camera work tri escap zero mostel still impress vote seventitl brazil pnico na rua panic street', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'box origin pick movi back rent soon learn dupe thought movi would someth like road tripeurotripamerican pie deal wrong movi one dumbest ive seen long time unrat version teas watch complet disappoint act terribl sound effect gaudi appear low budget entir set take place build go get eurotrip road trip instead cant believ nation lampoon put name dont buy dont rent dont wast 2 hour life', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mani documentari seen appear law wrong side fenc thin blue line paradis lost come mind first foremost first film seeth anger saw seem blatantli clear evid present film happen waco least unprofession sloppi mess part fbi afi worst act murder like peopl sieg waco occur assum david koresh complet evil madman lead violent cult see think koresh like slightli unbalanc confus guy inadvert caught attent us govern eccentr action sure lot weapon branch davidian compound none illeg absolut heartbreak see video footag peopl insid compound seem nice harmless anger see callou testimoni men charg govern forc waco site clueless testimoni janet reno partisan defens attack waco defens led committe democrat stand mind ny repres current us senat ny charl schumer vote man live ny state im democrat pretti leftlean see action committe wish could go back time vote damato instead anyon remot interest govern crucial film must see even think shown class import', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi last night thought decent moment guess would say scene special op forc cool locat shot authent wont put movi dvd collect fair enough recommend rent guess noth set movi anoth level compar other genr action good act decent women extrem seduct exot opinion stori pretti interest 7 ten', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ye call perfect movi one bore second fantast cast mostli littl known actress actor great array charact well defin understand motiv could sympath perfect light crisp black white photographi fit soundtrack intellig harmoni set design stori engag work one prime qualiti pictur pride hollywood rest mark everyon endeavor reachbarbara stanwyck simpli stun noth actress couldnt alway went easi melodramat side hyster outburst ladi alway thought better actress screen goddess like bett davi joan crawford movi confirm opinion alway tough nail time convey true sentiment fair add also got mani good part long career one far least interestingth titl fit movi well desir human desir think everyon understand actual one seem scheme movi charact act impuls everybodi want happi without hurt anybodi els sad fact often lead complic make dramat content go herei like movi say youth matur necess compromis movi associ one alfr hitchcock shadow doubt creat similar atmospher ideal time caricatur small town america stori certain similar fritz lang consider harsher movi clash night made one year earlier stanywck star similar part also recommend', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'would like know anyon know get copi movi that way world 30 year sinc ive seen movi would like see earth wind fire transcend nation global inspir music theme unfortun group didnt take like counterpart earli 70 previous state racial tension exist unit state prohibit equal exposur african american music group good see earth wind fire continu success would like add movi collect someon pleas help possibl thank attent milton shaw', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi hoot immedi decid comment truth natur need protect us domin speci planet peopl think money whatev want probabl like think futur think would someth use movi kid movi show us kid usual one care adult twelv saw waterlili knew protect law didnt even dare touch fear law fear might harm actual current 15 ever act great 3 main charact well interpret learn hope think saw movi enjoy', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'reserv movi figur would usual bill fare formula movi christma middl heat wave late june decid give shot anyway mayb would see snowthi movi turn one laugh anoth ben affleck believ charact real star one jame gandofini deliv line real wit made great dadif want enjoy coupl hour definit check one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first saw film around 6 month ago consid interest littl stuck interest grew grew wonder whether initi boredom respons actual vh qualiti rather film purchas criterion dvd box set turn right second time alexand nevski great film rous im sure succeed main aim propaganda germansthat common critic film eisenstein mere propagandist noth els untru amaz film artist one import whoever live world far enough beyond joseph stalin abl watch eisenstein film art', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'focu anoth great movi star william h maci first discov maci fargo ive seen film hasnt yet deceiv maci archetyp nice guy someth hide focu play role lawrenc newman loyal hardwork stiff harbour handicap mother home scene set world war ii height mccarthyism newman head human resourc compani basic antisemit accident hire woman jewish descent ask buy pair glass improv fail eyesightunbeliev simpl act buy glass great repercuss life gertrud hart wife play great laura dern film unravel newman begin see whole differ world jewish akin animalth movi disturb way show racist someth fairli normal chill thought place probabl still', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'brave new girl holli come small town texa sing yellow rose texa local competit get admit prestigi art colleg philadelphia movi grow color stori friendship loyalti love movi full great sing act charact kept move nice pace act cours wonder virginia madsen lindsey haun outstand well nick roth camera work realli done well pleas end seem sequel could make kudo director other particip product quit gem film archiv', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'despit total mislead advertis campaign flick turn irritatingli clichd subpar haunt hous flick total implaus end clue 1 consid see turkey sam raimi didnt direct although commerci movi play involv truth one four produc bad someon talent raimi allow name use conjunct poor movi dont think would ever direct someth like task left pang brothersth screenplay film seem cobbl togeth numer horror film youll find absolut zero origin content messeng get scene pluck straight puls coupl could come bird one two other etc nearli everi scene almost everi line dialogu one lift number movi whole thing make predict movi almost anyon abl figur surpris end long comesright would good time point advertis campaign center idea children see ghost noth movi fact everyon see ghost teenag daughter mother charact certainli see even quit earli movi im sure whomev charg market came campaign film need uniqu angl box offic appeal otherwis entir absent know dont fool perhap movi lack anyth resembl chemistri actor simpli isnt interact come across awkwardli stilt coupl hackney stori ridicul plot hole guy murder whole famili still lurk around small town murder happen anyhow didnt anyon think mayb arrest add profoundli unsatisfi ghost flick manag surpris anyon age ten cheap shot loud nois visual flash anyth short sheet figur jump closet yell boo get buck time around yet anoth poorlymad film spirit attempt warn peopl away hous there messag messeng deliv dont wast time movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi suck ass someth heatwav european countri complet trash there noth go movi whatsoev mayb 30 second sex that annoy chick hitch ride peopl realli piss movi complet rash shouldnt subject watch regret bore would rate zero cant bodi right mind see im sure youll regret complet could think someth bad even mysteri men better mysteri men suck movi wasnt worth made complet wast time charact hard understand good bore', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'look forward guardian walk theater wasnt realli mood particular time kind like oliv garden like right mindset thoroughli enjoy itim exactli sure dampen spirit trailer look good water theme give bad flashback last kevin costner movi dealt subject waterworld plu despit promis ashton kutcher show butterfli effect im still complet sold someth guy annoy probabl simian featuresit took approxim two minut fear subsid hesit slip away movi immedi throw us midst tens rescu mission grip tighter kenni roger orang face lift concern briefli bristl kutcher initi appear due fact much effort made paint ridicul cool rebelli sunglass tough guy toothpick mouth sportin smirk thatd make georg clooney proud yeah get total readi hate himbut go deliv fairli strong perform forc soften jab darn ape man effici mix tens excit rescu scene drama humor solid act guardian easili film dare say major audienc enjoy quibbl clich predict rare moment overcook sappi none take away entertain valuei bad feel pace would slow much costner start train young guy contrari train session might interest aspect film coast guard rescu swimmer hero whose stori never realli portray big screen feel insid look go tough make inform great way introduc audienc underappreci groupdo take rescu swimmer think get go danger mission cold dark rough water must fight disorient exhaust hypothermia lack oxygen tri help strand panick peopl depend surviv isnt bad enough sometim cant save everybodi make tough decis live diesman want respons idea realli like guy would thought id ashton kutcherkevin costner movi thank educ guardian great job pay tribut rare breed hero lucki us also good job entertain pay customersth gist moviego want insid look like embark dare rescu mission middl ocean might want give guardian chanc saw free paid wouldv felt gotten money worth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'go see seven pound wasnt clearli sure think preview left much open grasp movi realli within first 20 min complet lost plot idea go think tim claim ben big asshol come end twistso speak unravel last minut movi basic tim smith troubl haunt big accid made caus end seven peopl live decid scope seven new peopl need help badli turn give life toth act film great feel smith matter part seem impress rosario dawson one better movi asid eagl eye think bad good deliv film actor woodi harrelson small role big enough role grasp charact although cast film still goodthi movi definit expect certainli lot slower pace hope movi howev still pretti good noth reveal last 5 min movi everyth fall place seem like pointless love stori final thought seven poundsseven star', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw brother shadow tribeca film festiv love judd hirsch scott cohen great father son film follow scott cohen parol alaska back famili brooklyn show brother die embark journey slowli repair estrang relationship brother wife child father never forgiven black sheep famili stori take us deep heart mind famili allow deepli understand complex live also imageri woodwork busi brooklyn backdrop set tone rich reveal famili portrait', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'marara realli disappoint cant consid bad movi develop seem rush nonbeliev evok emot dr fermn display unpreced bizarr behaviour passion one cant realli understand born mean mani time ever convers marara mayb also marara never appear real charact instead like film stereotyp need movi els anoth titl need best act came role wasnt realli import stori marcial subintellig yet humbl drunkard cours sceneri cultur tidbit canari island wow moment interest movi fell short documentari case real intent importantli solid drama', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'serum crazi doctor find serum suppos cure diseas power mind instead creat kind monster need eat human flesh brain mad doc creat zombi cadav problem long lead action mani scene get acquaint charact mad doctor nephew get car accid mad doc tri use new serum boy result good class c film ok act troubl direct continu error isnt much zombi action one effect adequ noth special fast forward slow part get enjoy action scene watch nuditi bad languag', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'witti funni intellig awesom flip channel late one night year ago came across wildfir start stay late everi night tape everyon know like 3 peopl almost 100 peopl made watch didnt think awesom other laugh loud hard cri thank time pleas favor run dont walk watch enjoy intellig humor winwin situat wish could afternoon tea meet truli rare comedian societi need ofsanechao', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'uniqu film give us chanc see young noel coward iron glori seem reserv detach he perfect role unlov cad matteroffactli use around howev deadli seriou pun intend last act coward must make like fli dutchman he much less comfortablebut way epigram peerless hecht macarthur given gem macarthur realli wit pairth film superbl light great lee garm littl camera movement asid storm sequenc hecht macarthutr care one thing get dialogu screen note hm blinkandyoullmissem cameo bum flophous sceneth notabl support player one alexand woolcott notori broadway columnist close friend macarthur coward appear one bitchi author alway kept wait recept room publish cowardcuri woolcott would agre film clearli lampoon legendari algonquin round tabl founder macarthur someth auxiliari memberth scoundrel actual oscar best stori though victori probabl due coward impos presenc brillianc plot coward woolcott dialogu rememb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'definit must see film excel director alain chabat also act ceasar manag captur essenc adventur astrix french comic book base upon creat fantast modern intellig comedi also homag world anim film movi funni full joke visual spoken might take two three screen notic burst laughter drawback nonfrench audienc least nonfrench speak audienc might get privat joke mani dialogu imposs translat mani situat directli relat either comic book french way life fun might lessen howev still total worth see beauti pictur amaz stunt music total crazi atmospher excel act actor great film would without jamel debouz grard darmon edouard baer pleas dont ever compar magnific film terribl previou one base comic book astrix et oblix contr csar direct claud zidi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought movi stun complet outstand perform valentina cervi artemisia gentileschicervi portray artemisia beauti tent yet confid manner hand map idea move model place passion artemisia give art spectacular watchalthough charact overtli beauti made film realist facial hair cloth perfect point timeoveral thought film fantast', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'consid bit connoisseur box movi one thing prevent call gentleman jim best box movi ever made robert wisepaul newman flick somebodi like movi might number 1 gentleman jim close number 2the movi doesnt chronicl rise jame j corbett also show sport box crucial time transit late 1800 box move away brutal day bareknuckl rule gentlemanli day glove marqui queensburi rule sport move away day illeg spectacl toward time accept respectabilitygentleman jim realist look day romantic ye even bit hokey time alway delight errol flynn perfect gentleman jim realli isnt gentleman mere fast talker work class famili alexi smith quit ravish upper class woman loveh relationship know cours love win match endat end gentleman jim great john l sullivan whose famou line lick man world courseromantic hand belt corbett truli one best scene sport move ever made realist wonder hey want realism watch rage bull instead much realist box movi gentleman jim lot fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi stapl wall chapel proof god truli dead one realli saw rather sleptwalk film movi ive ever seen theater regret walk demand money back dull even saw highland 2 quicken local cinema begin end gibson downey absolut chemistri two unlik cast togeth circumst eventu work togeth best buddi action littl goofi dull skullbon writer thank whatev deiti chortl us observ cinema there chanc air america 2', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'well there real plot speak excus show scene extrem violenc gratuit sex sometim fun case els say action happen invent there cool scene two charact fall skyscrap one sever mile high overal there much recommend kite watch want your miss much skip one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'best film derek coupl ever made think recommend havent seen other usual ingredi poorli act effort watch bo disrob audit wet tshirt contest quit frequent stori laughabl idiot film take much serious orang utan africabut thing go bo look great product valu set costum etc quit good greatli enhanc camp valu strang way actual quit funni simpli tri seriou fail badli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'peopl drift life move one thing one person next without bat eye other latch caus anoth person principl remain adam commit whatev figur liter give word stand differ made differ clay one charact film put make life interest peopl plain crazi though mayb that way live among mass know know take make thing life work writerdirector lisa krueger take shot use light approach examin thin line commit one get commit obsess commit star heather graham young woman adam commit obsess mayb littl bit crazi name jolin stori &#9; admittedli jolin alway commit person work relationship life gener she woman word stick matter marri carl luke wilson forev problem someon forgot tell carl 597 day marriag he gone find figur jolin realiz he come back refus give marriag mayb clay she made regardless leav home new york citi set find el paso texa place know keep distanc give space even let know she consid carl spiritu coma job keep spiritu vigil come sens watch wait life anyth dull encount young woman name carmen patricia velazquez waitress one local eateri carmen grampi alfonso arau someth mystic tbo mark ruffalo truck driver issu concern carl neil goran visnjic artist make pinata take fanci jolin journey discoveri learn lot carl even &#9; there touch humor touch romanc insight human natur quirki film character charact plot krueger present extrem well deliv film engag entertain charact real peopl want need imperfect make human condit rich eclect bunch tell stori see jolin pointofview krueger make us privi jolin thought therefor motiv put decid perspect event unfold along deliber pace set allow soak atmospher ambianc creat make effect piec storytel there underli serious subject matter krueger choos avoid anyth heavyhand deep concentr instead natur humor evolv peopl situat jolin encount result well textur affect upbeat look thing call life &#9; heather graham take hold role first frame film make jolin charact total creation immers part give perform convinc believ ad littl person trait nuanc make differ portray mere represent person one real film work imper jolin viabl believ graham succe front screen presenc never allur vibrant person even way use eye enough draw entir part charact creat there appeal jolin exud entir counten insid she likabl agreeabl person youv share innermost thought know good job way around begin way charact written way graham bring vibrantli life &#9; carmen patricia velazquez total engag well perform natur straightforward use instinct effect creat charact charismat presenc less flamboy give aspect attract downtoearth refreshingli open upfront get impress carmen one hold anyth back total honest front part appeal jolin charact well written velazquez bring convincingli life &#9; overal number notabl perform heart soul film includ luke wilson casey affleck jolin brother jay goran visnjic alfonso arau especi mark ruffalo tbo littl actual screen time manag creat memor charact &#9; support cast includ kim dicken jenni clea du vall mimi summer phoenix meg art alexaki new york car thief dylan baker carl editor mari kay place psychiatrist film say someth valu step back consid big pictur reflect upon go realli need commit enjoy experi ride definit worth take 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hohum inventorshorst buchholzdeadli biolog weapon danger fall wrong hand unknowingli sonluk perryha work antedot along enter cia agent olivia dabo catandmous car chase gunfir begin also cast aretom conti hendrick haes age roger moor moor seem haggardli move mess definit one better effort perri fan accept dabo wrong role nice look', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'note self never ever ever watch seriou movi charli sheen great comedian horribl seal movi make navi seal look like reckless group ranger fact elit form militari world charli sheen help destroy navi seal reput thank make incred select group individu look aw one worst action movi ever seen great stori could made amaz action movi charli sheen possibl passion stori sheen decid wreck funni comment', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi stupid there get around dumb dumber mind dumb dumber significantli funni howev one love see stupid movi tail sting laugh group good friend bad call callou see movi youll find way laugh laugh instead', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'look forward much big fan book howev came rememb think one biggest wast money time ive ever spent cinemain principl act set music excel main reason im rate 4in version sara littl selfsacrif tast way would deliber lie miss minchin stop punish girl book make point describ lie wick vulgar there also far much disneyfi end sara father come back dead trot indian sunset book happi critic might say equal improb end doesnt leav think oh puhleezeabout thing true book were1 sara father soldier 2 line sara father learn heartno know heart insid heart 3 sara friendship becki adopt lotti although last one wasnt develop much could 4 chang room ad variou luxuri item part brilliantli done 5 basic core rich girl flung poverti suddenli that ispeopl might say adapt younger audienc possibl say two cousin age 7 12 respect big fan film read bookif want feelgood famili film deliv your look film actual tell stori littl princess fact youv read book dont wast time one shame cast like theyd stuck least basic stori could fantasticam harp read book read book littl much probabl someon attempt adapt book especi classic movi least done thing prefer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'alway inaccur pictur homeless tv told lot lie panhandl earli 1990 made everyon look bad claim made 100 day 2040 day much closer realiti someon drove held sign offer work offer work actual went took work physic ableand would offer 100000 id damn sure invest apt prepaid least 2 year kept bank still left 1020000 nl 12 25 cash game casino usual alway win could win decent bankrol instead win 1000 month play alway minimum buy due want risk lose homeless caus didnt wanna risk spend money go broke sometim 10002000 sock slept outsid anyon want talk contact sevencard2003 yahoo messengeri admit differ homeless peopl though due fact never drank smoke took drug im longer homeless govt hous 177 month get ssi spend time win onlin poker mom sunflow diversifi work hard get ssi glad day hide stage convent center casino night sleep worri get caught secur final tv crew pick theyd lot sooner shame dont better select pick', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'realli enjoy watch movi like peopl watch wasnt sure get whoopi goldberg funni comedian done lot funni movi ie sister acthowev realli comedi drama comed moment look laugh riot keep lookingthi movi black famili move nice neighborhood citi upper middl class neighborhood would say think would spoil movi movi deal race relat white black also relat black commun think worth chanc realli interest see anoth movi race relat movi isnt', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'marin tell di accur portray date depict marin corp boot camp boy turn men jack webb excel sgtjim moor tough fair drill instructor pari island north carolina film center one recruit doesnt seem get program recent film full metal jacket also show life basic train well worth view', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'everi high prais word fell way short height movi movi true exampl psycholog horror movi beth plot seem bit confus first view definit explain bit what go realli want view second time second view start join piec togeth know amaz movi bea word advic slasher flick fan stay away movi dumb ass teenag slasher movi switch brain sit front screen see big bb lot bloodif want heighten psycholog horror factor movi watch alon great home theater system support dolbi digit dt 51ch without ill manner friend crack joke realli tens situat dont forget switch light offmi point differ aspectsdirect 910 act 810 atmospher 1010 sound effect 910total 910', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ken burn basebal decent documentari present clear origin game great depict basebal earli year hero there plenti movi basebal fan said film sever glare flaws18 hour simpli long human attent span clear burn stretch film fit nine inning concept even tight 18 hour pace everi segment slow almost moros music alway nostalg wist isnt basebal ever excit fun everi player accomplish present form tragedi talk head talk head turn everi pitch emot heartbreak yak basebal metaphor basebal americana psycholog theolog basebal enough syrupi mawkish drivel billi crystal sell us yanke hokum he sold us ken burn use nation anthem seri theme song manag play take ballgam mani time might vomit get dudeclearli burn neohollywood fauxliber spend probabl third film negro leagu segment spent chastis white yesterday openmind kenni today shame chide basebal segreg thirti forti fail realiz america segreg time burn fall head heel love buck oneil former negroleagu player drool everi piec footag elderli oneil wax poetic play day nonsenseburn would better adult help edit creation basebal wind mushi gushi civilright propaganda disguis americana clear burn basebal fan otherwis would know watch game laugh cheer weep recit soliloqui listen mr burn there cri basebal', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'quit may much exit preordain ident drug withdraw rural guy come beij class success must struck young artist face appeal separ root far surpass peasant parent act success troubl aris howev new man new demand big departur famili histori natur person ident ensu split confus imaginari real disson ordinari heroic stuff gut check one hand complet escap self hongshen slip latter long lone road back self grimbut except convinc particular honesti sensuous director zhang yang actor bring journey clich stereotyp rigid gender role requisit sex romanc violenc scene requisit street languag boot assum money float charact act whim hongshen jia midtwenti he talent actor impression vain idealist perhap emot starv perfect recip enabl soon he cool actor idol youth hot earli nineti alway fashion need extrem goe heavi metal adopt ear scarf act mean art friendsand role kind offer person challeng input selfcritic dull immediaci success open door irrat selfdoubt selfhatr didnt know act felt like phonyand readili avail drug counter say get high director want shallow ident actor becom via drug escap ident hongshen disengag drug fals life gradual intermittentand doggedli solitud space medit think speech refus replac therapi abstract great deal chang occur outdoorsnot ideal locat mainli green patch freeway bridg highris beij physic almost romant bike ride ritan park long spontan walk drench sun rain grassi picnic sky pattern kite absorb muse specif drift order arriv pick cue real realist ident start open say period retrospect contact seem start lanki bodi project kind dancer posit clumsi grace humor tell current circumst mind spirit lack leg compel walk night central comeback reject set role punctuat end act determin new ident smash video tv bang head till bloodi john lennon forev poster let icon antiestablish artistbut he viabl guid know even imagin john son yoko ono adopt mother mari intercessor hour dark time troubl wrench shake pain parkhallucinatori skitzoid ordeal music much real act say speak lennon influenc show new way mental institut lifesav appl resist nourish reflect lennon presenc hongshen need rehang hero poster redecor roomif lennon influenc spirit hongshen father influenc ground although father son actor user drug drink fegsen differ son underwrit chang father secur accept he chines peasant line peasant rural theater director exercis control habit emot recogniz ident drive hongshen treat like sound board sometim anger rage sometim humor blue jean beatl passiv craze violent exchang father accus liar fake expos father act act bullshit life bullshit hongshen emphat father softli repli cant peasant father two teacher much addit help mother sister friend inmat rehab inst make tangibl connect real whole self long term drug effect reced old ident indebted replac pride trust distrust integr banish black cloud edg soften human repeat endlessli releas strapdown incur refus medicin back home lard peasant soap fine rare true friendship begin evid back poignant backtoback fenc scene musician buddi hongshen say movi good chanc think life might add becom new actor one bound art life like lennon gain success without loss ident', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi countless time never fail charm home simplic sincer good great character cast love littl steam train play import support rolei confess fell love roberta 1970 still touch today shown tv new zealand christma day nicest present could', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'read review alex sander sic rather look rate 6 select choic ignor view public would seen desecr alien fantast dramat well made horrorscifi predat great scifiact messabout realli blame though saw alien versu predat averag grade 6 star connoisseur film frequent sitestop read fear ever suspens ridden plot ruin youright begin film ridicul explan offer predat ship overrunnot overrun alien ok mayb go throw alien earth hunt someth went wrong result alienpred hybrid rest crew realis sooner despit great technolog start actual coher interest part film idea perhap get realli ridicul alway leav disbelief strictli suspend door screen enter collect way couldnt herea father son hunt wood damag ship crash land view given would calcul least 10 odd mile away thick woodland man boy track alon find ship get face hug even point feel littl mainli face hugger almost comic rather scari movement action father seem like irrespons dumb redneck muppetan edgi thrillertyp scenario introduc excon return town near crash site met somewhat emotionless dull cop friend bu say introduc mean feebl attempt crap actor feel play slasherhorror element introduc sexi girl usual supposedli nerdi somehow undesir cute guy get beaten protect crazi nasti jock type american sportsman scottish man oh cutenot cute boy excon brother way ye theyr clever director brother whose name research order avoid shite put modern role revers oh bore attempt pc ripley credenti type charact introduct come femal soldier return home husband childguess happen next wont tell much actual smile sadli demis storytel larg major recent film plot case got far brightest star alienridden universeth predat stupid reason state previou poster whose post read late alien bore predatoralien ridicul action time exploit gratuit disgust nonsens hospit scene pregnant mother oh shock alright shock low peopl go get scare shock titil pervers realli want shock titil scare peopl pregnant expect father soul alienpred shag sauci women teenag girl rather kill charact depth neither plot film pace badli act disinterest peopl blame tarnish two rather interest good set scifi charact film rubbish gain enjoy realli worri havent seen well pleas make decisionp even mention way train soldier kill 20 second amateur civilian surviv throughout', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'even though saw film young alreadi knew stori wild thieftak shepherd famous escap newgat prisonapart liberti taken right end film less faith follow true stori temptat bend fact hallmark mani socal histor film resist film film maker must prais thatof perform scarc poor perform tommi steel ideal cast also good stanley baker thieftak alan badel good alwaysbecaus film stick fact make suitabl watch famili', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'gone wonder campi origin place cgrade action nobrain wich bad pale comparison origin meaningless sex violenc gone replac crappi joke unexplain plot pointer see dont expect thrill first', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'although american littl knowledg work star war alec guin produc amaz bodi workparticularli 1940s1950srang drama quirki comedi particularli love comedi welldon seem natur real screenfar differ usual fare hollywoodthi said film spark interest movi plot odd cute unlik film would made anywhereexcept eal studioswhich particular fond littl film like oneguin nerdi littl scientist work textil compani want experi order creat synthet fabric indestruct though work compani research janitori work tend sneak lab either day one suspect night tri hand invent repeatedli caught blew lab given boot one day actual succe despit import discoveri set complet unanticip chain eventsand fun beginsth film wonder satir poke fun industri union govern peopl gener', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'victor mclaglen perform one finest film historyi think feel gypo weve struggl right isnt wrong one first arthous pictur releas major american movi studio rko radio picturesjoseph h august cinematographi best howev august stun portion mostli overlook didnt receiv oscar nomin rightli deservedthi psycholog drama thought philosophi sad convey littl word possibl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'take cast experienc wellknown actor put togeth stupid movi nimrod antel answer armor six cowork armor car busi decid steal larg shipment cash get first base plan everyth unravel quickli plot like youd think couldnt bad least action movi howev first 40 minut movi see appear 6 normal everyday kind guy joke laugh drink togeth etc suddenli learn theyr plan rob busi hero ty columbu short suck scheme cold cruel world even though he decor veteran nice guy reliabl employe oh oh last 40 minut film former regular guy nearli turn moneycraz psycho will butcher cash last scene mike matt dillon goe suicid rampag reason kill former friend viewer hint end men ruthless bloodthirsti utterli unbeliev b movi almost kind sort cheesi plot would say dont wast timetoo bad one gave laurenc fishburn jean reno fred ward advic make pictur', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'sexploit movi era late sixti earli seventi began allow gratuit nuditi mainstream film end legal hardcor porn peak year 1968 1972 one love talent actress era monica gayl small fanat cult follow actual abl act unlik mani fill lead role flick subsequ credit prove seemingli deliber fade obscur right career take heighten mystiquegari graver director also talent probabl talent sexploit genr skill combin monica gayl screen presenc make sandra make woman pleasantli enjoy experi film never drag wont finger press fastforward button', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'surprisingli good movi one turn type film ive look age particularli import fantasticlook chicago still keep think back cover doesnt film justic superb top5 sure', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'expect much film boyoboy expect movi bad chri rock show good act cant get feel caract real think movi would bit better drama romant scene would less part movi morebett humor involv movi like film maker bad hangov make make dont show singl smile bad film gave three ten smile gave never laugh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant believ peopl like movi thought funniest movi ever seen bc mel brook biggest fan know almost word get discourag censor play famili channel one favorit movi dont know one would disagre thank kristina', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'flynn known mostli swashbuckl role bedroom antic take differ tack film work beauti play reallif box champ jim corbett flynn turn charm full blast make way stifl san francisco bank teller celebr pugilist set one eye societi deb smith best pal carson attend illeg bareknuckl fight arrest along score men dog includ promin judg next day get chanc via smith gain entranc judg privat club use opportun weasel way good grace exclus member land spot club resid boxer unusu adept skill sport soon take comer includ world champion john l sullivan bond flynn downright magic epitom charm charisma appeal role look terrif especi hangov scene hair muss wear white union suit virtual stuntwork impress line deliveri delici credibl sympathet time duplicit rascal smith exud class tast everi pore good match flynn stage need femal costar could stand advanc reput undergo statutori rape charg time admir repuls fresh cavali attitud yet hardli help fall enchant spell bond incred burli brawni tower yet tender script call amus support provid young ebulli carson frawley depend cantanker self flynn manag rest cast excel well includ flynn rambuncti famili assort stuffi nob hill type whole thing beauti appoint secur direct set amazingli present smith gown border garish suit upswept hairstyl well terrif glimps earliest day championship box also much like charact trait shown flynn enhanc exagger entertain purpos lot authent like method costum shown fight scene one line particularli memor believ like like entir possibl love love classic romant dialogu zinger sprinkl throughout script well', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'often laugh loud funni play sex famili class beverli hill milk laugh zip code seen sinc day granni jed clampett plot center two chauffer whove bet one bed employ singl soon singl ladi quit sexi bisset woronov first manuel win friend pay debt violent asian street gang lose must play bottom man friend lot raunchi dialogu fairli sick physic humour etc lot comedi beneath surfac bartel memor sensual oder member famili end take sexi teenag niec year long missionari trip africahilari fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought provok humbl depict human tragedi war small altruist view one famili interact enemi civil war kentucki movi lessen glamor war show effect soldier entir famili unita lot today movi show war opportun highlight hero glamor featur war littl attempt show true effect war actual take commun movi attempt retel person memori day movi state loos translat actual event realiti movi probabl factual realiti hundr perhap thousand actual event civil war highli recommend interest civil war watch movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon els notic fact first bunch episod inspir much 90 flicksi mean serious wife tri get someon els murder rich husband claim asset med student temporarili stop heart reach memori lost flatlin bunch colleg bodi get togeth reminisc old day fulli comfort someth past bad thing groundhog day one time favorit movi sadli enough write staff behind turd bunch lazi bastard come origin scriptsnobl idea total fubar execut', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'elvira mistress dark one fav movi everi thing would want film like great one liner sexi star outrag stori seen miss one greatest film made cant wait till new movi come', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi hallmark channel thought wonder especi sinc base true man pierc brosnan good loner english man took persona half breed grey owl photographi beautifulthi movi made research charact archi belaney known simpl grey owl want read much time know richard attenborough direct surpris like movi whether act direct gave highest rate howev would like seen movi took persona show two aunt rais room housey cant go wrong movi like enjoy beauti stori without hear foul languag contriv special effect everi minut', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'despit absolut horrid script later film still vagu watchabl star two excel actor barbara stanwyck henri fonda asid one two real stinker id probabl watch anyth film huge fan hollywood golden age 1930 40 howev matter much love film cant recommend filmth movi begin fonda stanwyck vacat ski resort two havent yet met film begin loudli obnoxi scene fonda horribl yodel ski done unsubtli made teeth grind stuck outespeci fonda fell snow bank stop yodel hindsight perhap turn fonda knock fall barbara goe help back ski lodg seem okay fortun also doctor xray nurs back health turn becom infatu propos despit hardli know marri far film seem like sweet slight romant comedyonc home howev isnt rosi jump right back job famili doctor begin exhibit sign control potenti danger man due jealousi film play laugh frankli fonda behavior realli creepyspi male patient attack threaten man treat trip patient alreadi back injuri stomp surpris parti insist everyon men women steal away wife come combin sociopath paranoid schizophren suppos laugh consid seem like danger nut would think stanwyck would file annul along restrain order oddli get mad cant stay mad fonda he cant think right wordcreepi come mind later blue multimillionair fonda get job work counter depart store magic think bab seem assum hostil violent jealousi thing pastso job appar cure anger suspicion job fall film end fonda buy hospit give barbara job live happili ever dont go stori assum base fonda charact spent time hospit administr beat male patientsth first portion ski lodg next fit well togeth final horatio alger inspir section rich boy made good busi world like three separ plot despit seriou problem film seem excus away domest violenc delusion jealousi creepi littl film thank good neither fonda stanwyck known yechi film love film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'find critiqu mani imdb user littl harsh mani case find crit movi profession viewpoint guy street want sit watch someth get away allin case howev say bad scifi junki noth movi grab even one secondther proper storylin may idiot still know govern worri piecesth pathet attempt main charact put togeth 3 piec scari half time two piec alreadi place simpli add third 3 year old kid would abl put togetherthi movi baddomin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'debat movi 2012 chose inglouri basterd due amazingli high imdb rate must say disappoint expect certain amount gratuit violenc also expect lot witti dialog got huge dosag former nearli enough latter felt shortchang ratio violenc plot import think movi get total wrong plot believ realli entertain either save time money cant believ rate say gori violent tast modern mass', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'bend like beckham pack intrigu scene yet overal predict stroy line girl call jess tri achiev life long dream becom famou soccer player final get chanc offer posit local team mani boundari limit face hold back yet still determin strive would recommend anyon like nice light movi want get inspir peopl achiev song choic realli good hush child move upto destin make boundari complic anyway hope help need review bend like beckham great flick', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'direct dian keaton adapt book franz lidz young mother selma lidzandi macdowelli battl seriou ill self proclaim inventor husband sidjohn tururroi littl lack emot depart unhappi new home situat sensit son stevennathan wattdecid want stay two eccentr uncl dannymichael richardsand melvinl cutelluntil mom well steven seem happier even take interest strang uncl live habit even decid want chang name franz set earli 60 drama bit comedicchang zani macdowel fan unstrung hero assur attitud albeit enjoy film total wast', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'perhap grip intellig crook cop movi otto preming sidewalk end realli excel script ben hecht base novel night cri frank rosenbergdana andrew honest tough new york policeman alway troubl superior like strongarm method much detest crook hit someon knuckl hurt man want hit smooth villain gari merril point titl alway tri push gutter ask andrew much right sidewalk youdana andrew obsess neurosi implant hidden pain discoveri son thief deep hatr crimin led use illeg method destroy pursuit justic becam spoil privat vendettabi twist ironi uniqu film dana andrew gene tierney laura unit andrew seem play detect year later longer romant beaten job cheap crook time goe far accident kill suspect kill accident victim worthless yet crime know break send jailus knowledg polic procedur cover part crime plant fals clue tri implic gang leader cannot avoid investig case doubl tension follow larger case conclus without implic murder beauti maintain final solut logic satisfi way compromiseth film one best detect film 50 curiou moral valu also one preming best preming use power storytel techniqu project pretenti camera angl peculiar touch bizarr order extern suspens realism', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'sum overlong fill subplot swiss chees hole director cowrit say want mix genr case drama comedi well least two mix like vinegar oil boot comedi funni juvenil addit film realli realist liberti taken regard legal system commit french citizen appar eas abscond drug french hospit watch film big screen tv home found shout film move eventu toward end fast forward final long speech one main charact make exlov son time worn preposter confus plot deal dead lover marriag conveni nutti exlov time plot divert famili two main charact revert back one either ismael primarili nora detriment audienc viewpoint keep chang nora ismael exlov confin psychiatr hospit probabl two potenti interest film neither well develop epilogu realli wrap mani subplot seem want viewer believ nora somehow find happi although given circumst real life chanc equival snow ball chanc hell actor best appeal enough overcom glare fault poor write edit lack focu', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'incomprehens dread mishmash probabl notori roman emperor went insan leav infam parti orgi ruthless kill path know sever version base 102 min one watch cant fathom possibl make differ lift rest movi muckid heard long alleg shock content sexnud honestli isnt much bore blood bewar technic product amateurish well truli shock everyth look plain simpli like junior film school flunk project camerawork hopelessli inept full strang zoom fail frame confus pan mostli look like huge theater stage complet graini cheapish photo qualiti light color scheme terribl uneven day night outsid chang scene meant shot edit final sin make confus mess everyth randomli jumpi cutaway continu flaw random transit destroy chanc momentum stori progress involv potenti interest dialog equal interest true histor stori fault distract much tragica stori mani possibl great one gargantuan burnt fellinilik turkey that good gobblelaugh peter otool make memor tiberiu oh ye bring us bignam actor id like line one one ask get free access bonk orgi part ive wast enough line one truli worst film time period1 10 ozjepp', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon edit film dvd releas huge thirti second gap scene ok though fell asleep watch first time fell asleep second time third time plot actual worst ive seen close act worst ive seen eitherbut close product well honestli say worst ever seen life tri spite unhing could use productionpleas dont think im hater horror film even didnt enjoy film felt laugh film much felt laugh along gruesom moment poorli done could done better even shoestr budgetcharact seem awkwardli develop ignor togeth twist end pretti bad exposit took forev without expos muchid recommend avoid movie110', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ride high success rebel without caus came tidal wave teen movi arguabl one best young mcarthur excel realli troubl teen stori concentr percept delinqu traumat occurr support cast memor frankenheim direct like old pro stori young man find other take action much serious', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'comment movi posit thought would tri redress balanc came movi wonder go know still consid poor movi intial discount dream sequenc seem obviou glad free ticket movi would ask money back movi review critic love movi confirm would rather sound intellig review audienc may enjoy film 8 rate movi mislead 20 year time film compar true great godfath film fine perform lead isnt enough save film lesbian scene', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'pepe le moko play charl boyer sort intern crimin mastermind want countri throughout europ stay free hole casbah mysteri part algier even polic reluct go senior offic sent pari captur le moko le moko although casbah allow remain polic custodi also becom sort prison time place cant leav moment know hell arrestedboy perform good understand nomin oscar captur essenc charact perfect combin danger yet classi time movi unfortun quit letdown number part stori seem inconsist ill mention two first idea polic wouldnt enter casbah state pretti clearli begin film local command yet repeat refer movi suggest fact polic enter casbah fairli regularli neither suggest commission janvier polic wouldnt enter statement inspector sliman also decent perform joseph calleia could get casbah seem make much sens also found difficult believ le moko harden crimin mastermind could quickli swept feet gabi hedi lamarr point entertain local populac sing love song leav casbah find essenti give understand ironi final scene cours pepe leav freedom prison casbah find real freedom captur he shot kill polic found imposs believ someon like le moko would fall trapthi worth watch boyer lesser extent calleia stori disappoint inconsist 310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'man scream brain certainli isnt perfect movi im pretti sure never meant anyth star vehicl bruce campbel mean work kind summari entir career slapstick sarcasm chees action happi end campbel writer uneventher lot thing stori dont make great deal sens robot suddenli breast mere femal brain implant scene feel like retread better incarn scene restaur yegor william battl control william bodi straight evil dead ii howev lot littl touch nonsequitur feel rather brilliant william height panic scream statu look movi look like scifi channel origin probabl act actual pretti good particularli enjoy tamara gorski tatoya ruthless cun ye seem tragic air certain moment stori never explor ted raimi handl standard bumbl assist role admir enough bruce funni arrog sardon condescend american jerk he write film youd think hed give role hasnt typecast alreadi man scream brain bizarr nonsens bmovi ought enjoy anybodi avoid take cinemat experi serious', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'never ever even consid watch movi absolut aw isnt overstat unbeliev exagger get bore movi taken stori plot sever movi put togeth one writer hasnt abl pull good wayif youd like see pretti girl bikini brain might movi still plug ear watch worth listeningp mani great movi could choos one would last movi would pick choic enjoy', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'tell truth im bit stun see posit review mani peopl also main reason actual decid see movi seen realli disappoint come guy love genr movieim surpris movi complet like kid movi nuditi absolut reason involv littl children curs swear im righteou realli gone far accountsynopsi stori two guy got send big brother program reckless behavior met one kid boob obsess mediev freakjust name self realli connect stori role model anyth serv time done stori predict though expect humor lame havent alreadi seen charact play mc lovin mani movi like sasquatch gang think laugh thrice almost fell sleepwel cast alright one produc screenplay act soso expect your watch type movi direct one expect guy brought us wet hot american summer movi also suck somehow alway manag bring star attract horrend movieanyway felt total riff complet wast time nake scene seem best part movi cant realli see point recommend anyonepro elizabeth bank two topless scenescon funni dread stori nuditi kid mix togetherr 3510 grade f', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film held interest enough watch sever time plot hole lead perform make workcatherin mari stewart julia kerbridg great job woman 37 sacrif everyth els becom physician work year earn money go medic school perform brilliantli resid take board exam realiz dreammeanwhil julia sister brotherinlaw murder nearest live rel compel take niec amanda arlen aguayostewart avoid becom ward state amanda 7 year old appear amanda traumat parent murder becom mute needless say julia 16hour day get longer care amandarob low play kevin finney charm neighbor man apart build work way live julia amanda alway trick joke help amanda deal distress amanda realli start warm kevin film progress perhap aunt julia start reli kevin take load care amanda attempt handl case load prepar board examin kevin alway whenev crisi erupt juliath chemistri rob catherin mari great keep watch see get togeth end film chemistri rob arlen good well arlen manag convey quit lot without benefit word plot julia amanda gradual warm see work relationship film progressesw discov julia sister brotherinlaw meyer involv industri espionag stole extrem valuabl prototyp microchip employ three associ intend share proce theft julia discov meyer plan skip countri assum ident plot unclear whether meyer intend doubl cross associ doubl crossedin case meyer murder home 2 former associ killer make attempt extract locat microchip meyer kill killer search home fail find prize leav live wit crime amanda killer spend remaind film make clumsi attempt extract microchip julia amanda idea prize locat eventu killer kidnap amanda hope know someth microchip locationeventu julia discov truth kevin investig hire recov stolen microchip rough moment relationship manag rescu amanda dispatch bad guy predict end three form famili move happili futur togetherwhat struck plot major hole kevin move apart build julia amanda day murder meyer know microchip alreadi hand killer killer blith leav fingerprint murder scene concern conceal ident killer pretend psychiatrist reveal amanda remnant red paint murder scene shoe sole shown murder scene start film weak along line numer mentionth film could lot better script refin film fill plot hole would ad littl expens greatli improv effort', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'like previou poster northern vermont inclin like film howev sinc red zone cuba seen confus plot thing peopl bootleg make sens two gang paddl across border send second parti across car uhm meet two other drive night bad guy hideout luxuri packard wouldnt two peopl flatb truck make sens park outsid garag hold target hooch four fall asleep waken morn start haul whiskey cours theyr spot shot lose preciou cargo process two smuggler put whiskey boat float border told someon whose great uncl realli smuggl area one need drive vehicl could outrun us canada border patrol back fraction resourc dont get start last half hour made sens whatsoeverth good thing say film kri kristopherson actual grown charisma year', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'may contain spoiler movi worst movi ever couldnt even watch bad film actual wors scarecrow slayer say whole lot wors terror toon least terror toon funni time even gore film good shoot fake act wors pleas favor skip one see rental store run way noth good film want see good scarecrow movi watch night scarecrow pumpkin head want see ok new cheesi movi watch scarecrow rate movi 02 10 that horribl film realli worst movi ever', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch last night bowl heartfelt stori line excel charact develop good karmic vibe eman act movi wholewithout give away much plot begin ordinari joe commut offic job everi day becom inspir take danc lesson along way protagonist assort charact meet quest smooth danc floor learn lesson other stori prologu danc japan symbol sociolog isnt exactli simpl learn danc japan us film lightheart youll laugh loud sight gag yet also dignifi way hard describ film charact taken serious none diminish imperfections think take social danc class friend happen friend lent video learn danc synchron think im realli geek give tri watch wonder famili film small children might get teen certainli would smile genuin care see shown time againwhi would make remak shall danc mysteri perfect asi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'recap someth mysteri dens transmit radio signal discov ice antarctica mysteri block dug brought research station antarctica julian rome former setiwork brought deciph messag problem one research old girlfriend situat quickli turn awkward especi sinc femal research practic throw block ice thing insid melt unnatur quickli soon object open mysteri continu though object gener huge amount electr decid open object done julian decod signal open late object explod final breach two thing unleash earth first alien dormant object viru instantli kill research staff washington suspici updat histor event decid thing unleash upon earth russian nuclear submarin carri nuclear weapon sent antarcticacom movi hold surpris one carl lewi surprisingli put good act perform special effect beauti well work lot better expect unfortun stori hold lot surpris time good way actual full plot hole