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# Modified by Mark Stillwell <>, Spring 2013
# FIXME: add options
# root-ro-lowerdir=
# root-ro-upperdir=
# root-ro-notmpfs
# also params for ROOT_RO and ROOT_RW, would rather have them in /media
# Copyright, 2012 Axel Heider
# Based on scrpts from
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 Mark Stillwell <>
# development platform is Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahir)
# requries python, python-networkmanager, python-pycurl, python-simplejson
# also requires a font with icons at the appropriate values
# The author uses one generated at by including all of the glyphs
# from the Meteocons, Ionicons, and Font Awesome icon libraries.
from NetworkManager import NetworkManager as nm