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Benchmark 2022-05-23_16-39-main-6a6f823ea7f5 2022-05-24_15-31-known-6feb63cd3f2e
fannkuch 655 ms 616 ms: 1.06x faster
pidigits 346 ms 331 ms: 1.05x faster
spectral_norm 167 ms 160 ms: 1.04x faster
spectral_norm | 167 ms | 160 ms: 1.04x faster |
Benchmark 2022-05-24_01-45-main-7108bdf27c7a 2022-05-24_15-33-specialize-calls-to-normal-python-classes-335de9405945
spectral_norm 183 ms 162 ms: 1.13x faster
raytrace 470 ms 438 ms: 1.07x faster
raytrace | 470 ms | 438 ms: 1.07x faster |
Benchmark 2022-05-24_01-45-main-7108bdf27c7a 2022-05-24_09-09-load_method_lazy_dict-16e0e2fa1bd6
spectral_norm 183 ms 165 ms: 1.11x faster
pickle_pure_python 508 us 487 us: 1.04x faster
pickle_pure_python | 508 us | 487 us: 1.04x faster |
Benchmark 2022-05-19_10-05-main-e48ac9c1003c 2022-05-20_09-21-push-additional-null-in-calls-470b3540cb3f
pidigits 339 ms 324 ms: 1.05x faster
spectral_norm 164 ms 160 ms: 1.02x faster
spectral_norm | 164 ms | 160 ms: 1.02x faster |
Benchmark 2022-05-19_10-05-main-e48ac9c1003c 2022-05-19_13-04-split-interpreter-frame-a7e63d28cc38
pyflate 716 ms 683 ms: 1.05x faster
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 7.44 ms 7.21 ms: 1.03x faster
scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 7.44 ms | 7.21 ms: 1.03x faster |
Benchmark 2022-05-18_08-42-main-58a3d2803986 2022-05-18_11-51-remove-precall-8d937ef5f8e0
deltablue 6.40 ms 5.85 ms: 1.09x faster
logging_silent 167 ns 159 ns: 1.05x faster
unpack_sequence 86.9 ns 83.1 ns: 1.05x faster
unpack_sequence | 86.9 ns | 83.1 ns: 1.05x faster |
# Directory where JSON files are written.
# - uploaded files are moved to json_dir/uploaded/
# - results of patched Python are written into json_dir/patch/
json_dir = ~/benchmarking/json
# If True, compile CPython is debug mode (LTO and PGO disabled),
# run benchmarks with --debug-single-sample, and disable upload.
# Use this option used to quickly test a configuration.
Benchmark 2022-04-19_18-02-main-da6c78584b1f 2022-04-19_23-34-special_for_iter2-bd7575e49586
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 7.49 ms 6.97 ms: 1.07x faster
regex_dna 357 ms 336 ms: 1.06x faster
regex_dna | 357 ms | 336 ms: 1.06x faster |
Benchmark 2022-04-19_18-02-main-da6c78584b1f 2022-04-19_02-24-nogil-f9dbb92afafc
richards 81.3 ms 70.0 ms: 1.16x faster
pickle_dict 50.0 us 45.5 us: 1.10x faster
pickle_list 7.45 us 6.89 us: 1.08x faster
pickle_list | 7.45 us | 6.89 us: 1.08x faster |
Benchmark 2022-04-18_22-15-main-39a54ba63850 2022-04-19_00-23-special_decref-ec763e6b2541
nbody 162 ms 147 ms: 1.10x faster
pidigits 349 ms 318 ms: 1.10x faster
spectral_norm 174 ms 164 ms: 1.06x faster
spectral_norm | 174 ms | 164 ms: 1.06x faster |