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marclennox / docker-compose.yml
Last active June 26, 2020 00:44
Using PRY remote seamlessly in a Rails server
# config/docker-compose.yml
hostname: rails-web
- application.env
- PORT=9292
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
preferences {
section() {
input("integrateSHM", "boolean", title: "Integrate with SHM", description: "Whether to integrate this partition with Smart Home Monitor", required: true)
metadata {
definition (name: "DSC Alarm Partition", namespace: "TenStartups", author: "Marc Lennox") {
from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App
from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer
from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to
import math
# Create your objects here.
tricky = MSHub()
movement_motors = MotorPair('A','B')
distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('D')