sometim movi seem consist almost randomli connect scene never realli explain washington know much washington abl command russian submarin object antarct woken realli puzzl alien pod transmit understand english might want explain alien earth knew languag obvious chose english confus nice alien appar want save earth viru send open messag encod final end open end beth movi littl entertain much energi must divert fill void plot therefor total impress movi good310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi featur charli spradl danc strip club beyond featur truli bad script dull unrealist dialogu got mani posit vote suggest peopl may joke', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'check imdb rent dvd netflix id coupl hour life back im frankli suspici see film director also wrote case accord credit guy writter director unfortun indic overal qualiti product interest moment eg judi tenuta scene remind earli comedi routin tout judyism led rate two star rather one moment howev far almost get see open sequenc nearli incomprehens mention reprehens violenc admit went back watch part see miss someth would help figur id seen whole thing nope though least recogn charact would turn import later spin camera techniqu overus essenti pointless found talk tv screen good sake get recommend', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'endless bound inhuman kind never fail stun truli astonish stori horrif abus larg unheardof popul compel welldocu enrag american constantli humili countri behaviour anoth long catalogu intern debas suck probabl first john pilger documentari ive seen immedi made want see els he done complaint reason gave film 8 10 pilger show us travesti appal collabor us uk govern demand viewerscitizen complicit inactionbut make suggest help dont know britain america made nearli imposs citizenri take part govern do gestur right direct might help island caus', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'flick bad beyond beliefeven independ low budget filmit well sucksi cant even believ even troma would put crapi fan troma flick yearstox avengersqueez playrockabilli vampir name fewbut lloyd come onthi goe way beyond boundari tasteit featur worst act imaginablei think would possibl find unemploy street peopl could goodohwait didi mean itthes charact neg charismawith luck produc director film huge karmic debt atrocitya special effect peoplebut beyond terribl act horrid special effectsth dialogu absolut traumat earsth script full plot hole size alaska sever continu problemsth worst part howev entertain even smallest wayand unforgiv sin film makingbut dont take word itgo wast four buck rent itjust dont say didnt warn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'memor spaghetti western great storylin interest charact good act especi rosalba neri role evil villai film truli classic steal everi scene express much face eye even she speak perform believ manag quit mesmer without top there anyth wrong top mark damon surprisingli good movi tooth music score excel theme song kind play head constantli day see movi whether want coupl part amus especi like part rosalba neri undress front parrot there also lot slick gunplay that well donei would probabl given movi 8 9 star wasnt two thing first silli bar room brawl occur 25 minut film one ridicul look fight ever seen movi poorli choreograph look like danc number bad music kind real fight one might abl overlook terenc hillbud spencer comedi seriou western brawl realli need realist thing annoy movi yuma cowardli mexican sidekick guess suppos comic relief someth charact plain stupid unnecessari movi like wasnt funni say tuco need said let assur everyon read johnni yuma classic spaghetti western despit fault mention fan genr need see movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'plot michael linnett connor done everyth film direct look 1st big chanc discov molli play know big film star sign contract stipul must direct produc agre big time career way follow recreat silent film era earli sound movi great emphasi comedi oh ye there romanc littl sad perform amech alic fay top notch music real plu old familiar tune heard lot dvd extra well restor version releas 2008 must emphas movi stori 1st tribut silent film later year would bring similar film singin rain1952 dick van dykecarl reiner comic1969 special film though recreat silent movi 1939 see portion cinema audienc would bygon eraalthough sound effect includedin gloriou bw rest movi pristin color one greatest silent era buster keaton point uphil climb use superbl 2 silent film recreat scene top game said input scene well real reason watch movi motion pictur histori fan beyond everyth els hollywood cavalcad mack sennett film legaci doesnt take geniu realiz movi posit rework mack sennett mabel normand life charact michael linnett connor mack sennett whose real name michael sinnott molli cours mabel sennett pie throw bath beauti keyston cop work buster keaton ben turpincameo rosco fatti arbucklebodi doubl fell love lead ladi sennett technic advis film appear well film viewer today prefer sound featur associ short subject silent left pastur mack sennett fell categori fortun hollywood cavalcad sennett cours instrument evolut comedi movi career start 1908 actor writer director produc semi retir 1935 500 film credit work best charli chaplin gloria swanson bing crosbi wc field keaton harri langdon arbuckl even roy rogersin way thara film comedi extrem difficult path continu entir career mack play wise select work next 25 year 1931 receiv academi award short subject categori anoth 1937 lifetim work 1940 presenc still felt eg come coeds1945wher recreat oyster soup scene use mack wander willies1926i done 1947 road hollywood use sennett crosbi film 2 year later brought nostalgia film memori lane particip knack alway associ right peopl guest role etern popular lawrenc welk radio show came later year 1950 brought rereleas greatest triumph tilli punctur romance1914 sound 1952 honor tv life autobiographi king comedy1954 great companion piec hollywood cavalcad publish 1955 brought concret associ abbott costello cameo ac meet keyston kop final 1957 anoth tribut compil film golden age comedi watch hollywood cavalcad legaci motion pictur pioneer film banquet scene camera pan guest long tabl get silver hair mack alon turn head camera say rise give speech short later subdu underplay word given mental convey know influenc comedi never end peopl forget mack sennett individu mayb movi help', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'got run joke around bonanza fatal women get involv cartwright men ben cartwright three time widow son marriag woman got involv adam hoss littl joe go end die couldnt get rid formula widow three son start classic tv westernperhap bonanza done today writer would revolv women charact came live cartwright peopl relationship go good good life less demand hero today relationship one goe south dont kill charact keep survivor nobil intact that bonanza done todaybut still expect lot western hero bonanza though took take hold chang view time nbc certainli help secret bonanza success nobl patriarch ben cartwright stalwart son ben cartwright ideal tv dad genr want name whole life spent hard work build immens ponderosa spread three children kid differ person came togeth pinchth cartwright becam still american institut daresay peopl care famili kennedi popular bonanza syndic testifi pernel robert oldest son adam written show rumor didnt care nobl cartwright charact felt border sanctimoni perhap done hed like better way describethi begin michael landon mani peopl get three hit tv show credit landon also highway heaven littl hous prari creativ control littl joe youngest hot head romant cartwright robert left show kept go two younger son big dan blocker left heart went bonanza charact ad time david canari tim matheson ben cartwright adopt young mitch vogel big loyal littl thick hoss easili lovabl cartwright sudden demis surgeri left big hole familyso cartwright ponderosa pass histori got real tast america took cartwright heart visit real virginia citi doesnt look anyth like see bonanza near lake taho see ponderosa map open credit cartwright home set maintain open tourist attract like 21 baker street sherlock holm fan ranchhous cartwright realand werent real', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'year ago darl lili play tv alway pan scan version hate decid wait see film proper widescreen format saw inexpens dvd juli andrewsblak edward opu decid purchas watch allboy terribl film bad mani level realli know start describ goe horribl wrong look obviou fan movi blake edward creat star vehicl wife simpli mani director struck gold andrew music mari poppin sound music thoroughli modern milli etc also andrew snub star project made famou stage juli camelot fair ladi etc hollywood thought wasnt sexi glamor enough blake creat stillborn effort showcas wife bizarr concoct spi storywar movieromanceslapstick comedymus darl lili suffer multipl person never know specif scene good effect whole doesnt work point embarrassingmind version dvd director cut case let salvag whatev notori box offic flop releas dvd edward cut 19 scene 19 origin bloat theatric version streamlin yet remark ineffect version film move along idea 25 minut still dont know what go watch what go kind spi lili power ever respons someon death instead watch thoroughli bore look rock hudson tri woo thoroughli bore look juli andrew thing arent help much inexplic reason two fall love juli fall hudson men got involv one ex hang around tri win back tri deciph secret would given us much need contrast muddl action would also given us impetu sluggish proceed there catalyst storyon look cut scene clearli see edward writer came idea inspir andrew edward previou success best worst exampl scene andrew hudson follow group children sing middl forest edward channel sound music wonder remov dvd back 1970 scene might work certain level today moment reek desper plot element directli inspir andrewsedward film endless scene dogfight inspir much better modern milli music moment ill give three guess creat make fun juli mari poppin persona turn raunchi juli stripteas act end bird eye view juli run toward hudson plane anoth wink sound musicth whole thing confus juli play singer born german father british mother live england sing english song pari never know exactli stori take place moment badli edit like juli uncl horseback talk talk juli suddenli sprint midsent im like happen hereth comedi bit unfunni cringeworthi everi scene french polic pathet where peter seller realli need action stupid beyond belief juli uncl way germani train hudson squadron shoot round bullet train almost kill lili process brilliant what also funni scene two leav train middl night hudson squadron reach train even though fli next morn that one slow move train music moment begin best part entir film reason gave film 3 star effect diminish consider repeat end speak redund realli need see cancan danc crepe suzett strip scene juli strip girl man land ok even bleed obviou moment doesnt make sens whatsoev lili sing group injur soldier french hospit make wonder mani soldier injur indirectli result spyingth whole project listless without energi romanc 100 unbeliev rock hudson way old tire look check museum scene juli look daze like she valium realli kill illconceiv project juli play german spi edward desper want dispel mari poppin syndrom afflict wife believ play traitor good career decis much like juli she greta garbo pull beauti mata hari funni enough even juli play german spi still come across cloy cutehow bad darl lili even 37 year sinc releas blake edward felt still need work dvd releas', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seri made televisin espaola tve basic seri chapter life ordinari famili 1968 primarili seen eye youngest sonbas background histor event may 1968 student upris franc decay franco regim war vietnam rise imperi other specif relat spanish life particular moment one might regard seri simpl compil characterist foibl make appar kind entertainmentgener treat lightweight vein though lack certain moment might call dramat seri would seem aim peopl around fifti rember time state anyon younger either choos ignor happen busili occupi thingsth best thing said seri ana duato rle mother three children play part total housewif time realli well manifest peculiar spanish penchant especi notic among women let think do carri forward impetu heart without resort use brain say spain common sens one least common sens imanol aria offer littl apart usual stereotyp hard policeman televis seri inde actor trust anyth tv seri resourc limit howev part father workingclass household badnot realli recommend audienc even spanishspeak latin america theme parochi relat specif spot contemporari spanish histori viewer live time miss refer even probabl certain situat caus spanish smile would mean anyth viewer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'want 99 minut life back wast pathet excus movi act horrif use fan cameron diaz vincent donofrio never look keanu reev dan aykroyd surpris everyon know never could act thank dan attempt accent accent disast expect think either confus locat film never actual spoken anyon minnesota hope review help anyon undecid preciou time reason abl sit whole movi stuck somewher without anyth better watch read', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one favorit movi overlook mani movi goer observ mystifi direct acclaim ang leeit mani young actor becom major star eg tobey maguir spiderman skeet ulrich jericho jonathan rhi meyer tudor jame caviezel simon baker mark ruffalo jeffrey wright tom wilkinson jewel act superb actor mention gave memor perform especi meyer portray evil villain kill sake killingwhen biographi accomplish director even academi award actor list film usual omit past perform discov film dvd accid becam one often watch film howev seldom everi seen cabl look forward read other suggest reason film well known', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'nice see romant comedi prissi man lead solid act male lead also femal lead although stori littl long littl clich cant help like iti think stori littl rush end extend would made stori even longer superior romant comedi 100 day mr arrog possibl tie tutor friendit would make interest introduct korean cinema great sassi girl still good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi seventi none captur truest essenc good versu evil battl sentinel mean ye movi like exorcist one none captur human element protagonist like one time check one may abl get past date devic stori worth get intothen star soontob star absolut favorit eli wallach sylvia mile burgess meredith subtl clue lead what go pay close attent watch four time catch smaller weird statement like black white cat black white cake plu book realli good well im sorri theyr go turn second book film scari would outdo movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'appar second remak film film 1911 1918 mani way remind later film yank oxford film concern conceit blowhard arriv one top school world ultim show blowhard slowli learn teamwork decenc film william hain tom brown main rival bob play franc x bushman support role jack pickfordalway rememb brother mari three pickford come best sympathet loser becom tom palh actual decent scene well dramat moment big game standard clich movi done mani time sinc offer surpris howev pleasant film enjoy viewingin opinion better silent colleg film tri harold lloyd freshmanit footbal scene frankli excit harold far likabl sympathet annoy tom brown freshman probabl best colleg pictur find era anoth reason brown harvard lesser pictur william hain play essenti unlik bombast charact plot westpoint smart set among othersand youv seen one film youv seen well made certainli origin rehash film anyon give film score 10 strongli advis see films42508i check saw small film highest rate film imdb 1920 talk overr dozen dozen better filmshow film got 1 anyon guess', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi illustr like state australian film industri everyth that hold backawesom talent outstand perform particularli victoria hill let practic everi wayan adapt sort brought noth new macbeth set presentday australia enough essenti complet fail justifi exist apart let face complet unnecessarili pay homag origin work there one bodi work done done done done shakespear adapt selfindulg pointless exercis need least bring new interpret workand that macbeth fail done film contemporari relev whatsoev piec seen countless mani time except gun differ outfitsapart fundament blunder way put keep origin shakespearian dialogu one cring moment movi prolong incred bore slow motion shoot toward end complet tune even though look screen never thought short attent span goi suppos movi succe limit term australia continu produc worldclass act talent moviemak need stop proud succeed limit term actual set high enough standard show respect kind act talent work witha shame absolut shame', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'owen love mammaonli hed love better six feet dark laughoutloud comedi star direct danni devito admir assist billi crystal ann ramsey titl rolethrow momma train terrif comedi even isnt great film shallow part end feel less organ tack gutsplit ride way crystal devito employ great screen chemistri work separ comic take essenc struggl writer devito avid untal crystal block bittercryst professor donner believ exwif stole book unfortun titl hot fire cant write open line next book doesnt come easi teach creativ write class bud mediocr includ middleag woman write tom clancytyp fiction doesnt know thing submarin captain speak upholsteri salesman want write stori life mr pinski probabl funniest charact laughsperminutesonscreen ascotwear weirdo see literatur excus write opu 100 girl id like porkthen there devito owen lift call professor donner star pupil even though teacher wont read work class owen somewhat unusu charact star movi manchild late 30 live overbear mother ann ramsey call lardass endear sentiment movi wed ask feel sorri owen throw momma train pile life cruelti onto sad sack laugh expect us go along that one big reason film probabl lose lot peoplefor us enjoy humor charact even identifi take rest see lark big stretch go along bigger gambit comedi take ask us watch amus owen enlist professor donner help plan kill mother actual first goe hawaii kill donner hate ex tell professor turn kill mr lift swap murder seen hitchcock stranger traina director devito complement actor perform sceneset place accent dialogu make bold visual statement throw bit amus unreal keep audienc toe away take thing seriouslyalso help matter writer stu silver keep laugh come quotabl patter got rat size oldsmobil she womansh termin one littl murder im jack ripper crystal word funniest line work context absolut kill devito ramsey appar silver never wrote anoth screenplay accord imdb that shame real talent itth best scene movi crystal meet ramsey actual use entireti theatric come attract present time ive seen movi promot way owen introduc professor mother cousin patti momma say doesnt cousin patti panicki owen lose lie yell slam professor forehead panof cours realiti professor wouldnt groan someth witti floor throw momma train work effect moment play looney tune vibe worth devito hasnt disappear film cours mysteri hasnt realli follow directori promis movi mayb throw momma train lack mainstream success show kind vision isnt everyon tast that bad us watch like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'compel thriller 10 decemb 2005 authorlittlehammer16787 unit statesjust causestarringsean connerylaur fishburn blair underwooda liberalthough goodheart harvard law professor paul armstrong convok flordia everglad unjustli convict black guy bobbi earlconfess sadisticcoldheart cop vilifyi beat pulp get confess gruesom murder eleven year old girl dig mysteri case realiz bobbi earl victim discriminationthat black polic detect lttanni brown small commun corrupt villain mean infamouspsychot serial killer blair sullivan introducedh discov know locat murder weapon butcher littl girlwhen armstrong find lucid coincid sullivan road trip small town letter person wrote bobbi earl get retriali unfett prison elud horrif punish seem swimmingli well unexpect phone call serial killer sullivan come focusarmstrong discov lurid doubl kill happen sullivan parentswhom immens detestssullivan divulg armstrong truth joani shriver heinou murder brought hereit turn bobbi earl psychopath murder realli rape kill joani shriverh mere struck bargain fiendish psycho sullivan get loos could kill revengeupon armstrong beauti wife daughternow sullivan execut death armstrong tough good guy brown chase malevol villain everglad order thwart himwhen arriv armstrong learn psychot sicko bobbi earl plan kill wife daughter former rape trial inevit made endur agon pain castrationbut goodvirtu cop brown emerg thwart brutal baddiei stab eaten ruthlessman alligatorspaul armstrongtanni brownhi wifeand daughter surviv live happili ever good thriller worksdeliv mysteri subterfugehow reluct black haze racist lawmensentenc unfair penaltieseven though sometim wrong convict innoc friendli black man may truth viciou baddi sean conneri great obliviousholi thou herolaur fishburn watchabl amaz meanarrogantbut good guy cop underwood harri top invigor malevol psychoscapeshaw okayrubi dee great tenaci grandmotherth rest cast wonder well', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'filmfour go lot better littl snot film theyr go get right sort reput themselvesthi film set glasgow although coupl secondari charact anyth approach scottish accent premis peopl who live go nowher meet cafe earli hour morn night job could made realli funni insight quirki cultish film instead group selfobsess saddo plot done bit im supris hasnt ban x friend x sleep z sleep z well oh figur outa total wast time pain dialogu sound like someth group 16 year old would written gcse drama project femal charact complet superflu written token femal hope women would cajol see itif your sort thicko lad laugh beer advert usual found wander round pack shout saturday night nondescript town centr love film find right laff everyon els run dont walk away sorri littl misfitand one question group left bore seasid town saltcoat incident although chang name film go back glasgow via forton motorway servic lancast england', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'doctor mordrid one rare film complet radar total worthwhil realli remind old serial 30 40 id love see followup movi judg rest full moon output simpli werent enough tit satisfi typic audienc unfortun thank complet superflu sacrific scene two mani famili audienc unfortun without em could harri potterstyl magicfest kid would eaten jeffrey comb yvett nipar great wasnt sure ms nipar hadnt wander alist pictur onto film believ serious anyway shame didnt buck licens dr strang think could total kiddi phenom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'truli muddl incomprehens mess thing film look less like 1987 futurist thing thrown like policeman ray gun car director seem love color light realli notabl perform girl play valeri sinc cast list dont know actress one worth miss grade f', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'doesnt happen often occasion one man make differ big differencegeorg crile 2003 best seller charli wilson war fascin eyeopen account unlik differ maker imagin rel obscur congressman second district texa good time charli known libertin lifestyl libertarian legisl likabl licenti even politician charli wilson serv constitu well sinc good folk lufkin realli want two thing gun left alon easi street replet bevi beltway beauti known appropri enough charli angelswhen ask entir offic staff compos attract young aid respons classic teach em type cant teach em grow tit argument therebut even rakish rapscallion conscienc lurk somewher underneath charli wilson unimagin atroc commit afghanistan move muster entir polit savvi toward fund utter humili defeat russian militari possibl even help hasten end cold war result fat chanc huhund skill direct mike nichol smart snappi screenplay adam sorkin charli wilson war sparkl sophist satir chronicl behindth scene machin three color charact compris charli teamth onscreen team compos three marvel actor four 4 academi award nine 9 nomin charli beauti portray tom hank solid slightli underst fashion among best work year he aid abet abed joann her wealthi houston socialit play stillslinki julia robert hey els bikini scene let world know account ms robert look good hold screenplay never give us even hint kabul countri import charact mayb two afghan hound usual side know audienc never third member team philip seymour hoffman steal everi scene appear gust aurakoto smart street wise ie non ivi leagu graduat cia malcont know score agenc boardroom wilson bedroomfor mujahideen succeed import assist us provid abil shoot dread mi21 helicopt gunship rule sky take money lot money eventu charli team covertli coerc congress fund effort tune 1 billion dollar advanc weaponri arm afghan rebel includ topofthelin stateoftheart antiaircraft antitank rocket well highli sophist kill devic nasti nasti stuffthat kind multibillion dollar illicit activ take place behind congression door truli alarm everi american see movi read book reveal truli frighten aspect businessasusu polit scene rare seen outsid wall govern oh momma wish werent soeven though initi outcom team charli unqualifi success unimagin unanticip final result sophist weapon use troop taliban other sinc fund entir covert young gener part world idea fall soviet oppress end russian barbar direct result american intervent ye russki left aid zip school zip infrastructur zip maintain meaning relationship afghan peopl result overal consequ unmitig disast like forerunn mission accomplisheda nichol film pointedli point ball youv set motion keep bounc even youv lost interest mike krzyzewski know eva longoria parker know littl lateesha lafayett know typic american politician doesnt go good guy bad guy couldnt let world know good guy talk catch22 anoth mike nichol filmperhap charli wilson said best fked end gameagain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'im big fan surrealist art film bunuel idea dali left cold bunuel lifelong grudg cathol church delight tri offend cathol fairli silli way one silliest almost like youd expect smartaleck 18yearold film class last minut movi noth anyth els final nosethumb religionif read scholar regard slowpac occasion amus film church societi guilti sexual repress inde point bunuel express roundabout fashion possibl central male charact nasti brute love kick dog knock blind men street mental turn billboard ad strang sexual fantasi behavior church fault interrupt lovemak jerk vote latter think bunuel must lot person hangup chose cathol one blamether moment might cri aha surreal cow bed giraff fall window poor model man shred feather pillow woman flush toilet watch pictur seeth lava mud pithard tell bw rest forgett selfindulg unfortun bunuel still chase bogeymen rest career viridiana discreet charm your interest see surreal screen check jean cocteau earli work', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ludicr film offer standard 1970 hippi mental nut shell bore us process attempt ration absurd marriag young innoc women old age sex fiend wash up naiv young hippi play waiflik kay lenz hitch hike sleep wrong guy one day meet ridicul holden alreadi old age hard liquor drink wash actor decid love think superfici whole film encapsul scene keep say much love met wear thin realli quick couldnt help laugh throughout film obviou she use meal ticket director immatur enough think go buy actual love take place disgust scene two nake sex fast forward almost inspir vomit corni offer music 70 also spread film avoid grade', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film pretti good big fan basebal movi made help understand mean love determin heart etcdanni glover joseph gordonlevitt brenda fricker christoph lloyd toni danza milton davi jr brought varieti talent actor understand sport plot believ love messag william dear guy put togeth great moviemost sport film revolv around true stori event often work well film hit 10 perfect scale even though minor mistak there1010', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first ever debut film rivet chill moment best horror film fashion pit stomach tighten everi moment film end superb maker blair witch obvious watch film end wasnt end begin end great movi piec japan great far scare factor perfect score make think scare mind', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film contain far much meaningless violenc much shoot blood act seem unrealist gener poor reason see film like old car', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'pathet attempt use scienc justifi new age religionphilosophi two noth much said quantum physic mess plain wrongexampl quantum theori support idea eastern religion realiti illus well world subatom never definit predict particl locat specif time give odd precis one spot one time also act observ seem affect event solid particl pass barrier far accur assert mean believ sincer enough could walk wall could inde complet poppycock instead theori assert level possibl walk wall mere chanc noth belief also youd keep walk wall etern ever even remotest chanc pass wall odd astronom itthi one exampl misrepres scienc much annoy narr involv unhappi photograph play marle maitlan halfway pictur becom confus incomprehens someth neg thought lead addict selfhat may truth quantum physic noth itplu string theori hot new thing physic nowaday instead wast time dreck suggest rent eleg univers amaz seri done nova pb give histori physic newton graviti ed witten theori 3 hourlong episod quantum mechan explain quit well want know without fog metaphys appropri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'truli look forward titl sound look fun idea someon make cheesi 50 monster movi could worth laugh instead titl bore first almost froggg entir movi biggest disappoint sit 75 minut lame drama dialog get glimps froggg hump bare breast chick top film lack sort fun plot mean give someth that bit interest bunch talk head want see hot chick search creatur swamp want see cuti drag lair desper need rescu creatur black lagoon stuff want see goofi action scene froggg go kill spree mayb escap silli trap someth excit geez fun creativ want sit endless tire dialog scene creatur flick advic filmmak keep go concept good execut need lot inspir fun creatur put humor action importantput creatur creatur movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one sister friend lent game damn hard carri appear kid game learn ton intric move requir twist turn hand sort awkward posit search seemingli endless level 100 note improv score also find imposs hidden jigsaw puzzl piec requir almost imposs task get stage three mayb life nad stay home time might get enjoy otherwis keep away defin recommend kid pull hair within hour', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'chuck joness rabbit season second much belov hunt trilog often consid best three find almost imposs choos trio fantast cartoon would conced rabbit season fine hone script emphasi place languag bug daffi run seri complex dialogu grand tradit abbot costello who next routin long term daffi fan alway delight hunt trilog consist daffi get best line famou pronoun troubl one time classic work bug play role cool manipul elmer alway befuddl dupe part make hunt trilog much fun daffi elmer pose littl threat bug basic kick back easi laugh elmer fall everi trap laid poor old daffi come worst shot face beak end ridicul posit build inevit climact declar your despic intric exampl chuck joness impecc time youll come across rabbit season true classic', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'love littl b pictur usual joe lewi touch peopl rip pillow aura lurk fear also ala end come nowher appar auteur lost interest movi perhap b pictur fit slot', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'crossfir justifi famou 1947 noir that murder mysteri strong messag star robert young robert mitchum robert ryan sam leven gloria graham strongli direct edward dmytryk wit murder shadow begin rest film young detect finlay charg case seek figur three soldier respons death import victim joseph samuel sam leven someon soldier meet bar go apart continu visit samuel wind deadi dont know 1947 see crossfir today one know minut see suspect dont suppos appar back actor get start nevertheless film pack big punch power act good direct violenc unspar antisemit languageth character vivid includ gloria graham smallish role she woman meet mitchel georg cooper one suspect soldier bar provid alibi big perform film belong robert ryan everyon excel robert young especi effect tough intellig polic detect mitchum likabl soldier tri help confus friend mitchel lone man unsur still feel wifetruli excel must see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'awwww love movi bit cousin enjoy movi lot huge fan hope bring tv seri dvd soon come mention see tv show long time geart time come australia chipmunk adventur known peopl late teen adult year kinda sad young kid dont know missingth song film ace one love boysgirl rock nroll diamond doll song ls sure make want cri motherthi film sure excit young old get chipmunk adventur today 10 10 excel movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'skippi famili tie play eddi wussi metal nerd get pick favorit wussi metal singer sammi curr die throw hissi fit tear poster bedroom wall later get unreleas record hold spirit dead metal idol first get suck idea reveng doesnt want take far sammi isnt realli far main victim seem go hospit movi utterli laughabl much real metal say rock star ok mayb tad piec junk get point anyon root guy play skippi famili tie havent clue cameo gene simmon ok ozzi osbourn reach coher applaud otherwis skip onemi grade eye candyelis richard get topless topless extra pool parti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cours would give film 10 10 uncl main screenplay writer upon crime rodolfo sonego wrote screenplay 50 year live itali great stori teller someon suggest put stori write rodolfo sonego check biographi see number movi made itali alberto sordi main actor star stori uncl visit australia town 1968 check locat girl australia creat great movi proxi bride second world war see humor movi found copi movi dvd recent great', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'goldeney alway go one thee legendari game vg histori doubt game although quit differ could quit possibl modernday bond champ timethi bond game base materi anoth medium complet new script game even theme song wouldnt bond without haha gameplay excel your fan bond game film alik youll enjoy itunlik somemost game cast member portray charact oppos fiction creation game give cinemat feel bondabl storylin feel like your game much get lost movieenjoy aspect start finish even beat game there still plenti done rank system unlock achiev well multiplay mission standout game despit quit old video game year still good game pick play whenev feel need get littl bond life even think ive got theme song stuck head great cast wellwritten storylineth stori come life screen almost actor front everi bit entertain game superbl done true bond fashion name awesom complet awesom gotta go throw game havent play yet your miss', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'helena bonham carter center movi play role almost immobil wheelchair still bring across tradit intens kenneth branagh toler movi good except helena bonham carter fan worth see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'comment first debut gave thumb middl review remark id give benefit doubt beyond first episod ive seen total six episod point june 2006 lifelong batman fanat say without hesit show utter crapeveryth wrong everyth get past lousi anim design stori ridicul convolut charact develop appar interest writer dreck give substanc storiesand god sakei joker everi episod gotham much revolvingdoor justic system complet lack interest writer put effort villain see charact develop aboveand make matter wors everi singl joker tale 3part formula1 joker gass people2 joker set ga whole city3 batman save daypfehther one episod saw wasnt joker stori titl escap villain nefari cluemasterth think thank thunk episod quiz show singleworst batman stori ive ever seen heard read ye wors ive got batman basement cant realli say feel show probabl to start b rhyme fastard thank good exist timmdinietc era batentertain back fox kid wb day stuff good known couldnt possibl last forev unfortun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'someon age 10 mean stupid child like film youd better himher test continu amaz mani peopl involv someth turn bad film showcas digit wizardri noth els write horrid cant rememb ive heard bad dialogu song beyond wretch act subpar actor given much decid employ joey faton cannot sing ugli sinth worst thing obvious writer went way make stupid possibl great children movi wick smart full wit film like shrek toy stori recent year willi wonka witch mention two past continu dumbingdown american flock dreck like find nemo ye that right recent charli chocol factori eyecross trash like red ride hood', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hey babu riba film young woman mariana nicknam esther famou american movi star four young men glenn sacha kicha pop perhap 1517 year old 1953 belgrad yugoslavia five commit friend crazi jazz blue jean anyth american seemsth close relationship teenag poignant ultim sacrific willingli made tri help one group fallen unexpect difficulti wake chang communist polit go separ way reunit 1985 year film madei enjoy film reserv subtitl one thing difficult especi begin number dialogu subtitl perhap convers pace requir couldnt alway read text absorb scene caus alway understand charact involv watch movi video public librari friend neither us realli understood part stori acquir streptomycin sick relativethi yugoslavian come age film effect convey teenag sens invulner ideal strong loyal bond main flashforward intrigu keep guess end charact visavi 1953 cast actual happenedi would rate 7 10 would like see film director jovan acin 19411991', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'snowstorm road block highway patrolman jason adam beach come diner friend fritz jurgen prochnow advis client abl follow trip next day among weird stranger jason meet former sweetheart nanci rose mcgowan left husband lo angel along night without commun base jason face distress suspici situat client find corps indic among killerth last stop could averag thriller screenplay simpli aw charact despic person motiv surpris serial killer never disclos viewer explan killer decid kill guest vote fourtitl brazil encurralado trap', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi fairli entertain comedi murphi law appli home ownership construct film like made today doubt famili would dysfunct sinc set simpler forti get suppos typic famili era grant cours perfectli blend comed dramat element work compet support cast highlight loy dougla shenanigan make solid nineti minut entertain 710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'say film white fire amaz fantast disturb hilari word big enough describ event white fire wobbl garbl begin profound end movi entertain throughoutour movi begin wood countri somewher world famili hide unmark soldier costum shop uniform father separ mother childen get real sens kind movi your watch father make sure roll hill white outfit polit get peopl attent shoot ala dad burn aliv look like unsupervis unsaf stunt meanwhil mom kid run beach arm soldier trail 5 feet behind give stern warn action form bizarr halt promptli wast mother action sequenc set happi childhood hero bo ingredso fast forward 20 year 30 your honest hero age beauti turkey bo ingr settl profession thiev diamond prospector someth ingr work diamond mine help good bo master play dynam robert ginti drive around desert denim outfit bo ingrid interest relationship dont seem friend spend time togeth coupl fact bo express desir sleep sister evidenc line know shame your sister say she stark nake make dynam duo bo crush ingrid kill wander beach turkey ceremoni pink grief scarf renew hope occur bo find girl look like ingrid give plastic surgeri make look exactli like ingrid open door bo sex sister without technic wrong bo real fan ethic grey area overjoy new loveso anyway there lot fun action scene ridicul violenc great act imposs follow plotlin fred hammer williamson reason big chunk dirti ice suppos giant diamond later explod thing great bo ingrid relationship make movi specialr special heartili encourag everyon behold majesti white fire may glad didor', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'disappoint movi left feel jip time mental energi quintessenti woodi allen film neurot upperclass manhattanit debat whether cheat spous woodi ive seen charact alreadi ive seen storylin ten time alreadi creativ go need open eye look around world chang dramat sinc anni hall need chang along itther far interest funni scenario appli brand angst neurotic tri instead rehash old slop againwhen hear woodi allen new project come noth ive come expect old standbi coupl grow tire end cheat depress old oldif woodi want win fan back understand sens humor intellig stimul insult', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi ultralightweight fluff predict begin end knott vehicl incred mr limpet much better knott charact nearli incompet ignor perform tone none trademark goggleey stare although may someth replac movi cartoon fish knott made live play likabl imbecil much bob denver neither realli seem abl break type role assum simpli typecast probabl slouch wild stare highpitch voic john ritter knott work three compani abl transcend genr branch success dramat role like dreamer oz closest knott ever got small role pleasantvil even lesli nielsen bad fit uncomfort neither straight dramat actor time deadpan comed actor later becam airplan polic squadther also way then43 yearold knott could pass 35 yearold charact insist ludicr unbeliev tom hank 38 play collegeag forrest gumpth film clearli made shoestr budget much look like hastilyfilm tv episod especi evid exterior scene town roy goe he fire unlik even preschool would fool mayberrylik soundstag artificialityeven view strictli children movi disappoint lack action special effect although pace much slow situat repetit mani time watch roy get onto bu comedi kid least sometim madcap breakneck gag otherwis risk bore adult theater well movi even kid movi improv quit bit interven decad even mani contemporari comedi better film written disney love bug instanc least interest race action', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'interest learn sort thing happen modern civil excel book call outlaw sea outlaw sea describ stori stori thing happen lawless high sea realiti number reason one mani world freighter question registri nation difficult imposs enforc intern law ship owner dont offic real countri two mani ship line employ crew dirt poor third world countri crew often like illeg immigr worker threaten bulli compli question illeg practic three often languag barrier offic crew also crew member crew reward complianc silenc four commit illeg act ship abl hide plain sight littl fresh coat paint anyway fascin readinghorrifi stori excel movi anyon els notic hbo seem make best import movi hollywood troubl releas enough oscar worthi movi given year sever top 5 contend usual come britain jerri bruckheim end qualiti cinemai love thoroughli evil perform sean pertwe also usual love omar epp', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'gamer dr fanci made movi like amateur video horribl magic effect realli fake firebal terribl made dungeon castl villag sword axe shield robe plate okok everyth need 10 minut adjust expect visual get 105 minut funim hongkong realli hard find rper none friend play rpg alway fanci one charact world dd watch gamer dr show would like gamer see rule book dice game set etc etc etc hear term like fighter wizard hit point level charact flame hand chaotic evilwhat rpg fanci let anyth u want bond softwar rpg gamer dr provid element wont know happen next probabl make laugh dead movi goe gamerss real life well dd world hear gamer cast dice charact game take action make feel realli participl gamei dont want spoil anyth short gamer dr must watch movi rpg lover peopl never play rpg game im sure still get mani fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'honesti havent seen film mani year time tend make part stick memori anyon seen understand first saw child ymca halloween parti earli sixti scare hell us kid fun way rememb feel genuin anxieti unknown thing lurk maze cant risk give away end except say surpris say least rememb vagu entir audienc young boy let big scare holler follow laughter terribl secret reveal end seen viewer one greatest unintent funni climax movi film histori yet oddli move way see easi day dont know avail home video would still make great halloween featur kid adult', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thing abl look back year 2006 say rock rock hard yet also rock tasti mrmeatloaf ad nice littl touch dish film open credit even roll tell someth film rock even start dont want give much away spoiler movi rock heard new album thought seem bit substandard tenaci materialit like mere play badminton satan give movi elev appreci music marvel steami satan masterpiec would want better know wantbecaus better would longer movi periodso ventur dare local view theater want sock rock', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'youd think your seriou sightse premis movi take place primarili two charact travel 3000 mile franc saudi arabia go europ itali bulgaria croatia slovenia turkey arriv middl east tour stopov soak sightsreda father twilight year wish haj howev sinc walk take mule question choos travel mecca car cant drive therefor enlist help reda son protest get broken vehiclebut reda doesnt see point go along dad could opt plane resent idea put person life hold pilgrimag couldnt understand henc set arduou journey father son best palsth beauti movi wit develop father son pair challeng face weird peopl meet duke vari weather condit altern rest stop motel sleep car see obviou gener gap tri commun father tri impos son son tri assert adult circumst see reveal reda quit fish water mani encount actual team quit well despit differencesit perhap quit apt film releas last week coincid hari raya haji opportun watch protagonist join pilgrim haj final scene mecca truli sight behold would feel claustrophobia fear reda tri hunt dad amongst thousand peopl congreg sight europ perhap deliber dwell upon build anticip focu final destinationit certainli rang home thought tell show love one much appreci dont miss ye book earli pleasantli surpris even session still full hous', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi base good review wont make mistak againth first coupl minut show group peopl brought togeth tragedi dont see flashback 12hour get see bore live peopl end total meaningless happen end final revel realiz wast hour life wait big payoff doesnt happen mean noth watch connect peopl bad daybut even continu get lost boredomif suppos crash clone complet failur', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'great bug bunni cartoon earlier year bug perform window display local depart store he done day manag come tell hell transfer soon bug happi oblig figur new job taxidermyand taxidermi stuf anim anim like say certain rabbit caus battl wit rascal rabbit former employ found short delight definit one better one earli 1940 still remain funni nearli 60 year later anim short seen disc 1 looney tune golden collect volum 2mi grade', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'firmli believ best oscar ceremoni recent year 2003 two reason 1 host steve martin wittiest saw teamster help michael moor trunk limo ill better mention gay mafia case wake poodl head bed 2 surpris winner one adrien brodi best actor genuin applaus roman polanski best director genuin jeer boo last year award ceremoni wasnt bad littl way surpris happi see return king sweep award even wasnt best trilog fellowship much better let bbc coverag jonathan ross get sycophant mate round pretend hilari anyth heard ski coverag british tv expect barri norman mark kermod link instead end jami theakston sharon osbourn oh gawd british tv desper film critic obvious im sure bob moo theo robertson happili fli la give honest opinion winner loser chri rock wasnt bad he steve martin locat seem resembl sport hall seat put much glitzi arena opinion main problem ceremoni format minor oscar hand winner sit seat there thing minor oscar award best anim short best costum design theyr well deserv best pictur best director winner allow march podium bunch arrog snob academi becom quit agre comment format disgrac wasnt surpris could possibl worst ceremoni histori award best support actress cate blanchett great surpris competit categori best support actor morgan freeman real complaint sinc freeman one america greatest live charact actor best actor jami foxx predict award night yawn best actress hilari swank major surpris sinc everyon thought annett ben go win simpli academi polit swank deserv gave best speech night best director clint eastwood major surpris sinc everyon thought scorses go get award simpli hed never one actual im glad didnt deserv taxi driver rage bull goodfella didnt deserv aviat best film million dollar babi anoth major surpris sinc everyon thought academi would split award best director best pictur thought hollywood friendli plot aviat would made dead cert best pictur mdb controversi subject matter would turn lot voter award perhap illustr year voter decid ignor oscar polit genuin give award peopl deserv someth havent done past mean beauti mind beat fellowship ring gawd sake long may academi vote head instead heart', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'plane flick larg choic movi came across live almost accident oh boy choicei rememb vagu see trailer year ago complet forgot expect anoth cheesi nonsens movi stupid realiti show easili say hell ride dont rememb last time excit terrifi sure high altitud play sens suspens grow gradual movi reach climax cant turn away screen liter sit edg seat bite remain nail youv gotyou first go person moral assess stand righteous show drift think come human viciou allask would learn contest motiv start guess watch contest pull trigger one one get excit even though know first candid safegood act good direct movi experi remind old movi knew would happen next scene still crave morespoil coupl thing would chang cast contest realli move farmer bit like idea rich writer want famou bit stupid felt like didnt care contest although might done purpos think audienc abl associ major contest game rule big glitch happen 5th contest doesnt die pull trigger serious think last stand guy pull trigger execut given chanc contest live ie 5th blank one diesinterestingli havent bother much bad point caus realli good time wish popcorn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ah anoth movi motorcycl hell angel poss steve alameo notsocool car driver movi reli stori lot drink pot smoke lot moron act steve rendit die cat love know serenad vomit hour bike chick linda rrrr make everyon fat best act sinc grunt make sound also dare tri make banjo say messin wit privat stock scriptwrit folksi like end better place climax lighthous see detest itdi jeter die', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rate 1 begin express dull depress relentlessli bad movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'feel dumber watch first 20 minluckili walk save rest brain peopl watch better film take note rate highlynot budget film special effect simpli good act get simpl thing rightand importantlynot lame guess produc sheepl without tast clue good moviedont scare rate film lowsav underappreci high score life time movi keep mind mani use imdb trust review opinionsdont spoil broth sugarco turd peac love', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'selfindulg movi everi misfortun torent unwatch much movi obvious improvisedand well look like toback took first take ofeveryth movi get good coupl minut whenrobert downey jr show goe hell realquickli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'got worst movi haver ever seen nielson movi need funni think reason nake gun like movi requir nielson funni play role straight could comedi went mostli visual put movi funni isnt movi one good part may consid spoiler begin credit anim whole movi anim might good intent see movi saw ad reason see ticket given someon radio contest first probabl movi ever walk scale 110 give movi score 100', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like ghost stori good ghost stori bump night voic cannot explain ive see mani special efx ever grip today film time find real gem gotta turn clock back time writer director realli use head creat realli good ghost stori one rare pilot episod tv seri ghost stori call new hous one scariest film ever saw 1972i 9but noth sinc even compar remak go hollywood one one special efx origin episod right creepi hell im lucki find final dvd today rare hard find 2 ghost stori even come close origin haunt georg c scott changl wish someon would ghost stori like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'okay ive watch movi twice research heavili net ask sever peopl opinion even gone length read origin sheridan lafanu classic carmilla book movi suppos base feel best way review movi describ game play whilst watch plot movi doesnt seem make sens plot booklaura live castl syberia father mr de lafontain carri live bliss peac one day get letter gener man made mission life aveng daughter death make claim supernatur power work explain visit soon meanwhil chanc encount strang woman result lafontain look daughter carmilla sever month soon laura start overwhelm strang dream begin come strang ill mysteri carmilla laura condit generali invent game would like mani peopl possibl play let know result even catchi name would jingl cant bother call movi doesnt make sens gameal whilst watch movi tri come complet plot explain happen mean complet question answer everyth make sens absolut completeit answer question vampir walk around day light lesbian girl call bob shoot movi dream real kill zombi appear accept part life doesnt make anyon bat eyelid travi fontain spot run zombi without slow whilst drive car yet face woman obviou hostag back car accept excus zombi let girl later openli reveal know head vampir drive car let drive alon daughter stolen carwhat hell asylum scene hell green goo head vampir suddenli start dress like nurs never vampir fight zombi signific necklac made kill vampir jenna know thatin fact sod much fun tri come mani question movi tooi plot admit quit pretti good effortin conclusionvampir vs zombi moment actual vampir fight zombi everyon movi seem know exactli go yet seem reluct let audienc somehow base classic 19th centuri horror novel hell go', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'wouldv great silent film act realli good least look im realli big act sort wayeveryth huge everi line profound everi scene shatter human tragedymostli felt like gag yet like train wreck couldnt tear eye away dialogu mightv work stage although doubt screen clutter haphazard hackney pretti much everi stereotyp neg adject come describ realli bad dramat workif enjoy melodrama huge heap dose might enjoy movi prepar wait howev melodrama thing sure plod along pacethi script mustv sound lot differ actor involv read simpli doesnt work get around deliv front cameraimdb us great disservic time use goofi computercontrol weight score curs starv class deserv less 1characterdriven fiction great develop charact simpli push hoop plausibl explan matur evolut isnt charact develop charact must motiv drunk wake field charact develop that plot contrivancestay away movi least watch mute perhap youll get amus armwav charact dooh word wise prove truli artsi film see jame wood dangli male lookatm imthefigurativeandliteralrepresentationofthenakedvulnerabilityof man glorydont say werent warn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi start main charact lie coma hospit ward attend two orderli unconsci main charact heard voic say orderli gay orderli kiss watch dvd version suspicion suppos funni said comedi dvd case goe like seen movi theater probabl would heard part audienc roar laughter funni suppos sit comedi fascin think funni isnt movi unfortun deliv argument isntbrilli brain make anyth funni peopl like ernst lubitsch billi wilder mel brook prove fact know mechan suppos director coscriptwrit dani levi bother mechan think certain thing simpli funni fact two orderli gay kiss man coma exampl get wrong peopl make funni dani levi cant anywayth main problem movi cant see reason behind way main charact behav could understand two brother one orthodox jew west germani one third class carbon copi fast eddi felson former east germani strongli dislik rather bland charact