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Martin Bjeldbak Madsen martinbjeldbak

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munificent / generate.c
Last active May 14, 2024 05:30
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u
Rich-Harris /
Last active March 27, 2024 06:09
The truth about Svelte

I've been deceiving you all. I had you believe that Svelte was a UI framework — unlike React and Vue etc, because it shifts work out of the client and into the compiler, but a framework nonetheless.

But that's not exactly accurate. In my defense, I didn't realise it myself until very recently. But with Svelte 3 around the corner, it's time to come clean about what Svelte really is.

Svelte is a language.

Specifically, Svelte is an attempt to answer a question that many people have asked, and a few have answered: what would it look like if we had a language for describing reactive user interfaces?

A few projects that have answered this question:

sirupsen / book.rb
Last active March 5, 2024 20:42
Script to import books from Instapaper to Airtable. Will not work out of the box.
class Book < Airrecord::Table
class Endorser < Airrecord::Table
self.base_key = ""
self.table_name = "Endorser"
self.base_key = ""
self.table_name = "Books"
has_many :endorsements, class: 'Book::Endorser', column: 'Endorsements'
andyyou /
Last active August 9, 2022 07:38
Rails 5.2 with webpacker, bootstrap, stimulus starter

Rails 5.2 with webpacker, bootstrap, stimulus starter

This gist will collects all issues we solved with Rails 5.2 and Webpacker

Create Project

# Last few parameters(--skip-* part) is only my habbit not actully required
$ rails new <project_name> --webpack=stimulus --database=postgresql --skip-coffee --skip-test
posener /
Last active April 30, 2024 20:34
Be Careful with Table Driven Tests and t.Parallel()

Be Careful with Table Driven Tests and t.Parallel()

We Gophers, love table-driven-tests, it makes our unittesting structured, and makes it easy to add different test cases with ease.

Let’s create our table driven test, for convenience, I chose to use t.Log as the test function. Notice that we don't have any assertion in this test, it is not needed to for the demonstration.

func TestTLog(t *testing.T) {
akaspick / commentable.rb
Created September 12, 2017 00:30
Commentable routes
def load_commentable
resource, id = request.fullpath.split('/')[-3..-2]
@commentable = resource.singularize.classify.constantize.find(id)
JonnyWong16 /
Last active March 19, 2024 17:31
Updates all metadata in the Tautulli database after moving Plex libraries.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Description: Updates all metadata in the Tautulli database after moving Plex libraries.
# Author: /u/SwiftPanda16
# Requires: plexapi, requests
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
import requests
citrusui /
Last active June 7, 2024 12:47
"Dropdowns" in Markdown
How do I dropdown?
This is how you dropdown.

<summary>How do I dropdown?</summary>
This is how you dropdown.
0xjac /
Last active June 7, 2024 04:12
Create a private fork of a public repository

The repository for the assignment is public and Github does not allow the creation of private forks for public repositories.

The correct way of creating a private frok by duplicating the repo is documented here.

For this assignment the commands are:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. (This is temporary and will be removed so just do it wherever.)

git clone --bare

sebboh /
Created November 18, 2016 23:32
Upgrade to Postgres 9.6

Stop your running postgres server (your plist name may or may not have specified the version in it, mine had 94 in the name)

launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql94.plist

Upgrade to 9.6

brew update && brew upgrade postgresql

Check your version