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# this script validates the prediction using a test dataset
# Library Load ------------------------------------------------------------
listpackages = c('tm', 'tidyverse','ggplot2','scales','DT', 'tidyr', 'igraph','magrittr','gridExtra','readr','stringi','stringr','textclean','reshape2', 'tidytext','data.table')
loaded = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
sapply(listpackages, function (x) library(x,character.only = T))
rm(list = c('listpackages','loaded'))
marceloszilagyi / Validation.R
Created September 7, 2017 14:54
Validation of the word prediction
# this script validates the prediction using a test dataset
# Library Load ------------------------------------------------------------
listpackages = c('tm', 'tidyverse','ggplot2','scales','DT', 'tidyr', 'igraph','magrittr','gridExtra','readr','stringi','stringr','textclean','reshape2', 'tidytext','data.table')
loaded = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
sapply(listpackages, function (x) library(x,character.only = T))
rm(list = c('listpackages','loaded'))
marceloszilagyi / Backoff.R
Created September 9, 2017 00:14
Backoff logic
if (lengthtext >4) {fivechance = fivegrams %>% filter(third_next_word==word_search_last, sec_next_word == word_search_last_minus_one, next_word == word_search_last_minus_two, word == word_search_last_minus_three) %>% top_n(5,wt = fiveprop) %>% mutate(chance = fiveprop*0.4^(backoff_index-4), origin="fivegrams") %>% ungroup() %>% select(selection = fourth_next_word, chance, origin)}
if (lengthtext >3) {fourchance = fourgrams %>% filter(sec_next_word==word_search_last, next_word==word_search_last_minus_one, word==word_search_last_minus_two) %>% top_n(5, wt=fourprop) %>% mutate(chance = fourprop*0.4^(backoff_index-3), origin = "fourgrams") %>% ungroup() %>% select(selection = third_next_word, chance, origin)}
if (lengthtext >2) {threechance = trigrams %>% filter(next_word==word_search_last,word==word_search_last_minus_one) %>% top_n(5, wt=triprop) %>% mutate(chance = triprop*0.4^(backoff_index-2), origin = "trigrams") %>% ungroup() %>% select(selection = sec_next_word, chance, origin)}
if (length
# load RDS and libraries
# this is function to predict only
# Function to expand contractions and convert numbers to "num" -----
# Loop only used to control memory/progress
expand_contraction = function (text) {
text %<>% str_replace_all(pattern = "[`''']",replacement = "'" )
text %<>% tolower()
text %<>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\b\\w*\\d,*\\.*\\w*,*\\.*\\b", replacement = "num") # the real regex is \b\w*\d,*\.*\w*,*\.*\b
text %<>% str_replace_all(pattern = "\\b(num)\\W*\\S*(num)\\b", replacement = "num")
{for (i in (seq_along(contrac_repl)))
text %<>% str_replace_all(pattern = tolower(names(contrac_repl))[i] ,replacement = tolower(contrac_repl[i]))
marceloszilagyi / Sub Slide_Creation()
Created November 1, 2017 21:55
Duplicate Slides
Sub Slide_Creation()
' this sub duplicates the standard slide
Dim myPres As Presentation
Dim mySlide As SlideRange
Dim count As Long
For j = 1 To 49 ' this will create in total 50 slides (one original plus 49 duplicates)
Set myPres = ActivePresentation
' Duplicate the slide at index 'count'.
marceloszilagyi / Sub Add_Text_Excel_loop()
Created November 1, 2017 21:57
Add text to existing shapes from Excel
Sub Add_Text_Excel_loop()
' Reference:
sn = GetObject("C:\Users\Excelfile.xlsm").sheets(1).Range("O1:S150") 'reference to an Excel file
ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide Index:=1 ' go to slide number one
' here is the manual input to 50 slides
For j = 1 To 50
' update number in top left
ActivePresentation.Slides(j).Shapes("Shape 1").TextFrame.TextRange.Text = j
' update title - in my case, my excel file jumps from 3 to 3 lines, so that's why j times 3 (j *3)
marceloszilagyi / Sub Insert_Pics()
Created November 1, 2017 22:00
Add image from folder
Sub Insert_Pics()
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Dim oSld As Slide
Dim oPic As Shape
' logos will be inserted in the alpha sequence; I renamed files with leading numbers (001, 002)