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Mathieu Anderson mathieu-anderson

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!! Disclaimer : no value judgement !! !! Disclaimer : I'm not an expert !!

Components are the building block of a React app. There have been historically many ways of defining a component. But there are two main approach :

  • class component
  • "stateless functional components", or more simple functional component (the "stateless" part is going away soon)

Difference between class and functional components

mathieu-anderson / explaining_loops.js
Last active March 2, 2019 09:52
Explaining the loop syntax to a friend
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// var i = 0; -> initial value of the loop statement : i === 0
// executed before the first iteration
// i < 9 -> condition that must be true for the loop to proceed : check if i is less than 9
// if it is not less than 9, end the loop
// if it is less than 9, do the thing inside the loop :
console.log('The current value of i is :', i)
// i++ -> post statement (executed at the end of an iteration) : increment i by 1 (i++ is the same as i + 1)
mathieu-anderson / fibonacci_dynamic_programming.js
Last active January 23, 2020 11:02
Three approaches to dynamic programming : leveraging recursion
// Get the value for index n in a Fibonacci sequence
// Recursion : O(2^n)
// n: positive integer
const getFibRecursion = n => {
//initialize result to be returned eventually
let result
// check for the first two values (not computable)
if (n === 1 || n === 2) {
result = 1
mathieu-anderson / JsInput.js
Last active September 1, 2019 12:40
Vanilla JS input
import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
// Vanilla JS
function JsInput({ value, label }) {
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="label">{label}</div>
<div className="typeof">
Type: <b>{typeof value}</b>
mathieu-anderson / InlineTsInput.tsx
Last active September 5, 2019 07:31
Inline types
import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
// Inline types
function InlineTsInput(props: { value: number | string; label: string }) {
const { value, label } = props;
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="label">{label}</div>
<div className="typeof">
mathieu-anderson / TypeTsInput.tsx
Last active September 1, 2019 12:59
Defining types
// Defining types
type InputValue = string | number;
type Label = string;
function TypeTsInput(props: { value: InputValue; label: Label }) {
const { value, label } = props;
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="label">{label}</div>
<div className="typeof">
mathieu-anderson / InterfaceTsInput.tsx
Created September 1, 2019 13:14
Defining an interface
// Defining an interface
type InputValue = string | number;
type Label = string;
interface InputProps {
value: InputValue;
label: Label;
function InterfaceTsInput(props: InputProps) {
mathieu-anderson / GenericTSInput.tsx
Last active September 1, 2019 13:43
Using generics
import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
// Defining types
type InputValue = string | number;
type Label = string;
// Defining an interface
interface InputProps {
value: InputValue;

Charlie Owen - All constraints are beautful

Using cakes to make your friends happy

But they all have issues (vegan, gluten intolerance, peanut allergy) So they all went to the bar -> examples of constraints : making people happy is the objective, you adapt to the constraints

Constraints makes us more creative : Mihaly Csikszentmihaly Nietzsche : "Dancing in chains"

// React components are declared as functions
// And can be assigned to variables (treated as values)
const Component = () => {
return <div>A first-class function</div>
function App() {
// They also can be the return value of another function
// Treating them like data
return <Component />