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manojpanta /
Last active January 16, 2018 00:49

DAY1. 1.i couldnt install xcode, appstore says i need osx 10.12.6 or later version. 2.we can open atom from terminal entering atom . 3..rb 4.CMD+/ or tree-view:toggle

6.pwd stands for present working directory . lists the files in current folder. cd is to move to other directory.mkdir is to make a new directory. 8.local 9.see comments

A Request line, containing three piece of information:
the HTTP method (also called a “verb”) for sending or retrieving information
the URI “path” of the resource where we’re sending or retrieving information
the version of the HTTP protocol our “client” software is using
Headers, which is a key/value pair, which contain supplimental information about our request
An optional body; we only send data to the server in the body when we are creating or modifying something
I was thinking about making an app that lets you copy texts, clik on visible links from an image file. Converting Imgae's texts
to a string and return is kind of easy task thanks to google's Vision AI. But being able to click on photo itself and making
those links work would be really challanging and fun to work.
Say , there is a screenshot having following content.
' Hello world !!
We can get the string inside of this screenshot very easily with Google's Vision AI.
## Value, Types, and Operators
Having some experience with ruby data types, JS data types seem to behave in a similar way.
NaN was a new thing here.
I feel pretty confident about the things i learned about JS from this chapter but ternary operatores are still on fuzzy side.
## Program Structure
It is interesting that we have to mention it is a variable every time we declare a variable unlike in ruby
Statements are executed from top to bottom as it's a scripting language.
Feel pretty good about do,while and fo loop.
7-10am: Wake up, breakfast, drop off my mom to her work at 10
10-11am: Return home/school and research about possible companies i want to apply
11am-2:30am: Add possible companies to my Huntr list, Find people who work in that company and send slack, linkedin messages.
2:30-3:30pm: Write cover letters for companies that i already decided to apply to
3:30 - 6 pm : Coffee Meeting if scheduled/ Use different websites to find jobs
6:30 - 7:30pm : Find Code challenges from different websites and solve
8-10pm: Pick up my mom from work, dinner, go to bed
I will feel more motivated if companies reply with positive response. I will be attending od 5 and Kayt's coffee shop too. That would
definitely help me keep moving and stand motivated. We also have a 1811 channel that is gonna be up until everyone finds a job.