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Created November 15, 2021 18:05
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"# 10. Convolutional neural networks\n",
"In this assignment you'll use a photo-Z dataset acquired from the observations of the SDSS telescope located in New Mexico. The goal is to predict redshifts from multiband images of galaxies. As a warmup you'll work with the SVHN dataset.\n",
"**<font color='red'>[WARN]:</font> For this assignment you'll need significantly more computational power compared to previous assignments! If you don't have a CUDA-capable GPU with >4Gb VRAM and >8Gb RAM, then you're advised to work on Google Colab!**"
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"### 1. Load the Street View House Numbers (SVHN) dataset\n",
"- Download the SVHN database and load the train and test datasets!\n",
" There are multiple ways to do this. The easiest one is probably to install\n",
" and use the `extra-keras-datasets` Python package. You need to use the\n",
" standard/normal SVHN dataset only and NOT the one titled as `extra`!\n",
" (Of course, if you have enough RAM and VRAM, you can work with that one\n",
" too, if you want...)\n",
"- Preprocess the downloaded data if needed to be able to use it for training\n",
" and testing!\n",
"- Normalize the pixel values into the interval of [0,1]!\n",
"- How many and what classes do we have in the dataset? How many train and test\n",
" examples do we have?\n",
"- What are the dimensions of the images?\n",
"- Show some images randomly from the dataset!\n",
"- Make one-hot encoding for the labels!"
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"### 2. Create a convolutional neural network for the SVHN dataset\n",
"- Train the following network on the training set and generate\n",
" prediction for the test images:\n",
" ```\n",
" > conv2D, 16 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), valid padding, relu actvation\n",
" > conv2D, 16 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), valid padding, relu actvation\n",
" > maxpooling kernel size = (2,2)\n",
" > conv2D, 32 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), valid padding, relu actvation\n",
" > conv2D, 32 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), valid padding, relu actvation\n",
" > maxpooling pool size = (2,2) strides = (2,2)\n",
" > flatten\n",
" > dense, 10 neurons, softmax activation\n",
" ```\n",
" - Use Adam optimizer with default parameters\n",
" - Use categorical crossentropy as loss function\n",
" - Compile the model\n",
" - Print out a summary of the model\n",
" - Train the CNN on the training data for 25 epochs with batch size\n",
" of 64\n",
" - Use the test data as validation data\n",
"- Calculate the categorical cross-entropy loss and the accuracy!\n",
" **<font color='green'>[HINT]:</font>** you should get at least $\\approx$ 80-90%\n",
" accuracy.\n",
"- Plot the training and the validation loss and accuracy on the same plot!\n",
" Do we experience overfitting?\n",
"- Show the confusion matrix of the predictions!"
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"### 3. Load the Sload Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Dataset\n",
"You can download the dataset from Kaggle via\n",
"[this link](\n",
"- Download the images from Kaggle (~10'000 images total) \n",
"- Preprocess the images similarly to the SVHN dataset if needed! (Normalize\n",
" pixel values to [0,1], etc.)\n",
"- What are the dimensions of the images?\n",
"- Show 15 images randomly from the dataset!\n",
"- Create a train-test-validation split using `train_test_split` from `sklearn`\n",
" where the test size is $0.33$ and the validation size is $0.2$\n",
" - Set a random seed\n",
" - Print the number of images in each of these sets after you've created\n",
" them"
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"### 4. Create a convolutional neural network for the SDSS dataset\n",
"- Train the following network on the training set and generate\n",
" prediction for the test images:\n",
" ```\n",
" > conv2D, 32 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), same padding\n",
" > batch normalization\n",
" > relu actvation\n",
" > conv2D, 32 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), same padding\n",
" > batch normalization\n",
" > relu actvation\n",
" > maxpooling pool size = (2,2), strides = (2,2)\n",
" \n",
" > conv2D, 64 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), same padding\n",
" > batch normalization\n",
" > relu actvation\n",
" > conv2D, 64 kernels, kernel size = (1,1), same padding\n",
" > batch normalization\n",
" > relu actvation\n",
" > conv2D, 64 kernels, kernel size = (3,3), same padding\n",
" > batch normalization\n",
" > relu actvation\n",
" > maxpooling pool size = (2,2), strides = (2,2)\n",
" \n",
" > global pooling\n",
" > dense, 1 neuron, no activation\n",
" ```\n",
" - Use Adam optimizer with default parameters\n",
" - Use mean squared error as loss function\n",
" - Compile the model\n",
" - Print out a summary of the model\n",
" - Use the created validation set as validation during the training\n",
" - Train the CNN on the training data for 25 epochs with batch size\n",
" of 64\n",
"- Calculate and print out the final accuracy using the R2 score!"
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"### 5. Evaluate performance\n",
"- Plot the training and the validation loss on the same plot!\n",
"- Show the predicted values vs the actual labels on a plot!\n",
"- Where does the model make mistakes? Try to plot the images corresponding to\n",
" some outlier values!"
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"### 6. Train an other CNN\n",
"- The previous architecture can be further improved.\n",
"- Come up with an architecture that can achieve more than 80-85% accuracy on \n",
" the test set if the accuracy metric is the R2 score!\n",
" - You can use any tool for this task.\n",
" - Remember that there are different losses and optimizers, early stopping,\n",
" regularization, etc. that can be useful for you. You can find more about \n",
" these eg. in the\n",
" [tensorflow/keras documentation](\n",
" - Don't forget that you can add more layers to the model and train for\n",
" more epochs too... :)\n",
"- Print out the summary of this model!\n",
"- Plot the loss curves for this model too!"
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