children bore apart fact sexual attract well one lesbian rais daughter cousin even incestu relationship anyth embarrass come excus scriptwrit could come anyth betterth act bad udo semel actual came like quit lot although remind ex chancellor helmut kohl lighter version vener orthodox jew direct realli bad either mayb levi stick direct movi leav scriptwrit someon els heard comedi hitler oi vai', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'stori three women sensit studi muril charlott van den eynd youngest laura el dotterman 37 martha frieda pittor oldest mother muril live togeth build differ expect life vital laura want child muril come villag want chang life brussel martha dream youth young girl fact noth happen movi wait someth instanc accid could dramat stori time goe discov director doroth van den bergh want develop psycholog portrait three women noth movi disappoint expect women learn experi case one left feel empti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first foremost love novel ray bradburi kind horror get skin stick later one best book know fahrenheit 451 dandelion wine hope movi would right lot chanc great cast like jason robard jonathn pryce bradburi even wrote script top pam grierhow could failther may spoiler withinfirst dumb much horror book lost bradburi must forc keep violenc minimum visual bookgon everyth made squirmgoneand there act like lot movi disney threw 80 kid movi cannot act bug lot neither look 13 9 10 strong friendship wasnt address like acquaintac youd think jason robard jonathan pryce could pull role mr halloway mr dark like dont care want somehow pay mortgag someth far best perform pam grier fine witch charect dust witch wasnt well pull she lot less evil doesnt presenc book everyth left book ballon night chase mark jim hous real death mr dark happen mr coogan merrygoround fate lighten rod salesman real death witch oh much special effect bad even 80 merrygoround doom one thing superimpos hors go around wasnt realli creepi weird green mist realli noth anyth could keep go movi rip apart origin novel make blood boil dont see movi read book classic bradburi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film old never realiz young look ray milland look 1936 rememb play great film lost weekend ray play role michael stuart rich banker three girl pictur happi father mother separ find father go get marri young blond gold digger look rich sugar daddi hire man pose rich count name count ariszt misha auer drunk time penniless give plenti comic laugh throughout pictur deanna durbin penni craig surpris everyon book polic station told chief polic opera star penni start sing fantast soprano voic everi heard entir polic depart convict start applaud entertain enjoy scene film deanna durbin first film debut becam instant success night went becom great movi star univers studio leav mgm', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'eagerli await first screen film ever sinc given dvd christma reserv special slot last night sat watch daughter age 17 film studi student chocol cours eager anticip love jane austinaft first two minut knew sunk shaki camera shot angl gener poor cinematographi direct wooden perform alreadi left us feel flat dissatisfi despond view onann play salli hawkin look oddli particular purpos directli camera sever occas break hardwon fantasi moment engag us directli almost ill find stalk fashionpoor rupert penryjon play captain wentworth best script direct bless hope paid well howev practic drown one occas huge wave predict breach seawal drench coactor nearli swept sea health safeti would field day poor rupert left spit sea water order deliv line presum enough money left kitti reshoot scene anyon sens would attempt day first placeoth mr penryjon alic krige gave convinc perform ladi russel effort soon counterbalanc anthoni head unconvinc portray annoy sir walter elliotttoward longawait end film captain wentworth appear oddli grace ann visit everi two second taken great pain avoid major movi develop memori impedi caus forget reason contrast ann ran hyperventil pillar post search good captain meantim manag call upon almost entireti bath told cours three four minut without even work sweatw experienc none ann charm cross screen inde left wonder charismat captain wentworth ever seen plain spineless opinionless ann someon anyon tell mean wing sir walter shut heck upth crucial kiss normal favourit girli moment pain drawn move closer ann kept open close mouth effect screen make look chew gum lip final met eww enjoy thing last night chocol half hour exchang view mother daughter bad film beenwhat piti ruin enchant engag stori film england finest scenerysorri jane', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like scifi monster ancient legend love movi special effect far best seen sinc juarass park hit big screen year ago act may littl less desir stori line effect adequ compens iti wish seen movi theater screen instead 42 inch big screen tvif like nonstop action awesom visual tast myth lorey see movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rather silli littl film may lovealthough rather corni clich time nonetheless work make good clean fun five team engag scaveng hunt battl wit win night contest sheer joy know best teamnot sever screen debut includ david naughton first film role dr pepper pepper commerci major 1981 hit american werewolf london also featur paul rueben believ first pee wee hermanesquir roll year becam known last least mr spin citi alex keaton michael j fox get first film role fan rememb stephen furst flounder anim hous outsid name funni charactersdoubt ever made dvd still probabl vh copi float around might even catch late late show sometim worth watch may hate may also becom quirki littl movi come love', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ok adapt breath take book dan brown cant say novel good made movi enjoy given excel stori result could better though movi pretti long end feel like thing miss sound effect sound track good act well done charact develop phase weak peopl didnt read book thing may look happen quickli point view instead tri put much stuff book could tri import scene proper make book good puzzl like stori combin excel portrait vatican see neither movi much rush use time good way main problem movi worth watch could done better', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'never fell asleep movi never movi impossiblewhil mani peopl claim superior japanes horror film american counterpart movi lesson abund movi 30 minut long would help movi littl movement plot camera work instead got awkward silenc lot slow movement act absolut terribl border bad student film level everyon struggl adlib someth call script peopl even get direct coax bore dull either therori wouldnt surpris mewhat even wors rather unscari makeup involv creatur side either way stunk dont watch film that say unless your insomniac', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'say bad mani made reason even watch film previous never heard strictli ian mcshanei disappoint least ian mcshane absolut brilliant bring amaz subtleti role he alway great watch money extrem underus actora rest film everi actor movi deliv strong solid perform peopl certainli werent paid huge amount cash particip fairli low budget film mean mail appear everyon convinc compel part given themi even pleasantli surpris adrian paul perform though must admit ever seen highland televis seri movieth plot well pace storylin intrigu much like real life everyth end tie nice neat littl packag end film anybodi expect clearcut bythenumb connect dot conclus answer end movi clearli wasnt watch film close enough film go tell mean life idea see film might go discuss unansw question friend coffe certainli didno car chase explos bar room brawl sound pretti dull huh realiti complet absorb film well written littl piec interest hook solid charact perform parti involv warn your kind person dislik movi dangl enorm question central engin stori end movi without answer particular question directlyy might enjoy film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'origin harp sequel slumber parti massacr seri film fall flat face new titl first go includ word massacr film titl better deliv one certainli gore screen murder chainsaw box art would lead believ instead get paper thin overdon plot group cheerlead get strand abandon cabin way footbal game of one one film could ok gore quotient up bit director especi directtovideo flick afraid show gore beyond huge fan excess gore come onwhi els would anyon rent movi call cheerlead massacr besid problem film suffer shotonahomevideocamera cheap look cheap sound cheap actor arent good tri throw us track killer may even fail end end ridicul mess folk run across film walk away go find origin slumber parti massacr 2 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'killer cannib rapist kill craze cop scene latest murder grave cult gather plan resurrect pee onto grave cours work awak rip guy peni back old kill way new zombi look two cop one go littl crazi scum citi drug problem back case two origin cult member also tri stop killer resurrect kind dead thing think file leav grave come plastic babi doll use origin resurrect sound bit confus realli rubbishth act terribl one cop guy play dr vincent van gore face gore seri terribl annoy cop film cop struggl get terribl line im low budget cinema film terribl wasnt easi eye ladi naked would probabl fallen asleep bit gore never anim gut place stomach victim zombi makeup hand look great foot long peni use rape victim kind funni time also half decent scene killer fall love sex doll doll chipmunk voic stupidest thing ever seen film plastic toy fish lineth end extrem bad would expect killer put much fight god know made enough money make sequel 410', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'day heaven one pain bore pointless film ever seen way shape form would recommend anyoneunless your tri put kid sleep god forbid give someon aneurysm could go back time one thing would set fire reel sent theater day heaven plot simpl extrem vagu long sequenc devoid dialogu compos much film charact shallow ridicul stupid relat climax stori touch time brain work hard figur plot array hidden metaphor abil think gone thing work eye unfortun ear must listen sound linda littl girl stori talk like man dumber see movi dont let happen', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': '1929 director walt disney anim ub iwerk chang face anim releas first instal silli symphoni seri skeleton danc iwerk disney collabor togeth sinc earli 20 disney laughogram cartoon seri howev friendship suffer tremend blow iwerk accept offer competitor leav disney start anim studio birth celebr product iwerk continu develop style techniqu creat charact flip frog work kept high qualiti wasnt realli popular 1936 studio close later year iwerk hire columbia pictur iwerk decid return old skeleton anoth danc time color1937 skeleton frolic essenti remak 1929 classic skeleton danc movi borough fame fortun like short film set abandon graveyard midnight creatur night come aliv begin play dead rise coffin readi show that begin group skeleton form orchestra begin play happi tune easi musician made bone orchestra member problem bodi part howev band manag put good show anoth group skeleton begin danc love coupl face problem troubl orchestra hard danc loos bodi part everyth end dawn sun rise skeleton run toward gravesdirect anim ub iwerk skeleton frolic follow faith pattern set skeleton danc year although crucial differ iwerk whole film technicolor bright tonal allow iwerk creat visual appeal film also use mani new techniqu practic sinc leav disney creat even better effect depth dynam conceiv certainli experiment film skeleton danc although sadli doesnt mean necessarili better film starter film practic ident one disney differ music later color effect look beauti doubt definit feel kind unorigin allhowev unorigin concept truli hurt film iwerk execut wonder way fact music melodi creat joe denat film pretti uninterest lack charm eleg whimsic fun one done carl w stall skeleton danc word denat tune effect appropri theme easi forget rapidli stall song uniqu person make unforgett music film high import mediocr music bring iwerk flawless work anim person think better music accompani skeleton frolic would rememb fondli skeleton danc despit groundbreak still fun film watchit kind sad work iwerk leav disney forgotten due poor success howev must said iwerk lack popular disney fleischer disney main rival lack qualiti compani film probabl case bad luck made man gave life disney mous first time face failur disney despit shortcom skeleton frolic funni visual breathtak film exactli origin fresh film one cant help think skeleton danc watch definit remind us iwerk skeleton still haunt us inspir us810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ye inde could good movi love biangl sorri poetic licens triangl interest stori unfortun badli told imag sometim weird sometim ok pictur look crowd narrowsight sound need attent usual romanian movi light color filter sometim badli chosen soundtrack short help action act sorri best actress landladi other act immatur cannot convinc viewer act poetic realist realist poetic pictur adult told children bother extrem curiou', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'wear best italian suit armani hand stitch fit exact measur automobil finest german engin offer equip mani gadget hors hood your member finest polo club frequent dine restaur spago alway accompani least two beauti women world pocket watch doubl nuclear explos trusti pen also use semiautomat 22 calib gun snow ski alp go deep sea dive caribbean sky dive and hair never ever place bond jame bond world renown spi favorit son good queen bad boy british ss perhap desir man world charact jame bond creat ian fleme movi industri longest last icon subject fifteen film span four decad latest man play role pierc brosnan took role jame bond timothi dalton 1996 made 007 debut goldeneyethi set first major titl develop third parti nintendo 64 goldeney develop rare nintendo market time continu domin sale chart one testament good game review librari would complet without itlet face time movielicens game flop although two seem like good mix result part horrend game like cliffhang true lie lethal weapon mention star trek flop ammunit enough mix record fan movi licens game especi ive seen movi least that use think case goldeney reserv normal bad movi goldeney film didnt much appeal dont rank top ten amongst bond movi game howev let say complet differ storyth game firstperson shooter order success youll need least much brain brawn seen movi imagin read stori consist follow path movi littl variat plot control world danger satellit goldeney begun ussr process beauti woman captur mission mani danger extrem reli wit experi get gruel mission world ever known brief soon your readi good day jame', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'excel film charact adult swim class problem relationship interact manag wider distribut much better similar film major studio timeth swim instructor almostolympian reduc teach adult basic lesson often target horndog femal student attempt less fend vari resultsth student charact mainstream usa teacher policemen colleg student retir peopl havent learn swim reason movi cover relationship includ friend rel romant conquest go class sever subplot provid amus fodder includ teacher go divorc high school student make documentari girl class meet guysthi good date movi one watch your mood romant drama overton realiti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mostli routin factbas tv drama get boost fine perform cole stori highli train militari man unhappi wife children fake demis run woman support manner accustom rob bank predict bad watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch six kind wc field he around 10 minut one long scene infam pool sequenc made famou vaudevil sever great moment reamain 55 minut also delight thank mostli due hilari charli ruggl bumbl banker j pinkham whinney everyon foil stutter stumbl pleasur also comedi partner mari boland play wife flora join proceed georg burn graci allen boland particularli funni near begin near end graci ruggl use pictur graci funni quit also get tire poor georg burn absolut noth except repeat graci time dont rememb laugh although one great scene ruggl ruggl tri desper get georg take graci leav wife alon one field ask field sell sweater bit exclus field though situat constantli funni whinney go drive california help expens georg graci recruit 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'edmund low remind somewhat warren william head nice cast interest littl mysteri move brisk pace run littl hourdougla walton play unlucki jockey appear intent demis hypnot anyon suspect includ good number support casteveryon virginia bruce kent smith frieda inescourt gene lockhart jessi ralph benita hume rosalind ivan hb warner ad bonu there nat pendleton dimwit detectiveand furthermor get load art deco set decor fanci interior wealthi home must set use mani subsequ filmon plu side mysteri complic anyon follow plot reason assur baffl suddenli clear detect philo vanceand final confront murder give film nifti five minut unmitig suspensenic done pass time entertain manner', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi lame funni plot doesnt even make sens scientist work fring scienc open doorway anoth dimens mayb hell daughter get suck someth one day appar reason come back big breast wear skimpi outfit guess demon dimens made main charact guy want marri girlfriend gay obvious she interest new girlfriend stumbl upon witch spell book want witch someth evil spell end get read evil demon come earth bikini top girl spurn guy love stop appar topless scene reason guy boyfriend say well known wrestler part complet unnecessari obvious made someth put mayb wrestl fan actual watch pointless movi im sure topless girl doesnt hurt either extra featur dvd even confus rest movi thought might help explain go actual made thing confus peopl basic gocampingtomakeoutthenfightamonst movi bunch thing like dimens book seller make confus didnt like movi like five buck big deal dont recommend watch though stupid cant think part movi good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'although hope id like littl still certainli impress film great perform lead stori id call chill still effect kept interest best part film look pictur alway look cold damp realli seem suit film well also thought low budget suit movi dont think crisp pictur clear sound would work well film grim thing consid fell littl short expect im still glad final sat watch movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'imagin high school except board school kid dont parent around oh malibu kid thin white gorgeou except token minor fat kid play weird outcast arent reason rule like cohabit nuclear weapon dorm coffe stand sushi bar complimentari laptop per studenther stori girl zoey brook attend pca formerli allboy school absolut perfect everi possibl way smart pretti thin athlet creativ everyth perfectionist want almost boy school want everi girl want friend she one everyon come advic one save day simplist plan wonder bad none make likablear suppos believ dont even come close zoey perfect bad peopl show noth fault anyon contradict theyr portray bad guylogan may jerk least kind brain think instead simpli agre princess everi timeh loyal group blind follow chase averag dumb ass secret crush michael token black guy decent actor set lola wannab actress anorex snobbi airhead quinn smart clueless girl come teen stuff logan rich jerk soft side yeah show basic spew stereotypeswhat tick though tri pretend theyr normal kid complain logan get much money work even though alreadi go toogoodtobetru board school rel nice thing mani teenag cant afford drink coffe eat sushi regular basi hardli homework suntan almost everi day wow hard problem im goodlook rich stressfre guess zoey 101 what 101 anyway nick attempt tri portray teen realist except caught glimps realiti didnt like decid give kid live like ass hillsbut hey least set pretti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'amaz director antal kontrol back 2003 first american project vacanc less impress decent start armor second featur visual signatur recogniz film never rise level b movi shame main premis ingredi twist turn ensembl cast featur mani qualiti actor abl deliv antal could made great heist film instead goe action flick could shot cool action flick doesnt realli deliv depart either left one implaus situat anoth group poorli sketch charact bicker fight sum money look past sharp cinematographi cast tight music score your left could averag directtovideo featur van damm seagal probabl disappoint movi quit time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first reason im give film 2 star instead 1 least peter falk gave usual fantast perform lieuten columbo alon get 10 star tri save otherwis utterli worthless attempt make moviei initi fire read one poster comment andrew steven movi gave perform career abysm perform steven absolut ruin movi prepar hurl sort insult person made aforement comment thought els steven done check know person absolut right 17 year sinc columbo movi made appar everi one 33 project steven sinc utter crap doubt anybodi even seen rest careerif like columbo see everi 69 titl watch one favor save worst last', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi must line bore movi year even woodi harrison save movi sink bottomth murder movi suppos point interest movi noth interest cast bad script plain aw sat utter amaz movi think earth anyon find movi entertain produc movi clever made bore movi hid well name good actor actress cast peopl go blockbust probabl see movi think woodi harrison kristin scott thoma willem dafo must good rent movieboy horribl timeif like get rip go rent movi peopl actual enjoy movi like watch movi mean', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi galleri saw flick see look like fun lowbudget horroractionwestern could get yeah knew would suck rent anyway hope laugh laugh found extrem stupid movi begin bounti hunter protagonist possibl weakest main charact histori film looksact like could take chuck norri cant dialogu suck anyway goe villag shoot zombi could tell tri make longer put bore scene take 35 minut reload watch zombi least zombi look cool anyway peopl get shot zombi die end everyon dead except main charact die begin shot four peopl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'final see el padrino movi see incred film lot action damian chapa good director must admit love act bestalso saw behind scene edit ladi name kinga need go back school learn edithowev film el padrino pure 10 action epic cant peopl direct put togeth film keep wonder plot happi see someon know real great actor becom great director alsoi one peopl love see artist make itb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thrive cinemabut limit name isnt enough make movi begin movi put us mood expect unseen yet remain hungri angri till end thing get confus admit understand end end nonesens opportun make outstand movi target total miss next', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'michael callan play smarmi photograph seem nonetheless regard perfect catch woman run across could anyth fact also coproduc film he hero difficult empath movi troubl right start howev troubl dont end product valu tvmovi check head made clay someth near end end cheat way cant reveal case anyon want see movi highli unlik let say killer know let know know 12', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'drawn friend soundtrack score young yet famou elton john see club nearbi houston idea emot impact movi would make recent brought back movi song heart call season found elton john song friend think songit 35 year anyway flood emot friend came back like see old photograph first real love recal way movi hit actual detail product plot etc forgiv rather poor review rememb take coupl special friend date see movi move tearyey end im anxiou nervou find copi see mani movi seem import back ie graduat easi rider seem silli dont want fall categori find turn silli least ill abl turn wife onto greatnooutstand soundtrack met went last tango pari youngster work im 56 respect opinion hard explain feel sixti movi song reflect strong feel seem littl age cant figur age process movi friend special sensit wonder movi bring back lot special feel im sure mean rent buy copi indi near strong genr today', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'clete robert prefac begin think ed wood product howev roll pretti hard hit stuff stori crime corrupt southern town told use cast cull hollywood poverti row make movi realist punch pull time film reminisc well1951 black white textur give newsreellik qualiti certain younger viewer remind blair witch project one base real event', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'decid watch one nomin oscar year guess mani folk realli want like movi end bore disappoint first scene ok whole rest movi shaki hand camera mode realli annoyingi guess main reason make movi nomin oscar thisamerican militari machin peopl make money war urgent need excus justif war iraq bungl someth sort patrioticwhi heroic effort director main charact inspir audienc idea lovingwarlikeadrug oh pleas come bore watch get idea low movi academi fall', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mom realli given differ titl distinguish movi call mom word mom titlethi vastli superior zombi movi much rubbish get churn time time end much everi zombi movi thereit differ refresh almost defi categorisationth kind old ladi take creepi lodger happen flesh eater infect old ladi also turn flesh eat zombi ghoul quit exactli definedther patho stori son realis becom first horrifi attempt help suppli food shall say fear insert spoiler one quiet movi oppos gun blast explos rage car chase etc bore etc make mani movi rubbish still enough gori moment satisfi horror fan whilst also insert sad stori along nice touch humour oppos downright silli socal horror moviesther particularli nice atmospher shot begin film old ladi sit alon room christma tree compani look innoc becom oh gem movi even thing least view true horror fan', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'empir passion start decept your immedi expect horror movi like riff jame cain postman alway ring twice first seki kazuko yoshiyuki mother two duti hardwork wife rickshaw driver gisaburo takahiro tamura he around she home babi feisti aimless young man toyoji tatsuya fuji come around bring goodi seki littl extra theyr soon sleep togeth someth let say shave know hell find immedi propos kill gisaburo drink strangl toss well natur come back haunt liter least first superterrifi seki later skeptic toyoji chang gear kaidan japanes ghost storythi film horror come simpli oh ghost ah total dread build charact way there mechan filmnoir work throughout loos translat way 19th centuri japanes villag oppos american citi small town ie snoop cop evid found possibl anoth word get around suspicion arous etc compel seiko actual plan start manipul lust illprepar toyoji reaction gisaburo reappear stagger take one come closest poetri gisaburo ghost paleblu face mostli silent chill stare motion seiko get rickshaw reluctantli push around road doesnt know wee hour dawn surround smoke japanes ghost stori wish heaven could get harrowingli atmosphericwhil start veer hyster toward end there much director oshima get right make distinct work hit huge intern cinema world realm sens iron got ban countri made someth claim even dare sens mayb right empir passion less graphic sexual content far predecessor also star tatsuya fuji magnific physic actor immens lot rang dare lie craft world dread believ ghost stori also believ far person hell two wouldb lovebird go snoop detect gossip townspeopl least worri fate soul stakeand oshima take hand could mere juici pulp sadli wouldnt surpris american remak alreadi work craft shot gorgeou shot repetit work way misenscen ie shot seiko toyoji walk road camera dutch angl world tilt surround grim blue hue well affect movement stay long finish type ie toyoji throw leav one hand well slow motion seiko nude bodi reveal becom blind dare lie connect level spirit confus spiritu though may someth well life death connect one anoth inextric classic wait discov', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'big music video fan think music video take away person feel particular song song word creativ think goe window likewis person feel asid mj toss asid best music video alltim simpli wonder movi ye folk brilliant awesom act awesom choreographi awesom sing spectacular simpli plot line beauti young ladi date man man someth sinist vincent price thing ad song video mj mj enough said song video jaguar car top line perfecto even better got real mj without thousand facelift though iron enough enough makeup costum go around folk go youtub take 14 min life see wonder work art particular video realli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'oh good would never thought possibl see thriller wors domest disturb soon arm rotten plot terribl edit stilt act headacheinduc style sorri word sanctimoni kind movi almost forc reevalu entir genr film bad even thriller condemn complet failur seem littl betternow sanctimoni terribl film also succe difficult task rip better movi pathet job right main titl noth blatant attempt reproduc one se7en impress someth didnt smell quit right soon movi start seri corni wannab hip quickcut full gori imag bombast color knew smell come fromit turn two policemen rather policeman jim renart michael par policewoman dorothi smith jennif rubin investig murder spree vancouv serial killer known monkey killer menac chill nicknam uh work method kill quit lot peopl see nut appar work follow proverb see evil hear evil speak evil cut eye ear tongu victim far six eye six ear three tongu ingeni fashion renart smith figur monkey killer probabl go kill three peopl well probabl want complet number 666 suddenli film focus tom gerrick casper van dien young success goodlook businessman dread temper that ripoff american psycho kick inso follow life two polic offic young psychopath none interest least final meet along way disco renart bare miss gerrick unintent offer us one funniest scene recent memori renart goe back disco club well script tell us suspect place one singl punch stomach renard get rid big guard block path guard never heard scene strike anyon els complet unrealisticanyway anoth murder gerrick turn wit smith especi renart immedi suspect might killer typic basic instinct fashion smith get date young businessman assumpt might discov true identityi wont spoil end quit simpli embarrass contradict plot hole issu never get resolv especi one last scene brutal mass murder suppos shock sad come laughabl overdon nonsens frankli cant imagin anyon could laugh itat 87 minut sanctimoni realli push never care one singl charact flat mention bore know exactli first time meet never pull stori scene connect weak plot devic downright unnecessari place act rang averag van dien downright atroci rubin support cast music abysm gener techno photographi one worst ever seen cours like everi fiasco genr provid littl bit gratuit nudity310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'man golden arm one trio great film around time dealt drug addict two monkey back hat rain think three one bestmayb otto preming shot thing real chicago instead obviou studio set film might better yet know mayb preming couldnt get enough money pay locat flaw find filmfrank sinatra heroin addict card dealer bust cover boss robert strauss game raid took cure jail want new life jazz drummer whole lot peopl conspir himfirst bob strauss want back deal especi coupl heavyweight gambler town use underhand method get sinatra servic back secondli darren mcgavin local dope dealer want sinatra good hook custom final eleanor parker cling wife who work con game beat keep aroundfrank sinatra got nomin best actor film lost ernest borgnin marti sinatra might one hadnt etern support actor categori year back marti acclaim film year scene go withdraw lock kim novak apart leav shakeneleanor parker get enough credit role she realli someth crazi scheme wife want sinatra tie matter cost nomin year interrupt melodi might nomin 1955 mark high point career darren mcgavin got first real notic serpentin drug peddler perform guarante make flesh crawlelm bernstein contribut great jazz score accentu gener dingi bleak chicago neighborhood charact live place youd want bring famili', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film basic set failur studio one ann rice author book offer write screen play refus studio two tri stuff 2 depth novel 2hour moviei maintain way two book vampir lestat queen damn work live action form would miniseri first vampir lestat alon take place 1700 1980 plethora charact vital plot understand main charact lestat entir book vampir lestat set event second part queen damn without full understand premis movi destroyedlestat cruel viciou want go along akasha plan mariu make lestat lestat love jess make lestat could go remain unscath light mariu david way around everi charact complet repres wrong basic name differ storyif want make vampir movi fine even want inspir novel fine dont piggi back theater success rice great novel charact destroy loyal reader come loveif havent read book wont understand film realli read book insult said huge fan see movi know full well go case still went catch 22 must see hate', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'previous enjoy wesley snipe sever action flick expect lot even score 58 imdb movi fail entertain even though stori thin unorigin act unfortun thinner goe mimic worst case scenario play strong feel accompani bad act dont waist time movi snt entertain wanna cri might suffic though even though tear wept due see wesley snipe tragic action film wannab comedyi give 210 realli aw wanna see decent movi go see shooter rent good thing movi isnt', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'intens thriller mute movi makeup artist wit snuff film made work late studio one night tri get away murder scene realiz bargain entir mafia kill wit movi leav edg seat', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont listen peopl ill give better review movi friend love jill johnson play camilla bell babysit mendraki hous someon break your wonder got hous went garag like anyway dont listen worst act amaz act great stori think 2 benefit jill 1 she fast runner track team 2she got aliv lolit cool movi quit scari check happi masterpiec dont listen peopl site good trust good review movi im futur movi critic total want buy movi see amazingli awesom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'frustrat movi small southern town overflow possibl explor complex interperson relationship dark underbelli hidden beneath placid surfac anyon read anyth carson mcculler alreadi know none instead writer settl cutesi twinkl cheap warm fuzzi banal melodrama thing look like madefortv movi direct particular distinct hard imagin anyon could done make materi interestingth frustrat aspect though fact lot extrem compet appeal actor cast tri game make best thing thiswel there word itdrivel tragic wast talent particular great stockard chan', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi star total forgotten star 1930 jack pearl radio baron munchausen well jimmi durant howev 712 decad later bill three stoog film one film averag person would recogn today film fanat also recogn wonder edna may oliv well zazu pittsa stoog film earli daysbefor mgm idea team point known ted heali stoog heali front man fortun stoog soon left nasti rather untal man read himyoul see mean rest histori within year make success short columbia execut mgm soon kick lose team sort thing common occurr mgm great studio idea comedi film buster keaton laurel hardi abbott costello other fact left columbia mgm put wide varieti odd film rolesinclud act clark gabl joan crawford danc ladi oddli film didnt act teamthey variou support role larri play pianothi particular film begin pearl durant lost african jungl rescu brought home sens structur film fall apart film becom almost like varieti showpunctu scene lead pearl could realli see never made success transit film person slug slightli less welcom durant never knew public saw hima least far film concernedh loud andloud appar took time help mgm ruin buster keaton career make film togeth pearl durant reli lot verbal humor vaudevillestyl routin tend fall rather flatin film stoog didnt yet right chemistri see heali job moe later film odd film pretti good segment short came camera quickli allow realli get routin stoog fan might frustrat though diehard fan may want see complet lifelong goal see everyth stoogeeven rotten joe derita joe besser film oh got bad death shemp curlyoveral film rather dull disappoint howev coupl interest thing look mess 13 minut mark see brief scene tour guid bu sing look care walter brennan role youd certainli never expect anoth unusu thing look film clean whistl song start 22 minut film song danc number clearli exampl socal precod scene never would allow film 1934 product code strengthen despit word clean titl titil number nake women show lot fleshenough stimul enough realli show anyth quit shock seen today though excess pretti common earli 1930 final 63 minut mark see jimmi durant set race relat back decad see film youll see mean', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'carol vanessa hidalgo start look brother death begin suspect someth sinist natur caus closer get truth threat becom sisterinlaw fiona helga line rest local satanist theyll whatev necessari put stop nosi waysif your sleazi satanicthem movi black candl lot offer movi fill plenti nuditi ritualist softcor sex one scene particular involv young woman goat must seen believ unfortun sleaz world cant save black candl movi total bore one scene ive alreadi mention numer sex scene arent shock certainli arent sexi act spotti best even genr favorit helga line give disappoint perform plot realli doesnt matter main function seem hold string dull sex scene togeth im familiar one movi direct jose ramon larraz compar daughter dark master mix erotic horror black candl come amateurish 310 best', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one intellig serial killer movi recent histori zodiac killer offer imagin take background histori one notori serial killer filmmak creat unexpectedli good insight patholog mysteri killer anyon rememb zodiac intrigu other want discov enigmat crimin unlik mani serial killer zodiac insan method selfpromot director play viewer expect pull film construct murder mysteri cold casestyl thriller intellig investigativeproceduralstyl horror film putoff gorehound search cheap thrillssom peopl dislik movi shot video attitud oldstyl provinci attitud view movi put technic issu entertain valu artist valu attitud way zodiac killer lowbudget film doubt discern viewer look beyond find carefullycraft gem', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ive read review found comparison movi v real life eg take get music school britney bash etc etc let focu movi messagei rate movi 7 10 age rang 8 14 year famili movi averag adult male 2 10i like poprock music im 45 know britney spear never realis actual sang stronger read credit review didnt recognis poster wall worri self promotioni watch movi entertain dont care cast light produc director etc movi entertain mei watch movi messag world greatest epidem low selfesteem whole stori watch messag mind area interest movi light bright breezi great kid found texan twang began fade throughout movi cours mani way convey give updont give messag yeh bit predict great messag thoughshould themthi movi great famili movi bloke watch get hannib', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'like movi fine work cinema made peopl care enough make art home movi fill supersurf greg noll home movi boatload amateur video other align 50year passion nevertheless expand degre approach aesthet glori fill artist talent athlet talent howev trivial might think surf athlet surfer astronaut testpilot surgeonsperhap phdsagain perhap believ quest surfer believ beauti human goofi believ great gift peac come cessat war surfer celebr cessat war north beach hawaiian island attack japanes zero fifteen year celebr downtim countri fought cold warinstead hotwar russian socialist surf ultim narciss danger slightli histor suspect alexand great would celebr surf techniqu go conquer dozen countri get favor press receiv movi militari hero gun beachhead surfer conquer beerstand surfboard shop problem peac desper joy exhal', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hard time stay awak two hour open episod dumb extent doubt learn singl thing graphic rudimentari small idea repeat ad nauseum contrast cosmo seri host carl sagan good music theme music come infern 10dimension string', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'although plot film bit farfetch worth see perform michael cain gambon latter deliv truli wonder dublin accent cain ham upwhich exactli charact play entertain fun hour half easi watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi badli written direct act beggar belief remad better script director cast servic worst problem act jennif beal one hand polish profession total believ hand richard woefulli miscast jar particular piec peter gallagh jenni levin aw slave own keep coupl although normal fine work actor director attempt accent allthey inconsist unbeliev much better concentr good job actual english cast ludicr children african merchant thu less social desir gen de couleur societi cast pale skin actor supposedli social desir marcel pronounc african featur includ obvious dy blond fro cast director cannot bother read script cast chose appropri actor larg pool extrem talent physic divers actor color weird could great movi remad peopl respect materi choos appropri skill actor plenti good actor would fun see jennif beal daniel sunjata gloria reuben would appropri cast good script decent direct', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'youngeroh 2i watch barney first time like back didnt exactli brain either look back see horribl show barney realli first everyth show creepi barney main charact horrend 9foot tall talk purpl dinosaur teach 13yearold imaginationshudd bji know think namei smaller yet creepier yellow dinosaur put supposudli cool fact exact opposit watch episod bj dumbl trudg slightli turn back cap make nosofunni joke want scream babi bopohohgodvomitsohohohanyway babi bop worst idea charact ever green triceratopsit dinosaur carri yellow blanket remark heeheehe barney prais cri superdeeeedooop make hard sit episod seventh grader learn shape mannersand friend make show truli horribl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'steve mcqueen certainli lot loyal fan certainli charismat fellow one charismat big screen ever knew even mcqueen cant save turkey film shot look like browni camera actual locat st louismcqueen new kid crimin record brought plan bank heist one gang there broad hint there gay relationship go young steve david clark he like heist member mainli lack crimin resum steve also girl friend molli mccarthi suspect someth afoot especi start hang around crahan denton jame duka well clark pretti rough charact would certainli get suspicion arousedth great st loui bank robberi two director charl guggenheim john stix guggenheim mostli documentari stix didnt much anyth one two joker decid steve perform best serv bad marlon brando imit film may go worst ever done steve mcqueen im will bet dick powel four star product alreadi sign want dead aliv cant believ would saw thisor would seen someth public would overlook except dress turkey', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'bad film central messag muddl plot seem like result merg sever dispar script result often make absolut sens certainli film miss dunn mr huston proud make howev film worth watch fan precod film featur amazingli sleazi plot strongli say nice girl put outeven arent marri even partner film begin miss dunn social worker assist troop head europ wwi process meet scalawag bruce cabot eventu convinc sleep becom pregnant goe next unsuspect woman howev miss dunn want back realiz he worth later babi die child birth controversi plot element use alway allud toalmost like want adult audienc know hope phrase film right way kid audienc clueless film rate kid might attend film timesurprisingli entir plot involv stillborn babi cabot end 14 way film never mention allud film part movi abandon ittack still anoth film second phase film miss dunn unexpectedli begin work women prison though actual never realli get see anyth see countless horribl scene sever abus tortur probabl design titil result violenc miss dunn goe crusad clean prison becom reform famou writerbut blue anoth type film emerg women prison reform busi goe waysid dunn meet judg walter huston marri desper want throughout film dunn portray good girleven though unmarri sex cabot less trick singl iren tireless reform good ladi begin sleep marri man tell wife estrang marri name never think investig true assur fli cloth babi make busi she pregnant love child he indict crook judg assur he innoc he convict sure sound like he scoundrelus insid inform peopl come bench order amass fortun final moment film miss dunn tri vain get freed vow wait child huston releas film endsso basic three separ film bizarr earli 30 idea nice girl like gather strongmind work girl instantli becom idiot person relationship realli undo posit dunn charact realli hard imagin anyon like film strong women right advoc might easili offend weakmind needi religi peopl might see total amor least moral suspect decent rewrit could good film least interest lewd salaci film couldnt make mind want anoth dull precod film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'caught movi scifi channel recent actual turn pretti decent far blist horrorsuspens film go two guy one naiv one loud mouth take road trip stop wed worst possibl luck maniac freaki makeshift tanktruck hybrid decid play catandmous thing complic pick ridicul whorish hitchhik make film uniqu combin comedi terror actual work movi unlik mani other two guy likabl enough good chasesuspens scene nice pace comic time make movi passabl horrorslash buff definit worth check', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mild spoiler basic plot outlin real detail go movi suffici low expect saw film free screen day ago maryland reason agre gowa free expect chuckl never huge fan tenaci much thatth first ten minut film hilari given look jack black humbl christian origin midwest american town film take us year futur first meet jb kyle gass second half tenaci see format band genesi name final titl suggest second half film detail quest obtain fabl pick destini begin film laugh loud funni movi least kept smile face said time felt bit long 100 minut still felt like bit shorter stori everi bit absurd sound film see want real plot fine except mean mani joke hit missand miss miss bad thing song music mani song lost appeal first minut sothen kept go anywayi say rrate realli save movi bomb ds humor simpli couldnt work without cuss sex drug refer unless your real fan band least know appreci style comedi would recommend save money rent pick make giggl bitbut worth 9 buck dont think tempt rate 6 sinc think mani would enjoy enough justifi see theatr 7 seem appropri sure style', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'shall begin disclaim movi recommend anyon lack interest never play ff7 game watch movi reli audienc knowledg charact game convey stori plot element subtli homework watch wonder piec cg film promis itll much betterwith mind film spectacular cg sequenc ever wit whole experi felt like extra long fmv sequenc game steroid yeah attent detail scene especi heavi action orient one impecc left sens awei believ soundtrack simplifi help audienc focu anim qualiti music familiar ff7 stori background music surpris anyon although time placement soundtrack origin accompani scene mood point music simpli enhanc animationonc play ff7 thoroughli enjoy piec art squar enix feel scene choreograph organ like dancein short enjoy music game final fantasi 7 film blow water your unfortun major experienc good known ff7 playstat pc watch movi allow exponenti greater experiencefin want make note qualiti anim film charact move fluiditi scene background come life tell stori critic thin depend stori plot urg reexamin anim facial reaction subtl clue bring anoth level entertain typic narrat method stori plot deliverysquar enix great tetsuya nomura set new bar qualiti anim storytel advent children usher new era cg anim allow subtleti lie charact speak volum themselvesthank squar enix wait well worth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'quit possibl one worst movi ever made everyth itact direct script cinematographyi dread alien human sparkli suit claim nearbi univers one assum scriptwrit meant galaxi didnt bother get dictionari check term better titl film would came planet plot contriv plot excess silli nearli nonexist human given magic macguffin conform tortuou seri unlik restrict move bare plot thought passag time ignor coupl day meet alien bam sudden there coupl hour left zero hour favor miss movi make stupid watch end particularli silli accompani someon go tada scriptwrit pull someth random butt think real alien plot movi suck bad youll get cancer watch watch last 10 minut without crap enemi freedomhonestli laugh your retard', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'realli realli realli enjoy movi featur ant build dirtmirror eat nonant conquer world voiceov narr movi basic coupl scientist work biodom commun highli intellig ant intellig actor film attempt tri thwart plan conquest extermin throughout movi two scientist girl rescu ant use everyth dispos comput green dye horrid act avail guess couldnt afford pesticid movi would quicklyth titl movi phase iv someth mysteri spoiler phase start right open credit wherea dont reach phase iv end credit roll appar director knew movi would tediou get place phase 1 3 throughout movi kind progress report hang buddi 1 phase final credit mst3k episod one wasnt good two reason 1 one season 0 ktma first start rif good later season 2 movi bad even jtb lighten one two gamera refer finish rif 5 gamera moviesth movi tricksurpris end glad reach end effect lost', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'joseph bradi clarenc doolittl two sailor fourday shore leav hollywoodjo know everyth girl cant wait see lola clarenc shyer need advic buddi meet girlsthey run littl boy donald martin ran away order join navythey take home meet beauti aunt susan want singerclar want susi girl shyness get waybut doesnt feel shi waitress come brooklyn like doessoon joe notic he love susieth boy fix lie susi meet big time music produc dont even knowa fix feelingsgeorg sidney anchor aweigh 1945 great music comedygen kelli topnotch sing danc routinesfrank sinatra terrif shi guy brooklynshi isnt first thing come mind think frank sinatra play part wellkathryn grayson fantast susan abbottw sadli lost gift actress operat soprano singer last month age 88the 9year old dean stockwel amaz job littl fellow want becom sailorjos iturbi great job perform himselfit magic pianoedgar kennedi play chief polic stationsara berner voic jerri mousether lot great stuff movi fantast sing danc numbersjust look kelli sinatra perform hate leaveit energeticif knew susi like know susi quit funnyit nice moment frank sing brahm lullabi littl dean stockwellit love listen grayson sing tango jealousi memor sequenc one take anim fantasi world gene sing danc jerri mousealso tom cat seen butlerthey origin ask mickey mous refusedth movi nomin five oscar georgi stoll got one origin music scoreanchor aweigh high class entertain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'director barbet schroder revers fortun think saw bit media studi class recognis lead actress tri despit rate critic basic cool kid richard haywood half nelson ryan gosl justin pendleton bulli michael pitt team murder random girl challeng see get away without polic find investig murder homicid detect cassi hyena mayweath sandra bullock new partner sam kennedi ben chaplin pretti baffl evid found scene eg nonrel hair plan doesnt seem complet go well cassi sam quit quickli richard justin suspect question sway away also star agn bruckner lisa mill chri penn ray feather rd call captain rod codi tom verica asst da al swanson see concept sir alfr hitchcock rope murder challeng thing film silli way even reason good bullock save dull predict adequ', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'thing come earli scifi film show imagin world everytown 100 year break 4 differ scene part film span 1940 2036 mainli ruler boss want get capabl fli airplan everytown bomb war broke outthi film 3 fault audio muddi video quirk charact arent deep overal plot isnt altogeth solid plot lack someth cant put finger seem littl fluffi love scifi interest hg well though might happen next hundr year must see worth see learn everyon fear long drawnout war go war germani threat biolog weapon everythingth come pretti good movi peopl need see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'weakstal tire clich want basic instinct miss opportun opportun fresh perspect new insight insipid trite grotesqu without possiblyredeem valu breviti oh waitit 90 minut longit must seem lot longer id rather clean bu station toilet toothbrush sit im express opinion guess mean didnt like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one word describ movi weird record movi one day japanes anim old thought would interest well movi young boy travel univers get metal bodi seek reveng way meet color charact must ultim decid want bodi strang fan animationsciencefict might want check', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'video store brows one dollar rental came upon littl gem dont know gut instic wow ever rightth stori center around two girl surviv school shoot one girl alicia teenag rebl wit full attack anoth deanna anoth survivor surviv bullet head miracl thrown togeth fate slowli begin pain beauti display heal move oni hate amaz movi fall crack wow perform busi phillip erkia christensen mention rest cast complaint dvd sore lack special featur oh jump cut movi kind jar excel movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film quit simpli one worst film ever made damn indict british film industri talentless hack work today film get mainstream distribut also featur good cast british actor went wrong dont know simpli dont care enough engag debat film terribl deserv thought warn stay hell away rubbish appar need write ten line text review might well detail plot nob man setup evil friend cowork father compani thu lead encount russian mafia dodgi accent stupid stupid plot twistsdevic ask money back perhap still shock experi want good crime film watch usual suspect godfath lock stock that peak contemporari british crime film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ill comment lot what stereotyp charact absolut ignor colombia realiti aw mise en scene poor color choic funni suppos comedi expect laugh distend music besid nonsens scene poor actor direct see somewher peopl mean interpret youll know least good see call film imposs guess get tire music comedi rhythm good rhythm rap sing final creditspathet doesnt etcetc long time havent seen movi bad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi riot cannot rememb last time great time movi ive seen good comedi time usual pretti funni one wall wall great line think best show last movi laugh hard much movi nonstop end 5 minut sentiment plot clean constant barrag one liner goofi situat id like see leav theater like zucker movi dont get joke first time around see two three time get ina far actual film goe could use better edit choppi time forgiv charact great like adam sandler movi tri funni everyon els suffer around butt joke think rememb main charact year come likabl victim movi also thank god got 45 year old actress play girlfriend catherin keener play sweetheart film wish women like realli exist she 10 like lead ladi somehow smile warmer julia robert overdon overbiteif see trailer film may think highli assur trailer justic give away good joke mediocr onesoh one thing hope critic put top ten list mani complain comedi dont get recognit deserv end year dont put list mean ebert', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'fey stori martian attempt colon earth thing must pretti bad back mar two state trooper investig scene report ufo crash whatev land buri ice traci pond footstep snow lead nearbi dinerth diner custom sinc eleven oclock morn hand bu passeng sit around wait permiss cross structur weak bridg bu driver insist six passeng aboard bu although didnt notic problem seven peopl wait journey resum one alien one suspect there crazi old man jack elam cours seem exercis sub rosa wit there bluster businessman must get boston john hoyt young coupl honeymoon execr perform husband ron kipl except coupl nobodi notic