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Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import List.
(** * Structural Recursive foldr & Well-founded Recursive foldr *)
Section FoldR.
Context {A B: Set}(op: A -> B -> B)(e: B).
(** ** normal foldr *)
Fixpoint foldr (l: list A) :=
Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import List.
(** * Structural Recursive fold & Well-founded Recursive fold
** foldr
Section FoldR.
Context {A B: Set}(op: A -> B -> B)(e: B).
Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import List.
(** * Structural Recursive fold & Well-founded Recursive fold
** foldr
Section FoldR.
Context {A B: Set}(op: A -> B -> B)(e: B).
Inductive leq (n: nat): nat -> Set :=
| leq_n : leq n n
| leq_S (m: nat): n <= m -> leq n m -> leq n (S m).
Lemma leq_n_unique:
forall (n: nat)(H: leq n n),
H = leq_n n.
intros n H.
destruct H. (* fail... *)
Module Type Ma.
Parameter R : Type.
End Ma.
Module Type Mb (A : Ma).
Include A.
Definition tmp := R.
(* モナドを作ってみましょう *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Notation 型全体 := Type.
Notation 命題 := Prop.
Notation "T '上の変換'" := (T -> T) (at level 55, left associativity).
Notation "X 'から' Y 'への関数'" := (X -> Y) (at level 60, right associativity).
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Generalizable All Variables.
Local Close Scope type_scope.
Definition id {A}: A -> A := fun x => x.
Definition id_ (A: Type) := id (A:=A).
Hint Unfold id id_.
Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrfun ssrnat seq.
Require Import Adlibssr.btree Adlibssr.binsearch Adlibssr.order.
(* leq is total-order on nat *)
Program Canonical Structure leq: totalOrder nat := makeTotalOrder leq.
Next Obligation.
apply anti_leq.
(* -*- mode: coq -*- *)
(* