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Mark DiMarco markmarkoh

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Seeing that the bubbles json call returns something like:

       {name: 'Hot', latitude: 21.32, longitude: 5.32, radius: 10, fillKey: 'gt50'},
       {name: 'Chilly', latitude: -25.32, longitude: 120.32, radius: 18, fillKey: 'lt50'},
       {name: 'Hot again', latitude: 21.32, longitude: -84.32, radius: 8, fillKey: 'gt50'},
markmarkoh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Graticule & Orthographic Projections

Graticule && Orthographic Projections

In the latest datamaps (v0.3.4), you can specify orthographic as your projection to show a map in a more 'globe' like fashion.

Additionally you can specify the rotation through projectionConfiguration, which is a new configuration block that I'll be building out for more control over projections.

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markmarkoh / convertExample.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Converted Datamaps World Maps from 2 letter ISO code to 3 letter
var isoCodeConverterData = {"BD": "BGD", "BE": "BEL", "BF": "BFA", "BG": "BGR", "BA": "BIH", "BB": "BRB", "WF": "WLF", "BL": "BLM", "BM": "BMU", "BN": "BRN", "BO": "BOL", "BH": "BHR", "BI": "BDI", "BJ": "BEN", "BT": "BTN", "JM": "JAM", "BV": "BVT", "BW": "BWA", "WS": "WSM", "BQ": "BES", "BR": "BRA", "BS": "BHS", "JE": "JEY", "BY": "BLR", "BZ": "BLZ", "RU": "RUS", "RW": "RWA", "RS": "SRB", "TL": "TLS", "RE": "REU", "TM": "TKM", "TJ": "TJK", "RO": "ROU", "TK": "TKL", "GW": "GNB", "GU": "GUM", "GT": "GTM", "GS": "SGS", "GR": "GRC", "GQ": "GNQ", "GP": "GLP", "JP": "JPN", "GY": "GUY", "GG": "GGY", "GF": "GUF", "GE": "GEO", "GD": "GRD", "GB": "GBR", "GA": "GAB", "SV": "SLV", "GN": "GIN", "GM": "GMB", "GL": "GRL", "GI": "GIB", "GH": "GHA", "OM": "OMN", "TN": "TUN", "JO": "JOR", "HR": "HRV", "HT": "HTI", "HU": "HUN", "HK": "HKG", "HN": "HND", "HM": "HMD", "VE": "VEN", "PR": "PRI", "PS": "PSE", "PW": "PLW", "PT": "PRT", "SJ": "SJM", "PY": "PRY", "IQ": "IRQ", "PA": "PAN", "PF": "PYF",
function(key, values) {
var sum = 0;
values.forEach(function(f) {
sum += f.count;
return {count: sum};
require 'model'
@s = Chart.upload_types
@s.find().to_a.each do |f|
puts "#{f['_id']} : #{f['value']['count']}"
function() {
emit(this.uploadType, {count : 1});
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
def db
$db ||="localhost", 27017).db("logs")
def logs
$logs ||= db.collection("flex")