anyon els even coupl suspici bride newli mint husband could sworn mole chin stori continu sprightli slightli spooki way phone ring reason light go juke box turn none taken seriouslyit thoroughli enjoy ensembl play climact revel worth chuckl discern depth moral messag pod peopl masquerad normal citizen warn kind fairi tale divert amusesi alway enjoy especi interest see john hoyt irrit impati businessman know 1954 roman senat mastermind assassin juliu caesar mgm version shakespear play three armsoop', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rare feel need write review site film deserv poorli creat bia product wasi felt distinct attempt part filmmak display palestinian famili boorish untrustworthi hear discuss sad feel oppress yet film shot arrang way feel polit oppress popul jewish isra popul see evid parallel posit palestinian teenag hear palestinian prison understand restrict place polit natur restrict design prevent peacei came film feel mother victim selfish mourn complet close mind due side fenc speak continu unwil see hurt bomber parent angri closedmind word caus final meet spiral control realist mind see isra mindset root problem ignor plea understand freedom ignor request acknowledg process jewish popul acquir landi given two selfish weak mother normal would admir documentari howev light lack imparti seem exploit also poor edit lack background actual instanc final lack proper represent palestinian side ultim poor documentari poor film acknowledg partial result polit situat oblig note flaw direct regardless heartwrench sad subject matter', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'relentless like one loud action movi entir cast seem speed didnt quit get director intent wonder she ever seen stanley donen vincent minnelli even georg sidney music structur pleas one hell mess love abba costum unflatt photographi unflatt toward actor love toward locat one thing make whole thing bearabl sight meryl streep make fool chemistri friend christin baranski juli walter think streep lili tomlyn altman film youll understand hope embarrass particular pierc brosnam colin firth audienc howev seem enjoy probabl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi great job explain problem face fear put man space histori space flight still use today classroom get one rare print disney shown vault disney wish would', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'altern 1950 outbreak undead caus mysteri spacedust contain use special electron collar young loner timmi find friend fido billi connelli famili recent acquir domest zombiefido quickli becom surrog father timmi whose real dad unabl adequ express love son hottotrot wife play gorgeou carrieann moss psycholog scar child forc shoot father tri eat himtimmi run spot bother howev putrid pal collar goe blink attack kill elderli neighbour author fido trail troubl brew pair local bulli mother form bond undead househelp timmi abl hold new found frienda refresh take whole zombi schtick fido thoroughli entertain delici dark comedi appeal anyon slightli twist sens humour take romero zombievers transplant 1950 small town america stroke geniu result simpli one origin film tackl whole reanim dead theme seenconnelli fido cinemat zombi worthi inclus undead movi hall fame along day dead bub return live dead tarman often feel empathi walk corps big yin perform fine actual found root big blue bag pu rest cast also give commend perform young ksun ray timmi msmoss deserv special mentionsray one young put particularli assur turn moss bloodi yummythi third zombi film watch week other somewhat disappoint planet terror rather fun flight live dead surpris also best director andrew curri given fan genr someth truli origin treasur talent watch future85 10 round 9 imdb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'extrem downtoearth well made act rodeo western gussi star need cast member regular peopl tell real life stori rodeo hustler entourag 60 70 west hat particularli slim picken give think signatur perform especi given fact rodeo clown real life role went far beyond mere clown role deepli dealt up down hardnos rodeo life psycholog devast frequent surround life style mr coburn team extrem well partner circuit also real world outsid corral also check ann archer coburn nativ american love interest latter part movi must one first role flashi perhap junior bonner equal heart render impact portray thank encor western channel show true grit underr movi time time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'despit review distinctli lukewarm found stori total engross even critic describ love stori mill boon good see warm touch stori real love cynic time mani audienc snif surreptiti dab eye realli believ young victoria albert passion fond even though polit reason arrang marriag feel though sir john conroy desper control young queen perhap play like pantomim villain rumour fact real father victoria result affair mother duchess kent would interest explor theori emili blunt total convinc young princess trap stifl palac courtier politician manipul brilliantli portray strength charact determin eventu made victoria great queen england prosper never long reign believ word mouth recommend ensur great success enjoy wonder look movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'american nightmar offici tie opinion pat worst movi timeseven friend oddli resembl kmart version cast friend gather coffe shop listen american nightmar pirat radio show host guy beard that excit aspect showchandl monica joey oh wait mean wayn jessi rest bad onelin spout gang take turn reveal biggest fear beard dj unbeknownst craze nurseseri killer listeningcrazi nurs proce tortur ross rachel wait sorri make fear come life fear includ stunner voodoo gone old ladi denturesno reallythi movi word rotten crazi nurs kill spree lack motiv there noth make viewer jump end blow andagainvoodooif absolut regard love one rent american nightmar themif care love oneseven littl bitgo local blockbust rent copi american nightmar hide freezer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first say love book anim farm read 9th grade class great also decid watch movi would benefici movi disappoint movi cut charact miss lot main point book skip around lot doesnt explain anyth detail someon watch movi without first read book would confus disappoint thing movi end end book power movi chang suppos pig men allianc sort melt togeth instead movi made seem like anim go rebel pig sum dont think movi captur real mean orwel portray book', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi extrem bore laugh time decid rent notic william shatner name cover littl kid get pick time classmat wander street look old ladi assist meet prostitut take club call playground befriend sever pimp mayor toni gold shatner decid take pimp busi lil pimp must lay homiesth anim isnt good look like made macromedia im sure doesnt suck sort choppi flash anim peopl gotten use recent year humor good didnt think funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'disgust movi wasnt graphic sex scene ruin imag artemisia gentileschi movi hold much truth art show one piec art work judith behead holofernes show enter testimoni rape trial paint first judith year triali dont know understood movi probabl tassi nobl charact rape artemisia love rape claim accept fals charg rape stop suffer tortur accord rape transcript continu claim never carnal knew artemisia aka sex state truei encourag peopl go find real artemisia see realli dont base knowledg fiction movi encourag research artemisia realli interest stori behind amaz art workdont see movi find true stori artemisia', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'joyou world creat us pixar bug life immers univers could document enjoy film precis univers could document world anim forgotten plenti exuber world anim offer right hand bug life warm remind walk film equallywarm feel sens satisfact deriv highcalibr film productionsit pixar second anim featur subgroup disney made spectacular debut perhap entir inadvert mark film world three year prior 1995 landmark movi toy stori movi defi convent reinvent breath new life anim defin whole new level excel return sophomor effort honest draw creep sens cynic us prior see filmaft film ant well walk insect bug world cover bug life ant focal point film human focal point drama romanc insignific speci anim ant act protagonist movi let alon provid entir premis featur film sure jest howev forget toy stori bunch toybox item abl becom grandest inspir lovabl bunch anim hero villain ever concoct guy pixar manag pull feat manag turn bunch dirti miniscul bug endear pleasant gang vermin youll probabl ever encounternot entir amiabl likabl isnt unpleas charact sight even villain rivet charact theyr colour theyr eclect theyr idiosyncrat array charact also gargantuan lack better term ad rich layer distinct alreadi plaster onto bug life begin shall start main charact hero name flik david foley charact rather gener say least thousand faith obedi worker ant resid lush beauti ant island one consid black sheep clan seen open moment movi inadvert destroy season harvest anticsth problem aris fact ant harvest bunch greedi grasshopp led hopper kevin spacey eager continu assert wrath autocraci amongst puni littl ant show ant island annual banquet see offer gone go insan lack better term hopper offer proposit save ant total extinct pack hand howev negoti simpli imposs fulfil cog clockwork flik mind run full steam despit guilt shame offer leav ant island search mighti bug warrior come coloni rescu fight hopper grasshoppersif think bug life bear heavi resembl plot line akira kurosawa classic seven samurai american remak magnific seven villag hapless goodheart folk threaten malevol wick enemi one lone villagedwel goe search help big citi find return coloni drive evil bug life help come form downandout circu troup mistakenli perceiv flik warrior barroom brawlmuch amus come scene much amus come circu troup bug among erudit stick insect david hyde pierc sidesplit obes german caterpillar name heimlich quasifemm fatal ladybug who fact gritti masculin ladybug denni hopper exceedingli enjoy watch bug onscreen watch bug insect interact onscreen entir movi collectivelya ive said much amus mirth come charact joyou interact one anoth give way bevi hilari line wonder suspens rivet situat overal dazzl movi make bug life even better film isnt restrict simpli children mani may perceiv although children would inde find entertain film clichd kidfriendli situat bit abund wed like howev easi ignor fault incredul easi enjoy filmalthough bug life may reach dizzi landmark standard set predecessor still superb movi start someth promis pixar prove theyr onehit wonder instead muchgift talent group film artist hollywood rais bar endlessli someon alway manag top standard alway say bug life see quit best weve seen folk emeryvil california beat lot year ill damn isnt best anim featur 19988510', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'empti lack lustr rendit classic novel wish peopl would stop mess classic clearli idea real intent point origin version differ felt ralph fienn version much wors though cast juliett brioch kathi got worst cast decis everanyway back version aim make stori relev contemporari set music style succe high art nit throwaway view raini day maybeth direct averag edit abysm wors old quinci deepak verma great turn hindley fact one britain wast talent part heath play great charm belief think cast strongest point project although talent director would made better use facil clear director hire didnt instil project passion deserv', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'father hero use favorit movi younger andr divorc french man want take beauti daughter katharin heigl vacat hope get littl closer cours nicol isnt easi get along start puberti im guess angri hurt father never decid give hard time one day beach nicol meet handsom ben make wild stori dad whole island get involv movi turn hilari wild entertain movi would give father hero 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'surpris product like get made day especi televis consid strong sexual theme explicit lovemak scene mention lesbian given superb treatment directionth set costum flawless direct stylish charact likeabl fair amount humor surprisingli dark interlud protagonist realli tragic figur devoid happi also product avoid mistak filmsshow make deal homosexualitylesbian charact human seem allow peopl comfort watch gay lesbian tv movi show fill full clich make charact obsess gay tip velvet protagonist hardli awar lesbian meansth bbc made wonder product past adventur period piec confirm standard excel front', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont get big premis episod miranda remark there anyth ugli would make insan someon made remark mayb frequenc light wave someth rather ugli miranda jerk episod slow inconsist way talki also dont quit understand kolo ambassador doesnt feder leav damn medusan there one part like kolo speak spock loneli human experi overal love to even lamest ill alway tune episod though mmm wouldnt purchas except use copi 3', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one time favorit movi would recommend anyon list favorit movi mental list mind one par movi lord ring seri spirit away fli away homei realli relat main charact jess start movi she shi girl slightli odd background lot friend boy girl realli suck life also certainli cant fault protagonist act anyon els filmth soccer interest watch even someon like idea rule movi never bore romanc realli cute didnt make blush tooooo hard one thing realli made though indian factor jess parent indian mani colour indian convent throughout film provid interest cultur insight well everyth els indian peopl also hilari essenti come age film choos path want fight itfeel good comedi becom favorit movi genr thank film theyr funni theyr refresh make feel good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'know youv alreadi enter film festiv least think may make think get best anim short film everi one bravo cant wait full film realiz may hear often enough bizarr natur anim hear accept truth kudo friend okay im tri get ten line text though still mean come yet anoth shoe cannot stop yet extrem annoy yet time noth better fact ill probabl watch movi yet anoth spasmod jason steel marathon lot thoser', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'probabl first entri lanc olearynurs keat detect seri subsequ oleari film play much younger actor guy kibbeea group rel play wellknown charact actor gather old hous raini nite cours speak wealthi rel goe comawhil wait recov sort mysteri goingson happen includ coupl murdersa creepi film worth see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'anim simpl straightforward good vs evil plot action set apart anim well human movement anim realli beauti see flee woman run around screen left right look around movement done well dont use rotoscop techniqu day quit effectivefir ice prehistor set scarc dress women clearli devot show beauti damsel distress variou sexi way voluptu bodi serv pure eyecandi may hate regard yet anoth moron male sexual fantasi other includ plenti women ador esthet qualiti sure mind bakshi love anim lushiou voluptu babe also seen cool world dont think apolig sinc pretti much anim adult also enjoy anim child never forgot itthi one special differ standard disney anim fare reason alon well worth watch sinc possibl bakshi finest like anim lushiou women tri space adventur cobra welli give fire ice 8 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rate act 310 suspens 210 charact attach 110 plot 210 charact develop 210 overal 210thi show suck much offici csi miami best csi ny 2nd csi 100th dont know csi get episod your watch one cant get episod matter much tri opinion show worth watch know peopl differ opinion respect csi aint good enough like suspens real actingperform good plot direct charact developmentattach overal good show suggest watch csi miami', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'faulkner fan consid sacrilegi especi sinc grew near author hometown howev think excel movi par qualiti movi kill mock bird havent seen buy anyway well worth perman collect tcm recent play movi part race film seri wish theyd play often movingon side note folk oxford mississippi also enjoy see footag town squar back 1940 courthous citi hall etc theyr screen never knew movi film notic familiar build saw arch front citi hall began get suspici look close pennant chick wall youll see two ole miss', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'chines ghost stori iii total superflu sequel two excel fantasi film film deliv spellcast special effect one expect fail pain front actor play extrem silli caricatur still diaper find slapstick humor even remot funni plot predict develop sometim errat often slow toward end movi begin resembl old godzilla film includ shabbi largerthanlif special effect well yet anoth ghost godzilla head mayb would grin expect campit astonish see trash fantasi fan put case somebodi thought could squeez littl extra money success formula wont abl cash cow dead dodo', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cant stand realiti show one worst one pari hilton sure compani your fire your hire mani season watch show wouldnt want work guy ego think watch paint dri entertain valveid love hear one person get say donald quit take money buy decent hairdo see he even tri buy fame wrestl wwe hope get hurt dont see pathet face anymor must sad want fame bad talent make ass tri buy id give show neg mark could get 1 doesnt deserv', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'known movi film exasper queaseinduc dogm 95 style would never rent nevertheless took dramamin seasick gave shot last long forti minut give bore pretenti twaddleth last french movi saw romanc pretti dismal least camera steadi breath neck charact time baffl continu popular dogm 95 oversea itll catch america time next big outbreak leprosi call dogm 95 that averag number time actor poke eye camera', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'stori show good realli depress hate depress movi richard great realli put top notch perform girl play sister realli awesom gorgeou serious thought carmen electra saw imdb profil cant say anyth bad peter galleghar he one favorit actor love ann rice im current read vampir chronicl im glad saw movi read book littl tooreal prefer lestat louiss witti littl tiff struggl slave eartha kitt creepi charact movi ruin could bare stand watch rest show sorri ambigu dont want give anyth away sorri type show', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first let comment like movi special effect fantast rare feel like watch video game last nice thing say film fact would like everyon read take note cant even put word hard write review without swear innumer complaint film four major complaint jump mind first major complaint incred cheesi plot twist call sinc peopl probabl saw come mile away loiss 5 yearold son turn superpow child superman cri superchild throw piano lex henchman save mother almost got left theater singer could made much better superman movi without resort cheap gimmick like seemingli fragil latent superpow illegitim child 5 day sinc saw movi still want vomit next major complaint fact superman lift contin made kryptonit outer space doesnt take comic book guy simpson point what wrong dont know mani comic book brian singer read superman expos even small amount kryptonit bare strength stay feet whoever idea fli larg island made greatest weak space busi associ supermanrel project ever concept ridicul make dracula movi titl charact stake heart still manag fli spaceship made garlic sun superman eat kryptonit eat brush teeth go sleep kryptonit pajama that absurd hoist contin kryptonit space fall powerless atmospher without burn reentri splatter central park hit ground third major complaint fact singer slap moviego across face religi symbol entir movi take issu character superman son godlik jorel sent earth savior jorel wasnt allwis scientist didnt send son earth savior threw rocket hurriedli fire space planet explod ill buy christ allegori brian singer show part bibl god send christ earth heaven explod radioact piec heaven becom christ primari weak furthermor crucifixion scene luthor stab superman side kryptonit spear make want slam face brick im braindead notic brazenli obviou inappropri symbol taint man steel forese futur might well renam movi superman return passion christand speak luthor last major complaint singer depict lex luthor lex luthor shrewd coldheart busi tycoon apt run presid comic tri destroy world man want money power want charg wreck everyth yet luthor see superman return well previou superman movi wacki theatric dunc come zani scheme destroy world singer slightest loyalti charact instead quit aw previou superman movi film might unbear travesti mayb singer next project batman movi focus interpret batman 1960 tv show zam whap powto summar dont know hate movi fact mani peopl seem give good review everyon entitl opinion dont hate movi opinion wrong sincer encourag anyon read see movi havent alreadi dont see dont buy come dvd dont rent itbas dont contribut money toward way movi deserv make money fact think everi person see movi bryan singer fine 45 billion dollar your superman fan realli want see movi bend someon kick ball youll get experi without wast 2 hour time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one best tv product music ever heard merman cast album angela lansburi album seen tyne dali live ive seen rosalind russel movi countless time think bett best tie best captur bravura also patho mama rose never natali wood fan realli enjoy cynthia gibb arguabl best role everyth costum set support perform wonder three stripper led alwaysdepend christin ebersol hard top suppos tv product mame year back cher think bett would best bet pun intend aunti mame', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'sorri say film inde bad remind cgrade porn movi one major differ pornth stori dialogu need complet overhaul mayb bad act would notic least pace pick upwhil accept low budget director good job visual given littl resourc spent time stori better yet get someon els write mani action scene pointlessit complet wast time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'perfect movi weird adapt scifi book featur vampir space nake beauti british armi efficiencywhen first saw movi rather young rememb feel awe movi mathilda may actual werent gorgeou ladi nake whole movi probabl wouldnt rate high given sheer magnific actual consid vote uplucki got remind movi watch imagin raider lost ark poltergeist special effect splatter unto rather decent scifi stori complet top perform still enjoy movi tremend well mathilda may mixtur nostalgia compar crap movi make today actual want endedbottom line scifi fan allow miss movi oh mention mathilda may young beauti nake', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'overal rather impress pilot initi first fifteen minut worri feel creator tri creat scienc fiction version oc fear rectifi terrorist incid occur show step theme situat rare see televis tacklebsg dealt theme monoth existenti realiti death terror primarili subtext viewer contempl ignor choos hand subject focu show person found evok work ghost shell matrix refer point watch surpris well theme discuss think fan two mention filmstelevis show deal subject referenc think find least someth herein term start point explain situat know bsg came believ handl interest way especi like explain cylon belief one god came creation caprica enough advanc contemporari technolog thrown make appear futur complet alien us viewersth real weak point notic relationship greyston parent actress play laci rand like eric stoltz paula malcomson individu togeth scene seem lack chemistri point could simpli develop charact someth think need work also found magda apanowicz unconvinc role could experi time need develop throughout episod act appear forc complet confidentbas pilot greatli look forward see caprica goe futur hope touch great bsg', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'im type guy love hood movi new jack citi babi boy killa season b grade hollywood movi someth differ hater movi kinda enjoy bit weird well act wasnt good compar silkk shocker perform hot boyz quit good icet new jack svu great scene corrupt icet kill wanna jamaican dude say someth light fire burn icet dude kill jamaican howev icet unharm similar ice movi urban menac star actor snoop charact supernatur howev noth suggest corrupt like demon mj silkk get stab first struggl fight normal stab thighwith blood mj confess kill cop co cop beat friend benni weird benni isnt introduc movi scene isnt film hold weight fact corrupt want kill mj still make u scratch head wen jodi write letter miss jone charact explain happen afterword doesnt mention happen 2 main charact mj lisa film show horror poverti ghettowhich plagu live latino black word widewa good part film even though clip project reus thousand time scene mile kill latino brother crash bike full speed wear helmet run latino brother car would kill movi similar film urban menac half actor movi well product team ok tho poverti love hood film howev u dont love em like dont watch thing save walk remind first movi made made 100 dollar love genrenathaniel purez', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'huge fan farcri game huge fan still hold place top10 game list time stori line new fresh truli brilliant foundat base movi thoughtfarcri movi less anoth director attempt cash success game franchis see doom movi mani moreth video game begin player jack carver awak sea side cave shot boat rpg unknown soldier jack find commun devic harlan doyl guid across island shipwreck jungl instal volcano find ladi friend valeri constantin wile battl mutat super soldier genet enhanc animalsth movi play differ 1 there needless 30 min 13 movi backstori even get boat blow scene 2 jack walk onto beach kill goon drive noth like game 3 commun doyl end 4 modifi soldier look like albino singlet mutat monkeylik creatur jump bush part farcri game enjoy allot 5 sun fill beach scene aircraft carrier commun station huge cliff littl refer ingam content charactersitemsvehicl fact attempt follow stori line 6 climact volcano scene game replac old industri build 7 there end scene everyon except krieger live happili ever thei recommend avoid movi cost gamer hate movi soul movi clearli intend male girl stay away male 1229 year age never play farcri disgust director attempt port booksgam cinema', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one best ensembl act film ive ever seen isnt much plot act incred see charact chang ever subtli undr influenc rent villa itali love happi film cast mesmer spell much villa women truli enchant', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'havent seen movi 5 year still haunt ask favorit film one seem alway mention first certain film work art like film dark citi break wave seem touch place within place protect hidden yet sensit make lifelong impress viewer unlik lifechang event end seriou relationship death friend film shook first saw left emot hangov last sever day', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'today wrote review anger uwe boll hollywoodhollywood produc movi base one darkest day nation 911 chang everyth chang percept secur chang understand evil man human importantli devastatingli chang worldhowev cant stress utterli repuls disillus angri careless blatant ignor hollywood seek make lucr profit death destruct film like bound caus controversi amid wordofmouth among moviego critic alik sure echo mainstream press hollywood sunk new low even lower lowdown bastard perpetr barbar act savageri unrel cruelti behind uwe boll angri movi dare disrespect memori famili lost dare mock live brave men women risk live save trap doom tower fate day infami dare tri satir time capit nation tragedi mist mourn weari post911 world howdarethey gall even think see moral appal travesti say heavi heart strength rememb think back day ask whether sane moral person think back day ask whether film disgrac dishonor live lost day think back day outcri famili love one think back day live lost two plane think back carnag caus follow attacksask soulthink rememb respect memori live lost 911 see film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cannot deni affin speed that movi like fast furiou dhoom rempit get made play satisfact audienc especi local one live tini island cannot fathom rel effici public transport system us want get debt own set wheel come 100 tax reach shore myriad tax bill pay oper one high end sport car quip promin politician north never reach fourth gear lest reach seaand movi rel easi make hot wheel hot chick alway go well togeth target requir demograph plung necklin expos uncanni buxom short skirt accentu leg two meter long cant compet attent given beauti curv exot car possess movi cours amongst us ahem go sexist portray women mere sexual object otherwis explain motor show come truckload model movi cannot without leggi model frame howev dont warrant kind collect orgasm sigh whenev four wheeler come screen even exactli noth gear park guy sit besid swear wet pant everi time dream car appear cream pant even hear growl engin moansso fan boy turn drove watch latest cool car get featur movi fast furiou franchis japanes model like evo skylin take centerstag gt ford gt take incred droolworthi facad modif even im impress alongsid latest model like ferrari enzo porsh carerra gt koenigsegg ccx everi car wing door serious heart goe car time theyr mercilessli wreck entertain mean perfectli fine high perform model apex motor yet whoever financ movi million blow canther stori redlin excus put togeth movi full beauti car rip tarmac probabl bore fashion possibl usual shot pedal alway acceler mind tap brake pedal tantamount blasphemi earn respect steer wheel gear shift alway shift actor make pretend theyr baddest ass engin snarl give dirti look tall order actor that get woeful perform ever line seem written elementari schoolkidsth heroin ye made statement girl drive natasha plasticki look nadia bjorlin one million dollar find girl model look dont mind get four immers oil race pedigre within perform rock band sing song lyric plain laughabl everi line car sing love string innuendo like shift gear shaft lubric go ride introduc wish illeg race gangsta call infam eddi griffin get drawn famili squabbl involv leo dicaprio lookalik iraq war veteran sleazi lecher look rich uncl everyth els well like said serv excus movi go race raceand almost alway there limit heighten tension race car especi know race rig narr reason see race outcom mile away finish line fast furiou quit charismat actor put head chop block name paul walker sun kang cours star creat vin diesel redlin none pretti face lot air unfortun look like tv movi treatment get go insipid open sequenc one man one car 105 minut race time get vegasif car movi serious piec junk bad act bad line bad action strictli car fan like movi countless bevi beauti pimp bodi without speak line', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'im type person alway goe 2 horror section im pick film pick five across eye disgust film thought stori line point could enjoy itit made skin crawl think peopl like watch film encourag violenc hell low budget rubbish think could done better think worst film ever seen life bother watch actor rubbish camera aw pictur bad sound scratch think littl bit like cheep rip baler project work foul', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seven up compar bullitt chase scene come anywher near match bullitt bullitt begin build build build mcqueen leav seedi hotel get mustang park embarcadero freeway torn notic charger sit nearby know see someth spectacular moment mcqueen start car begin best car chase sequenc ever film ad terrif lalo schriffin rememb correctli sound track goe long time actual hear first tire squeal shot mcqueen mustang suddenli appear bill hickman rear view mirror unmatch visual impact hickman look surpris doubl take realli add effect cours san francisco unmatch set car race hill around bend also bullitt film 60 car still hot mustang gt dodg charger made better set wheel two bore smog devic laden pontiac 1970 seven up bill hickman driver bad guy car movi saw sit insid movi preview univer lot movi review paper gave good tri seven up though chase scene seven up jump littl hill yawn cours san francisco hill seven up chase actual go fast longer go fast sequenc bullitt scene singl shotgun blast total blow hood roy schieder pontiac height absurd strictli hollywood would say except film new york', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ever heard say peopl telegraph intent well movi charact action telegraph futur plan show hous drunk buffet head could forgiven set use better charact charismat nuanc embeth davidtz charact mysteri wooden kenneth branagh doesnt succeed convey brash charm charact probabl written haveth bottom line obviou plot onenot perform unlik charact grotesqu southern accent employ british actor', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'night live homeless fairli strong finish first half season 11 obvious parodi variou zombi movi notabl dawn dead episod parallel homeless live dead creatur feed thrive spare chang rather brainskyl blame sudden mass outbreak homeless peopl good heart give 20 homeless man front hous homeless peopl begin infiltr south park town complet overrun strong randi marsh episod assum role shotgunwield leader adult take refug roof park counti commun center randi make commun center accost hundr homeless peopl hilari scream dont chang unfortun refuge end lose gerald broflofski homeless tri escap catch bu town unwittingli toss away chang bu distract homeless peopl becom one ask everyon changeth boy attempt find mani homeless peopl south park find man director homeless studi find nearbi citi evergreen use similar problem homeless escap evergreen find solv problem unfortun homeless peopl break man hous attempt take easi way shoot howev fail sever time shoot jaw eye chest neck shoulder scream horribl final die scene may funnier similar scene happen fantast easter special two week agomeanwhil member refuge discov due homeless problem properti valu nosediv thu bank foreclos hous make homeless randi immedi turn hold gun man head man final beg other buck help randi pull triggerin evergreen boy find citizen town sent homeless south park pass homeless town town happen countri boy modifi bu lead homeless south park take way santa monica californiath zombi movi parallel great randi marsh line make one definit rewatch 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'im sure decid categori movi fit movi horror movi stori fairli interest rather slow especi disappoint end thoughspoilertel earth run uncl home without least call detect polic first know exactli what go point plu video tape proof instead run start go nut say know everyth proof didnt expect proof act surpris uncl stand start walk he go harm well duh cours he go harm idiot told know everyth proof expos everyth dumb end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'gave 1 mani plot twist never sure root total mayhem everyon get kill nearli tire cross hair chang view cannot give plot away convolut insan paid see would demand money back wish review honest', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'easi film like first lead charact quit unlik luckili heart soul film paula sage touch perform drive film unchart water transcend rather awkward storylin give film feel real truth make think youv seen someth special710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'read book see movi film one best adapt true faith book sean penn sarandon amaz robbin talent filmak wish would add repetoir made film haunt intent slowpac add depth especi brilliant bit filmak reflect victim appear glass execut room end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'docteur petiot star michel serrault brutal stori brutal man doctor heal sick occupi franc even abil compens yet prey weakest amidst populac imageri cinematographi superb lend addit macabr feel complex stori perfect psychopath seduct altruist intellig care calcul murder movi certain forgotten soon viewer kudo mr serrault chill portray', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'got video use watch last night act start extrem bad heyheytwist got good soon ward tornado look extrem fake mani cgi effect dodgi scene hous crack apart content insid blown around suck extrem well done par movi like twister scene devast also extrem well done stori well written refresh see movi like stray away old disast formula movi genr seem stuck 30 yearswhil movi weird mix fx act qualiti merit book', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film realli vile play urban paranoia 70s80 put school context im say urban crime wasnt problem lot peopl school werentar problem area vile piec exploit take biscuit violenc beyond anyth realist imagin case case social issu white uppermiddl class student use turn crime kingpin local high schoiol cours know play system sound familiar ye turd pure violent exploit realli nasti piec work disturb brutal dress social comment belong categori trash like extermin death wish 25 remark thing michael fox broke time stuff like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'horribl horribl film worst collect clich seen long time saw much left theatr scream 40 minut search stiff drink sooth nerv meryl streep aw usual mani hurt tortur express 1 person aidan quinn talent often total wast told gloria estefan could act tri polic correct movi still enforc racial stereotyp brave inexperienc lone music teacher teach underprivilegd kid violin poor neighbourhood school kid werent even cute written suit appal script aaargh we craven realli made cring real horror one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'motocross fun wasnt great guess didnt understand lot motocross race lingo lot film plot wasnt expect disney channel preview could account disappoint', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'sixth escapad freddi krueger final manag kill virtual everi youth springwood want broaden horizon spoiler need famili member order ita failur horror movi simpli aint scari work better dark macabr black comedi tell truth freddi krueger strip abil chill viewer mani wisecrack that sure actor arent interest save robert englund alway obvious slum yaphet kotto simpli far mani visual effect final ok doesnt provid mani spark think one might hopein ad new twist familiar dream killer stori provid englund opportun nonmakeup scene ever beforether cameo worth note joint cameo thencoupl roseann tom arnold devoid entertain valu appropri appear veteran shockrock alic cooper funni cameo johnni depp also sort acknowledg pop icon becomefilm debut breckin meyer play spenceron best thing replay key scene earlier entri close credits410', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ok im italian arent mani italian film like think plot good 34 film final simpl predict littl mistak consequ love opinion great sequenc particular begin great soundtrack id like much light work best thing great great actor know name al pacino everybodi would still talk perform great theater italian actor call toni servillo ye someon tell film kind perform slow bore mani silenc think compon fantast right way describ love stori talent young girl granddaught italian actress anna magnani olivia old mysteri man toni one favorit italian film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'see one ernest movi life make one far best seri nonstop laugh clever humor suitabl age ernest flick good peopl tend get tire quickli howeverin movi ernest p whorrel assign juri duti murder case murder nash happen look exactli like bumbl hero ernest mr nash find good opportun escap jail knock switch ident get see ernest react slammera great flick havent alreadi seen watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'idiot dentist find wife unfaith new stori line howev author manag creat stupid disgust film enjoy watch kid vomit see dentist imagin pull wife teeth bloodi horrortyp go see rent film move someth els fair ladi anyon', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first cube movi art movi set world major archetyp mankind repres show struggl make sens hostil world couldnt understand nonliter level man vs cruel natur plot individu repres innoc good came end triumph face new indefin world beyond man petti squabbl world struggl peac rate cube 10 10 movi never meant sequelsth second movi hypercub massiv disappoint idea kind cool context origin movi stori set made sens mean still fairli entertain rate 5 10the third movi cube zero ignor second play like vastli inferior commerci bmovi rehash first san symbol homag tribut rip kind plot element idiot alter like letter instead prime number cube idea show clearli anyth els ripoff absolut origin noth saythat see someth behind scene mean noth watcher part big bad experi architect hear noth movi get exit like kazan end first movi kill bleep sens that flippin stupid im glad didnt pay see thisth product valu act cube zero bad stori idea utterli devoid inspir movi get rate 3 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi dvd late morn disappoint even thought good joke audienc word creator plane make comedi drama howsoev end realiz mr toni giglio earnest movi piti dialogu ridicul act poor lifeless stori fishi tale poor ryan phillipp despit effort charact movi remain probabl worst perform say jason statham lack kind skill develop role imaginari fiction reason vote 310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'believ shakespear explain read beauti think ladi doth protest much whole thing sound author tri convinc site profan literatur write time period connect bibl number time howev think least three refer top head lend histor accuraci event contain bibl anyon skew data prove anyth like doesnt make true custom chang word definit chang time look english german obvious common root noth stay alway grow chang bibl mani differ translat king jame version one ive found best come kind research king jame version notic certain word written ital word ad translat drop mean entir vers chang write around time christ written without space without punctuat without paragraph without numer vers write look like one long word translat ad exampl would read godisnowher read god nowher read god string letter two entir differ mean mani biblic research use lexicon assist translat provid word word translat origin arab greek hebrew depend languag scriptur origin written also interest note translat symbol logic prove god exist prove doesnt exist end love listen peopl think smart qualifi judg almighti talk ego put soapbox away god bless maegi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'presum damag mental circuitri valmik nelson made watch thish mention book movi megachees ask would mike nelson steer wrong know bot never trust mike nelsonth music john william probabl part payment devil fact im sure anyon work movi probabl leagu ol slewfoot curs execut director guy ran cater truck outsid studio dont watchfor love goddont watch even make copi show someon els uncurs youim doom understand accept save', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi flippin awfuli want hour life back god sake stay far away aw crumb ball movi cost worth mention titl rate movi pretti gener vomit scum movi like begin dumb kid movieth zero plot storyth gardenvarieti collegefrat boyesquir scene towel slap bad act teen angst innuendo god never endedi rememb think would rather kiss movi theater floor sit one againbut expect peopl brain power look review go target audienc go see pirit 2 jet lee one debat look movi cost soul money energi brain cell heed warn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi watch never ever get tire lot laugh gun action crime good one liner decent plot top donald sutherland rather comed role assasain tia carerra look hot ever act thoma ian griffin great lead charact max dea agent dian fbi agent play carerra john lithgow frazier tv play bad guy livingston plot center around max dian tri captur livingston fight argu get money respect agenc throw mix assassain sutherland pretti much good one liner perfect crime caper usual love stori play differ would think carerra griffith also russian mafia italian mafia chinees mafia thrown mix film shot boston great shot local great photographi music film movi epitom crime comedi everyth one could ever want check sutherland toilet particular scene unusu film riot make laugh real hard 10 plu', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'like see anim skin aliv head smash dog throat crush men stomp one somewhat normal dont need see real footag anim cruelti pass one movi tri shock viewer sure doeswith anim snuff begin kill babi movi fake leastit enough make turn offiv seen movi like show slaughterhous footag btk movi kind footag allow horror moview watch gore horror know makeup special effect shouldnt sit watch movi see real kill anim rent movi forif anyth larg warn label put type garbag movi peopl wont surpris hardcor horror fan one turn stomach entir movi cast crew need head check', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'anoth spanish movi 1936 civil war time told stori carol love play dbutant clara lago littl girl come live littl spanish villag new york initi trip soon shell find injustic human race stupid fight conflict contradictionsimanol urib make best film sinc da contado 1994 sober puls beauti photographi nice script tri take part conflict show us fact let us decid ok fact explicit enough make us decid band take huge advantag presenc fresh young star coupl clara lago juan jo ballestaa well care productionmi rate 710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'respons previou comment made resid region motion pictur lens one person suggest close destruct ocean view amus park led downturn surround neighborhood simpli true prior construct interst 64 bypass ocean view area primari rout traffic went heart ocean view interst complet ocean view rapidli becam ghost town busi close increas crime led huge reduct revenu park also face new competit nearbi busch garden williamsburg meanwhil past year citi norfolk done remark job foster redevelop area becom soughtaft locat construct highend housingit also said destruct footag roller coaster use film rollercoast also untru footag shot two coaster car careen ride film actual explos collaps exclus death ocean view parka film storylin supernatur forc water adjac park certainli silli somewhat typic bgrade movi time cast involv surpris sceneri gnaw almost everi scene primari actor dont believ film intend anoth citizen kane believ playboy experi new nonnud format determin area compani expand appar strang forc water caus strang event old amus park probabl sound good confer tabl prove unmanag execut roller coaster rest park destin wreck ball anyway let come weird way justifi explos demisefor casual movi viewer would see forget film except diana canova fan thousand peopl live region fond memori park movi like walk memori lane footag park well old footag downtown norfolk first harborfest old dominion univers even limit releas film dvd would welcom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'expect lot mramitabh bachan role sarkar disappoint ram gopal verma direct readi kind movi sarkar suppos strong charact movi show amitabh depend other power rather movi tamil call nayakan base theme god father kamala hassan play lead movi well direct power till end remain hand kamala hassan son amitabh bachan seem helpless movi accept everyth instead chang thing movi fail show strong impact god father', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'trio buddi sergeant british armi carous brawl way across imperi india intens loyal meet greatest deadli challeng encount resurg hideou cult dement implac guru must reli lowliest servant regiment water carrier gunga din save score queen soldier certain massacrebas three musket kipl classic poem wonder adventur epic worthi entri hollywood golden year 1939 fill suspens humor keep romant interlud barest minimum grip interest viewer hold right sentiment conclusionit practic fruitless discuss perform nuanc three star cari grant victor mclaglen dougla fairbank jr realli third singl organ insepar intent purpos indistinguish howev diminish noth great fun simpli watch gloriou timeit interest note parenthet mclaglen boast distinguish world war one militari career fairbank would sterl record world war two mostli clandestin affair earn fewer 4 honorari knighthood conflict grant reportedli work undercov british intellig keep eye hollywood nazi sympathizersth real act laurel go sam jaff heartbreak titl role infus humbl man radiant digniti enorm courag make last line kipl poem ring true unforgettablemontagu love properli stalwart regiment major whilst eduardo ciannelli evil incarn thugge guru rest cast joan fontain robert coot lumsden hare effect littl movi maven recogn cecil kellaway tini role miss fontain fatherth film pick villain well demon thugge cult worship hideou bloodsoak kali hindu goddess destruct bane indian life 6 centuri ritualist strangl 30000 victim year 1840 british militari cooper number princ state succeed ultim suppress religion henceforth would remain stuff novel nightmar', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi pretti much suck im armi soldier depict movi horribl militari see movi youll laugh upset entir movi way act squad ridicul act like bunch normal peopl armi uniform know pretti gori movi id say least coupl scene tri make jump id recommend see bore want see violent gori movi better movi also militari also would say like first one better one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch pulp fiction dont see movi movi funni worst parodi movi ever poor attempt parodi filmsth cast bad film bad one worst pictur ever madei recommend plump fiction prefer origin pulp fiction great quentin tarantino one worst parodi film ever madeplump fiction good movi funni dumb vulgar', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'went see passion mind usual get kick genr altern realiti romanc ie slide door etc worst one ive ever seen forc sit didnt even stay credit unheard meth magic realism complet miss demi moor grim lover twotim guy usual play villain though kind sexi appealingther actual psycholog explan provid dual live distast frisson elektra complex mayb magic shouldnt explain genr workorigin written 5282000', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought rotj clearli best three star war movi find surpris rotj consid weakest instal trilog mani vote seem like rotj best profound plot suspens surpris emotionalespeci end definit episod movi person like empir strike back lot also think slightli less good rotj sinc slowermov episod feel much suspens emot third movieit also seem like read surpris review reason peopl cite rotj inferior film two plain ludicr insignific reason compar sheer excel film whole heard mani strang reason yoda die b bobba fett die c small ewok defeat band stormtroop darth vader revealedi would like debunk reason believ miss point complet first care bobba fett die georg luca want die want die dont get wrong fan bobba fett made cameo appear luca intent make central charact film star war fan made name even mention anywher movi go credit find bobba fett name judg rotj minor charact die bit much think secondli mani fan like yoda die sure moment period movi happi see die either make movi realist good guy cant stay aliv realist movi know otherwis good guy live bad guy die movi would tantamount cheesi saturday morn cartoon anoth aspect point peopl like yoda death well nobodi complain darth vader struck obi wan kenobi new hope mani consid new hope best trilog obi wan death okay yoda hmmmmmmmmmmmm anoth reason believ even state peopl found cute ewok overpow stormtroop imposs utterli ridicul believ one first ewok nativ planet endor cogniz home terrain sinc live watch movi care mani tactic ewok use defeat stormtroop excel use home field advantag sinc live forest life hope would learn use advantag swing vine rope log set trip walker trap stormtroop highli disadvantag outnumb awar advantag forest thing blaster add like ewok battl stormtroop heavili assist band rebel conquest thought stormtroop defeat combin star war hero band rebel well huge clan ewok great familiar home terrain would great upset lastli scene still unbeliev empir strike back new hope sever scene group consist han solo chewbacca princess shot like ten stormtroop blaster miss hero full view hero cours alway hit stormtroop blaster trooper must bad aim least empir strike back battl endor much believ sinc two armi pit 3 hero legion stormtroop dont believ check battl cloud citi hero escap lando base hero rescu princess leia shot somehow misseda han solo luke tri exit death starth last reason care discuss other plain ridicul spend time peopl like darth vader reveal well mani way major part plot movi luke tri find whether darth vader father annakin skywalk would disappoint movi end without luke get see father face made complet annakin revel symbol transit darth vader underw possess dark side helmet good person annakin skywalk remov helmet point annakin die convert light side mean helmet remov scene fact that would done scene luke fatherisnt would done want see son eye die mechan helmeton anoth note think subconsci consciou expect among peopl sequel must wors even better preced movi anoth reason rotj get mani accolad deserv never go film decept mind alway tri go film attitud well might better wors origin know sure let see way go open mind dupe think clearli superior film good realli wasi sure critic movi ask mani colleg student adult favorit star war movi tell except one person said new hope favorit rotj believ result poll appal quit misleadingbottom line return jedi best trilog movi one three kept rivet throughout 135 minut moment boredom scene either suspens excit surpris exampl emot light saber battl luke father rotj better one empir strike back dayfin hope peopl go see phantom menac open mind fan start look nitpicki insignific detail see anoth sequel trash movi movi stink luke meritori film becom anoth spectacular movi subject deris like rotj suffer unfortun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'crossfir remain one best hollywood messag movi unlik admir intent gentleman agreement beat theatr month choos send messag via form excel noir thriller rather outrag star constantli say im jewish isnt much easier get messag hate like load gun across dead bodi actual rather metaphor somewhat shame brief featurett warner dvd doesnt mention novelist richard brook disown film shift homophob murder antisemit one interest note victim kill primarili jewish there littl doubt sam leven perform charact fact also gay minc caricatur there definit two lost soul aspect scene georg cooper confus soldier there much mysteri murder even though kill carri classic noir shadow bodi languag killer instantli recognis film charact drift conclus halfway point tension come prove save fall guyther element eal film gang soldier team togeth get buddi fix could almost see aspect blueprint hue cri atmospher pure rko noir set one long swelter night film great look fill deep dark black shadow born much economi style cut back light time allow director edward dmytryk time work actor excel cast make fine script laidback quietli charismat robert mitchum robert young maigretlik detect gloria graham tramp perpetu creepi paul kelli compuls liar admir guy tri stori way peopl tri tie last impress robert ryan excel perform guy could good leav alon best help wrongli accus man way death row big surpris hit 1946 reward dmytryk produc adrian scott found investig huac notabl tendenc target jew much crusad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi basic well made product give good impress war situat effect involv alway interest see stori side chang movi concentr group german soldier fight north africa campaign send stalingrad russia one notori bloodiest battl ww ii foughtit interest see side battl sinc mainli alway see german simpli villain movi villain given human face voic sort make realiz true enemi war war necessarili your fight first kind hard concentr movi alway back mind german evil villain cours get accustom quickli soon adapt german main charact movi even start care interest themth way stori told isnt howev best hard keep track stori time jump one sequenc locat movi isnt alway logic storytel featur bit mani sequenc remain vagu also time pretti hard keep charact apart see doesnt alway make movi easi watch hand plenti enough sequenc moment present movi make worthwhil interest one coher one around regard hollywood movi alway better european moviesth product valu high featur good look set locat though movi wasnt even shot russia help creat good war time situat atmosphereth charact mostli interest although perhap tad bit formula dont know reason formula charact alway work fine war movi strenghten drama realism also help theyr play well cast actor actor arent best known actor around thoma kretschmann also time still fairli unknown actor fit