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Mario Gil mariogillazaro

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mariogillazaro /
Created September 19, 2017 03:45
Instrucciones para probar el pae


  1. Obtener el código con ´git clone´
  2. Asegurarse de tener instalada una versión reciente de Node
  3. Instalar las dependencias de node ´npm install´
  4. Crear las bases de datos ´pae´ y ´users_pae´ en Postgresql en el puerto default (5432)
  5. Generar las tablas de las bases de datos con ´cd pae-api && node db/run.js´
  6. Instalar knex ´npm i -g knex´
  7. Poblar las bases de datos con ´knex seed:run --knexfile knexfile.js && knex seed:run --knexfile-users.js´
  8. Correr el servidor ´npm start´
mariogillazaro /
Last active December 19, 2017 23:14
EOQ Newsletter Template

EOQ Newsletter Templates

This document specifies the requirements of a template that will serve as a foundation for the 3 EOQ Newsletter emails.


Sections are parts of the template that appear once and don't need to be moved or duplicated, although some of their parts could be editable.


Module with a title composed of the word Wizeline and a product image, a quarter label, an image relevant to the product and fill text, in that order, top to down.

Field Specification

  • Title (product name): This part of the title is an interchangeable image.
// Ejercicio #1
function convertObjectToArray(obj) {
const arrayRepresentation = [];
for (key in obj) {
const value = obj[key];
const pair = [key, value];