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María Carlina Hernández mariacarlinahernandez

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mariacarlinahernandez / SoilMoisture_Temp_Sensor.ino
Last active November 1, 2019 19:34
Deploy a soil moisture and temperature sensor for commercial greenhouses or private garden monitoring and treatment.
// This example is to get the last value of variable from the Ubidots API
// This example is to save multiple variables to the Ubidots API with TCP method
* Include Libraries
#include "Ubidots.h"
#include <SHT1x.h>
mariacarlinahernandez / Ubidots_IntelEdison_Arduino_HTTP.ino
Last active December 6, 2021 01:34
Basic example for sending data to Ubidots using the Intel Edison Arduino Breakout Board.
* This Example sends harcoded data to Ubidots and serves as example for users which
* desire build a HTTP request to the Ubidots API with any device. Please reference to the link below
* to find more information about it - Ubidots REST API Reference -
* You will find a help guide for this code on the link below:
* This example is given AS IT IS without any warranty.
mariacarlinahernandez / Ubidots_AP_ESP8266.ino
Created July 4, 2017 16:07
Establish an Access Point that connects your ESP8266 module to any network making a universal firmware that can be used anywhere, also allows you POST data to Ubidots.
* Include Libraries
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ConfigManager.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
* Define Constants
// Include librairies
#include <WISOL.h>
#include <Tsensors.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <math.h>
Isigfox *Isigfox = new WISOL();
Tsensors *tSensors = new Tsensors();
// Init function