role well give charact uniqu face personalityal best consist ww ii drama around definit worth look due origin approach german side battl stalingrad good product values710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rent netflix somebodi gave roger ebert book hate hate hate movi gave one rare zerostar rate book said end origin review mad dog time cut provid free ukulel pick poor figur ebert say would see realli bad said know societi say listen critic judg could express much hate piec junk like ebert never sinc ebert review rob reiner north said hate movi ten time ever heard brilliant hatr movi review richard dreyfuss gangster dont think would terribl see dreyfuss gangster screenplay movi written well thing aw movi certainli tell script written well movi start jeff goldblum say enjoy watch dreyfusss girlfriend dreyfuss crimin hospit movi start decent dialog open credit first 4 5 minut 85 minut consist dumb charact talk pointless garbag 30 second someon get shot whole bunch joke dreyfuss mental ill haha funni get unpleas unfunni scene parodi frank sinatra way sang gabriel byrn appar insult dreyfuss cours screenplay written level sixth grader dreyfuss shoot byrn five time byrn die audienc suppos even care find mildli funni certainli tell care find funni disappoint dreyfuss admir much actor produc star tripe also extrem disappoint jeff goldblum releas year independ day top gross film year ultim one success film histori goldblum feel independ day would flop take next role offer make money independ day bomb oscar winner star two biggest money make film histori find remot enjoy open sequenc mad dog time say movi set anoth planet wish wast 93 minut watch trash would stay open theater planet supposedli take place way everyon planet would never ridicul wast 93 minut life never get back ebert say movi cut good enough afraid everi copi mad dog time gasolin pour lit fire yet top worst movi ever seen one honor worst movi ever', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'bore film sum basic nana patekar beat daughterinlaw karisma kapoor tri flee villag son someon say bore concept wasnt bad poorli execut canadian local villag scene nice shot howev overal cinematographi came short stori could great movi seem drag much stupid person take let alon three bloodi hour itth best part whole movi song ishq kamina five minut long movi piec crap', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rant start didnt want believ first guess peopl talk say south korean cinema peak may even go downhil surprisingli fun move monster movi gwoemul aka host 2006 actual succeed make sharp satir bmovi genr success korean blockbust becom gener even though budget mainli spent special effect becom fantast south korean moviemak realli want squander audienc investor goodwil industri built sinc 1999 breakout film shiriswiri make whole seri big budget mediocr movi like mainland china rant endth reason fathom make movi dupe investor financ detail fluid digit anim korean east asianstyl dragon seen date final scene introduc dragon begin given person purpos like 1996 dragonheart movi might redeem qualiti lot digit anim dragon rememb dungeon dragon 2000 hasnt anyon learnt trick much special effect use well use hope better korean legend use kill lot intern interest korean dragon legend way film onein short agre neg review gone wonder korean felt folk anthem arirang play end creatur featur would given least 5 star 10 special effect action sequenc worth ive seen mani video game better camera work script less dragon', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'nativ chines accept kind idea peopl must die better world said better world lie chines peopl indoctrin thousand year guess western audienc may dont know qin shihuangmean first emperor king film notori tyrant ancient china tianxiachines word spoken king mean land peopl spoken mouth total lie one anoth king ancient china spoke thing saidanoth fact qin shihuang empir last twenti year destroy peoplewel like beauti scene movi make accept idea peopl die tyrant', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'great cast bignam star like tyron power henri fonda randolph scott nanci kelli henri hull brian donlevey bunch lesserbutknown name shorter role also technicolor one movi made 1939now bad newsregrett cant say much posit stori portray jame boy total posit lightand hollywood done ever sinc crimin alway shown good guy beyond film glamor made enemi railroad peopl viciou human be latter exagger much preposter well that film world evil good good badhey hollywood here news flash jame boy crimin realli look', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rememb watch seri avidli everi saturday even highlight week love everyth locat costum actor wonder music clannad still legend album love way solv problem michael pra leav creat anoth robin time earl huntingdon believ legend sever robin mediev time anoth thing love fact fill young actor im sure robin men would young peopl didnt live long day robin alway look old kevin costner ridicul accent look like robin granddad sad thing end shame couldnt least done one special tie loos end give happier end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont normal write review film special couldnt turn dont believ ive ever seen wors movi sat watch like horribl car wreck blood flow highway disgust couldnt turn away start movi seem think sport thriller utterli ridicul comedi funni even dumbsilli way like watch cousin tri act skit famili gettogeth pain watch least minut two second string went hour whoever involv make movi work write direct act everyth terribl problem cant describ bad see im sure never shown unless saw your luck mean almost worth see fact gave appreci everi bad film ive seen lifetim everi film see futur cant stand think well least wasnt bad second string', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'would argu master anim director hayao miyazaki one hold abilityno mani focus john lassit amaz abil steal movi plot turn pretti puppet show laud geniu digressmiyazaki given us film film deal import matur issu usual ecolog theme intellig script even jade viewer would normal despis film anim could thoroughli enjoy given chanc still miyazaki almost never forget undoubtedli audienc movi childrenthat said loss think anoth filmmak abil els go film three year old nephew link sit still throughout move enthral 7 year old niec amber love abl appreci star power franki jona noah cyru 12 year old nephew aaron who review cours good everyth miyazakisan good 32 year old anim fan brought tear power direct gorgeou anim er would 58 year old woman mother abl connect mother charact im bet older chara love cute child charactersand respect miyazakisan seem speak audienc complet differ way averag filmmak surfac ponyo could seen simpl stori littl fishgirl get tast human world want join friend make littl boy name sosk somewhat like littl mermaid entir differ level play true form miyazaki popul film intens strong femal charact ponyo mother sosk mother older ladi nurs home genuin charact mind extrem strong willedbut girl take cake ponyo decid like human world simpli use achiev dream father tri keep innoc keep magic fish young ponyo know want becom human simpli determin human team friend sosk love much although mayb much ham sosk ask man hous age five mother lisa decid help peopl rest home work typhoon inadvert caus ponyo quest becom human franki jona ye he relat jona brother get past pleas give perhap best perform film young sosk good sinc line charact also strong will also respect friendli characterist your like find child charact side pacificin end ponyo father fujimoto must cope daughter decis estrang wife wish allow human hope ponyo sosk rememb fondli miyazaki refus allow charact becom stereotyp bad guy although miyazaki reason receiv critic honestli make movi magic yet relat one real life complet bad person human variou shade gray exactli miyazaki charact there anim time cgi would certainli help copiou amount effect shot film especi water miyazaki chosen incorpor cgi whatsoev certainli hand drawn anim color digit mean everi film handdrawn one extrem grate charact anim extrem fluid even appear lipsync go quit unusu anim film background seem render color pencil effect audienc anim use look like look like end found ponyo thoroughli enjoy certainli miyazaki best opinion honor still held kiki deliveri servic still 10star fun movi entir famili', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'attract marjoriefarrah fawcettl fear accost lone biker mortal shaken fact attack know address expect joejam russo attack forc way marjori home subject humili terror bruis bloodi marjori manag get upper hand attack knock live daylight jerk render helpless thank wasp spray eye throat hog tie batter joe tri explain marjori roommatesdiana scarwid alfri woodard get home almost hint merci come marjori continu render punish violenc sexual abus rough languag make r rate fawcett realli get away ditsi role would forev stain career kudo director robert young', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'find sad edward norton want film anyth peopl automat think movi suck without even watch give chanc realli hope norton fine actor scare peopl away decent moviei found entertain wasnt mind blow anyth crazi special effect bad fun watch yea definit badhorr movie710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi tv last night hope realist account could happen outbreak highli transmitt diseas disappoint think movi garbag seem real act aw particular doctor worst ive seen whole thing play like cnn worst case scenario even obligatori disast movi human relat bit didnt seem sincer seen disast movi particular weather one actual bad amus one almost bad even amus tediou boringdont bother one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like think reason intellig human be love film good attent detail enjoy indi movi funni smartli written dialogu film youfor poor attent span high expect brain well um may get bore find thing drag timesthi charm modest well pace movi actor bestow real sens depth warmth role chuckl pretti much whole way throughthi film littl gem', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'great caruso biggest hit world 1951 broke box offic record radio citi music hall year movergo stayathom watch new 7 motorola televis almost recent box offic figur fals fail adjust inflat obvious today 10 movi domin 1951 cost 90c 160 radio citi 44c 75c first run loew palac washington dc 35c 50c neighborhood run count number peopl respond pictur unadjust box offic media spin geniu great caruso filmmak took actual life enrico caruso realli great stori anyway threw trash instead 90 movi focu music thu mgm gave us best live opera singer mario lanza music bestev histor opera singer enrico caruso result wonder movi bad lanza would throw life career away over fat play student princ edmund purdom took place lanza voic dub formerli handsom notfat lanza pictur advertis want see great caruso almost alway ebay 200 less dont put low price reflect easi avail copi qualiti movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'attend advanc screen film sure expect kevin costner ashton kutcher deliv less memor perform film underli gener storylin somewhat familiar film excel costner kutcher deliv power perform play extrem well human frailti strength respect charact incred play scene costner confront kutcher person reason kutcher join coast guard rescu elit film unforgett emot moment specif storylin educ depict person sacrific demand physic train elit coast guard rescuer must go prepar job responsibilityto save live sea special effect rescu scene extrem realist wowingi havent seen angri sea sinc perfect storm costar clanci brown hbo carnival great see play captain coast guard kodiak alaska base strong convinc role leader prerequisit necessari ice water vein film wonder final give long overdu exposur respect coast guard audienc applaud end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '1 weapon expert even see differ us armi riffl wwi wwii movi see privat arm m1 garand invent year 1932 authent 1903 springfield aka silent death privat use wwii differ m1 load 15 time ammunit 3 time fire rate m1 semi automat springfield requir reload everi shot littl differ 2 german armi uniform borrow 1940 year especi helmet german helmet end wwi signific pike top cannot see even one movi make littl addit search archiv much truth true stori surpris much truth film director pursuit cheap propag', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ever wonder worst movi ever made stop wonder im tell michael itit heartwarm entertain travolta best suck kid would let watch deep throat michaela soldout john travolta washedup bald william hurt die time jean stapleton highlight turd filmbut waityoul get hear andi mcdowel sing yeah hollywood realli st us one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film began wheeler sneak apart girlfriend aunt edna may olivera person talent film didnt like wheelera sentiment easili relat aunt decid take bland young ladi abroad get away wheeler left wheeler invest revolut small mythic kingdom promis make king time woolsey small mythic kingdom made king wheeler arriv boy fight refus alreadi friendswhich greatli disappoint peopl kill replac king nation pastimei huge fan comedi golden age hollywoodth silent era 1940 seen review hundr thousand film yet despit love appreci film never abl understand appeal wheeler woolseyth comedi team might bad ritz brother despit success short career hollywood cut short due earli death robert woolsey cant help notic practic everi success team basic idea much better exampl mani element film reminisc marx brother film duck soup yet crack nut never made laugh duck soup silli highli enjoy romp time woolsey talk bit like groucho joke never punchlin even remot funni fact seem prattl pointlessli funni qualiti look goofysur enough reason put film addit wheeler comed appeal piec cheesea piec chees sang poorli miss opportun old vaudevil routin later popular abbott costello who first done film lack spark wit time fact soon start spiel end routineso prematur left frustrat knew who first around mani year use mani team realli want see wheeler woolsey give fair shot give twistonc found yet anoth subpar film duo must admit like film mildli silli billi rainmakerswhich actual gave 6s imdb one major endur test completesometh find happen often view film wheeler woolsey humor', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'realli hope would funni show given hype clever preview clip talk hype even heard interview show creator bbc world today show broadcast worldunfortun show doesnt even come close deliv joke obviou kind sound kind funni first time hear seem lame given new treatment twist charact onedimension act well mediocr im nice classic cbc recip one alway failsif your muslim think would stupid believ white charact your white youd probabl offend littl fact almost white charact portray either bigot ignor make fun white peopl problem better comedi root problem isnt funni showcanada burst funni peopl mani export hollywood regular basi come produc show couldnt find', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first mexican werewolf texa werewolf movi titl bullcrap stori actual chupacabra kill local villag littl town furlough texa suppos distributor renam origin titl would make extra buck someth guess actual work that reason bought piec crap sound stupid anyway movi isnt good actual bloodi aw didnt expect anyth els bought low budget horror movi chupacabra monster enjoy low budget horror bad dialog actor gore check movi must warn movi realli baaaaaaadthi movi worst act ever seen actor tri hard get complet ridicul almost never say line normal way alway complet wrong tone everyth say stupid almost look like freakin parodi like shot scene one singl time happi worst blond girl suppos play bimbo she worst never seen actor bad ive seen pteradactyl even boyfriend die cant stop bimbo hate hersom shot movi actual quit good one shot daytim pretti decent low budget project movi shot night chupacabra strike light way dark gore scene short realli grizzli violent effect pretti hilari realli that way like chupacabra look pretti mess easi see guy suitoveral movi watch extrem fan low budget flick import watch alon probabl bore death recommend watch flick friend beer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi godaw liter chore watch want eject vcr throw across room kept think foolishli would eventu get funni everyth would right lose win yay movi requir view anyon even entertain thought jacki mason funni beat ove head movi tape crack your even consid rent turd wors yet one thing ask didnt even look cover mean crap like tell glanc bad oy vey movi suck', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'symbol use object form edit posit charact scene use joyou abandon hitchcock realli see fertil geniu way wife move one corner ring fight progress edit wed ring place finger may seem bit obviou today standard silent era spoke volum stori without word spoken even titl least four mean see box ring wed ring bracelet lover buy love triangl heart stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'found movi good area act brilliant charact especi msstone morissey tramel charact get smarter psycholog twist minut plot interest even though movi mind play main charact catherin continu write new way twist novel set also fabul whole atmospher movi mysteriousthril like masterpiec go see film deserv better got audienc misl faulti terribl review moviebefor even startedy wont regret itif go see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rather like paul newman steve mcqueen race car movi appear jolli project robert redford get ski hill dale alpin sunshineth stori light powder snow redford smalltown boy david chappellet kind lead name eye prize olymp glori get nose particular order coach father teammat women mere sideshow insular world evidenc fairli distast pickup scene old girlfriend hometown selfishli petul pursuit heaven freethink independ woman play camilla sparv ski sequenc fine good stuntwork involv numer bump scrape pist effect dim subsequ familiar top tv coverag ski event present day plu im convinc winter olymp mass identif gener public summer game redford eventu win gold medal final reel couldnt realli excit one way anotherof actor redford best profil forward doesnt need much inde doesnt gene hackman better equal meagr materi ms sparv well chief femal interest well treat redford way he doubtless treat everi woman chauvinist wayin truth though there lack dramat tension throughout action sequenc dont fulli compens dont care fig lead charact one film actor probabl enjoy make viewer watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'would recommend film anyon search relax funfil thoughtprovok movi absenc sex vulgar violenc made pleasant even especi enjoy buffalo scene that probabl live short distanc even film could produc citi theme that import im grate manna heaven drop us tri ityoul like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'art film either made 1969 1972 nation film preserv foundat say 1969 imdb say 1972 regardless exact date film definit appear indic gener time periodwith camerawork pop art style pure late 60searli 70sthe film consist three simpl imag distort use differ weird camera trick distort imag accompani music absolut dialog plot sort obvious intend almost like form perform art like perform art interest first quickli becom tiresom film put even bluntli total bore would appeal one perhap made film famili friend perhap peopl hip understood us mortal', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'read book saw movi excel movi diamond among coal era liebman selbi domin screen commun intens charact without flaw film made star shame studio put everyth behind film could easili franchis releas dvd must worthi remak would reviv film look tv guid see list matter late watch wont disappoint anoth favor read book titl itll blow away time chang dramat sinc day least like think', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'drifter look job mistaken hit man small wyom town lead kind complic cage perfectli cast unlucki schmuck hope make quick buck get town find cant escap titl town hopper best play psycho known lyle dalla real hit man walsh crook sheriff boyl femm fatal round fine cast script brother john rick dahl contain delici twist turn john direct creat terrif neo noir atmospher witti entertain suck viewer start never let', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'realli like movi seen sever gene kelli flick one best would actual put famou american pari sometim seem stori get lost gene kelli movi wonder danc song number movi definit worth rent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'although promot one sincer turkish film amateur cast icecream scream like caricatur sincerityth plot open dream ali travel icecream salesman western anatolia town see becom success use market method big icecream compani dream play product tv commerci beauti model bikini danc around dream turn nightmar wake big erect next gargantuan wife reject make sex 6 year appar reason success job appar say sell better old day pressur global icecream compani say actual dont see suffer much still sell good travel neighbor villag apprentic stay shop sell icecream peopl town ali blame big compani use sweeten color agent use real sahlep powder root mountain orchid ali buy motorbik bank loan travel vendor give ad local tv channel prefer broadcast even news bulletin local dialect wife fond way busi alway quarrel ali threaten may bad thing moment frenzyin success day lousi bike stolen misbehav littl boy town search stolen bike ali goe polic blame big compani theft cours nobodi take serious annoy nag wife ali goe tavern becom drunk one friend tabl wannab socialist town give didact speech critic global real connect jump subject global freez ali return home decid kill poison wife wake prevent old neighbor take night walk advis life accord ali even sell hot sahlep drink world face global freez return home suddenli see wife understood valu treat like hero prais manhood meanwhil thief boy got sick eat much icecream confess doctor stole ali bike ali forgiv come happi endalthough plot may look promis way storytel make film insincer cheesi first director doesnt show much effort tell stori visual everyth base dialog dialog never stop show us cinema actual visual art even ali troubl convinc dont see understand word director market film righteou fight ali big icecream compani noth film big compani dont see pressur enough film actual ridicul ali believ big compani behind theft motorbik found solv everi problem ali becom happi power husband real critic globalismsecond film cheesi crude humor mayb peopl part turkey curs much make mani vulgar joke daili life vulgar languag crude humor enough make film funni may accept vulgar clever clever joke cheesi mayb im wrong mayb american peopl may like orient version american pie style humor american pie never claim nomine oscar polit messag think laugh see man big erect short endur joke twice old villag woman say fk may find film funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'stan laurel oliv hardi famou comedi duo histori deservedli happi see film olli recov broken leg hospit noth els stan decid visit take boil egg nut instead candi chao begin stan curious pull olli leg cast string manag push doctor billi gilbert window cling get olli strung ceil situat calm stan get olli cloth doctor want leav also manag sit syring accident left nurs fill sleep drug come effect drive tell done car front larg screen fill likabl slapstick bad although repetit littl predict classic comedi isnt great black white film worth look stan laurel oliv hardi number 7 comedian comedian okay', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ok admit quit enjoy hous dead despit well document fail howev worst film seen sinc demon door compar datd effect vastli superior howev plot weak act reminisc everyon favourit porn film decis action charact consist verg moron feel like tri uwe boll latest cinemat outing get sens perspect hotd2 suggest realli cure case differ diseas sens insult abhorr manner way ok manag ten line minimum shall wast time wast celluloid hous dead 2', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'unlik review born 80 born may 14th 1994 despit life much style 80 kid playstat play zelda ne etc movi hold special place heart alreadi despit 15 year old time write review 80 style earli childhood watch mani tv show saw mani movi kid didnt see movi one one greatest tooit start lo angel home alvin sevil simon sevil theodor sevil david sevil david chipmunk adopt father rush get airport go busi trip around europ taxi almost chipmunk help pack talk alvin express come dave see world even though technic dave go europ alvin appar america europ qualifi world david leav chipmunk care miss miller much displeasur boy soon dave airport chipmunk left home miss miller later local caf chipmunk play game around world 30 day chipettesbrittani jeanett eleanor lose game brittani hot air balloon eaten sky crocodil alvin get argument brittani would realli win race around world two diamond smuggler sit nearbi tabl klau claudia furschtien overhear argument need safe way transport diamond world decid fool children deliv set race around world team deposit doll like secret fill diamond drop off around world receiv doll oppos team like secret fill payment diamond varifi win team would receiv 100000 dollar reward believ jamal interpol agent hot heel time would never suspect kid howev seem redund travel kid go secur check never even question doll suspect neither would klau claudia taken diamond person begin great adventur film classic see reason anyon would like featur great anim topnotch voic act mention kickass music pardon french p favorit song without shred doubt girl boy rock roll amaz rock song cannot top also favorit moment film notabl song includ get luckykind suggest kid film eh mother well wooli bulli see world mention main theme movi heard open credit perform royal london philharmon orchestra scene mother still bring tear eye relat song get lucki first didnt think anyth grew older learn life becam clear song littl bit suggest song along fact anim insist audienc know color chipett panti especi appar scene egypt chipett chase arabian princ men eleanor lean side hot air balloon basket skirt defi graviti complet noth draw overal qualiti film one unexplain thing like nobodi world seem mind 4feet tall chipmunk walk around speak incred highpitch voic treat like would human child anyway bit scene chipett discov diamond doll decid go find chipmunk get home direct janic karman perfect movi husband ross bagdasarian jr know charact better anyon even voic chipmunk chipett ross voic alvin simon well dave janic voic chipett theodor speak male charact voic femal voic actress nanci cartwright voic bart simpson make appear movi play part arabian princ small import role end cours happi one crook caught loos end tie film end children dave miss miller drive sunset alvin complain gotten 100000 dollar reward win race annoy dave final yell alvin screen fade blackclass end way hope found review movi use havent seen flick give watch worth money nostalg classic 80 get solid 10 10 headin top dont know never stop believ', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought would finish whole year without give singl movi bomb rate friend brought notori turd hous last night fear worst know reput godaw id anticip mexicanmad mess dub english produc k gordon murray got terribl set effect featur rather frighten santa doesnt oper north pole instead cloud outer space doesnt littl elv help make toy rather differ group children practic everi countri open sequenc st nick chuckl heartili observ monitor show kiddi work hard sing terribl holiday song varieti languag seem go forev stori obvious santa clau doesnt observ child labor lawseventu get nasti slinki redsuit apprentic devil travel hell earth make littl kid naughti turn santa christma eve round nightmar watch movi trippi twist experi bound frighten littl children turn santa clau holiday forev oddli name jesu christ mention often christma film somehow make creepier context bizarr thing go easili make person list worst movi ive ever seen im sure that noth uniqu', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'often case attempt take 400 plu page book cram two hour film lot lost director john madden shakespear love take extrem ambiti project almost pull get charm emot compel film seem somehow incompletether much film wonder fantast cinematographi john toll cinematograph braveheart legend fall win oscar splendid work madden choic locat greek island kefallonia superb visual imag come photograph majest locat vari light lush beauti madden also use numer greek actor townspeopl give town authent feel soundtrack also terrif mandolin passag vocal italian soldier marvelousmadden excel job bring us italian occup romanc take greater part film numer sweet funni moment throughout segment howev time seriou battl drama readi unfold isnt much film left reel compon extrem rush abbrevi battl scene well done subsequ battl obviou increasingli greater compromis made keep film run long time reach post war scene treatment mere skelet anoth neg dvd particularli spars featuresnichola cage charm romant lead sentiment captain seem join armi sing rather fight fight must cage switch gear seamlessli man fierc principl resolv somehow remain believ personaspenelop cruz camera love give uninspir perform pelagia part cage domin screen cruz seem placid part emot torrenti dynam allow charact objectifi corelli love interest rather establish power charact rightjohn hurt give fantast perform wise old doctor know much human natur medicin howev christian bale seem bit overwrought stiff pelagia fianci rate film 810 despit drawback touch film well worth see photographi alon worth price admiss', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'father grew grew watch georg reev superman littl kid episod vh let view includ movi pass famili love itclark kent loi lane get sent small town oil mine mine emerg mole men radioact target town assum deadli superman stop mayhemit wonder fun view old style special effect sound crew pull beauti littl technolog georg reev hero littl kid im 16 goe show timeless classic adventur', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'unpretenti horror film probabl destin becom cult classic much much better 90 scream ripoff even hope come sequel', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'read book watch movi left emot drain felt truli transport afghanistan cultur know littl great hope movi disappoint watch someon didnt read book also enjoy shorten thing movi well act well shot film leav think movi long feel charact plight highli recommend movi like emot drain drama want experi afghani cultur disturb scene suitabl children watch heavi drama depict horror life restrict regim', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'year ago sara young girl wit parent murder adult suffer variou mental ailment mention imaginari friend film lull viewer sens tension mind rather sens sleepi deathli bore found hard sit could feel eyelid grow heavier heavier endless minut mindless prattl suppos mysteri sara go crazi paranorm better question would care answer one one skip film save time better suit worthwhil tasksmi grade', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'short want watch burt reynold best film one must includ dont like burt may still like love burt may becom one favorit movi time atlanta hit home also nice see copactiondrama take place somewher ny citi chicago miami la film funni point good plot good perform great support cast everi charact real bad guy one side realli well thought outa nice offbeat romanc 2nd half good old fashion shootout fistfight cgi thank god real actionif clint eastwood best impress burt reynold movi everi way loos way burt respond best clint type flick come great', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch love jone thirti time one rare film depict love stori peopl happen africanamerican dialogu realist written deliv honesti nice see film stori line center young profession africanamerican virtual untap market love jone visual captiv well chemistri lorenz tate nia long bring memori past present love feel film jazz blue bring mine sensual warm creami hot chocol splash kahlua butterscotch hadnt guess love', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'basic genr thriller intercut uncomfort menageatroi fellow tri make lot use lie titl order bring manner small twist invari design surpris charact audienceit realli rather messi though fellow doesnt seem interest present thriller element fashion keep us seatedg rather focu moral predica themselvesth dialogu inconsist stagey vernacular constant surpris realism undon occasion clichlandmin though fuss locat actor get exist space dread score cant creat dimens often work emot momentum given set piec there also prosaic dare say british feel film didnt want see document two success middl class peopl caught extraordinari situat want see sort art recount storyfin fact stori let rest element suspens rather flat stori asymmetr sum subplot differ shape size woven vehicl charact examin wilkinson watson support metaessay good perform john warnabi ebulli colleagu simon wilkinson welcom foil much browfurrowingim disappoint bad could much better 310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'absolut best movi ever watch age 12 late ran across movi usa channel gilbert godfrey night never forget time friend realli struggl differ issu sexual know 12 rough weird age seem stuck littl girl young ladi movi realli help answer lot question daughter 12 search coupl year movi ever come dvd would first buy would recommend parent watch child reach rough difficult age', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hole awesom movi love lot one favorit film one flick produc disney isnt cheesi hole gener cool motion pictur wish disney would make pictur like hole inde rare breed disney flicker show cool dont get wrong idea dont mean bad mouth disney stuff aim toward kid that okay children deserv entertain disney guilti tri appeal teen audienc usual fail hole type movi anyon age watch enjoy think corni realli kind movi even lot young hood might enjoy sinc charact relat tohol good job mix good famili entertain cheesi live littl edg hope disney take risk make edgi flick like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cannot hate show old better tech tv hit brick channel reformat new show step attack show replac screen saver 3 cohost begin kevin rose kevin pereira sarah lane brendan moran came someth cohost well mostli prerecord piec show kevin rose decid leav show eventu contest see would third host didnt pan reasoneventu learn imdb messageboard sarah lane brendan moran move hey read two got marri big secret new femal cohost notashot opinion olivia munn she hide someth top wear sarah lane perfect bodi wasnt afraid show itahem sorryattack show deal everyth young peopl want know music movi comic book internet televis what great show dont want bother scour net wast time watch mtv get want aot segment bit funni regular guest contributor industri well guest rang insignific internet star actual big nameseven though host arent geek id like still found attack show entertain even latest lineup', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'worst dcom seen ever well mayb bad smart hous bad act stori fine effect suckedthey fake good fight scene brother shen probabl scene excitedoveral found movi bore film kind end suddenli give four brenda song funni actress one fight scene410', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'aw cant believ one greatest nonsens world blockbust favorit movi million peopl movi storyagain shahrukh khan appear screen noth new usual tri make cri start scrambl head thousand timesi think muchpretti zinta spous act charact pakistani girl didnt know enough facil pakistan pakistani girl mani plastic surgeri face also enough make facil also didnt know indian cross march countriesgo pakistan start danc sing may pakistani soldier sleep', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'peopl may call cooley high sort thing american graffiti wouldnt starter ag everyon white wherea ch theyr black moreov one motown soundtrack specif movi focus sever workingclass africanamerican student 1964 chicago antic movi deal mainli home life relationship apart see there never dad around young men alway know live life fulleston thing realli distinguish movi portray black peopl teenag movi portray respons worri miss school two realli funni scene gorilla scene one white guy movi overal main star soundtrack truli one best soundtrack movi histori even vinyl home classic real sens word', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'wonder quirki romant italian film feather light float refract realiti never want return humdrum kitchen sink world bakeri hairdress plumb one shimmer soft luminesc credit go screenplay direct take pick theyr faultless let get back new york citi lie beyond look glass', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film quit simpli brilliant cinematographi good act superb stori absolut breathtak stori donald wood white south african thought liber found realiti apartheid kevin kline complet convinc much donald wood appear tv year later recognis kline portray denzel washington also turn master perform everi urg watch long worth patienc tell incred stori rememb folk realli happen', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'recent seen product dvd first time seen sinc origin broadcast 1983 good rememb first worri would seem old fashion suppos littl date wordi bbc serial back miss wonder costum drama seem alway sunday afternoon back asid near perfect could bit jane eyr purist favourit book never seen anoth product faith book one recent reread book well dialogu spot read scene near end rochest question jane st john like notic word exactli reproduc screen dalton clark done perfectli product done seem lack way even leav river famili connect jane altogeth also think product includ gypsi scene done correctlyth cast perfect zelah clark like jane describ book small plain dark disagre look old timothi dalton may littl handsom absolut perfect rochest portray everi aspect charact right act sock agre comment even appear quit scari time like scene turn around slowli church wed interrupt express fantast frighten anoth favourit scene joy wonder see jane run stair arm morn declar love one anoth love wonder portray total believ oh love man like coupl scene strang miss howev like jane climb bed die helen also rochest take jane shop wed thing thought one mayb memori play tricksfin never see anoth product jane eyr simpli see one simpli perfect', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'time bad plain aw comedi king queen breath fresh air complet oxygen tank opinion one 5 best comedi show time noth good sinc marri children kevin jame jerri stiller comic genius believ take lot make label someon comic geniu guy truli understand funni could watch ten episod seinfeld wouldnt get half laugh see koq funni peopl show carri janet heffernan spenc doug pruzan carri boss im happi manag get mani season gem show hilari winner time mostli comic loser check havent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'prey aspect ratio 1371sound format monoa lesbian coupl salli faulkner glori annan live remot countri hous driven apart arriv young man barri stoke turn flesheat alien vanguard massiv invasiondespit shoestr budget leaden pace norman j warren followup satan slave 1976 amount great deal sum meager part thank surprisingli complex script max cuff appar write credit faulkner annan indulg obsess relationship whilst live isol splendor within english countrysid render altern beauti omin derek v brown eyecatch cinematographi though annan discoveri bloodstain cloth upstair room mark one doeey love psycholog disturb may explain absenc respect famili appear live hous one time anoth left mysteri circumst stoke unexpect arriv throw relationship disarray partli faulkner patholog hatr men partli annan attract creat tension result climact whirlwind violenc there extraordinari multilay sequenc faulkner attempt emascul clueless visitor dress women cloth though stoke alien mental allow rise intend mockeryin earli scene least relationship faulkner annan depict uncommon grace digniti heartfelt sapphic liaison quickli devolv crowdpleas episod sex pulchritud culmin explos horror annan allow ravish stoke follow violent argument faulkner close sequenc quit liter gutwrench especi annan final scene appear clip censorship reason 1977 never fulli restor remain still pretti vivid brace excel perform three lead bolster warren unobtrus direct take full advantag stun woodland locat therebi compens film budgetari shortcom origin releas us alien prey', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'tourist season end remot island coast scotland winter begin set inhabit human sheep alik settl much quieter time ahead michael gaffikin jame warwick former paratroop british armi local dentist he island birth relationship local artist cartograph fiona patterson celia imri alway view littl suspicion malici protect instinct tight knit commun kin island seren broken gaffikin solitari round golf find headless remain brutal slain woman immedi report gruesom find insp inskipmauric rove island polic station inskip arrang deliveri remain local gp dr goudri closer inspect quick search killer prove fruitless search miss local woman dinner night michael gaffikin fiona realis dead woman might sheila anderson woman mainland live island winter month quick search home dove cottag reveal miss remain bodi home prove murder scene killer drag torso mile wood suspicion immedi fall one stranger left island one colonel howard jonathan newthwho also happen last person see aliv came across last ferri togethergoudri ask gaffikin dental expertis victim bodi reveal torn apart somebodi someth great strength one set teeth mark bodi seem point human killer anoth point unknown anim kind sheep found mutil canadian ornithologist found slain heavi fog roll island cut mainland possibl help radio also doesnt work seemingli block phone line cut report ufo sight camouflag soldier compound find odd look craft hidden behind rock beach inskip confus refus listen anyth fact laugh gaffikin idea alien might involv rise radioact level island doubt himselfth nightmar man base novel child vodyanoi david wiltshir adapt dr blake 7 scriptwrit robert holm direct dougla camfield also direct experi scifi classic film benefit experienc genr expert board nightmar man though whole succinctli better craft piec build plot alongsid solid charact develop even minor charact time given give firm background island set perhap genr clich use one enjoy much remot sens sieg way alway add atmospher given extra oomph impenetr fog close hamper effort mani genr effort kind easi proceed get silli plot resort melodrama credit camfield hold togeth emphasi believ time authent proceed charact even speak gaelic time point one neg killer given hisherit pov kill accept clich seen red filter fish eye len scream overkil date film littl still though hard press guess outcom ident matter speci killer given clue present fun well act piec local scottish cast except local bobbi roev cosmo particular spar well delight behold imri never one ive taken work also pretti good display hew womanli physiqu hammer product outlandish mayb even preposter end may irk viewer disappoint way take account made understand accept addendum think even terrifi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'review also contain spoiler first movi havent seen either movi want dont want spoiler pleas dont read reviewwhil movi suppos christian kathryn meet first time movi poor copi first cruel intent actor portray ryan phillipp christian sarah michel gellar kathryn poor substitut inde neither pull smarmi snooti richkid attitud origin actor absolut appal dialog verbatim much christian kathryn listen close enough youll recogn also inconsist plot truli first meet christian kathryn christian fell love girl end movi supposedli suppos love first time origin movi rees witherspoon characteralso tiein photographyy could model comment end total lame didnt add anyth overal movi wast time cant believ made cruel intent 3', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi ridicul attempt comedi screenplay horribl whole movi done low light cant grasp fact comedi truli bad cinematographi realli sit watch realiz there joke go either way theyr insid joke amongst like wannab drama flick went bad realli pointless movietheir express reveal noth dismay disast turn way anyway unless want bore ass suggest stay away gag movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'dramatis wild novel john osborn condens event elimin number charact gener impli rather shown dorian essenti wicked want explicit render see 1945 film wild robert loui stevenson live time frame certainli vastli differ men writer stori realli treat theme similar stevenson dr jekyl mr hyde note wild chose treat stori fantasi wherea rl took scientif rout protagonist men good war evil evil win endth actor bbc movi take differ rout 1945 film john gielgud say caustic cynic quip georg sander role realli project wild subtl differ youll suspect sander realli believ say gielgud may say expect rather sincer believ peter firth show two side charact restrain fashion dont get see mani escapad hurd hatfield chanc displayit good product dramatis reflect essenti novel ramif', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'start like seriou social commentari quickli make one think clark movi like kid bulli etc quickli unravel directionless mess main charact seriou film gregg arakiesquir top goofi film skate documentari moment dialog insert clue found watch clock wonder turd go end kept think would big shocker culmin never came cut good 20 minut movi fast forward pointless skate scene ye illustr chang landscap have not got way back begin kid bulli done way actual felt like observ realiti group friend wassup felt stage poorli construct ever wors act teenag caveman larri didnt write direct terribl least felt like suppos terribl movi didnt take serious wassup rocker plain bad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first deepa mehta film saw film tv hindi version sita charact present nita also note radha underw allegor trial fire film nitasita yet love film screenplay ms mehta direct charact big small welldevelop seem quixot toward endsomewhat like end mazurski unmarri woman brave women surround cardboard men one cardboard man ashok seem come aliv last shot see himcarri invalid mother biji seem final take futur respons beyond celibaci adher religion ms mehta seem fumbl director howev compar indian mainstream cinema would seem brilliant cannot use script go beyond microscop joint famili present except present glimps chines microminor social milieu india even dedic film mother daughter father yet radha reminesc halcyon day parent mustard field compar mrinal sen adoor gopalakrishnan muzaffar ali dwarf giantsgiven compet canadian product team financi resourc mehta film two bisexu ladi indian middleclass household may sacrileg mere captur atrophi middleclass home seem aspir someth better immedi surviv limit social space kannada malayalam bengali film touch parallel theme india public surround film therefor seen wide segment knowledg cinemagoersm da ms azmi mr jafri mr kharbanda credibl outstand ms azmi talent actress gave superb perform good director mrinal sen khandar gautam ghose paar beneg ankur brillianc notabl absent film ms da sparkl due screen presenc rather act capabl film strength remain structur screenplay averag term intern cinema sure ms mehta hone write talent futur screenplay', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'way though think oh god begin thought right might averag act plot part atrociouseveri part predict even though first movi seem bare larg resembl ring half decent movi seem take good thing first made terribl bit made everyon audienc wet eg part geller fall build stitch girlfriend keep tell quiet kept comment bound happen next time less rightwhi go hous make come doesnt make sens poor excus lot kill realli depth seen allyou see everyth come left feel point watch oh she behind didnt see one come yawnssur peopl must thought oh dont know carri knife round least tri fight back instead eaten someon hair best movi mildli scare mean mildli cri credit roll exhal short oh thank god havent alreadi dont wast time money pointless plot less sorri excus sequel', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': '237 high school student commit suicid shown taken live reason known time skip back start day follow six separ student marcu melodi luke steven sarah sean student struggl moral dilemma reach boil point hit end oneaft lose friend suicid surviv suicid attempt writerdirector murali k thalluri creat revet drama focus teen life horribl act suicid suicid topic kept shadow 237 thalluri attempt bring light touch act suicid anyon 237 becom harder viewwith heavi hard subject matter thalluri also tackl everyday teenag life crisiss sex pregnanc sexual ident bulli friendship thalluri manag show extrem realist manner factor thalluri talent subtleti respect subject problem everyon suffer sometim verg near documentari time pain realism interview charact splice film heighten this237 distinct similar gu van sant film eleph core film differ tackl teen life like sant thalluri util long track shot time skip back forth show charact interact differ perspect defin point eleph ether ambianc spare convers littl develop charact long track shot sant creat haunt mesmer atmospher come dread resid dread 237 emot connect charact reach higher level sant couldnt reach time goe charact fragil creep drag along emot rollercoasterth real hit film come inevit suicid foretold begin hard part scene complet intrus discomfort audienc watch someon life end gruesom fashion though mani film shown suicid gloss act romantic act thalluri show pain agoni involv act best solut unknown lead first major role teresa palmereach frank sweet joel mackenzi marni spillan charl baird sam harri show immens talent promis act careerscompel revet 237 absolut unmiss film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'quot say slipstream bail film first half hour decid ought fair give chanc wont watch anyon temer get back number clichd line movi im sure set recordsom otherwis fine talent actor got mix clunker mark hamil portray futurist bounti hunter bill paxton quarri paxton charact hijack hamil prison android take name poet byron bob peck tasker hamil shoot owen paxton dart contain track devic companion belitski kitti aldridg keep tab pair real question though didnt fire devic byron therebi cut middlemanif enjoy scene disjoint scene tediou character artsi fartsi pretens suppos youll find someth interest cant convinc film make sens level scene futurist stone age make way high societi snobberi pinnacl poor tast reach paxton charact display follow night revelri hickey torso anyon think there hidden mean your realli stretchingpati wait frame proclaim end come view ala even deni beauti eye behold understand movi neither yet singl redeem featur close credit began run awesom view half dozen hot air balloon appar film keep afloat', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'director edward sedgwick old hand visual comedi success lead hal roach road show tender fastmov adroit scenario excel cast employ larg number roach reliabl perform although film origin plot vehicl patsi kelli sunni jack haley star joe jenkin young kansan sell auto repair busi journey hollywood attempt wangl screen role girl love starstruck cecilia rosina lawrenc sedgwick prefer use entir mgm studio set cecilia alway readi audit treat wouldb paramour cinema star rinaldo lopez mischa auer behindthescen action natur music comedi featur broadway headlin lyda roberti laurel hardi provid sever enjoy interlud includ wellknown skit involv tini harmonica watch fine turn joyc compton russel hick walter long balanc one must hand bay mischa auer clearli steal pictur emot movi star role larg creat director clever close homag busbi berkeley filmic spectacl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'joke obviou gag corni charact walk characatur couldnt stop laugh highli entertain movi matter mani time see still get kick one recommend highli lover mindless entertain contain mani quotabl moment best sightgag ive seen day youv bad week need chuckl rent one way home friday night give weekend good start', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'slasher pic past sell date one good funth valentin card witti well thought outth film one peach line he angel fact angel watch buffi rerun never sameth cast sizzl display young talent stori give enough real depth denis richard dvd extra seem think girl set bond well togeth would give feel empathis charact sorri noth direct good manag show littl actual gore reli imagin impli threat much said also similar manner miss richard heigel remov clothesessenti main directori plu lie within borrow variou idea previou slasher flick psycho shower scene tribut along halloween mask murder someon hide bodybag though pretti origin one far knowlight view scari good jump moment choic hole though choos hole slasher movi day anoth slasher good slasher noth groundbreak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'reason gave episod master horror 2 instead 1 two lead actor good wasnt shot vh stori dialog plot ridicul talk drive zombi come back vote sway polit tide war give break next zombi come back go skydiv mayb zombi come back host qvc show never support iraq war support courag sacrific men women arm forc homecom disrespect mock true horror war zombi mass produc today market spam zombierel entertain homecom made onto master horror beyond', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like thought anoth crocodil movi far weve primev rogu last 12 month that new film action violenc one fear tensionth perform arent oscarworthi there noth go time distress terror peopl suffer much like tortur hole plot mayb croc dont realli behav like other point fear effect stretch say youll enjoy movi itll leav feel uncomfort passion christ', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'coupl prior comment opin flick abund clich throughout agre complet regard charact dialogid read elizabeth berkli aw perform equallyaw showgirl ive never seen perform aw bare standard lifetim wors fare hint depth charact probabl shouldnt would place film complet outofbal sinc wasnt hint depth charisma trace one charact perform portrayalth princip handl liz initi complaint tute kiss hall laughabl husband initi reaction advic likewis forrest gump attack jenni boyfriend car provid realist intellig action hell mentallychallengedth smarmi unctuou lawyer excus redund father lie student actual perform someth probabl worthi prais perform laughabl thoroughli annoy time mean feat attorney insensit nerd also unknown professionfin frankli rather enjoy part polic collect insensit oaf youd rather depend upon barney fife without andi handl law enforc investig commun know reallik cop fall bit short sharp intellig empathi level display charact law order seri like dolt level seem stapl lifetimefin found kind stori within stori fascin josh concoct victim teacher script perform within stori even wors overal perform main stori someth achiev like go f fminusthi whole lame situat resolv real life 15 minut follow realist meet teacher school author husband involv would preclud contriv drama follow left hour blank film camera writer prove end could even wors situat final resolv right accomplish 45 second indic measur might forthcom real world context perpetr parent whether might abl find sort path toward redemptionthi one 2 present second mild fascin', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'havent seen yet realli dvd cant believ much enjoy amazingli realist believ true much specul would like known specul proven fact arent mani handl everyth quit well cruel mother natur theme remind natur program youv seen anim planet discoveri channel anim dinosaur act natur eat kill mate play fight surviv actual find root othersfor part effect excel time look littl much like cgi see differ angl make look realist case actual convinc youv seen dinosaur favorit coelophysi raptor diplodocu iguanadon allosauru arctic bipe disappoint trex howev look littl comput gener timesin case definit see product educ well made entertain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'canada turn decent good movi everi genr action caught dragon hunt tv day like train wreck could chang channel sheer stupid sap willpow pretti tell cast imdb credit monstros appar never work againbad act bad write bad narrat bad music bad hair bad cinematographi goe movi realli noth recommend your look bad action film enjoy laugh tonn film wont requir scorch retina afterwardsi hope film didnt get money govern financ otherwis im never pay tax', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ab tak chhappan