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open sourcery

Mariana Meireles marimeireles

open sourcery
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marimeireles / canvas_continuousline.html
Created March 16, 2019 15:53
your very own self drawing draw!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<style type="text/css">
canvas { border: 1px solid black; }
marimeireles / girl_with_planets.js
Created March 16, 2019 15:58
p5js girl with planets in her head
i = 0;
j= 0;
hair = [262, 117,248, 115,234, 118,222, 121,206, 132,195, 143,189, 156,186, 170,184, 183,181, 199,171, 216,160, 233,152, 249,149, 261,152, 271,164, 281,176, 292,185, 306,192, 319,193, 325,207, 314,211, 310,218, 306,222, 306,226, 312,232, 322,243, 330,245, 330,242, 318,247, 312,253, 306,262, 300,275, 292,277, 289,272, 305,268, 312,265, 318,266, 320,276, 317,283, 315,289, 317,294, 315,301, 315,309, 312,319, 310,324, 305,330, 299,333, 292,335, 285,335, 277,333, 273,333, 272,339, 279,340, 289,341, 294,348, 292,352, 285,356, 280,353, 269,344, 255,337, 248,327, 241,323, 233,314, 223,309, 215,299, 195,301, 190,304, 180,306, 175,310, 179,311, 183,313, 182,316, 184,319, 182,321, 183,323, 177,325, 166,326, 155,323, 148,318, 138,312, 131,304, 127,291, 121,285, 119,274, 116,264, 117,261, 117]
face = [321, 183,324, 190,324, 195,326, 201,327, 210,325, 215,324, 222,323, 224,321, 229,321, 232]
rightSide = [193,324,190,334,182,336,173,345,165,352,158,361,150,376,148,388,149,400,152,418,152,427,157,440,1
marimeireles / gist:c012d72338dcda7043471ebb836273de
Created January 24, 2020 10:58
Some tips on how to deal with the Qt For Python ecosystem
So, hopefully one day I'll organize this in to an useful blog post for people interested in contributing to Qt For Python!
For now they're just messy notes:
if I need qtcreator stuff, remember to use this link =
to build qt-creator
I need to go to my qt-creator-build directory
and make qmake_all -j8
and then make -j8
and then ./bin/qtcreator to open it
# How to use templates (without using templates)
## Span:
### Substituting templates
You can use std::span. It allows you to create constraints over your templates. It's more or less the same use. It's faster than templating and with more strict data.
### Cutting vectors
marimeireles / gist:9ef041f5e9d122d811a833161756a706
Created March 27, 2021 11:08
Amazing computer science women
Veronika Megler - Developer of The Hobbit a randomish really old assembly adventure game =>
marimeireles / gist:16ccf76910f0dd760f61a2f55bf5c17b
Created February 3, 2022 03:15
How to add P5js to your webpage
//Either download p5js or use the CDN link:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Include p5.js library -->
<script src="p5.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
## Examples of colabs using stylegan
1. stylegan3
More resource on the colab:
2. stylegan3
3. stylegan2 w/ code to train your own model
4. original repo for stylegan3
LeetCode - You really don't need any other site. My Facebook, Microsoft, Bloomberg and Amazon interview questions
were literally copy pasted from LeetCode lol. You don't even need to buy LeetCode Premium tbh. Just use the free
version to practice.
Quastor - Free newsletter that sends you leetcode questions and solutions. They also summarize engineering blog posts
and their selection is pretty good.
Pramp - A free website that matches you with other people to practice algorithms questions (with video & voice chat so
it's like a real world interview). This is a great way to practice the rubric linked.
tadasana -Stand Tall in Namaste
Ground the feet into the floor
lift from the top of your head
3 breaths
Surya Namaskar 5 times
Surya Namaskar 2nd variation
(Chair position, warrior 1 in both sides) 3 times
unless otherwise noted stay in each posture for 7 breaths
import re
class Player:
def __init__(self, player_number):
self.player_number = player_number
class Board:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.board = [[None] * size for _ in range(size)]