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ubuntu@ip-172-31-2-114:~/private-tezos-blockchain$ sudo docker exec flamboyant_austin ./scripts/ \
> --node-ip localhost --node-port 8732 \
> --base-dir /base-dir --tezos-client /base-dir/tezos-client \
> --parameters /parameters.json
>>>>0: http://localhost:8732/network/version
<<<<0: 200 OK
{ "chain_name": "TEZOS_ALPHANET_CARTHAGE_2019-11-28T13:02:13Z",
"distributed_db_version": 0, "p2p_version": 1 }
>>>>1: http://localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/genesis/protocols
<<<<1: 200 OK
ubuntu@ip-172-31-2-137:~/private-tezos-blockchain$ sudo docker run --network host --expose 8733 -v ubuntu-tezos-volume:/base-dir -i -t ubuntu-tezos start-baker --net-address "" --net-addr-port 8733 --rpc-address "" --rpc-addr-port 8732 --peer
Container IP:
start-baker -- incoming params:
--base-dir /base-dir --tezos-client /base-dir/tezos-client --tezos-node /base-dir/tezos-node --tezos-baker /base-dir/tezos-baker-006-PsCARTHA --tezos-endorser /base-dir/tezos-endorser-006-PsCARTHA --net-addr :8733 --rpc-addr :8732 --no-background-node --peer
Failed to acquire the protocol version from the node
Rpc request failed:
- meth: GET
- uri: http://localhost:8732/chains/main/blocks/head/protocols
- error: Unable to connect to the node: "Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNREFUSED, "connect", "")"
marklnichols / gist:c288d4edf46baa1b3ca6fd2df736d10e
Created April 28, 2020 19:30
kubectl describe pod -n tqtezos
kubectl describe pod -n tqtezos
Name: genkeys-b9fvf
Namespace: tqtezos
Priority: 0
Node: minikube/
Start Time: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:05:24 -0400
Labels: controller-uid=9fb125aa-be82-4dcc-b8fe-7dfa37fe0fea
Annotations: <none>
Status: Failed
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: tqtezos
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: tezos-pv-claim
namespace: tqtezos
multisig: ((num_signers 1) (outer_repeat 4) (contract_repeat 1))
Sleep for 2.49 seconds
Sleep for 2.12 seconds
[ [], [], [],
[ { "protocol": "ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK",
"chain_id": "NetXKMbjQL2SBox",
"hash": "ooHzrho63y6z46sEqJhg6pA7NhvysD3yWtsaYHmgNyeXWgvMkQL",
"branch": "BL4YwwH8wHPGstFz7uX8yPvQ3pvzG9ErHPQBnriFVrgiqiFcMZS",
[ { "kind": "transaction",
"source": "tz1YPSCGWXwBdTncK2aCctSZAXWvGsGwVJqU", "fee": "4861",
"counter": "2", "gas_limit": "43445", "storage_limit": "277",
"amount": "0",
Nodes participating in the consensus:
n total nodes, with public keys, etc. known to all nodes
At most n/3 corrupt nodes (static list of corrupt nodes, does not change).
Corrupt nodes can deviate arbitrarily from the protocol, including delaying messages.
Each node maintains its own copy of the blockchain
-- Differences in PaLa wrt Streamlets
There are 2 types of blocks in the chain: normal vs. timeout, where timeout blocks
have a gap in their epoch number wrt the previous block. This distinction seems to
only be used in the proofs, and is not part of the algorithm.
Switching leaders ("proposers ") with every block is optional. An alternative
procedure, where the role of the leader only changes when certain conditions are
met can also be used
> rm -rf flextesa
> git clone
> cd flextesa
> opam switch create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.09.1
> opam switch import --switch some-name src/tezos-master.opam-switch
> eval $(opam env)
> eval $(opam env)
> make vendors
> make