fictiti stori surround polic depart mumbai india sadhu agash hard work hardedg cop head plain cloth crime squad make name kill danger crimin stage polic encount rather lock prison loyal offic obey without question rift form one offic imtiaz becom frustrat sadhu high rank statu secretli compet crimin kill statu new recruit also push fratern imtiaz angri sadhu allow take lead first case chang come form new polic commission disapprov sadhu tactic everyon get caught intern politicsi surpris see well direct action thriller come india camera work excel stori well told tension high drama unfold act pace polit subterfug convinc viewer fli wall wit blood sweat tear close person view event base realiti doubt told begin film although like director shimit amin taken liberti factual account nevertheless ab tak chhappan extrem polish piec filmmak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'let keep simpl two kid glu movi flaw adult perspect buy jellyworm enjoy pepsi girl excellentand kimberli william pretti goshdarn hot although she film much dont get excit therenot that realli bad thing kind movi watch dont buy dvdenjoydid mention kimberli william dad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '1 morn noth els dont judg pleasewer back time spanish settlement group made way onto island doesnt take long encount larg reptil gobbl hors soon theyr captur nativ order gain freedom must kill reptil god cg suck remind cg earli consol video game encount lame posit thing say hotti nativ run around skimpi outfit otherwis middl effort', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'lackawanna blue excel movi cast perfect everi actor actress perfectli suit role play chemistri togeth amaz act superb felt knew charact could almost feel remind peopl knew child grow 50 60 oh memori person belief movi big screen see watch movi mani time almost recit line charact say cant even list favorit part mani favorit part thank bring back part youth never see day ageand black peopl love look respect care help gotta go go watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saturday june 3 630pm neptunemonday june 5 430pm neptunefew celebr ethnic cultur ident succeed mightili carlo saura brilliant interpret isaac albeniz masterpiec iberia suit approach centenni saura drew togeth unpreced wealth talent spanish perform art commun creat quintessenti love song homeland twelv impress suit present without narr stark surround allow power perform explod saura camera creativ use larg flat mirror move throughout set combin screen shadow fire rain rear project add gloriou dramat effect vari select song danc instrument perform photograph albeniz reappear throughout program connect passion music great creator saura encompass spaniard stage beauti eleg elderli flamenco dancer tradit costum children joyous danc instructor', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'peopl tire number clichd movi hollywood make seem creativ hollywood compani want spend money remak sequel audienc built inthi movi welcom chang could classifi romant comedi genr dont let turn movi origin movi like thing hollywood producesif read alreadi know basic plot bother go movi come mind compar interst 60 art travel littl known gem take differ path hollywood garbagethi well worth see tire watch samedean', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mani review comment read movi say rather stale film perform clara bow although storylin rather typic clara later silent still find somewhat heartstir incred fun clara play happygolucki hawaiian girl stop noth win man lovesnev mind man marri clara lack modesti shock day believ lend sweet gener fun movi though definit brilliant storylin quit typic actual movi nice showcas clara abil make audienc laugh', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'number video nasti ive yet see dwindl littl pile garbag pop rent list saw availableth premis involv fashion model someth kidnap taken jungl held ransom motley crew idiot goof get hire bring back given sack money use bargain chip though return girl money get signific cut he brought helicopt pilot wow pilot one worst actor ever grant total terribl dub make cri blood steal away jungl learn nearbi cannib cult whose flesheat earthbound god wander wood like human king kong look tribeswomen ravag devour fellow nake guy worst makeup ever pingpong ball eye that pretti much growl groan everpres featur soundtrack found mute much scenesoh forget mention almost constant nuditi probabl main reason film ban though one specif scene one second long god attack girl pull gut redeem factor gore fan also jess franco goe beyond usual show lengthi closeup femal genit sadli male well want fair term exploit got iti cant recommend trash anyon even good bad movi atroci pad trash video nasti fan probabl view even make way list leav last watch first may get notion norm list certainli true', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rent think would pretti good cover movi case judg juri start pretti good killer chase man kill wife bike cool gun movi got progress stupid went david keith awesom actor especi play role like bad movi piec crap realli wast talent judg juri well plain dumb gave 3 gave 2 gave extra star david keith gun cool', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'found film jewish ben chaplin game game funni british sitcom appar left want break hollywood star film fail thank godth film simpl romant comedi janean garofalo play ugli woman use neighbour uma thurman date ben chaplin think ben chaplin wont like she ugli film bad mani reason plot unbeliev predict overtli slapstick bit seriou mushi bit ugh montag three fun photograph bit two scene made cring janean charact sickeningli arrog guess role standup comedienn archfeminist real life claim film antifeminist fact realist men often go look person interest note hypocrisi shed feminist comedienn year take role suddenli decid afterward film bad imagin hate idea script film releas made sure kept quiet could get paid travesti film mean come act heaven sake film realli antimen anyth portray men stupid anim whose brain groin men stupid thing attract attent uma thurman charact noellether bad thing film like ben chaplin charact british man everi american girl find cute jami foxx token black best friend chaplin cours foxx tri mimic accent time good measur best script writer could come blimey theyv never done except everi hugh grant dudley moor film ever made there also truli aw phone sex scene grotesqu prove cheap film comment say janean garofalo isnt ugli actual beauti erm watch film she certainli looker good thing film rightli cast ugli one although said fail see appeal uma thurman well she lanki gaunt lookingi guarante three thing film youv never watch ityou know end beyou find phone sex scene pain embarrass andyou bore ten minuteswatch peril', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi everyth typic horror movi lack although thing far fetch deal qualiti snow man engin preview reveal cant wait jackzilla dare say oscar winner perfect date movi advis men nice romant surpris see movi special person', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'seen walt disney skeleton danc saturday morn blog link youtub use sourc watch remak done technicolor columbia cartoon unit anim manub iwerk color compar earlier black white realli use imagin mani new gagslik one skelet band player hit wrong note constantli one lose head take anoth one one danc part gonear funni previou short get littl repetiti near end still skeleton frolic well worth see anim buff want compar earlier silli symphoni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'cast film contain new zealand better actor mani seen fabul role film howev fill deep shame countri fake american accent first clue thing go spectacularli wrong anoth review rather astut note luxuri cruis ship fact old car ferri decor multi colour flag stolen use car lot cast appear great long run new zealand soap shortland street movi dreamt shortland street cast christma parti result mani gin possibl bit salmonella imagin sieg meet love boat stage local primari school direct autist get ideaif actor recommend see film studi destroy carer', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'emili watson tom wilkinson togeth treat rupert everett linda bassett round support role foursom lie intrigu yet heart charact maintain streak decenc moral conscienc held spite obviou contradict contradict sourc movement life true word watson ann man core intrigu she central conscienc three latch decenc undet circumst lie one defend one profession name one hold back due familypartn pressur one simpli dont want face consequ one iron cant believ truth lie save friendship precari situat lie intrigu fascin watch tackl truth lie contradict inde spite seem dishonor decenc heart remain strong treatment subject involv charact behav master deliv simpl clariti sensat complex anoth film truth lie 2005 credit due fellow write nuanc perform watson wilkinson warmth somehow come seemingli boldfac frustratingli hidden lie beneath human frailti exclud meant well follow along stori turn event provid satisfact smile two man seem grown matur relationship might say there obviou action drama thrill scene separ lie yet intrigu hold attent deserv product effort includ cinematographi toni piercerobert veteran merchantivori film music stanisla syrewicz mood tone reminisc compos zbignew priesner filmmak krzysztof kieslowski troi couleur especi bleu 1993 british film might want miss emili watson ann wife break wave 1996 debut hilari jacki 1998 luzhin defenc 2000 gosford park 2001 punchdrunk love red dragon equilibrium 2002 tom wilkinson jame husband full monti 1997 gover rush hour villain 1998 bedroom 2001 normal hbo cabl movi 2003 etern sunshin spotless mind 2004 recent father moor exorc emili rose 2005 opposit laura linney rupert everett bill simpli delight best friend wed 1997 opposit julia robert marvel ideal husband 1999 oliv parker oscar wild play recent sherlock holm ian hart dr watson pb mysteri sherlock holm case silk stock 2004 tv linda bassett maggi effect ella khan opposit om puri east east 1999', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'amaz review film place seem tell truth rottentomatoescom film aw plot extrem lazi scari either peopl think star sarah michel geller somehow like grudg forget film like dark water except even predict slow move extrem disappoint film didnt scare interest either let face type plot flog death stage eg dead tri contact live dragonfli lie beneath ghost stori dark water dark changel etcetc seem one write origin horror film nowaday japanes korean film come hollywood like cynic exercis money make without shred respect viewer theyr churn', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'angela sandra bullock comput expert shi somewhat reclus work confin condo take vacat mexico cowork send comput disc disturb inform angela agre meet fellow employe mysteri die plane crash angela head mexico take disc sun beach terrif look gentleman name jack jeremi northam make overtur fall two end boat cozumel howev jack work folk gener secret inform disc get even angela escap clutch land back usa jack make thing difficult chang angela ident everi comput across nation make lose condo bank account everyth angela comput whiz beat jack game excit movi mani asset first bullock northam two beauti interest actor presenc add immedi captiv script clever sure knowledg capabl comput relev today world costum set product direct movi also quit wonder despit sound great deal excit action angela goe run defeat enemi love thriller without unnecessari bloodsh violenc great choic deliv twist turn great frequenc make possibl viewer net good even entertain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rent dvd video store altern read report pretti much terrortainmentwhil film may present info report drama your take word produc there refer commiss report anywher film oneth act around pretti bad pretti much stereotyp hot shot bitchi foul mouth govern agent think know everyon els may truth realli bad hollywood stereotyp smell itimdb user commun rate comment tend right wrong start glanc rate rent whenev cani wish one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'look low budget horror film suffer problem go low budget movi must see watch lisa erickson juli smokin hot great littl actress boot type horror movi often unearth rare gem power gave us lisa erickson noth enjoy sit studio apart coke put film friend bob bill denni agre lisa brilliant hotti movi often plod along rest actor help regard soon lisa hit screen thing realli start hop other clearli leagu exorcist said want see fun littl movi hot littl actress one see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'wasnt look trivia section found origin producerstar movi tyron power die make doubt explain everyon screen seem mind thing symptom appear earli scene involv battl describ pathet know youv paint wall your complet bore well that sort express combat face theyr swing sword highli unconvinc manner plot centr soloman king israel affair queen sheeba peopl happi cant realli blame sinc there thing beauti world isra motek though isra women seem look like cheri blair modern day israel also cosmopolitan major isra born outsid countri would true coupl thousand year ago everyon speak european american accent much talk danc sequenc seen believ that prais climax heavili outnumb isra defend mass egyptian armi cant read map otherwis would known canyon front dont get even though blind sun egyptian spend ten minut charg toward isra never ever realis theyr charg toward gape ravin isnt somewhat illog also someth reveal error sinc hors chariot men fall canyon obvious miniatur figur anyway film end soloman kill treacher brother prais god victori need mosh dayan arik sharon god youv got idiot enemi cant see ravin front wave sword like paint wall', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'huge woodi allen fan saw play cinema couldnt help want see allen would follow magnific film match point see anoth one film shot gb uniqu among allen work along seem new muse scarlett johanson scoop much lighter mp humor scoop enjoy aspect plot revolv around johanson charact journal student get tip hot stori beyond grave fall love suspect serial killer jackman must decid whether truth worth find oh done help bumbl magician turn detect play alleni must say thoroughli enjoy johanson perform bit bia could watch three hour film johanson ever frame remain enchant play ditsi yappi bumbl sweetheart kind variat sens allen stereotyp neurosi stricken charact add appropri bodi languag comic effect needless say almost anyon see find johanson charact sickeningli cute plusallen allen still play charact much like chaplin littl tramp charact someth occur film make wonder see neurot littl hypochondriac howev cast next pictur spend time exclus behind camera latejackman also enjoy suav millionair murder suspect cannot say jackman anyth particular make role suit charact none lessin term plot cannot help feel fresh fact stink curs jade scorpion johanson allen detectivelik anyth howev must applaud allen end bit clever typic unoutstand hollywood version film instead everyth black white thing paint shade gray entir innoc noth unequivoc guilt though plot seem old woodi still knack one liner find allus last film interest come humor laugh merryneedless say enjoy allen work watch watch someth els', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'rent film interest american histori especi somewhat weird stori mormon movi attempt make sens joseph smith could turn vision major world religion first focus troubl mormon settlement navuoo illinoi portray trial joseph smith within cours trial brigham young stand tell convers mormon belief spiritu messag smith smith assassin young must deal doubt whether chosen lead mormon new land despit grave doubt persever final vision utah place coloni give confid right leadership later crop destroy cricket doubt truli chosenhowev miracl occur cement place historyi found perform move stori convinc interest would love know whether mormon believ accur portray polygami part stori reason central ld rais issu emphasizedim sure peopl stay away movi religi subjectmatt great cast hold interest throughout', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '1983 frightmar odd littl film director seem tri combin atmospher classic 30s40 style horror movi shock factor thenexplod 80 slasher genr isnt total success mostli due obviou budgetari restraint lessthanprofession calib cast young actor still moment mostli due classi perform classier movi deserv late german actor ferdinand mayn play age old time horror movi star ala vincent price name conrad ratzoff begin movi meet hasbeen horror star he shoot commerci dentur quickli learn ol conrad bit hoityto prima donna jerkoff think couldnt unlik commerci director berat conrad blow take umpteenth time old goat push balconi death nice huh conrad visit fan colleg campu horror movi club unfortun suffer heart attack middl speech eventu end back mansion wait die still feisti even death door manag away despis busi associ smother pillow final kick bucket conrad laid rest true hollywood style high tech neon tomb video screen casket play person video messag conrad visitor enter pay respectsit point kid colleg horror movi societi decid pay conrad grave hour visit break tomb take bodi back home night parti exactli idea fun hey charact 80 horror film logic place colleg kid spend even dinner conrad bodi seat place honor pose photo even danc around room park conrad coffin attic plan return crypt morn meantim mr ratzoff distraught theft husband bodi call psychic friend tri reach conrad seanc pretti much figur rest sinc conrad wasnt nice guy life much stretch assum wont friendlier death psychic ladi make contact conrad reawaken predict tick fashion spend rest movi stroll around corridor student ridicul huge hous pick young grave robber one one movi fall apart endless scene teen wander around empti hallway say hello anyon intercut occasion burst violenc get pretti gnarli decapit scene highlight movi last two survivor final figur way later semiintellig peopl would figur thingbut 80 horror film way stop mayhem get conrad bodi back crypt belong sluggish pace pad lot weird light dri ice fog effect back soundtrack made almost entir sound effect rather musicthund moan groan howl etc becom sever annoy whilei cant realli recommend frightmar anyon didnt grow watch cheap movi like late night cabl back 80 modern horror fan doubtlessli find frightmar incred slow move goofi came age magic decad howev may get blast nostalgia frightmar fan jeffrey reanim comb may also want check futur dr west appear earli role one unlucki film studentsi advis reader avoid version film eastwestdvd label pair roy ward vault horror sold dollar store print qualiti terribl im told film gotten delux releas via fine folk troma seem appropri your troma kind person frightmar right alley', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'peopl watch movi varieti differ reason movi didnt big budget there special effect car chase there explos actual realiti doesnt much either least life real movi real peopl none perfect way togeth put situat learn explor accept differ turn make order chao prepar limit possibl parapsycholog sinc im neither expert use full extent brainso watch movi charact brimful whole cast wonder quirki folk within first three minut kiefer sutherland enact detect michael hayden life superbl keep develop charact throughout movi excel act believ henri czerni could cast better rapport harvey kiefer mickey enhanc opposit charactersi thoroughli enjoy cranki landladi mr ramsay im sure motherinlaw good friendsther host wonder charact space limit watch movi enjoy', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'think imagin peopl realli work came studio watch guy work actual thought quit sinc saw work guy tvshow say realli deserv respect day long realli easi work also actor eye may terribl bad realli great peopl lot realli act dont think materi given realli show think materi isnt good truli good dont think havent seen guy work judg shouldnt judg well met terribl asham pleas allow judg great peopl unless havent seen job', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'usual make mad dash see movi havent watch yet anticip oscar realli look forward see movi seem right alley life understand movi gotten buzz stori group guy meander around iraq one day diffus bomb tomorrow tool around countrysid less start take sniper fire wait back bagdad cohes stori three main charact overli character mere caricatur mean sweet kid afraid die harden militari man practic want get back safe daredevil cowboy doesnt follow rule soft spot precoci littl iraqi boy tri sell soldier dvd think go happen well think cowboy soldier doesnt follow rule go get sweet kid injur renegad way ye think iraqi kid cowboy soldier soft spot go get kill make go crazi ye stori script juvenil predict camera shaken around lot make look artsi think great war pictur go rent full metal jacket deerhunt platoon dont wast time money bore movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'group friend break middl nowher one flat tire other jeep mysteri wont start one take tire run servic station last anyon see remain foursom go search friend come across nice mr slaussen offer help fix jeep offer cool drink refug heat equal run hermitlik hous happen occupi realist look mannequin goe one guy bunch work car leav 3 girl hous goe warn leav go hous behind shack warn davi brother lurk isnt cours one decid ventur search work phone never seen slaussen davi mannequin tourist trap usual horror requir jiggli big boob girl goodi two shoe girl curios get better peopl never work stand apart rest 70 genr twist end start feel sorri slaussen chuck conner terrif creepi overthetop performanceat point film almost see charact molli gem find tape cabl younger walk use video store spot vh copi total overpr well worth fan tanya robert wont disappoint either best part film scene soup crackersi gave 7 movi still hard explain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'lorn michael film seem fail theyr essenti extend version skit bare manag make peopl laugh fiveminut segment tommi boy charact right snl big fat lovabl opinion goof doesnt know anythingdavid spade get thankless overwhelm everyman role he pair annoy overweight slob endur miser misfortun travel cross countri save daddi businessth plot starter realli faulti whole premis daddi die rich stupid son save famili biz trace back movi want like snl style film reduc simpl motiv empti shallow reason see fat guy thin guy funni togetherth movi biggest influenc 1987 comedi classic plane train automobil movi great plot isnt stale recycl basic yeah guy travel home thanksgiv get stuck slob real dammit make differ charact real situat far real tommi boy pure slapstick ridicul situat undermin charact feel noth dont care what happen onscreen pta walk care line outrag utterli believ relat tommi boy simpli absurd joke like simpl deerintheheadlight turn crash turn struggl dead deer realli isnt dead awaken wreck carth whole wreck car thing stolen complet pta eeri much stuff film actual resembl steve martinjohn candi moviefarley simpli way obnoxi find likabl ive never enjoy watch movi hasnt chang mind spade given littl serv movi thankless characterdan aykroyd wast evil baddi plan destroy daddi busi end joke harhar funni way like oh god seriou waysom peopl dig that cool cant get appreci stuff borrow count pta without credit whatsoev', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'read mani year great film establish ruiz among french critic special snobbish cahier crowd final watch year ago found pretti disappoint guess expect skyhigh shot satur black white deliber cerebr film made tv merci hour long told form convers art connoisseur offscreen narrat ponder seri paint shown style tableaux vivant tri find hold clue hidden polit crime aw kate beckinsal film uncov similar argument borgesian word read lot review movi would say almost borg stori interest film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mani teenag sex comedi movi come go without much fanfar howev everi often movi might come along that honest funni entertain memor last american virgin special movi found place stood test time blend four ingredi film follow three friend gari rick david big appl misadventur world firsttim sex true love along way learn hard lesson valu true friendship follow hopeless romant gari main charact quest win girl dream lead uncertain road surpris twist end havent lucki enough see movi yet mean take looksprinkl mani memor 80 song throughout movi keep thing move even pace lav truli origin film rariti among film genr', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'love show first air alway look forward watch episod everi week plot charact write special affect outstand scifi channel screw yet cancel entertain well written show say bring back know actor would come back would suggest buy dvd hope scifi channel execut get word comment realiz need involv viewer watch one show channel ghost hunter fairli sure shortli cancel', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'didnt know except think lot better except much dont get wrong bad short film tess nanavati rel new direct writer think deserv lot kudo make film tell act love act outsid domin littl cheesi qualiti film great either realli low budget film good time stori line get convolut part drag though dont feel greatli detract one abil understand film love domin monaghan much say go gag reel fun wont spoil particular scene make buy dvd worth watch like film check pink mirror film also done jag edg know fan domin enjoy littl piec heaven', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first travesti actual make money anoth sequel along line anoth stakeout one ask weve receiv anyway sequel like predecessor complet braindead also pretti disgust rememb dinner scene think almost felt sorri ritter yasbeck warden need money much', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'never bore life hour pretenti selfobsess heroinaddict basket case loung around whine problem like watch lizard molt even sex scene induc seriou case narcolepsi insomnia rent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi awesom mani level none level intend awesom onjust rememb your watch shaun dead recent zombi movi good bad formula use make zombi movi greatand make better great stori behind movi simpl web search provid everyth need knowal doesnt linger there never point think cmon get move quick corner nice sporti littl italian number zombi flicksso aw wonder tongu spend ampl amount time cheek rent buy love ita great trivia note your watch dvd youll notic sound effect menu screen underneath music score well that music lift straight trailer probabl work print music still exist long enough loop', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'ladi man laugh loud funni great divers cast well stupid excel scene includ funniest love song ever writtenferrel usual qualiti self brilliant side roletim meadow play idiot surprisingli well written funniest line youll find comedi thereit definit worth purchas watch everi 6 month lead still laugh hard first time roundi distraught think time write meagr 47 10 urg vote rememb kid there motion ocean', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first heard movi thought would like duchess2008 saw first 30 minut young victoria knew wouldnt solid movi almost everyth movi great costum realli amaz set also beauti shotth thing realli let perform emili bluntth devil wear prada star film bring victoria life movi show great actress mayb pick first oscar nomin perform rupert friend almost bland princ albert great chemistri emili blunt paul bettani also solid lord melbourn although expect jim broadbent miranda richardson support role forgettableto film feel like unfinish mayb screenwrit chang mani thing script dont know that feel moviebut overal great movi earli year victoria great perform emili blunt', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'fli saucer man liter crew 20 male space explor travel hundr million light year earth check coloni found 25 year ago forbidden planet find robot advanc anyth imagin earth beauti total social inept young woman father hermit philologist haunt demon ancient civil immers inon surfac stori pulp scifi murder mysteri compar shakespear tempest stretch way insult scifi genr strip make scifi film sure tempest mani hundr film say someth similar underneath cautionari tale progress technolog social evolut necessari appropri safe use yet film still proce hope futur come expect show like star trekann franci reason film best describ beauti special effect even aesthet backdrop power enough make uninspir direct uneven act almost unnotic goofi retroartdeco 1950 scifi prop might think watch 1960 piecethi classic special subgenr sci fi like call 1950 scifi though opinion best certainli must see anybodi interest scifi film special effect clever plot render trite reus six seven episod star trek lost space even farscap worth pay attent sustain interest scifi fan trekker particularli interest variou aspect film seem inspir theme star trek origin seri air 12 year later though may find disappoint rel mild 1950 sexism lack kind racial integr mean nitpick lack social progress manifest film one major problem probabl see film simpli catch glimps young goodlook lesli nielsen one first star role unfortun nielsen perform averag time downright poor especi climax film walter pigeon though quit excel film overact role well ms franci earl holliman amaz robbi robot standout actor crowd though whole charact actor fill ensembl good job problem featur perform think much fault director editor anyth though certainli got film quit right', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw film dvd last night decid check review morn seem robot polar critic view commun imdb given rise lot insult namecal tooi find somewhat surpris film great even good neither terribl even realli bad film realli isdepress depress us filmgoer popul readi lap insipid clichd reheat acclaim spectacular new work film retread written plot line uneasi mix asimov modernday uberact smith charact smartmouth cynic backbon titanium special effect borrow matrix othersi robot sadli quit possibl perfect action movi today audienc superfici plot insipidli snappi dialog lot lot adrenalin smith mediocr alreadi knew seem hollywood latest unsuccess attempt creat black bruce willi stori lot hole size dont think peopl drawn film criticallymind enough notic perhap blockbust today standard bmovi compar true winner', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'fine exampl interest film made without use big star big effect tell true stori struggl two african american women turbul centurythi movi challeng us look person prejudic see peopl peopl white black etcgood movi good messag', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'bought complet season surfac watch 3 day captur plot theori basic everyth show actor play mile great mile sister mother father act like real life famili would could connect mani level fascinatingi find anim wonder almost connect parent child would someth creatur sort natur truli existsam sadden surfac second season least four show mani question need answer hope mayb creat mayb booklov show much havent watch surfac like scifi need watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'must one worst movi ever seeni disagre anoth comment said special effect okay found pretti bad wasnt realist fake distract actual storymayb distract reason fulli understand stori archaeologist look set bother tell set special also make unclear search california intro movi take place ancient egyptif your shoot movi take place desert take effort actual go desert begin ancient ceremoni look like shot insid studio instead desertth actionlevel constant throughout movi up down climax made movi look short that certainli pro particular movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'liam neeson portray scottish legend robert roy macgregor earli 18th centuri true actor captiv audienc charisma role jessica lang excel wife mari mari beauti woman love make rob roy legend passion make love undi need tim roth evil cunningham perfect one way anoth upon watch movi find cunningham disgust scotland sceneri beauti environ condit time depict quit well like histori romanc passion love youll enjoy rob roy violenc blood unavoid tell stori told gratuit violenc listen care your use scottish accent one import point make movi good one actor actress glamor get dirti actual look unattract variou scene skill actor attract dont reli marque name popular sex symbol appeal someth special', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi get excit seen bed scene miss world beauti charm bodi cute ladi bed scene show fulli nude bodi think male hard resisti think time cute girl like hrishita bhatt also nude scene least one want c nude bodi ugli women like seema biswa c bandit queeni concur mallickab said movi portray way appear kind vilif origin content emot arent convey properli guess coupl notsogood perform also contribut mediocr view tabu would much better choic role instead aishwarya rai scene look bit lusti ultim movi portray also notic bit overact scene im bitter critic aishwarya rai cant help sorri raincoat good movi rituparno ghosh saw choker bali see raincoat impress', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'theyv shown twice short time sweden tire bad act isnt enough stori bore effect hardli exist love origin 1953 recommend go rent one instead one bore', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'seen carlo lizzani documentari luchino visconti bound higher expect watch film made three year later adam low viewer like get dissatisfi face need critic opinion gener dont like give due fact documentari satisfi everi viewer also documentari examin theme total read review alreadi written titl also felt bit confus peopl sometim dont know critic therefor clear ill divid film two major part differ consider former one visconti director career latter one visconti director aristocrat background hobbi wealth young luchino experienc enjoy clearli present effort hors race mention well relat mother much disturb parent divorc also get accur idea luchino brought real count milano rich galor nanni cook access everyth true aristocraci instanc father splendid villa grazzano marvel villa prove also emphasi visconti crucial visit pari 1930 met emin peopl left winger later impact style messag art clearli explain idea communist aristocrat upbring contrast first sight howev part director career start ossession wwii end innocent director death 1976 poorli execut movi discuss well peopl realli someth say franco zeffirelli director rememb work la terra trema right also interview franco rosi later movi like il gattopardo la caduta dei rei la mort venezia ludwig mostli discuss helmut berger although like actor role ludwig like interview moreov thought reveal accur entail documentari mention signific work visconti like convers piec interview emin cast burt lancast mention silvana mangano romi schneider also made one footag interview maria calla appear interest short bit franco zeffirelli though appreci director make fun rather say someth realli preciou instanc mention event visconti separ year servic therefor say simplifi unsatisfactori find strong point footag interview visconti result may get opinion work instanc much appreci word say death regard normal chapter life natur birth also discuss health problem stroke film ludwigi believ better see luchino visconti 1999 carlo lizzani doc although shorter condens whole get better idea director visconti would furiou furi usual turn peopl emot viewpoint stone 410', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'time preciou film isnt must learn ignor critic rave small film like fargo complet wast timeth theater pack everyon left reaction film critic rave piec crapth hook film upwardli mobil black daughter seek find white trash famili get itth act superbth product light set edit sound 2 step 60 minut stori charact shallow unintellig insult fact peopl could figur blatantli obviou audienc audienc murmur movi screen charact say nexti fun laundri', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'worst movi ever made ever word say truli point plot anyth sheer crap dont know everyon movi didnt shoot shelv watch love vampir flick mysteri altern abstract outsid box film non mean crap cant even tell film cuz still dont know wast hour ahalf life watch bottom line think maker film want everyon drug that thing got film pleas dont watch mean sultri sensual vampir flick wasnt even expect nuditi youd get vamp flick anyway back point movi blow go set fire instead', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'savag island 2003 lame movi like home video shot minim light horrid act storylin script wretch dont know movi made seen lot flick time one realli hate movi make angri one made blood boil situat inan best made movi like would short realli backwood idjit wouldnt picturedont fool cover dvd avid watcher bad cinema movi virtual unwatch dont mind movi shot dv your go make movi enjoy tire retread superior horror film san wrong turni recommend wast disk come across one rental store pass bymovi make truli angri get automat 1', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'say favorit movi time seen well 100 time actual buy new copi result overwatch eighti like romant stori moral thrown highli recommend anyon want reliv high school day buy copi classic', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw legaci theater joseph smith memori build salt lake citi morn im go assum one level enjoy movi larg base one level accept joseph storyhowev asid well made well act nice score get salt lake citi must see legaci theater never nicer theater far pictur qualiti sound qualiti ambianc entir lifei wonder church would let watch batman begin im ld regard joseph prophet touch sever place brought tear quit timeswhich presum expect sinc hand tissu movi start anyway im told film avail sever ld visitor center around globe 70 minut check whether believ joseph smith tell fascin stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'adenoid hynkel lowli soldier world war one rise subsequ year becom ruthless dictat toumania creat aggress antisemit war machin cultiv littl toothbrush moustach sound like anyon knowfrom safeti hollywood chaplin use soapbox exhort europ take arm defi hitler mussolini given unit state 1940 year neutral ahead strong desir embroil europ civil strife rememb hitler declar war usa way round surpris chaplin allow distribut immoder polemicth stori involv one hand vulgar repel hynkel reign terror ineptli presid life jewish ghetto everi singl person friendli human brave etc etc chaplin hynkel also play jewish barber littl hero ghetto tramp name needless say chaplin write direct star compos music cateringin 1940 full truth yet known third reich chaplin forgiven someth less perfect histor foresight even standard day get hitler badli wrong comedian sentimentalist chaplin tri ridicul hitler make hynkel silli hapless humanis hynkel notverywarlik soldier fool around big gun upsidedown aeroplan becom endear rather despic dictat inspect subordin technic innov dont work parachut hat bulletproof uniform etc passag meant make us think reallif nazi incompet swept asid fact hynkel regim made cute likeabl bumbl bodgeryin truth chaplin day alreadi pass made illconsid polem heart still dinosaur silent screen check humour gag like stagger street semiconsci pantomim coin pud hero schultz meant repres yardstick european decenc hynkel judg schultz look like charact operetta nazi way believ schultz figur exist would say fuehrer face caus doom failur built upon stupid ruthless persecut innoc peopl schultz come cellar jewish ghetto object exhaust manhunt persist wear ruritanian uniform chaplin yet know full horror auschwitzbirkenau treblinka nazi concentr camp offer us hopelessli kilter grim spirit age usual chaplin think term silent comedi setpiec loos peg onto narr cloth line knockabout scrap stormtroop shave man accompani brahm globe ballet watch segment film reversepaulett goddard unremittingli perfect hannah peopl ghetto imposs nice jewish osterlich ridicul idyl hannah quit liter good true brave defiant resourc hardwork cours beauti canari judaism ghetto cage gee aint cute ask barber give makeov cute far answer doesnt come close ring true chaplin made caricatur wouldnt wonder speech chaplin put mouth typic author wordi emot cloyingjack oaki great napaloni fascist dictat bacteria bring whiff muchneed comic brio proceed film underli weak remain napaloni silli ineffect fear anyway stutter stopstart backproject train fine chaplinesqu exampl gag persist far beyond comic worthand jewish barber acquir immacul hynkel uniform', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'milo yet anoth answer question nobodi ever askeddo realli need slashersi one think alreadi enoughi guess profession tall guy overcharg one deal murder kid that also zombi ghost feel like ita long time agoh drown didnt bother still kill peoplefriday 13thwhat thaton dayhi survivor big reunion surpris twistmilo come pay visitthrough realli bad shot show everyth except murder cast thin till final girl left find milo dulli mean dark secretsh friend die knowonc discoveredmilo goe yet anoth murder rampageisnt bedtim yet girlwel scream lotth act even bottom barrelth barrel refus associ itmilo one creepi bastard time time give thatbut movi cant save without great script gratuit nuditi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one best horror suspens film hollywood made year mayb even decadeseven though opinion movi predict part everyth good film genr chill thrill ye lot gore hous wax sure deliv part sort farfetchedth act greatbut overhaul rate hous wax eight tenif enjoy edg seat right movi youi admitit sort neat see whole town made wax enjoy museum see film look whole new differ way', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'never saw origin movi seriesi hope much better movi sequel made 1980 two terribl sequel even justifi movi realli good lead advertis shown one old independ station thing past anyway look like would pretti good scari movi howev movi would make walt disney movi look dark realli movi bunch light fluff virtual boggi creek creatur seen real sight near end see shape heavi rainstorm virtual sign creatur realli disappoint kid stori basic old evil hunter must kill anyth see boggi creek creatur kid help random hairi guy wood like pull random boat water realli worth watch would howev like see origin grant maker would make also bad boggi creatur 80 also made good slasher movi 70 town dread sundown', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'creat 1928 origin name mortim walt disney chang name wife convinc mickey mous becom stapl disney brand alway thought cartoon first ever cartoon featur mickey fact third doesnt matter six minut anim short enjoy stori see mickey pilot steamboat captain pete take bridg stop pick cargo minni mous miss boat lift drop music sheet goat eat mickey help crank tail play tune get anim percuss pete come along stop make mickey peel potato mickey mous number 53 100 greatest pop cultur icon number 31 100 greatest cartoon good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'highli regard releas sinc rather neglect immens import histori perform art classic use embed plot one favourit film hasnt soundtrack rereleas', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'perfect murder foil wifeplay mari ellen trainor wife director robert zemecki helm episod murder husband poker misfortun receiv visitor move bodi outsidean escap insan madman dress santa clau suitplay devious hideou larri drake fend life tri find way hide husband corps decid use ax down santa killer miss sever chanc chop woman head frame killer husband murder santa killer lock closet pursu woman daughter tri desper free save childthi episod tale crypt recycl tire materi involv old santa kill theme also ad oftusedadd nauseumwomanmurdersherhusbandforamanshesbeencheatingwith routin essenti trainor tri find way avoid caught dead bodi kill also keep safe distanc maniac there noth refresh new plot pretti much goe motion one show highlight', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'imdb plot summari way describ essenc film read prepar catapult back prison 3rd pew back famili church 8 year old listen preacher drone god think get back home legoit start well intent build intrigu plant real surreal clue renni cut thumb heal fast moment slowli morph christian jambore sacrif plot complet wash evangelisticinduc babbl believ count use word pray 53 time five minut span near end 31st tri twist context word synonym prey sadli littl mind game mine made film least bearabl last 20 minut plu made laugh whenev charact would say prayer preyer becam total zani inde even cathol wife sunk chair boredom almost point end floorfor saliv christian rank film 810 star suggest stick theologyreinforc safeti standard like circl squar ten command anyth narnia jesu christ superstar like stay away cerebr challeng subject matter film jesu camp god wasnt would jesu buy soontob releas religulousmayb robert whitlow book better', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'tess storm countri possibl best movi mari pickford film two hour quit long 1922 silent film yet continu hold interest 80 year film mari give one finest perform time role seem like greatest hit perform bit mari innoc mari littl devil mari littl mother mari spitfir mari romant heroin etc characterist often use throughout singl film past movi surprisingli frank one support charact illegitim child 1922 one point littl mari thought unw mother question academi award around 1922 doubt best actress oscar year would mari', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first saw movi 10 year old mom bought local kmart sale 5 vh thought would nice christma movi brother watch movi howev scare hell may ask could movi santa claus scare anyon plot movi revolv around satan send one minion pitch earth attempt kill santa ruin christma that right satan send demon hell kill santa claus pitch stalk santa throughout christma eve attempt trap earth sun rise christma day santa doesnt make back home space turn powder dont get wrong movi funni fairli entertain howev imag demon devil danc depth hell occur begin movi downright creepi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'although snippet 4part documentari hint necess recreat drug law reform welldevelop contrast mani snippet feel drug happen current illeg scourg imagin solut incarcer even guilti even mere possess drugsalthough program whole leav viewer impress drug war larg futil exercis wast money deserv prais almost noth documentari address real problem total war mere possess illeg drug obvious caus contribut toveri real problem drug warrior would tell ask think drug war design solv exampl mani minut spent surg violenc associ rise popular crack cocain 80 point program even hint law design suppress crack cocain make imposs drug seller enforc contract busi arrang court law forc resort violenc stay busi instead see law import caus violenc drug seem take brunt blame inexplic alcohol prohibit violenc ensu subsequ revers prohibit total ignor programthi program help perpetu ridicul stereotyp drug user primari forc drive expens problemat drug war possibl incorpor drug alcohol happi success life realli touch use drug excess probabl go caus person problem user drug excess like alcohol user alcoholicsif want point view someon believ adult moral right incarcer live ruin crimin justic system use drug govern mostli arbitrari polit reason rather reason base sound social polici legitim scienc decid total prohibit whose user decid notsometaphor wage war forget none hereon hand hardli categori antidrug propaganda mostli interest neutrallypres histori drug 20th centuri unit state like marijuana lsd heroin cocain mdma oxycontin signific element variou peopl point view regard drug law thought wellinform slant favor drug warrior mental especi respect drug marijuana crimin justic system along often harsh liferuin penalti obvious answer appropri answer everi singl social problem unfortun there epidem nation asyet unnam diseas whose primari symptom lack imagin respect social polici come certain drug lack compass fellow human prejudic peopl use drug governmentallyapprov perhap vest interest growth prisonpol industri horrid apathi regard human digniti moral wrong kidnap incarcer peopl unless damn good reason mere possess arbitrarili select group drug clearli reason realli primari issu come drug yet program ignor itso sum part program neutral present histori without feed stereotyp drug user heart drug war mental pretti good interest entertain come present ration nonrad point view regard drug polici give viewer exampl peopl drug problem also mani peopl success incorpor drug happi success live pretti disappoint', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'consid film releas 8 year born dont feel bad overlook long time back januari 98 though attend second annual quentin tarantino film fest held austintexa particular theme film night neglect 70 crime film boy right gravi trainor dion brother appear print absolut gem wonder perform quirki charact smart plot hilari comedi around great time rare see crime film entertain fresh margot kidder one earliest film appear extrem sexi well hope cabl network get hold film allow mani see meantim go indi video store hope', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi actual romant drama base three sister desir becom famou girl group endeavor oldest sister meet drug dealer street hustler call satin sister goe believ big time give everyth ever thought want life though could accus kill realli kill spirit live becom drug addict ultim die overdos stori isnt street life italian mobster tri buy stix threaten love overcom even worst tragedi life portray song style charact life time young women tri discov back', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first realiz 1 rate suppos reserv worst worst movi get one review point bad selfawar overthetop sort way might allow comic cult valu simpli miss mark everi count contain possibl spoiler dialog complet disingenu continu deliber pain daniel finish speak lost love final word flamenco dancer start mockshock what name see dont even rememb charact name let alon name forgett actress husband baldwin first tell friend bad guy car motorcycl chase right thing veget cart gone fli car crash motorcycl go stair peopl nearli hit remark one oh that right except one guy stab sever time obvious stumbl along curb knife wound approach car appar didnt notic hmmm becom remark movi like made much pressur film industri make money youd think someon hollywood would think make good film worth see there novel idea suggest dont see film dont rent dvd dont watch cabl lot thing could leav feel satisfi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'pictur scene bunch scriptwrit sit around tabl one say let black woman approach unsuspect member public also black street ask black walk away writer fall laugh hyster one suggest repeat everi episod laughter think premis funni show contain mani type situat enjoy show rest use zapper find someth entertain like watch paint dri written glow report show either get forc watch televis comedi realli funni anoth exampl humor show girl tri get pay supermarket checkout tri hypnotis cashier margin funni first time repeat differ show differ cashier could give exampl might treat spoiler divulg comedi funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'year 2005 saw fewer 3 film product h g well great novel war world perhap least wellknown probabl best version wotw ever attempt present stori much well wrote also creat atmospher time suppos take place last year 19th centuri 1900 use well origin set near woke englandimdb seem unfriendli regard spoiler might appli film end might actual surpris regard one famou novel world seem posit silli sympathi peopl neglect read one semin work english literatur let get right chase alien destroy catch earth diseas immun that spoiler book 3 film includ 1953 classic ought know endsthi film follow well plot main also cleverli present way might put mani viewer due ignor late 19thearli 20th centuri photographi although film widescreen aspect film goe length give impress contemporan gener color skin cloth display sepia tint often found old photograph rather black color often reminisc handtint time color wash variat typic earli film didnt use standard celluloid stock therefor present good mani chang print qualiti even go blackwhit sepiawhit bluewhit reddishwhit youll see occas special effect deliber retrograd sort seen even late 1920 yet martian machin much well describ nearli realist feel effect realli awkward destruct big ben act often style period aspect victorian dress may appear odd particularli use pomad brilliantin head facial hairthi film one follow close well origin narr note viewer may find inform note plot detail appear occasion retain version stori well descript martian giant head mount numer tentacl effect portray martian machin appear hour film give good impress well describ well film excel job portray progress martian limit perspect primarili rural england plu scene london involv narrat brother director unabl resist show destruct major landmark big ben least doesnt dwell unduli devast londonth victori martian hardli surpris despit destruct cannon machin narrat travel seek escap see much well term rout mankind encount curat endow victorian afflict much preciou nervou person eventu find edg martian nest discov aw fact martian shown vampir consum prey aliv effect scene well add eat set prolong cheer hoot narrat final oblig beat senseless increasingli hyster curat reviv martian drag larder cheer galleri british curat often utterli insufferablethi film last almost 3 hour go well stori welcom detail time author got due compel present build dramat impact word act dont expect awardwin perform theyr bad howev actor earnest grow howev abbrevi film career often film narrat play hunki anthoni piana 2nd film curat john kaufman also 2nd film actor experi direct brother henderson play convict w bernard bauman first film artilleryman sizabl part play jame lathrop first filmthi overal splendid film portray first time war world well wrote despit slight defect far away better hypedup competitor want see h g well war world wholli distort version see film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'element make best point say 1 christin mcintir shemp scene poison reaction truli magnific imagin one poster suggest christin tri hold back laughter scene actual made seem even delici evil smile shemp possibl dyinganoth charact help stand goon look great cross horrif comed goofbal hardli charact would choos meet dark alley matter anywher would prefer bit true whodunit mysteri hey short good who go complain', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'okay stupidthey say make anoth nightmar filmthat last oneand dothey go make anoth onenot next one part7 badbut play us anyway movi made sens whatso everit extremelli dullth charact highli one dimensionalfreddi anoth jokerwhich stupid good seriesth plot veryveri badand even wors part 2 5 didnt get movieit stupid tale 3dpointlessid say hate film much still rmember part didnt like basic whole filmthi differ prequelsit triesand triesbut one tri hardestand got slap back faceagain hadli death scenesalthough differentthey suck bigtim gone fardidnt see made biggest mistak part 2 5yet make thisit bout moneydo see sad excus nightmar seriesi gave nightmar elm street six 6 3 10good point movi potenti plotbad point film terribl actinglack deathstoo funni classifi horrorveri confus', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'everyon name may sound weird noth els way havent seen anyth like crazi cours that good thing humor interest movi absolut time favourit thing intertwin thing one like chicken littl fish pretend king kong runt pig say twa beauti kill beast war world scene walt disney compani lost touch mayb one also made like watch movi like home cinema howev part dont fit like origin lion king werent timon pumbaa simba beat scar movi fight hyena backstag ther reason pumbaa isnt confid push away anim also timon timon timon anybodi realis timonn stori told wherea pumbaa flashbacksbut apart great', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'final releas good modesti blais movi tell stori actual tell real stori admit bad movi expect action thriller stop track remov expect notic stori come close origin made peter odonnel cover stori tell modesti becam magnific person movi attract new fan movi tell real tale thing could better cannot forget aw movi 66 magnific movi fan sit relax enjoy real stori cover stori make modesti tell stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'game stale rightth joke done creativ geniu drove game first two game gone allwrongth game still intact joke folk sure theyr rehash monkey island 2 1 matterth difficulti well place somewher slightli easi 1 ridicul hard 2 ship fight subgam badli innappropri tradit