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name: datadog-agent
- !!python/unicode
- !!python/unicode
- !!python/unicode
- !!python/unicode
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
# stdlib
from datetime import datetime
import _strptime # noqa
import os.path
from os import environ
import re
import sys
import requests
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Using python interpreter at {}".format(sys.executable))
print("Using requests version {}".format(requests.__version__))
addr = sys.argv[1]
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
# stdlib
import time
# 3p
import dns.resolver
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
As of zookeeper 3.4.0, the `mntr` admin command is provided for easy parsing of zookeeper stats.
This check first parses the `stat` admin command for a version number.
If the zookeeper version supports `mntr`, it is also parsed.
Duplicate information is being reported by both `mntr` and `stat` to keep backwards compatability.
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
# stdlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from hashlib import md5
from Queue import Empty, Queue
import re
import ssl
# (C) Datadog, Inc. 2010-2016
# All rights reserved
# Licensed under Simplified BSD License (see LICENSE)
Redis checks
# stdlib
from collections import defaultdict
import re
""" Collect status information for Windows services
# project
from checks import AgentCheck
from checks.wmi_check import WinWMICheck
from utils.containers import hash_mutable
from utils.timeout import TimeoutException
class WindowsService(WinWMICheck):
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import subprocess
import argparse
import sys
def search_files(repo, data):
positives = 0
for entry in data:
def pattern_filter(items, whitelist=None, blacklist=None, key=None):
"""This filters `items` by a regular expression `whitelist` and/or
`blacklist`, with the `whitelist` taking precedence. An optional `key`
function can be provided that will be passed each item.
When you have only one type of list, consider using `pattern_whitelist`
or `pattern_blacklist` for increased performance.
if (whitelist and blacklist):
_pattern_filter_chain(items, whitelist, blacklist, key)
elif whitelist: