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Created July 3, 2017 09:39
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"cells": [
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"source": "import numpy as np\nnp.__version__",
"execution_count": 1,
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"source": "import pyvttbl as pt\nfrom collections import namedtuple\n\nN = 40\nP = [\"noise\",\"quiet\"]\nrts = [998,511]\nmus = rts*N\n\nSub = namedtuple('Sub', ['Sub_id', 'rt','condition']) \ndf = pt.DataFrame()\nfor subid in xrange(0,N):\n for i,condition in enumerate(P):\n df.insert(Sub(subid+1,\n np.random.normal(mus[i], scale=112., size=1)[0],\n condition)._asdict()) \n",
"execution_count": 2,
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"source": "aov = df.anova('rt', sub='Sub_id', wfactors=['condition'])\nprint(aov)",
"execution_count": 3,
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"text": "rt ~ condition\n\nTESTS OF WITHIN SUBJECTS EFFECTS\n\nMeasure: rt\n Source Type III eps df MS F Sig. et2_G Obs. SE 95% CI lambda Obs. \n SS Power \n=====================================================================================================================================================\ncondition Sphericity Assumed 6094043.697 - 1 6094043.697 800.926 1.308e-27 8.887 40 14.233 27.897 821.462 1 \n Greenhouse-Geisser 6094043.697 1 1 6094043.697 800.926 1.308e-27 8.887 40 14.233 27.897 821.462 1 \n Huynh-Feldt 6094043.697 1 1 6094043.697 800.926 1.308e-27 8.887 40 14.233 27.897 821.462 1 \n Box 6094043.697 1 1 6094043.697 800.926 1.308e-27 8.887 40 14.233 27.897 821.462 1 \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nError(condition) Sphericity Assumed 296741.276 - 39 7608.751 \n Greenhouse-Geisser 296741.276 1 39 7608.751 \n Huynh-Feldt 296741.276 1 39 7608.751 \n Box 296741.276 1 39 7608.751 \n\nTABLES OF ESTIMATED MARGINAL MEANS\n\nEstimated Marginal Means for condition\ncondition Mean Std. Error 95% Lower Bound 95% Upper Bound \n=====================================================================\nnoise 1028.422 15.749 997.555 1059.290 \nquiet 476.424 13.840 449.298 503.550 \n\n\n"
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"text": "/home/erik/Documents/Programming/Python/pyvttbl_env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyvttbl/stats/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future\n return list(array(list(zeros((p-len(b))))+b)+1.)\n"
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