subgam game best joke whole seri ask membership card exclus beach alway select dont need see identif worth price game', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'decid watch movi id seen carol lombard movi im sorri one quit frankli dog even jimmi stewart charl coburn great actorsth problem film simpl tri put much quickli stori young lawyer john manson play stewart marri jane play lombard within hour meet what clich marri hast repent leisur short stori seri episod show coupl worsen financi statu troubl john livein mother struggl pay bill john diminish statu offic arriv babi son john jnr unexpect caus addit friction home mother coupl angst marriag babi sick worsen thu necessit heroic flight lone pilot fierc storm bring special serum save child final john accept junior partner law firmhow mani clichd situat could writer includ mayb mother die soon wasnt much comedi drama lacklustr best dialog pain hear act four main player adequatethi period end great depress usa come long downturn mani peopl experienc event portray movieso made sens selznick reaffirm good ol home spun american valu famili relationship heroism persever initi backdrop averag american famili better use jimmi stewart carol lombard note film releas earli 1939 plan 1938 soon usa began get product go come world war ii henc sort film great booster gener public time mani would soon join england war mani would know hollywood washington form uneasi allianc warhowev im glad saw piec disguis sociopolit propaganda ill see lombard film gain better appreci act rangea anoth review note see one say youv seen stewart movi otherwis dont bother', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'unfortun spoiler review there noth spoil movieeven b mattei never done master piec use job bit humor crazi made fun eurotrash director last 10 year seem lost itthi film empti noth wake us deep sleep sink first 10 minno sex bloodit suppos snuffno actor dialog bad 90tv filmit even wors last cannib zombi epicsso rest peac bruno stay mind forev anyway thank unforgett gem aszombi 3 robowarrat laltro infernoviru cruel jaw othersso except want see b mattei possess jess franco spirit new film pass onebut dont know nice artisan career track old film fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'enjoy watch well act movi muchit well actedparticularli actress helen hunt actor steven weber jeff faheyit interest moviefil drama suspensefrom begin endi reccomend everyon take time watch made televis movieit excel great act', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hypothet situat abound onetim director harri ralston give us ultim postapocalypt glimps world dead left street store throughout landscap san middl forgotten desert one lone survivor attempt rekindl saniti take food citi bungalow desert alon hope nobodi around left white underwear passion local indian tribe discoveri camera open new door break barrier human coexist alan man book left earth unknown disast think alon begin live life way jeri ryan appear like would dream wood dishevel unhappi find final man aliv well like alan anyway tri coexist fail get drunk creat ultim dystopia run redneck raphael play newcom dan montgomeri jr bond torn confus set coupl becom third wheel battl physic inept nerd vs brainless jock even nobodi left planet becom truth even darkest human natur ariseus variabl film techniqu ralston give us mediocr stori base loos anoth film entitl quiet earth view next oddli never give credit toward borrow stori guess decent job reinterpret punch seem lack begin ralston tri find stride borrow yet film director techniqu attempt find open film interestingli enough fail answer direct answer sure final day arriv could concis answer better yet select surviv spookier begin would led us stronger comic film juxtaposit would like shawn dead instead left us feel like watch madefortv program listen audio commentari respect ralston work dilig get film made passion nearli sell film could tell interact cast wasnt happi overal final product mistak one point other asham point make decent independ filmmak sometim feel cheap ralston case latteri must admit david arnott portray alan hook play wimpi school nerd adult role well funni watch listen thu becam sympathet viewer key player keep film togeth ala cannot say rest dan montgomeri first film obviou mean realli realli obviou scene thought cue card come read line perhap even give us realist perform ala wasnt case jeri ryan pull charact near end film culmin entir piec art goe estrang unknown bitter cranki insan girlfriend end confus fell charact end give us glimps could probabl done act matur even commentari progress contribut laugh giggl ohhh look color moment beauti may sell ticket one may want consid knowledg beauti first film harsh overal film felt like miss someth though idea strong premis even pepper peopl remain earth evil human natur still exist jealousi cannot kill bacteria bomb mayb consum zinc race alway want cannot ralston surpris director techniqu flaw preus know make lowbudget comedi think idea funni differ couldnt find laugh mani bit found hyster actor provid level act need film lower averag film loos mean element never quit explain tackl ie anyth wing surviv overal harm intens film comedi could much darker much much funnier think roger averi huge element film learn commentari money essenc bank last man dont get hope classic averi momentsdont expect ralston end itgrad', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'must admit expect someth quit differ first view cut last night though delight unexpect australian horror gem true horror fan true come found cut best genr australia ever produc one great parodycomedi film latemi concern mainstream audienc may pick lot comed element film overli clever applic made laugh everi turn tri fit everi possibl clich horror genr could certain intend humourhop intend humourand cours goreth use customis garden shear brillianc besid expect stab slash short huge amount varieti creativ mani violent death enough pleas even skeptic film worthth appear kyli minogu short appear molli ringwald anoth reason see film perform fantast well simon bossel castl brilliant role jokey technicianal think movi one best horror product last coupl year well beauti satireparodi toungueincheek till endlov go see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'happi live american small town whenev im shown small town state popul kind monster among flesh hungri zombi evil alien sinist ghost harmless movi former doctor who done time accident kill wife car crash direct step nearest small town must never life seen flick small town happen purgatori flat cours soon arriv hell break loos meet blond chick creatur resembl cow facial express brain function fall love tini handicap alreadi marri smalltim drug dealer minut get shot piti dead know come watch movi ill tell slightli reminisc u turn oliv stone way artist properti', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'like anyon els bought dupe 20 piec extrem gore ban 20 countri whatev say box admit huge gore fan alway amaz film lay thick look convinc tom savini rick baker greg cannom best busi revolution makeup effect 80 today dont need everyth done comput comput cannot compar visual wizardri three men could conjur digresswatch fantast gori film like fulci gate hell even savini crown achiev friday 13th final chapter appreci goe make terrif gori film cant tell differ realiti magici cant imagin anoth reason anyon would see cannib ferox gore ostens omnipot film reason seek film wast money mani review note gore aftermath dont see tortur bloodsh happen see whatev look like afterwordsth gore well much one would hope expect man get castrat women get hang breast two scene one involv scalp noth realli much els film scene gore even three mention still pretti tame comparison hope mayb sick twist experi horror gore genr expect bit call sick twist isnt reason peopl watch film first place honestli found bore lot placescannib ferox anoth film tri capit craze superior film cannib holocaust exactli great film much better tripe go way buy 2000 feel cheated310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'alway felt ms merkerson never gotten role fit skill familiar million lt law order seen number theatric releas alway support role hbo lackawanna blue chang allow talent actress shine nanni success entrepreneur world chang segreg integr stori realli color array charact adopt son meet board hous lackawanna new york suburb buffaloth stori could set major africanamerican commun 50 60 atlanta sweet auburn new york harlem segregationintegr angl subtl undercurr color live folk nanni board hous stori revolv around nanni relationship kind peopl play best actor busi purpos say black actorsthi ensembl stun array talent happen black except jimmi smit cours recommend film fun color look bygon day', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'like vote best comedi year mani coincid plot hole howev talk movi hitman white bread salesman becom buddi vagari shouldnt come much surpris brosnan excel role gone wooden jame bond role wast maintain kind qualiti hope continu make comedi greg kinnear also excel brosnan straight man ive read neg comment hope davi thought quit good mousi housewif dark side buri deep within lot good chuckl brosnan sleaz way scene nearli die laugh father consult nearli lost julian describ facilit much like gross point blank anoth hitman comedi humour dark prepar enjoy', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'casual listen roll stone thought might interest film age 1960 someon born 1980 look hippi purist propaganda crap sure film made peopl activ th 60 expect drug galor th stone disappoint actual show real life hard work studio much felt work get conclus god aw film seen director film suspect follow similar style direct sort amatuerish gave feel like tv show eurotrash badli direct tackili put togeth lack real entertain valu good opinion didnt wast money came free sunday paper', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch origin titl 1944 made tv movi godaw although use far tell almost dialog doesnt work act poor direct ok made tv watch bad copi get hand superb origin especi youll spoil plot wont enjoy origin much youv watch first thing differ origin shorter wors actor play part dont fit bill dont believ could top edward g robinson perform origin want watch youv seen origin even youll brave watch almost sacrileg', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'director siegel realli impress film starkli shot graphic without visual graphic wellact concern cover taboo issu day workmanlik almost expect normalci hitherto seen film review didnt know expect sit watch civil war movi kind 70 softcor peddl eastwood descend school girl south realli neither thing rather examin explor descent soul men women dark commentari core civil one review previous note none none charact likabl film end yet one interest complex enigmat eastwood play cpl mcburney union soldier found young pamelyn ferdinyoul recogn voic soon hear girl school manner head geraldin page amidst chao civil war particularli south soon page teacher elizabeth hartman love young seductress carol even ferdinamyhav emotionalsexu tie eastwood need secret problem eastwood nice man play girl alway tri get sexual advantag unfold get real interest thing reveal latent lesbian incest beguil masterpiec far exceed expect everi creativ front might beexcept invas bodi snatcher siegel best film certainli one eastwood best real perform page alway good hartman fe5rdin et al excel gothic mans set school effect claustrophob sexuallac scene disturb happen eastwood leg much competit creepi eeri dement film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'anyon live age reveng nerd girlpow appreci film one film deliv everyth want spring break movi plu make fun colleg film genr funni got cast die ami pohler rachel dratch sophi monk parker posey jane lynch amber tamblyn missi pyle guarante make laugh loud writer actor rachel dratch comic geniu sophi monk great villain wilson phillip omg im repeat live girl like miranda juli feel like eat ice cream pretend theyr dumb', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'arguabl finest serial ever madeno argument thu far earthman flash gordon professor zarkov beauti dale arden travel rocket ship anoth univers save planet along way spellbind spectacular actionpack chapter flash friend along new found friend princ barin princ thun awesom king vultan pool resourc togeth fight evil armi merciless ming mongo jealou treacheri daughter priness auranow she car serial cut serial term plot act budget mile ahead area produc univers studio mani former set dispos like laboratori set bride frankenstein opera hous phantom opera name product valu across board advanc humbl opinion 1936 costum worn mani strang men women realli creativ firstrat get hawkmen shark men lion men high priest creatur like dragon octasack orangapoid tigronsoh myand mani mani fantast thing believ firstrat special effect way 1936 impress music score awesom chapter begin wellwritten lengthi enough revit viewer memori former chapter expertli score director frederick stephani great job piec everyth togeth wonder creat worthi film alex raymond phenom comic strip lastli act pretti good serial often serial either name talent surround one two former talent everyon abil dont get wrong isnt shakespear troup mean buster crabb workmanlik likabl job flash abli aid jean arden priscella lawson rest cast gener two perform stand get two let add anoth review note must amaz serial get hay offic see flesh flash jean roger priscella lawson movi decad later short crabbeand unfortun us professor zarkovfrank shannon wear formfit pair short guy wear girl wear mid drift throughout absolut beauti jean roger may limit act talent blond bombshel lawson also sultri sensuou beauti two actor make serial charl middleton ming offici sardon merciless fun middleton class act jack tini lipson play king vultan boister rous hilari symbol pure joy life everi essenc hedon lipson steal everi scene plot meander everywher flash gordon penultim serial space opera basi load scienc fiction follow excel', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'say event 911 didnt hit saw documentari took year come grip devast one chang station radio channel tv talk tower sick hear air tv year day later bawl eye first time cri sinc attack highli recommend documentari watch tv 5 year later still cri tragedi fact contain one video shot first plane hit tower amaz accid look got two brother make want help', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'perfect movi rare even favorit film tend flaw rear window look littl stagey time chri elliot charact groundhog day doesnt work music score best year live cheesi begin night cabiria littl slow film perfectli execut start finish script brilliant act superb around although rees witherspoon sam waterston amaz whole cast shine direct photographi inspir music score touch without intrus like miramax score manipul everi sad moment truli move everi light moment make smile truli one best film ever seen wish film like glad rees witherspoon gone stardom film sorri see recent movi much escapist silli seriou film real peopl real feel real problem brilliant mustse', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'one 5 worst movi ever made plot look intrigu like passeng 57 latter movi somehow work lot better plot work worst possibl way aw moment movi flight attend stand open doorway fli 747 tri close door without suck 250 mile per hour wind thereaft land aircraft mile start 8000 feet that imposs even 747 pilot thousand hour experi runway perfectli straight cours instruct pull flap huh come flap ensur lift low speed runway use thrust revers engin give maximum power go littl mostli big mistak movi repli would becom size english dictionari movi want miss take word', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'regardless anyon say bmovi effect poorli done your vampir fanat suppos would ok 10 10 other cant sincer mean view movi read book effect charact import well stori stori good doesnt carri film wonder low rate write chose see movi saw good review imdb got sever disappoint dont get wrong thought blade movi awesom love underworld movi charact arent close make vampir poorli done effect wors suck might gotten disappoint read review told great review must someth product compani someth serious think awesom dont care act make better book 3 10 ok stori', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'want much believ quot specif english subtitl translat actual written spoken reject letter publish send protagonist meant selfreferenti tongueincheek manner director leo carax appar neglect inform actor true natur film dread earnest portray conclud carax actual take serious els much disdain everyon especi view audienc cant bother let anyon jokesom auteur abl get away make obliqu bizarr film lan uniqu person style eg david lynch alejandro jodorowski other use subtler approach still weav surreal element fabric stori eg krzysztof kieslowski david cronenberg later less bizarr work pola x carax throw disjoint mess viewer dare find fault well pace errat choppi particular continu often dispens superflu charact abound eg gypsi mother child perform overwrought light often poor particularli oftdiscuss sex scene unconnect scene thrust film discern reason list goe onnot complet neg note uplift except like music score even cacophon industrialtechno music play sprawl abandon complex main charact retreat second half film perhap refer andi warhol factori 60 much photographi countrysid beauti obviou attempt contrast grimi citi set even well middleag cather deneuv show still perform also one among major charact didnt sink bathosther earlier time would regard film pola x charit experiment admir even experi doesnt work carax tri noth new film pastich element borrow countless earlier film sever decad movieview liter thousand film later simpli longer patienc kind unorigin poorli craft tripe earli moment 21st centuri one left ask except jeanpierr jeunet director franc know make watchabl movi anymor rate 310', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hard prais film much cgi dragon well done lack proper model light shadow also footag use endlessli dragon stomp corridor becom slightli tediousi amaz see marcu aureliu act credit wonder exemperor roman empir act film like whoopi goldberg must alia one blame use one appear stinkerth stori might interest act flat direct tediou must watch film go around friend hous get drunk itll enjoy', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'rememb go see movi summer 78 parent pretti time cours seven timeright jackson movi came wife rent movi sinc never seen feel nostalgicralph bakshi ran money midway anim process movi forc drastic cut corner product sinc movi done primarili rotoscop anim techniqu peopl budget say someth much movi anim loosest sens word scene obvious peopl stand front screen mayb anim effect superimpos top thembecaus budget constraint movi alreadi compress fellowship ring part two tower pare even get sort like filmstrip version cliff note booksit bad though anim bring warmth found lack jackson movi nice imagin could like decent fundingthi movi also noteworthi sequel never came sever year later halfheart halfhour long tv special air meant wrap thing say music', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'finish watch 2ftm trailer intrigu much actual went see open weekend someth never needless say disappoint stori much potenti frustrat see get screw realli feel problem movi direct matthew mcconaughey first mm hater thought awesom reign fire lone star enjoy perform movi without see shirt 34 time ye get goodlook guy nice bodi think peopl knew 10 year ago came scene time kill show shirt pump iron like sweati madman 34 time movi total unnecessari think one time would suffici wouldnt surpris threw unnecessari scene girlfriend wive would will tag along signific woman want see movi sport gambl unlessenough let get role feel act forc didnt seem comfort know charact suppos charm southern line corni cheesi almost like referenc day confus line time short didnt like charact even though suppos accent shirt corni pick line weak sale pitch charact much tool brandon jonathan pacino assant great surpris piven fun watch arieoooop mean jerri feel movi commerci put togeth poorli insult could take great stori throw crap ingredi tri make box offic success 1 cool stori appeal male man 2 hunki hollywood actor femal women make sure numer scene shirt lift weight 3 al pacino 4 great speech scene 25 great one liner 3 everi charact shall dress thousand dollar suit extrem dark tan 4 jeremi piven play charact entourag old school 4 throw armand assant seal deal 5 plot good write charact develop intellig cast unnecessarythi good enough peopl anybodi disagre ask self would movi much better direct sodeberg b decaprio ed norton brandon instead mmi probabl part minor think movi suck realiz woman next start cri ridicul end scene pacino shed fake tear embrac russo financi success movi ensur one thing movi go public get movi go public want big budget crapola', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch scifi channel steam pile crap came bad wynorski curs komodo still sucksbad wynorski use island curs komodo well actor hous effect top notch supris that iti dont know els say movieoh yeah curs komodo govern get involv decid bomb island alsowhen saw part laugh hystericallya komanbra part man komodo cobra overal movi utter crap even bad movi standard rememb jim wynorski anyth moviest clearto avoid fall asleep keep repeat almost overit almost 0 5', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'heard drive lesson itv advert honest didnt know much would like switch tv last night total surpris drive lesson modest simpl film draw right start rupert grint play part social awkward teenag ben brilliantli he definit one look futur dame eve walton play fabul juli walter love simpl plot way actor portray charact great sensit highlight film evi rather colour poem show friendship form unlik pair opinion watch drive lesson great way spend 2 hour sceneri also strike especi countrysid anyon call sparkl comedi forgett strongli disagre', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'greta garbo first talk pictur mgm wise chose eugen oneil pultiz prize win 1921 play anna christi also wise produc back garbo one two member origin broadway cast georg marion anna father chri jame mack johnni priest transmut johnni harp film offend littl chang interest like mani film accus want movi movi ignor origin littl film stage play problem play movi maker wouldnt faith properti dilut great cinemat stage work wouldnt offend anyon open could mani lose qualiti made piec worth film first place fortun respect studio oneil garbo allow anna christi surviv normal destruct process admir franc marion gener sensit screen adapt wonder wonder marion even allow point scene garbo anna reveal past farm man badli want marri father sent tact leagu decenc must thought sourc play greatest problem alway chriss friend marthi tend walk away first act disappear last two anna take stage two side genuin good woman men dont alway recogn perfectli cast mari dressler cut teeth broadway stage well go hollywood perfect balanc garbo anna area well fast move film 90 minut doesnt allow us much time miss one benefit atmospher shown rather eloqu describ origin screenwrit marion wise enough stray oneil bring dressler back touch scene two third way film remind mani juli lavern second act appear show boat anna marthi earli scene togeth screen 16 minut film take other measur set tension rest stori among affect scene entir piec miss anna christi great tragic play good film drama hard imagin latter day remak would almost certainli lose grit atmospher 1930 remak first film without sound 1923 also georg marion origin broadway chri could improv excel film intern scene hew closest play exterior shouldnt miss anyon eye atmospher background screen work modern technic standard background give better glimps film era actual world screen play set especi new york harbornearli garbo naturalist perform sound era held superbl often parodi death scene camil 7 year later occasion draw snicker heavi hand direct parodi anna christi togeth varieti 1932 film mata hari grand hotel sublim lubitsch touch 1939 comedi ninotchka garbo laugh sure stand bestoneil fan taken play edg laud sea play track fine world war ii shape film releas year us enter conflict long voyag home 1940 almost skill drawn sea play one anna christi featur youngish john wayn one rare nonwestern support fine cast veteran actor show way', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'let set scene school holiday absolut noth movi friend decid see look movi start soon grinch come buy ticket know expect got roller coaster funjim carrey may add no1 actor whole world absolut magnific grinch ron howard best movi next apollo 13 way movi made sceneri actor prop music amaz realli brought childhood movi lifeth stori base upon stori grinch know grinch horribl person cant stand christma live high whovil never mingl well townfolk one littl girl go chang grinch look life other drastic waycindi lou play ador new actress taylor momsem meet grinch find kind part straight away attempt break barrier help grinch move mingl town peopleal movi barrel laugh whole famili kid parent solid 1010 well done jim', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'longtim fan star trek seriesi found disappoint episod wonder liber use flashback featur riker exploit posit larg romant neg lot pain crewmat deathwa moneysav devic mani bottl show episod scene take place enterpris diana muldaurwho also appear least twice origin seri deserv better final appear charact dr kate pulaski loyal viewer star trek world kind also shortchang last episod second season thu season end bang whimper', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'tvseri one one love kid even though see pinkshad glass nostalgia still tell qualiti show educ still funni seen origin french version swedish idea good dub long ago rememberth premis show show bodi work swear school still hasnt taught half know show also tie thing like happen eat unhealthi food dont exercis nice exampl within bodi want anoth bar chocol know miniatur viru tank invad cartoon look nice kid friendli cours done care cell virus electr signal brain antibodi everyth els repres smile cartoon figur look pretti much youd expect look like anim bodythi seri historyespeci environment scari final key part childhood im happi found', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'fan hbo seri tale crypt go love moh episod know basic archetyp stori classic ec comic base recogn one right batunderr indi favorit martin donovan also excel writer coauthor screenplay apart zero death becom kind guy whose everyman good look go either way could play realli nice misunderstood guynextdoor play role creepi underton corros sleazi case right die take latter approach definit worksdonovan doctor recent affair slutti offic receptionist robin sydney much displeasur inconsol unforgiv spous abbey julia anderson two get involv terribl car accid return unsuccess weekend make she horribl burn fire he reluct pull plug without enthusiast nudg even sleazier lawyer best buddi corbin bernsen look wors wear day abbey never one give without fight that ecthem episod come cuckold husband wive alway genr favorit subject matter spooki ooki supernatur shenanigan case definit except anyth rampedup quotient sex gore must bill gain cackl glee mausoleum somewhereand that mention john esposito origin script give adulteri angl slight twist dont realiz your watch know half stori close endthink lie beneath gut gazonga your therenot bad effort best lot either least rob schmidt display touch flair direct especi scene make cell phone pictur messag truli horrifi experi inde moh episod one follow preval theme season flay dismember extrem squeamish need appli', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dirti war absolut one best polit govern well written tv drama 25 yearsth act superb write spectaculardiri war reveal true side readi respond nuclear biolog radiolog terrorist attack american soildirti war made major motion pictur good highli recommend great drama everyon desir know truththi tv drama reveal british intellig mi5 mi6 attempt expos terrorist plot conspiraci destroy innoc victim england involv iraq warth scene differ part london england also spectaculardirti war must see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'may go film like assuredli colleg professor david norwel suddenli get yen adopt pretti much take first child offer bad choic name adam turn adam doesnt oar water almost immedi caus untold stress turmoil dr norwel sob stori drolli play one problem anoth center around adam inabl seizur norwel want complic life unknown factor like adopt child never explain along way good doctor manag attract wifey share hell littl one dish person think one beer short sixpack bypass yawner', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'power although masterwork who next would provid anthem like baba oreili wont get fool film show group transit mod rocker one biggest live band 70sdaltrey show frontman entwistl steadi ever moon great check ongo convers drum tech see play side saddl whilst bass drum head replacedtownsend even look like he enjoy occasionallyconsid took stage 2am one crowd asleep mani band day could produc set tight difficult imagin band today produc concert 36 year time enjoy much one', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'filmmak want make movi without stori tell realli aw jumbl unlikelyunexplain coincid unidentifi plot line without charact clear motivationw get clich snapshot instead charact one particular diminut beauti crime boss project overdon tough guy persona cast cartoonish shadow intimid actual tough guy brought work noth much startl look film except one shot boy hit road one carri tini suitcas smallest complet american tourist set bright sky blue without explan apolog otherwis standard visual one except compel shot beauti bridg ct', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film movi long island grew brother girlfriend extra movi appar parti scene drink beer told color water tast disgust hard keep swallow especi funnel scene yet none us ever heard movi releas anywher form never came theater obvious far knew never releas video im sure wasnt releas dvd yet look like seen peopl albeit probabl must someth would absolut love purchas brother yet way find anywher anybodi know anyth whenwherehow movi could purchas format would', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'that burt reynold describ film happen best ever play tom sharki vice detect who trail intern mobster vittorio gassman man he financ next governor georgia earl holliman novel william diehl stori complex guy run presid long movi feel like three hour instead two film downtown atlanta peachtre plaza hotel set mood right stori reynold doesnt much laugh one compar comedi film he seriou especi begin movi get demot dope bust goe wrong time though movi play like voyeurist drama crime film burt tri get close mobster woman toward end film violenc get crank lead bang bang climax like great jazz score dirti harri lalo schifrin sharki machin featur excel urban jazz soundtrack mani guest star includ chet baker juli london flora purim buddi de franco manhattan transfer doc severinson sarah vaughan joe william al capp handl score magic movi becom one best crime drama ever check outscor 8 10 star', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'human traffic view averag weekend group friend flyonthewal view live mind show group friend relat mani moment everi one relat like skull parti talk complet rubbish stranger charact peopl relat believ role play movi situat situat found film succe topic sex drug handl superbl get way charact relationship stori film critic film peopl well written film sound track die dj pete tong put togeth superb select track file goe make one best film seen 1999 watch film felt like parti weekend fantast movi jo brand voic realiti need say', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'earli biograph short much fun watch second disc one dw griffith year discoveri dvd set highli recommend featur three excel perform main lead interest see henri b walthal littl colonel birth nation campi musician give countess eye thingsth countess husband goe berserk wife betray wall littl room paramour kind incred wouldnt hear wall go hey mayb wine someth mr johnson father silent player raymond hackett gesticul wildli add melodrama unexpectedli comic way best moment come end ladi pass shock fear realiz she doom henri pick instrument fan way unexpect strang way kind sexi lost laugh head express face moment charm henri b walthal', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'baba rajinikanth never forget name life movi caus downfal releas much hype crash badli laid sever financi loss produc distributor rajinikanth person repay loss incur soon releas tri ventur polit fail miser bad movi horribl act badqual makeup pathet screenplay throughout movi rajinikanth look like person suffer diseas im one unfortun soul saw baba first day first show theatr audienc bore left theatr intermiss sorri ill recommend one anyon', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'written oliv stone direct brian de palma scarfac paint pictur easili forgotten al pacino turn stun perform toni montana cuban refuge becom power player drug world ruthlessli run self made kingdom crime florida gangster flick harsh violent loud gross unpleas must hold record utter word fk number time almost three hour long ye get repuls stout heart constitut keep seat cheer demis ruthless crime lordalso play interest charact michel pfeiffer steven bauer robert loggia mari elizabeth mastrantonio f murray abraham angel salazar pacino prove one greatest gener manag bring realiti charact leav strong impress movi everyon leav think walk away disast power enough crime pay long', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'first cgi movi horribl watch marathon bad movi scifi channel end owner park get kill probabl one worst exampl cgi even seen even night live dead better animationthat said movi almost plot island particular well wasnt state movi would peopl keep come cat area make senseon thing stood movi moder good act could call b made tv movi movi act good parri shen stood particularif absolut noth saturday watch movi may good memor quot', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'enjoy go said even bought movi dvd enjoy coupl time call old fashion prefer movi like garbag like die hard 4 hold box offic get critic acclaim old guy save america van damm move well guy age47 think deliv kick remind one kickbox like old school action explos movi watch one van damm best worksvan damm steven seagal movi get releas theatric live never miss chanc watch old school action star big screen', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'wast talent poor semicoher script crippl film rather unimagin direct faint echo fargo doesnt come', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'although stray away book littl cant help love atmospher music settingsth scene bath although watch mani time notic background peopl scene asid like scene hot bath men women realli bath togeth like could see men perch around outsid leer women also seem strang hat perhap style time ballroom scene nice danc outfit look beauti especi like catherin dress first ballroom scenenorthang abbey look suitabl impos enjoy bath scene betterschlesing give good except perform catherin morland googi wither give best perform mr allen feelugh peter firth mr tilney talk load rubbish clergyman hard think love catherin book never realli gave impress eithergener tilney play reason well hardi stuart also give sort good perform isabella ingrid lacey give good perform elinor tilney john thorp well give impress seedi lust man perhap charact portray book quit like iti handl scene cut book adapt new scene charact ad usual annoy marchio hate part northang stori neither cartwheel page boysom script peculiar catherin ask elinor tilney mother death ask suppos saw bodi appear silli thing say elinor calm respons stupid tooanyway pleas tell agre disagre', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mario lewi competit enterpris institut written definit 120page pointbypoint linebylin refut mendaci film titl conveni lie websit address debunk report titl skeptic guid inconveni truth found wwwceiorg shorter 10page version found wwwceiorgpdf5539pdf read demolit youll realiz alleg global warm real danger y2k scare 1999 gore also endors pseudoscientif film day tomorrow base book written alleg ufo abducte whitley strieber jame amaz randi psychic philip klass ufo gerald posner jfk conspiridioci theori mario lewi al gore movi whole global warm scam', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'love littl film introduct motion pictur china captur amaz film first audienc pretti much describ worldwid use actual lumier film actual dont agre peopl bad act british fellow part thought fine chines lead realli stole show case found smile face movi peopl fear subtitl might note lot film english reason given subtitl well chines dvd', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'sigh im baffl see short like get attent assign whatnot saw film festiv filmmak got attent forgot immedi afterward mildli annoy see swipe grinch stole christma heart gag along narrat set design seen mani time whole weak tim burtonish style stori goe nowher got joke shoot crow 45 first time alrightbut guess what realli unaccept even swipe basic concept comic book circa 1999 call lenor cute littl dead girl roman dirg quick internet search reveal mean base hollywood contract open door canada filmmak give head shake cherri might say', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'cute idea salesgirl linda smith yoland donlan inherit teeni tini littl counti lampidorra countri wasnt even north america made 49th state cours 48 state time sinc made 1952 linda travel countri inherit follow along tri figur strang countri even quirkier peopl one point sing song claim peopl navajo get evermor sillier although yoland donlan heavi lipstick omnipres smile never get ruffl shmear song scatter throughout citizen sing welcom new princess film gloriou british version technicolor equival big name dirk bogard british subject toni craig chees vendor bogard made big splash uk film industri serv war even knight qe ii craig new princess keep bump adventur becom intertwin lampidorra financi problem worsen fun littl farcealong line marx brother film also note donlan later marri val guest writer director littl project stay marri 50 year guest better known write direct scifi flick uk us', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'back 1982 littl film call make love shock audienc frank open depict romant love stori happen two meni wait year good oldfashion romanc two men latter day morey soapi melodramat clichridden quit corni make wonder noth like good romant movi movi romant best sens worda issu religion sorri folk thing happen happen gay peopl even mormon church reject gay member gay peopl everi religion face harsh judgment rejectioni love movi perfect blend fantasyrom ground realiti daytoday live charact could give ten star would good love stori never go style great love stori like latter day unforgettableit time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'concept laurel hardi time role chimney sweeper work surprisingli hilari guarante funni situat silli antic especi stan laurel cours usualth movi also subplot nutti professor work rejuven formula doesnt realli sound like logic mix stori line incoher plot line blend perfectli toward memor end still bit weird funni nevertheless work movieth support cast movi surpris good sam adam great stereotyp butler lucien littlefield goe delici overthetop nutti professorth movi fill excel time hilari construct sequenc quit predict becom hilari watch nevertheless thank way execut help make dirti work one better laurel hardi shorts810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi came huge disappoint anim seri end rel stupid plot twist rush introduct pretti lame villain expect shamballa tie loos end unfortun didnt ad plot hole resolv confus clarifi anim voic act great idiot plot dull set movi doesnt even take place dull wwii earth rather alchemi world disappoint end ed useless rest day world alchemi ditch winri altogeth pretti lacklust favor disregard last half anim well movi read manga', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'mayb love movi much part ive feel dump love littl fairytal whatev reason thought pitch perfect great intellig stori beauti effect excel act especi de niro awesom movi made happier ive whileit funni clever movi run joke kingdom histori princ savageri aftermath way indulg magic effect witch dozen smart littl touch kept enthral that much make good elabor specialeffectsladen movi stori fairytal movi yet incred attent small thingsi feel like go ahead watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'surpris forgiv franklin gener buzz year sundanc film festiv time laughter screen saw loud could bare hear movi movi excel act stori realli make one examin broader issu know littl issu like religion sex truth lot comedi seem reli old corni contriv situat mani leav think know rip sitcom film take uniqu direct realli think jay floyd fantast job tight budget film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'must issu plot outlin wannab filmmak arriv hollywood bu station fill blank set stori whatev hick town urban ghetto arriv know exactli movi open shot four young boy play graini slow motion accompani voic narrat next stop bu station must buy stock footag four young boy play graini slow motion theyr grown easi spot writerdirector among four he quiet contempl longhair one never seen without composit book tuck pant mean superb write talent ticket hickvil hollywood there write direct talent display still cant figur one here hint auteur charact middl name took hour figur twentysometh men suppos still high school look like prison appar high school warden turn princip poor misunderstood rebel pound everyon movi pavement murder pillag powerless stand alcohol father hit back kid like everyon els numer fist fight scene appar purpos howlingli bad dialogu mani scene badli focu cartoon charact keep pop bit player extra draw unintent laugh premier audienc overact extrem dont quit get selfimport speech slowmot scene listen overbear music clue your suppos feel poor marisa ryan must rack lot frequent flier mileag travel around countri work amateur region film biggest sin audienc suppos feel sympathi kid gun old ladi run puppi chain tree rob steal complain sad sorri live could get hick town go colleg yeah that ticket everi twentysometh filmmak believ life far import interest world cant wait see onscreen movi autobiograph seem auteur better look shoulder policemen bear fugit warrant', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'watch movi dont great respect kri kristofferson think scale least film titl practic truth advertis sinc peopl object routin disappear throughout film ad confus kristofferson mention commentari even wasnt sure geneviev bujold charact realli exist bode well viewer abl follow storyth make featur far interest movi explor difficulti cobbl togeth fund indi even film shotto credit movi visual pleas doesnt way look like movi made slightli 1m bad money wasnt spent better project', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi open night read user comment convinc go see must say impress im unimpress feel need write comment spare peopl moneyfirst messeng predict much thriller might scari someon 13 realli noth climax laughabl audienc left movi resolutionfurthermor act seem littl superfici emot argument famili less convinc subpar suspens scenesif youv seen preview movi youv seen best part strong understand plot movi worth see theater', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'went see movi actual went see famili portrait contain cut moment 2 short film dougla buck mar del plata festiv argentina couldnt watch cover eye 1st half cut moment take peek everi time stomach upsid felt light head leav cinema minut 2nd short begun btw cours one left room waaaay violent disgust impress mani brave peopl actual love dont get love kind movi shock bloodi horribl imag saw got realli stuck head like two day also tri analyz stori boyfriend see whole thing told dont think make sens mean amount violenc stuff make sens tri shock peopl that good enough reason think there absolut noth movi say well least x thing good well guess never understand kind film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'wellmad runofthemil movi tragic end pluse way stori move begin soorya struggl live follow long flashback he music disinterest look life policemen minus violenc gore guess add realist effect still peopl head chop sent box sack could avoidedno complaint 710', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont understand posit comment made film cheap nasti level cannot understand ever got madecartoon charact abound sue foulmouth alcohol layabout irish father prime exampl none charact remot sympathet except briefli sue asian boyfriend even turn capabl domest violenc desper unattract ive idea either rita andor sue would throw consumm creep like bob given expect care happen mani review keep carp realist true sad reflect societi reason put filmi didnt like film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'steven done hit new low weird sinc steven last film shadow man direct director trash shadow man good diabol bad bad wasnt even funni steven hardli movi feel like cameo appear film dub half time anyway action well let say wizard oz action trash hardli action film final arriv bore depress badli shot call action scene seagal hardli kill anyon unlik film goe one man armi ie sieg 1 2 exit wound plot confus mani plot hole doesnt make scene sometim flight furi better good shame wast 5 pound garbag 0 ten better luck next time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'callgirl wit murder becom killer next target director brian de palma realli pretenti roll camera swoop around corner museum linger long time paint ape divvi split screen arti purpos practic give away plot sequenc split screen two charact watch tv program transsexu stage first final thunder rainstorm dress kill exhaust primarili ask us swallow much give back noth substanti much act except young keith gordon mediocr second final ripoff de palma carrienot mention psycho explan dirti deed play like spoof hitchcock homag stylish steeli cold way end result distinctli halfbak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'flat spoiler five med student nelson kiefer sutherland david labraccio kevin bacon rachel mannu julia robert joe hurley william baldwin randi steckl oliv platt decid attempt experi die exactli 5 minut maximum amount time somebodi risk brain damagealmost everyon experi randi lone except begin unwelcom visitor david see littl black girl shout crude insult joe see women sex videotap ask tv screen rachel reliv father suicid nelson face littl boy murder intentionswhi get rid tens interest movi set hallucin citi gothic med school quit experi stori charact play thenbud star kiefer sutherland julia robert oliv platt kevin bacon william baldwinth director joel schumach alreadi work sutherland lost boy second cooper even better firsta must psychologicalthrillerhorror bud metaphor lover stori forgiv right past wrong one minor classic 80 get respect even today like mention rebecca gayheart scream 2 tru call episod use movi premiseflatlin 910', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'one favorit show back 70 recal went air friday possibl saturdaynight nine network australia darren mcgavin simon oakland great togethereach episod usual reach climax kolchack engag hand hand combat sort supernatur oppon credit writer made concert effort get away usual round vampir ghost much possiblei rememb one episod adversari spirit ancient indian chief whichwho came back massiv electr current start kill peopl citi hospit final showdown saw kolchack tri short circuit power beast amidst explos spark billow flame oh well time interest ideamcgavin alway pack lot energi enthusiasm role one bestdefinit deserv place tv hall fame quot toni vincenzo kolchack case hall famein', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'think summari say mtvish answer classic candid camera tv show featur gen x gen type put fals chopper wear variou hat wig glass set peopl fairli outlandish although often interest situat exampl kennedi guy invit parent wed kennedi bride done full bridal gown long wig joke parent immedi understand son marri man claim longer bit piec problem schtick goe way long obvious fill time kennedi funni dead cod lie sun candid camera would run three four scenario time took kennedi get one run around constantli ask look fat recogn show made made 12yearold pinhead think jackass height comedi today let laugh thank god show shortliv', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"Error decoding message: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\n",
"Raw message: this is working code now\n",
"{'review': 'frownland like one intens embarrass situat end laugh loud exactli wrong time moment realiz shouldnt laugh youv alreadi reach pinnacl voic resound look around ghostli white face gape wideopen mouth glazen eye feel pierc ach begin pit stomach suddenli rush throat well get pointbut unpleas punch face frownland realli remark piec work view inarticul mess main charact pathet troubl mishap make want scratch eye time feel sickenli sorri himit would lot easier simpli walk ronald bronstein film insan reason felt unwav determin stay cours experi graini irrit film offer someon set fire typic want put stop drop roll film want watch flame slowli engulf entir bodi endur painperhap spite unknown masochist curios cant even begin attempt explainunfortun mainstream cinema never let film come theater near get chanc catch prepar bring doggi bag', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw movi surf infomerci latenight 80 sitcom tv one night 2 morn must say didnt expect much didnt get much although rose mcgowan hot perform perform rest cast oscarworthi say least movi up down nice coupl twist end honesti aw even typic slasher movi gore sex nuditi real violenc bad act id give 3 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first saw film 8 year old tv uk call laupta fli island absolut love heartbroken repeat later miss enchant stori charact haunt beauti music would origin english dub version saw sometim erron refer streamlin dub dub actual ghibli distribut streamlin sadli unavail except part ridicul expens laser disc boxsetunfortun feel releas partli spoil disney voic act ok dialogu doesnt raw energi streamlin dub origin japanes think jame van der beek sound old play lead made pointless alter chang main charact name pazu patzu ad dialogu worst feel ruin mani scene intrus music open scene airship exampl origin silent spoil thank disney moron requir music play whenev anyon speak find annoy mani disney filmsthi film still blow away recent anim film cannot recommend highli enough plot simpl yet captiv film show flair sadli miss modern massmarket homogen anim', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'film cant make mind whether messag human evil bad anim sweet blameless dont ever go water fisherman nolan nab killer whale bad thing accident accident mark hit pregnant cow instead mate cow use word sens obvious sick psychobitch canon villain piec throw propel tri chew bit distress hideou mention ineffectu method kill doubt first unborn fetu abort hideou selfinflict wound mate goe mental reveng swear hurt kill mutil everi human even much talk nolan obvious among human total psycho date total psychosth film reek halfthought antihuman messag poor poor whale evil men must suffer die yet succeed demon nolan true set motiv selfish cruel first squeal first whale grow heart film progress grow compassion whale pain seem walk ice give whale make feel littl betterth film final journey nolan follow whale bizarr journey north remind melvil eeri manwhal connect moment hint truli interest conclus two husband might connect understand even respect grief nolan lost wife unborn child also accid clear nolan respect whale feel loss howev never goe whalecharact compass respect anyoneth final scene lose focu becom jawslik seamonst final kill everybodi nolan nodoubt oversight fail chomp whalehugg tho made good snap head littl earlier love anim detest whale love orca whale film goal make feel whale victim peopl evil detest complet fail nolan show compass growth feel other whale think kill maimingth messag one walk away see orca whale ever anywher run way caus step fin wrong way hunt end earth destroy everyth around', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'pick one well need nobrain summer heat cover look coolof cours shouldv known better realli realli bad movi get embaras maker know bad tri cover ad sexybeauti women sexscen well folk doesnt cut itif would like cool movi big reptil actual good wellplay funni go rent lake placid order', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'small child could overlook absurd bomb first difficulti face submarin seaview appear chunk ofrock fall water crash hull rock theyr north poleit ice everybodi except possibl hitherto mention small children even know ice floatsthen disast strikesthat darn van allen radiat belt around earth catch fire one know happen told understand utterli imposs radiat catch fire even could air space burnther liter good reason overlook scienc concept basic 2nd grade school textbook make film howev irwin allen manag perhap meant focu peopl instead pretti easi cardboardth cast tri hard look embarrass ridicul subkiddi romp much like later episod lost space tv seri concept swipe outright writer ib melchior rush productionth sub look pretti good though one get 2', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'teacher show us movi first grade havent seen sinc watch trailer though look like first grade movi dont think horrifi movi could bare watch mainli scene shirley mcclain cut littl girl half boy ketchup freak film today 20 probabl would feel way want share experi opinion mayb small children shouldnt see movi even though pg awar possibl outcom show kid dont even rememb enough', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'plot fizzl reek irreconcil differ opinion constitut judgment havoc one side prolif destroy demon seed horror left replac overal dull effect quit possibl meant horrif instead demonstr ill dose belief ridicul death despit titl fan master horror sinc begin ridicul plot twist sordid depict crash apart like spindli old rock chair sat upon view episod thrown togeth get go never realli take anywher see worth reliev final came end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'scott menvil casey kasem first import disturb thing attempt reimagin scoobydoo companyshaggi voic squeaki sound anyth like ever sound previou incarn scoobi show theyv also chang outfit classic mode walk originalim sure theyr yet villain angl sure isnt follow formula use previou scoobi showsand anim style bizarr distort like real scoobydoo type anim weird anim use wb show grew might tooit worth glanc handl lack proper shaggi voic right enough jar one enjoy show properli besid tri inflex nitpick fan evolv die say goe well see look two episod ill form much solid opinion', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'often wonder movi like even get made shock part peopl actual pay watch themwith aksar appear though director made stori went along ad twist turn like matter ludicr script non exist inan dialog jo sheena roy pehenti hai wahe fashion hota hai yeh versac hai madam yeah righteveri one charact shallow underdevelop act aw constum lycra udita aw suit stocki emran local numer hous use interior even vagu resembl victorian mansion screenplay etc etc one word rubbishfor peopl love hashmi movi watch ill never get two half hour back redeem factor music decent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi amaz comedi script funni u watch enjoy though comedi time silli realli make u laugh salman khan aamir khan given justic role 1994 come across hindi movi funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'even earli career capra quit accomplish camerawork time thin stori quit predict time get good perform cast rather intric camera move involv viewer intim first part look like cinderella stori though anyon brain see bottom fall rich princ lose fortunenonetheless good cast fast pace easi get caught clich movi becom origin marri coupl find way make live end predict satisfi also want compliment titlewrit witti fun', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'uwe boll slip back filmmak skill offer scifi horror tale mercenari report take super soldier remot island okay cast head excel udo keir cast adrift boll make worst script work mad scientist investig report done death script amus enough plot work addit effect super soldier design dead lifeless eye degre creepi howev boll somehow manag film everyth hand way couldnt bother actual figur would work instead rattl stock camera placement walk away addit assembl scene spark life im guess boll shot one two take use realli stink clearli boll one period retrograd film anyth he ever learn film get flush last film made bad seed serial killer movi one worst film ive ever seen isnt bad close simpli better udo keir good enough make watch scene worth effort make almost bad good film id take pass unless late night your catch cabl', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'video hilari funni make everyth elsebi eddi murphi seem disappoint even beverli hill cop nutti professor goe show good realli honest dont think ive everlaugh someth much includ nake gun rare seen bargears show amaz although must said certainli fill word begin f four letter long plu extend version begin didnt bother see funniest thing ive ever seen probabl funniest ever', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film dread absolut zero laugh hebrew hammer adam goldberg set save hannukah evil santa andi dick perhap promis enough basi plot actual fact film progress beyond premis far nice touch plot rel coher labour hackney ultim mindlessli bore despit fact goldberg dick greer hammer clientlov interest quit consider screen presenc despit play might describ whacki overthetop gag film consist middleclass middleoftheroad muck wast 85 minut life note music good', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'amaz clicheridden yuppi angst film actual got made first place charact weak act uninspir imposs care especi brook shield temptat fast forward slow part almost irresist like genr youd better rent singl bodi rest motion', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'never watch next action hero show read comment know movi prize competit flip channel came across found watch dare eagerli way endy plot done danger game etc hope almost receiv gotcha protagonist go beat hunter end think hightech overdon gpss gave coldsweat flashback night rider nevertheless overdoneth basic problem movi degre sod suspens disbelief requir viewer realli think someon fli helicopt could lob countless incendiari grenad public bridg cop show investig could limousin countless donut la vega intersect cop show pleeeas way much type thing fun watch keep least plausibl thank muchth final solut good end disappoint tast bad star trek episod least understand act cheesi except zane doesnt get near much work deserv imho winner realiti showknock', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'big fan old horror movi sinc middl age old movi made 1970 made 1920 1960 period big fan modern horror movi one except creepshow 1 thought great could reminisc stori realli realli enjoy monster box stori hal holbrook also one realli clean guy great end stori great though like much charact decent develop line plain good bad horror bit heighten close face aghast fear funni bit realli funni sequel either greatli lack element total absent write watch partial movi complet wast time turn thing like write movi review imdbcom lol georg kennedi old dorothi lamour get top bill tell something4 10 also romero expertis hard find must told tone pg standard dont know rate look pg that good thing movi noth els go shown encor cabl channel die yuck yuck see', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'want say love gheorgh muresan automat love movi everyth els soso billi crystal good actor even annoy thing made movi least basketbal fan see gheorgh muresan act', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought movi incred absolut love even though brother didnt much special effect outstand movi favorit sport golf thing disappoint amaz movi hard watch two time row movi absolut top everyth els ever seen everyth would expect movi love also pretti kidfriendli movi help realiz put mind anyth possibl would give pure 1010 better legend baggar vant two pirat caribbean movi combin absolut amaz love', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'funni film like lot cari elw play robin hood tee cours usual good vs evil robin evil sheriff nottingham humor sort face stuff part still work well comedi night dont want think much well worth rent', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'comment worst elvi movi ever made well partli right worst movi ever made period never seen anyth base crude insult vile human natur film true embarrass motion pictur industri isnt even bad good campi trashi fun like elvi bad movi like clambak one rotten sit pain pure garbag nativ american sue poor clichd stereotyp treatment actual perhap human be sue crime disservic movi speci whole 0 star serious grade f', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'first ye im white tri tread lightli ever delic subject race anyway white peopl hate black peopl bad black peopl hate white peopl ok appar deserv start wish someth good say movi asid unintend comedi scene infam scene ice cube co get fight realli big realli strong realli realli angri scari look neonazi win neonazi twice size chase chase priceless movi race toler understand doesnt deliv racist movi reaffirm clich stereotyp white wimpi guy get manhandl black roommat automat transform skinheadcmon simpli aw regret ever see itsav time dread experi poorli written poorli act dull clearli bias pictur subject go rent american histori x that movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'donald pleasanc peter cush unit one horror film alway sound like terrif plan two versatil cult actor gener previous alreadi star togeth terrif genr outing like flesh fiend beyond grave pair mid70 satan theme exploit flick possibl go wrong well unfortun deepest regret land minotaur hardli even call mediocr spite cast exot set appeal titl potenti great sound premis remot littl area greec particularli near archaeolog site multipl tourist vanish baron peter cush docil follow keep feed firebreath minotaur statu cush never look bore uninterest role play own giant mediev castl appar greek mean also complementari archaeolog ruin underground network cavern cours quit handi hobbi kidnap random camper amateur archaeologist three young friend also mysteri disappear area father roch priest coupl town decid investig land minotaur bore extrem slowpac horror effort never realli undertak major attempt gener satan atmospher doesnt bother elabor potenti fascin element pagan trivia detail titular minotaur exampl intrigu creatur greek mytholog head bull bodi person inexplic reason script never deepen signific instead film focus tediou overli talk sequenc loud inappropri music alter experiment nois reason even consid give major disappoint film chanc donald pleasanc portray rude bossi oldfashion priest critic everyth repres modern youth power reliabl alway', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'three short includ compil issu 1959 timeless chaplin classic noth wrong noth critic either chaplin score film framework ad bridg section short also well done problem compil minor one yet annoy short stretchprint fit 24 frame ps speed contemporari film wherea short shot 20 frame ps result jerki motion doesnt look attract yet excus solut given limit optic print technolog time excus current dvd version unrestor film look dirti 1959 still stretch print separ restor version classic avail even dvd would problem restor imag ala donea minor quibbl taken lot space articl say minor quibbl detract much experi although detract one point rate short still worth 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': '1979 tourist trap clever uniqu b thriller stand one best kindtravel stop lone wax museum owner mannequin littl lifelik comfortwhil film hint texa chainsaw massacr tourist trap mainli creepi psycholog thriller worthi twilight zone director david schmoeller give movi atmospher dark mysteri reach nightmarish proport also schmoelloer add occasion touch comic relief bizarr happeningsventeran actor chuck connor best film decent cast pino donaggio music score excel lyric solemn theme perfect movi number film sequenc quit memorablefor horror thriller fan alik tourist trap unforgett mustse film 12', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'year ago saw godfath made last impress atmospher movi first class act memor storylin classic recent bought trilog watch part 1 look eagerli view part 2 pleas realiz earli part 2 fit follow great godfath movi everyth perfect could wait see godfath iii wrong wish id stop ii storylin good seem like stori made stori charact weak especi daughter pacino proteg weak charact would eaten aliv godfath 1 2 scene corleon invest trap cathol church full choir assassin horseback ride away sunset unseen helicopt machin gun meet goodi get away everyon els shotdaught 1st cousin roll bit pasta across board pathet shoot step corleon stuf sweet orang juic diabet man intellig guil isnt readi emerg good best world wont abl watch ill watch 1 2 mani time year', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'littl twoperson movi actual much bigger look mani layer ive watch alway pick someth new amaz depth act feel movi gotten wider releas would question alan rickman major star', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'uk newspap review seem concentr fact review tend know tobi young journalist whose reallif experi movi base key word base lose friend fictiti romcomsidney young join prestigi gossip magazin new york proce make gaff gaff final get right make involv sell movi seriou point make journalist integr howev overdon main substanc remain comedi centr around sidney misadventur script cake eat sidney stupid wellmean buffoon time smart moder obnoxi skill writer contradict never much issu simon pegg sidney project likabl welljeff bridg underplay sidney editor littl effect kirsten dunst rather anonym conflict eventu object sidney affect regard megan fox play airhead bimbo starlet say say word miss fox leav wife sell belong buy plane ticket order take place side consort cours given im fat 56yearold english account might find offer entic tabl anyway given short career far one might think littl soon megan fox take role mercilessli lampoon sort actress might thought becom howev sweetli skill extrem sexili girl go farther stalwart support varieti season perform miriam margoly bill paterson uk gillian anderson danni huston usther sever laughoutloud moment smile way ever fword make appear realli doesnt need although least coupl funni', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'alien hunter 5 10 everi movi start roswel new mexico suck take alien mix thing mix contact mix thing beach andromeda strain classroom scene raider lost ark throw littl stargat boot deriv doesnt even begin describ movi cours noth origin plot wise amp gore sex right nope gore blink miss affair sex teas jame spader causal mention need shower delect lesli stefanson ask join turn aggh fact movi ever need shower scene liven thing mean go imposs goodlook women white bath suit wander around antarctica research base go brokewith 30 second actual thrill entir movi alien hunter remark seriou slow go scifi adventur need much better plot twist liven way alien horribl clichd artific virtual screen time someon share half titl also inquir view children corn space motif note sinc jason friday 13th fame pinhead hellrais leprechaun travel space slay nubil teenag cornfield charact cornfield dress like logan run extra wait stalk come aliv attack themthat howev would excit appar movi coven act mostli fine spader repris stargat role stefanson janin eser model latest antarct beachwear john lynch howev read whole script act like insan bad guy well stori would indic italien hunter disappoint deriv slog make pine proper children corn space movi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'hard time put word wonder see film stick alon movi film constantli head heart replay scene mental everi day analyz go emot see first timether noth like movi amaz soundtrack end perfect emot stir compel rivetingi ador jessica bohl perform greatest ever wit admir brittani strength strong womanth tag line darkest moment come life never know capabl everyon say oh would never realli idea would situat capabl anyth movi delv straight subject honesti movi may absolut favorit partthank gorman becherd perfect piec art', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'love young peopl trap hous horror movi im huge linnea quigleyjil terashita fan lot fun actual scari timesth special effect awesom especi linnea scene lipstick toward end almost everyon dead possessedplenti nuditi provid linnea jill plenti humor cool soundtrack high bodi count etcbi way never seen one tri buywatch unrat version gore scene rate version miss', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw film got screw film foolish bore thought ram gopal varma justifi work unfortun fail whole film got spoil spoil sholay cast crew bad whole theater slept watch movi peopl ran away middl amithab bachan act poor thought movi greatest hit year film greatest flop yearsur nobodi justic work includ ajay devagan film dont deserv audienc bet film flop final movi suck', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'lorna greenjanin reynaudi perform artist wealthi intellectu local club fall prey fantasi promis romant interlud turn murder kill believ sex horizon quit possibl form hypnot suggest someonea possibl task master pull string like puppeti guid lorna kill come across seclud place appear lovemak begin murder within fantasi commit lorna awaken bewild often clueless privi within dream ever took place realityif someon ask describ particular work franco id say eleg difficult youv probabl read user comment befuddl film sinc larg portion take place within surreal atmospher dream franco mention interview heavili influenc godard earli career far filmmak style decid abandon clear narr structur favor tri creat whole differ type view experi read reaction user comment heresom like decis other find style labour dull bewild ill first admit film head even franco quizz critic watch succubu admit didnt even understand film direct might say succubu mere precursor admir work venu fur consid masterwork francofaith also adopt surreal dreamlik structur protagonist doesnt truli know whether hesh experienc someth real imagin sens like protagonist experienc type confusioncertainli succubu unconvent filmmak arent given key exactli go great deal elus dialogu doesnt help matter succubu also popul beatnik type poetspeak corman film bucket blood poke fun person favorit scene teas possibl lesbian interlud lorna woman meet posh partyquit bizarr fantasi sequenc mannequin use rather unusu great locat jazz scorei like film although understand receiv neg reaction love one scene posh parti lorna wee bit drunk writh floor gorgeou even gown other attend shindigequ wastedrush embrac kiss', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'outing knott includ one best sidekick ever frank welker welker make film knott welker compet laugh receiv plenti knott work small town citi run ignor offici thing go wrong citi father allow knott take fall frank welker charact befriend knott togeth stumbl togeth clear mess knott good name film show usual knott scare death charact made famou year televis film may knott last good outing extra 90 minut get good old fashion laugh great icon knott', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'emma horribl flaw film base jane austen classic novel read book realli didnt know much plot yet still predict nearli entir plot also mani scene frustrat bad write direct film though reason entertain love cours scene dislik major well act funni gwyneth paltrow give one best perform heroin emma film also star toni collettewho okay much better ewan mecgregerwho also better still good alan cummingwho never realli impress pretti much jeremi northamwho perform rather wooden first look actual fairli subtl even need much better adapt jane austen book one still entertain worth watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'hate let list waysi noth mari pickford 32 year old woman play 12 year old stupidther fight scene kid throw brick consid funnyand goe 15 minut strang none kid even remot hurtth titl card contain plenti racial ethnic slursfor famili film fight way violent love pickford punch littl boy humor stupid serious 40 minut gave turn slur racism littl kid throw brick got also plot could see thing worth see film william hain top lead man silent erajust pain avoid', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'thank god wasnt base true stori stori popul despic charact whose deprav know bound devil mesmer jawdrop excurs pervers would laughabl sometim even perhap sickeningli tragic undercurr human dysfunct throughout werent carri magnific overwhelm convict star excel script kelli masterson superb direct none sidney lumet doesnt hurt eitherth main dysfunct famili natur two majorli screw brother brilliant portray philip seymour hoffman ethan hawk decid rob parent jewelri store attempt goe pathet awryth stori told timeshift note screen charli two day robberi one confus peopl said didnt like devic thought work perfectli ad skewered whole affair consid two brother question hardli play full deck couldnt make decent poker hand save life throw cheesi extra tidbit one brother drug addict marri gina marisa tomei also excel affair brother toss monument sibl rivalri along fact said drug addict brother hate father wrench perform albert finney appar caus seriou past pain youv got shakespeareangreek tragedi hand proce caution', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'want everyth want know wwii multipl perspect dvd deliv learn new thing guarante much wont need documentari subject get watch learn good school use well bonu watch tora tora tora save privat ryan patton band brother bridg far longest day wwii epic along make knowledg wwii even complet sir laurenc oliv voic add overal atmospher episod 26 part seri serious wont find better wwii documentari set subject perfect 10', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi grip start finish bw photographi american heartland stun feel right cross big sky countri mexico back america near end movi reflect rain robert blake look like small river sweat tear roll face end follow stairway final moment two crimin perform robert blake scott wilson perri smith dick hickock could seen street town hickock smile boy next door smith guy star eye wrong side town point made movi alway surpris us crimin differ appear anyon els evil even vile part human condit two delusion men kill entir famili look safe isnt run start write bad chequ carv trail authoritiesther mani fine support actor like john forsyth detect case alvin dewey also geer shine brief excel scene prosecut attorneyi often want see movi way caught short snatch final get buy dvd result finest classic crime movi ever seendont miss brilliant movi great filmmak', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'great show total fresh innov usual chair couch woman host mandatori band play monoton tune old joke pattern copi day nebuchadnezz probabl pattern johnni carson copi one latterman leno conan dali show seem thesei fell love show within first 10 minut go stick though earli say show seem devoid intellectu pretens talk show tri hard project hope would make show differ rest hope show last longreturn back month still love show love selfdeprec humor exampl affirm pothead loner would home watch show saturday midnight thu joke funni stone guy howev involv usual monkey conan obrien exampl know cardin sin repel obrien antic realli dislik style repetit watch night tom arnold ferensen spoof trade spous nanni 911 earlier episod hilari idiot paparazzi fun especi secur guard caution take peopl pictur mistaken start take pictur shout gari colemanad 16th april 2007 come back left confus neighbor dog cannot decid joke real thing either way funni helli expect spike feresten read page mayb crazier bunch monkey would better write suggest would like full 30 minut show crazi gideon star late night tv commerci would like crazi gideon interview spike talk show sing song play guitar skit line snl also answer question audienc regard potenti mayorship lo angel know crazi gideon may awar websit detail would perfect candid post mayor lagod willingreturn back 14th juli 2007 someon wrote peopl prais spike talkshow must bribe spike confess spike realli bribe must also confess rockefel name last night sex cindi crowford', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'get want want messag bluebeard eighth wife care wish wish wish youmost men heard stori happen sexual frustrat isnt reliev certain part anatomi turn blue misogynist pirat asid cooper play wealthi man accustom get want whenev want learn late wasnt expect never learn lesson run feisti claudett colbert twist soul practic busi deal end marringbuy intent bed none liter frustrat everi turn corner room tourist attractionth film definit french sensibl mean strong doubleentendr boudoir humor day sharp edg your accustom may enjoy see either cooper colbert whole reason watch film likabl actor whole point movi theyr unlik peopl least likabl peopl develop unlik trait protect think world accept term youll find satisfact witti sophist filmand satisfact said movi cast come around aummmblu moon', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'read neg review show websit quit frankli im appal anyon even think soprano televis im afraid dont know world come let tell u someth start watch mani tv show like lost prison break dexter deadwood even invas show lost touch first season especi lost prison break refus watch compani took 2 geniu idea butcher make one season soprano honestli say televis seri ever watch enthral season importantli episod depart show doesnt excel act noth short superb jame gandolfini one favourit actor feel act absolut stun everi episod heard hbo want ray liotta play toni felt wouldv better choic howev watch first episod knew hbo done great job cast jame toni raw emot display superb everyon els edi falco michael imperioli lorrain bracco domin chianes rememb johnni ola godfath part 2 person two favourit charact toni sirico steve van zandt pauli walnut gualtieri silvio dant actor perform best qualiti give excel perform episod stori never suck tv show stori noth short excel episod direct superbl score show fantast feel soprano one show watch never get bore got everyth hilari humour brutal violenc nonetheless alway best thing ever grace televis challeng anyon find real flaw show say violent feel charact toni immor mean mafia show end day dont think charact go honest loyal god implor everyon watch show believ youll hook first episod even gotten friend firstli refus watch show hook trust say show godsend compar crap come tv youv watch first season youll inevit agre say show domin televis tv show current futur ever upstag marvel soprano', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'id give neg rate could went movi expect much open mind whole thing stupid snake obvious fake first two thing bite boob guy johnson oh origin 12 year old boy might laugh idea movi becam popular seriouslyth worst thing ive ever seen wasnt entertain wasnt funnyi wasnt even bore wasnt anyth wasnt even bad good bad ridicul actual pleas wast money movi dont even rent movi clue get high rate', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'peopl total unawar movi exist fox paid judg make kept quit awhil spent noth promot guess made mani peopl think one garbag movi flush late summer well tell funni rather frighten look futur hard believ basic judg put forward notion stupid outbreed smart wide margin stupid get stupid basic spend time watch tv sex produc stupid peopl 2500 person averag intellig today appear geniu talk faggi serious realli hard believ oh sure futur pain funni ridicul stupid still plausibl luke wilson great time travel armi guy hopelessli tri get back comfort time stori gain cult statu numer funni onelin like famili style hey man im bate funni movi rather sharp social commentari american societi seem fatuat self pleasur comfort stupid guarante buy dvd first day come watch', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'great ridicul horror movi captur essenc mid late 80 obsess evil metal music supposedli rememb freak metal teen kid doesnt help found desecr grave hometown graveyard ten turn weird metal kid dug old bodi use bone weird sacrific satan mayb stuff like deter metal awhil love 24 year oldi bought dvd use 6 buck expect suck due lame cover surpris rule extrem demon power metal gotta love scene guitar shoot lazer vapor headbang crowd movi awesom love 80 metal bad movi one 910', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'quit good murder announc delight almost surpass book excel adapt know huge improv geraldin mcewan version dont take pride bad mouth geraldin mcewan adapt two three surprisingli good other start well ruin either poor script confus final solut geraldin mcewan version suffer plod pace problem would consid second worst itv adapt worst sittaford mysteri even merit turn dull confus adapt book nemesi huge improv respect book despit liberti pretti much rectifi problem itv version despit ad charact lionel come across rather irrit written act one two moment sluggish pace solid adapt decent book beauti film nice photographi period detail music alway excel perform wonder time around make gener welldon script joan hickson brilliant alway miss marpl solid turn liz fraser helen cherri joanna hole anna cropper margaret tyzack outstand though chill move perform clothild overal well worth watch better recent version pretti much depart 910 bethani cox', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'good lord think spoiler warn even though dont think itll realli matter wont see piec trash anywaya group handpuppet go chase group realli stupid peopl go realli stupid hunt tri kill puppet complic thing let live realli stupid fantasi word whole thing realli stupidy know bad even mike bot cant save someth didnt know line funni like add sign hit hand comment geez pretti dang sadal say watch piec crud worth eye', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'heard read mani good thing weed look forward get hook anoth great cabl seri like entourag soprano mad men slowli erod away episod watch season one didnt make past first six episod write unorigin contriv portray black embarrass dialog felt forc like writer tri way hard clever hip rare moment actual emit audibl laughth charact never develop enough care selfish unapp absolut hate addit brotherinlaw haul away catch predat remov hode daughter quinn cast send board school mexico unorigin clich conclud writer test viewer loyaltyepisod episod like charact less couldnt get past mani technic flaw stori lineadd heard season two wasnt good lost motiv continu watch play outif your fan good cast write suspect show challeng like unless cours your stone bet', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi among favorit foreign film other amile life dog similar movi mani great foreign film take mundan slice life transform profound heartfelt lesson japan man bore mundan life rut marri life see beauti japanes woman stare window danc studio instant take train pass enthral beauti faraway glanc connect discov share shall danc memor wonder charact deal pain realiti transcend world danc break tradit mould stereo type japanes societi risk happi find joy far away one movi magic meaning transcend mundan show true magic miracl life', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film valu excel way get overview novel prefac read summer 1968 saw film nyc fall graduat school read book first time pleasur read novel memori scrupul detail film better worseand ive read taught novel three decadesmilo oshea still leopold bloom', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'film lyric romant memoir told eye eleven year old boy live rural cuban town year castro revolut obvious genuin worthi labor love name cuba libr cuban blood mere attempt wrongli market action film dream julia make much sens common european cinema rambo revolut mere inconveni peopl daili live pursuit fact alon make film honest work deal time period cuban historyth excess use voiceov narrat undermin stori film make unqualifi clip hollywood film say much visual narrat couldth comparison cinema paradiso fair game film wax melancholi movi underli pain loss lifestyl surpass lost love revolut like film juli never seem end', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'saw zp first releas found major disappoint script seem forc arch fakey 60 polit upfront ridicul let face still lovespel known blowup still havent complet shaken love twist sort nostalgia evok oh well good luck mebut time march time kind zp time teacher revisit film everi ten year get better better age zp experienceand realli link blowup creator lategreat mr antonionitwelv year ago great good fortun see absolut pristin print project correct size immens restor italian govern cultur agenc know good work art see know import keep thing beauti good shape day rememb gasp audienc first shot death valley appear like thousand volt visual shock antonioni intent deliv wake us new level awar inde follow point entir differ sort placewhat astonish film come owni rememb second time around see earli 80 begun feel affect toward film whole toward daria mark particular wherea two seem like smartalecki shadow version zefferelli olivia leonard read romeo julietthey engag particularli girl insist slomotion shetookhertim live everyth everyth die around herupon excit theater daylight realiti quickli began eras new found enjoy encroach shoulderpad big hair 80 whisper that hippi fantasi let goth forc antonioni vision realis alreadi work insid first time around answer 80 uhhuh guard love secretli possess jealouslybut good art live insid wish way love back secretli jealous possess get changedwa thrill see turner classic movi decid show zp march lineup undoubtedli zp must seen gigant screen truli take construct environ hey sometim even glimps belov newspap photo better glimps alltoday realiti hit zp withdrawn mysteri replac whiney antic alic restaurantso still difficult disturb whatmayb good art live everyth die around peac', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'strang occasion eleg exploit movi real stori benefit stunningli ravish lead actress hand nice gruesom makeup effect daniella beauti twentysometh girl carri trauma rape age 13 nightmar hallucin lead believ she reincarn femal ancestor said werewolf kill brotherinlaw nightli encount get submit hospit escap howev randomli devour men whilst run polic detect doctor rel pretti look listen realli great soundtrack absenc plot continu becom irrit quit fast luckili enough lead ladi annik borel rare ever wear cloth fill bore moment danc nake around fire film long weird forgett biggest surpris come end suddenli blue director rino di silvestro tri make us believ movi base true fact yeah right', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'interest hard find movi earli 70 star jan michael vincent young man doesnt make cut marin dress babi blue outfit humili sent home fail recruit sent pack vincent stop bar run young richard gere return tour pacif hardcor marin raider gere charact alreadi jade contempl desert take advantag vincent innoc steal babi blue uniform get drunk beat alleyway vincent charact whose name marion take gere outfit suddenli transform marin raider marion hitchhik way wyom stop littl norman rockwelllik littl town local caf meet rose hudkin immedi catch eye stay hudkin parent marion attract sort attent town folk mr hudkin suspect marion wonder marin raider could still innoc stori also bring japanes intern camp town folk go hunt 3 escape marion shot accident hunt there still happi end befuddl bit would prefer littl drama anyway captur jmv peak 70 perform buster billi babi blue marin white line fever mid70 amazingli good jmv perform action star heartthrob time made lot qualiti movi career continu mid 80 great tv show airwolf good job hedg quietli observ way peopl treat uniform travel across countri must perform stunt work well harrow river scene end movieand look like he guy get toss river realli height popular movi could done much jmv talent look innoc interest evil explor buster billi much dramat anyway glynni oconnor delight rose whole look movi like norman rockwel paint outdoor scene gorgeou must film canada', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'johnni june carter cash financ film tradit render gospel stori music great get real feel world jesu look like ive june get part mari magdalen passion cash narrat good toobut1 actor play jesu miscast 2 edg stori like cash put faith base music 3 uncompel doubt well see ever wide distribut againid love buy cdtom pain texa usa', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'jniksen vuosi one jarva polit movi take stanc strongli modern day societi author statu life common man estrang men natur complet challeng whole concept freedom wealth welfar societyvatanen antti litja smother buy concret jungl rule regul tri rattl chain societi escap wilder northern finland realiz concept free countri isnt unambigu word societi common man ballsstil thing make jniksen vuosi except besid visual humourist brillianc seem illustr whole polit atmospher finland 70 well whole ident finland nation vatanen like archetyp classic finn solitud social distant sinc natur alway play import role nation ident us finn whole idea slowli taken away modern societi make jniksen vuosi emot except move', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'love jami foxxand enjoy 99 movi seeand walk onenow admit may someth two middleag white women back theatr laugh everi littl thing oh jami knock door hee hee hee incred annoy could sustain camera shot camera shot convent angl everyth inyourfac loud annoyingth bad guy tri smooth malkovichlik point old tire brought noth new interest charact mani line saw come mani youv heard mani tough guy line dont mind sort thing realli long there bit origin fact pretti much entir support cast suckedi love jami foxx think he realli funni thought funni movi nearli funni enough endur everyth els movi need less shootemup less annoy camera shot emot feel jami foxx gave 2', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'see dick traci 699 bin futur shop decid give go previou knowledg big fan mafia crime movi surpris see fun smart entertain movi solid perform throughout movi move along well cours anoth solid perform warren beatti real standout film al pacino madonna happi find pacino nomin perform top gangster tri take citi madonna great damsel distress realli impress ad depth perform go attitud want watch fun smart movi great act solid script give dick traci tri dont think disappoint watch cameo paul sorvino jame caan kathi bate dustin hoffman among other', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'send freezer solut two butcher find discov popular sell human flesh incred stori humor possibl allegori make much horror film complex charact defi superfici classif make stori intrigu worthwhil stand definit dark film also bit redempt', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'wow pick rental shelf love robert carlyl jonni lee miller trainspot phenomen movi action romanc suspens intrigu wit wasnt laugh edg seat definit film would recommend peopl appreci intellig dialogu fresh perspect 18th centuri film everyth keep happi', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'dont know peopl criticis show muchit great funni show probabl right materi mainstream primetim stillth famili dynam funni see comedi show support charact absolut hilari plot individu episod frequent siegfri roy jibe averag ever often subplot onelin make roll floor laughingthi show well worth 8 pound paid itrat 810', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'mexican werewolf texa set small border town furlough anna erika fay live best friend rosi martin hugh mexican boyfriend name miguel gabriel gutierrez determin track beast terroris town kill livestock sever resid includ friend local mexican legend speak chupacabra evil creatur myth legend erm im struggl much els actual happenswritten direct scott maginni wont beat bush simpli say mexican werewolf texa aw period script ever mention word werewolf rest time refer chupacabra fact suspect wasnt realli conceiv werewolf flick werewolf creatur look mostli hairless like viciou dog refer anybodi chang full moon actual attack day coupl occas transform scene end kill doesnt chang back anyon either honest apart titl there noth indic werewolf film even titl ripoff highli popular american werewolf london 1981 type home made crap person think kill horror genr long sinc true low budget horror classic like dawn dead 1978 evil dead 1981 halloween 1978 friday 13th 1980 made shoe string budget mayb blair witch project 1999 that recent year crap like mexican werewolf texa absolut chanc ever consid classic charact aw thing happen around dialogu rubbish pace terribl stori suck virtual sent sleep whole film crap im sorri dont know els describ itdirector maginni noth make watchabl there annoy hand held camera type cinematographi could easili give someon headach quick blink youll miss someth edit annoy irrit equal measur scari there nuditi there tension atmospher special effect aw monster realli look poor wonder maginni keep shadow cut scene quickli never get good look there virtual colour pictur either either almost pitch black satur desert sand orang make thing eye sore well gore consist fake gut blink youll miss bloodi wound sever arm big dealwith suppos budget 300000 admit budget low simpli refus accept make rubbish film plenti low budget horror flick make meagr budget go far whole thing look home movi style throughli bland dull look act suck although probabl alreadi knew thatmexican werewolf texa probabl con peopl rentingbuyingwatch might mistakenli think sequel john landi classic certainli isnt isnt even proper werewolf flick either dont fool aw im fed wast timemoney home made amateur crap like', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'found surprisingli lighthand touch 1950 cultureclash movi john wayn would hardli one first choic cultur attach diplomat good intent bullrun harrod time left play part far passiv usual bluff persona accomplish task style duke guy realli could act well facial express bodi languag could extrem subtledespit consider presenc actor term screen time fail domin movi mani good intent came cropper author nobodi intermitt narr provid titular geisha barbarianth stori american attempt curri favour isolationist japan one polit intrigu rather swashbuckl hellforleath battl cannot comment accuraci research strang orient cultur western sensibl demonstr well great deal minutelychoreograph ceremoni entail look observ like authent costum prop set piec complex detail lot money thought appli itth fractur romanc wayn geisha ad littl extra element stop movi becom polit flagwav effort script good without wordi great deal japanes dialogu lengthi period translat didnt interfer narr nice see plenti genuin orient set whether japanes couldnt say anyway look part least lead play crossdress caucasian unlik effort blood alley ye know chines inn sixth happi even king ifrankli enjoy movi script better start never like song king wasnt impress heavyladen anticommunist subtext blood alley confess never seen work found compar favour mani duke popular outingsrecommend', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'glad came across short film im alway disappoint short film hard come across saw saw nomin live action short film academi award pleas actual film root forth plot pretti simpl director writer star nacho vigalondo tri come reason peopl would suddenli break song danc number like movi music result extrem entertain song actual realli catchyit well made short film well edit actor great job last shot film perfecti highli recommend film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'thought start movi might good one start found realli aw said movi made afghanistan think 95 movi shot india see indian made car see lar drink bislerian indian water brand hindi written road also see templ afghanistan hahah realli funni mani stuff prove shot afghanistan think one wast hisher time watch movi pure time wast would recommend someth els instead watch movi may might heart better idea dont watch wast time', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'truli appal wast space friend tri watch film conclus switch 30 minut end count film switch end one handth script direct leaden deepli uninspir wouldnt surpris found script pile cast script 1983 exampl irrit scroat threaten real estat guy hous phone mean serious polic would beat door minut scene event wash like turd river difficult understand actual thrust film narr flick charact seemingli random manner break pathet attempt build charact oh charact protagonist play rourk dread could sent cardboard cut stay bed 60 minut film built absolut zero attach charact neither sympathet hate disfigur dummi shop window blunder everi singl scene motiv imposs discern gener mumbl emotionless deliveri happi sad angri idea dead eye stare disfigur chunk flesh nativ american theme aw pointlessth good guy best unlik dull white collar stereotyp simper neurot exwif stereotyp cue archetyp wife shotgun face bad guy arent go shoot tiresom unorigin annoyingth richi nix charact seem interest first soon descend irrit one side psycho charact seem odd seem intent make bad guy way sympathet least realist motivatedroasario dawson charact start promis soon descend sicken childlik parodi gangster chick scene jacki brown realli want believ charact attract rourk wors floozi sleep anyth move realist femal charact ftw summari complet mess film hopeless characteris perform leaden hackney script along uninspir direct ultim extrem dull even comedi bad either laugh rourk haggard face get pretti old sit first 15 turgid minut film', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'movi chvez support either venezuelan notvenezuelan lie dramat situat countri say conflict start chvez announc fire lot pdvsa best worker polit issuesthey say anyth 96 tv interrupt transmit chvez 3 day cadena nacion kind confisc privat tv signal one 20 minut durationthey tell us anyth quit announc made gener en jefe luca rincon romero inspector gener armi forc tradit support chvez even despit announc ministro de interior justicia chvez return occup charg ministro del defensa equal defens secretari usthey say anyth chvez order shoot pacif peopl concentr claim electionsthey say anyth peopl concentr kill chvez support either civilian militari offici forcesthey present fact wrong order order liethey say anyth venezuelan civilian societi that even claim elect order solv crisi chvez action order avoid electionsthat tell movi lot lie big lie', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'one could wish idea good invis man would work better care handl age fantast special effect case stori charact final entir last 20 minut film fresh madscientist flick earli 50 great moment mostli due amaz special effect idea invis man stalk street ala soon back cramp confin underground lab mean rest film predict schematicther great mani remak old film tv show past 10 year charm becom clearer clearer film idea put ol classic nose eager madmen like verhoeven moment bad one obviou money key issu time energi put script nowher near enough result hollow man serious undermin clich sappi charact predict lack depth whatsoeverhowev one thing actual impress besid special effect swear make kind film modern produc keen allow kid see therefor languag sometim violenc sex tone whole world blow good guy go oh darn oh god hollow man grate discard kind hypocrisi charact liberti say come natur im say natur respons someth gone wrong swear make believ someon actual swear think thank verhoeven', 'predicted_sentiment': 'negative'}\n",
"{'review': 'ok owe pulp fiction opinion voic ident mainli musicvideo direct style sketchlik narr great perform thoma jane deliv great drugdeal showdown extraordinari aaron eckhart likewis jame legro short effervesc appearancegreat humorthey got wong hous porzikova interrog rape scene memor mickey rourk cameo appearancetak peakgreat hollywood popcorn bproduct strong perform alevel aspir renegadesrourkewel take peak worth', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n",
"{'review': 'far know real guy main actor play saw perform said outstand portray id agre fantast film quit gift boyman special bodi part help oscar bafta win golden globe nomin daniel daylewi play christi browna crippl man cerebr palsi spend life floor wheelchair carri famili special left foot though write paint hold thing learn speak later film good guy like also star home alon 2s oscar win golden globe nomin brenda fricker mr brown bafta win ray mcanal mr brown nomin oscar best director jim sheridan best write screenplay base materi anoth medium best pictur nomin bafta best film best make artist best adapt screenplay daniel daylewi number 85 100 greatest movi star number 20 50 greatest british actor number 9 britain finest actor number 15 world greatest actor film number 28 50 greatest british film outstand', 'predicted_sentiment': 'positive'}\n"
"ename": "KeyboardInterrupt",
"evalue": "",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
"\u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\Real-time-stock-analysis\\KafkaConsumer.ipynb Cell 4\u001b[0m line \u001b[0;36m2\n\u001b[0;32m <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/manoj/Documents/Python/DataEng/DownloadPro/Real-time-stock-analysis/KafkaConsumer.ipynb#W3sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=0'>1</a>\u001b[0m \u001b[39mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m----> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/manoj/Documents/Python/DataEng/DownloadPro/Real-time-stock-analysis/KafkaConsumer.ipynb#W3sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=1'>2</a>\u001b[0m \u001b[39mfor\u001b[39;00m message \u001b[39min\u001b[39;00m consumer:\n\u001b[0;32m <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/manoj/Documents/Python/DataEng/DownloadPro/Real-time-stock-analysis/KafkaConsumer.ipynb#W3sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=2'>3</a>\u001b[0m \u001b[39mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/manoj/Documents/Python/DataEng/DownloadPro/Real-time-stock-analysis/KafkaConsumer.ipynb#W3sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=3'>4</a>\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# Attempt to decode the message as JSON\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m <a href='vscode-notebook-cell:/c%3A/Users/manoj/Documents/Python/DataEng/DownloadPro/Real-time-stock-analysis/KafkaConsumer.ipynb#W3sZmlsZQ%3D%3D?line=4'>5</a>\u001b[0m json_data \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m loads(message\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mvalue)\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\consumer\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaConsumer.__next__\u001b[1;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1191\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mnext_v1()\n\u001b[0;32m 1192\u001b[0m \u001b[39melse\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1193\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49mnext_v2()\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\consumer\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaConsumer.next_v2\u001b[1;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1199\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_iterator \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_message_generator_v2()\n\u001b[0;32m 1200\u001b[0m \u001b[39mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1201\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mnext\u001b[39m(\u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_iterator)\n\u001b[0;32m 1202\u001b[0m \u001b[39mexcept\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mStopIteration\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 1203\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_iterator \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mNone\u001b[39;00m\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\consumer\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaConsumer._message_generator_v2\u001b[1;34m(self)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1114\u001b[0m \u001b[39mdef\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39m_message_generator_v2\u001b[39m(\u001b[39mself\u001b[39m):\n\u001b[0;32m 1115\u001b[0m timeout_ms \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39m1000\u001b[39m \u001b[39m*\u001b[39m (\u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_consumer_timeout \u001b[39m-\u001b[39m time\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mtime())\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1116\u001b[0m record_map \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49mpoll(timeout_ms\u001b[39m=\u001b[39;49mtimeout_ms, update_offsets\u001b[39m=\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39mFalse\u001b[39;49;00m)\n\u001b[0;32m 1117\u001b[0m \u001b[39mfor\u001b[39;00m tp, records \u001b[39min\u001b[39;00m six\u001b[39m.\u001b[39miteritems(record_map):\n\u001b[0;32m 1118\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# Generators are stateful, and it is possible that the tp / records\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1119\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# here may become stale during iteration -- i.e., we seek to a\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1120\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# different offset, pause consumption, or lose assignment.\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1121\u001b[0m \u001b[39mfor\u001b[39;00m record \u001b[39min\u001b[39;00m records:\n\u001b[0;32m 1122\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# is_fetchable(tp) should handle assignment changes and offset\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1123\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# resets; for all other changes (e.g., seeks) we'll rely on the\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1124\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# outer function destroying the existing iterator/generator\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1125\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# via self._iterator = None\u001b[39;00m\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\consumer\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaConsumer.poll\u001b[1;34m(self, timeout_ms, max_records, update_offsets)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 653\u001b[0m remaining \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m timeout_ms\n\u001b[0;32m 654\u001b[0m \u001b[39mwhile\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mTrue\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m--> 655\u001b[0m records \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_poll_once(remaining, max_records, update_offsets\u001b[39m=\u001b[39;49mupdate_offsets)\n\u001b[0;32m 656\u001b[0m \u001b[39mif\u001b[39;00m records:\n\u001b[0;32m 657\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m records\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\consumer\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaConsumer._poll_once\u001b[1;34m(self, timeout_ms, max_records, update_offsets)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 699\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_client\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mpoll(timeout_ms\u001b[39m=\u001b[39m\u001b[39m0\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[0;32m 701\u001b[0m timeout_ms \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mmin\u001b[39m(timeout_ms, \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_coordinator\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mtime_to_next_poll() \u001b[39m*\u001b[39m \u001b[39m1000\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m--> 702\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_client\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49mpoll(timeout_ms\u001b[39m=\u001b[39;49mtimeout_ms)\n\u001b[0;32m 703\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# after the long poll, we should check whether the group needs to rebalance\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 704\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# prior to returning data so that the group can stabilize faster\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 705\u001b[0m \u001b[39mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_coordinator\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mneed_rejoin():\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaClient.poll\u001b[1;34m(self, timeout_ms, future)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 599\u001b[0m timeout \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mmin\u001b[39m(timeout, \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mconfig[\u001b[39m'\u001b[39m\u001b[39mretry_backoff_ms\u001b[39m\u001b[39m'\u001b[39m])\n\u001b[0;32m 600\u001b[0m timeout \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mmax\u001b[39m(\u001b[39m0\u001b[39m, timeout) \u001b[39m# avoid negative timeouts\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[1;32m--> 602\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_poll(timeout \u001b[39m/\u001b[39;49m \u001b[39m1000\u001b[39;49m)\n\u001b[0;32m 604\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# called without the lock to avoid deadlock potential\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 605\u001b[0m \u001b[39m# if handlers need to acquire locks\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 606\u001b[0m responses\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mextend(\u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_fire_pending_completed_requests())\n",
"File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\manoj\\Documents\\Python\\DataEng\\DownloadPro\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\kafka\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mKafkaClient._poll\u001b[1;34m(self, timeout)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 631\u001b[0m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_register_send_sockets()\n\u001b[0;32m 633\u001b[0m start_select \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m time\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mtime()\n\u001b[1;32m--> 634\u001b[0m ready \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_selector\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49mselect(timeout)\n\u001b[0;32m 635\u001b[0m end_select \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m time\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mtime()\n\u001b[0;32m 636\u001b[0m \u001b[39mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39m_sensors:\n",
"File \u001b[1;32m~\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Lib\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;\u001b[1;34m(self, timeout)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 321\u001b[0m ready \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m []\n\u001b[0;32m 322\u001b[0m \u001b[39mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[1;32m--> 323\u001b[0m r, w, _ \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_select(\u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_readers, \u001b[39mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[39m.\u001b[39;49m_writers, [], timeout)\n\u001b[0;32m 324\u001b[0m \u001b[39mexcept\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39mInterruptedError\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 325\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m ready\n",
"File \u001b[1;32m~\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python311\\Lib\\\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mSelectSelector._select\u001b[1;34m(self, r, w, _, timeout)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 313\u001b[0m \u001b[39mdef\u001b[39;00m \u001b[39m_select\u001b[39m(\u001b[39mself\u001b[39m, r, w, _, timeout\u001b[39m=\u001b[39m\u001b[39mNone\u001b[39;00m):\n\u001b[1;32m--> 314\u001b[0m r, w, x \u001b[39m=\u001b[39m select\u001b[39m.\u001b[39mselect(r, w, w, timeout)\n\u001b[0;32m 315\u001b[0m \u001b[39mreturn\u001b[39;00m r, w \u001b[39m+\u001b[39m x, []\n",
"\u001b[1;31mKeyboardInterrupt\u001b[0m: "
"source": [
" for message in consumer:\n",
" try:\n",
" # Attempt to decode the message as JSON\n",
" json_data = loads(message.value)\n",
" print(json_data)\n",
" except JSONDecodeError as e:\n",
" # Handle the case where decoding as JSON fails\n",
" print(f\"Error decoding message: {e}\")\n",
" print(f\"Raw message: {message.value}\")\n",
"except Exception as e:\n",
" print(f\"Error in consumer loop: {e}\")\n",
" consumer.close()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "096f4a48",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
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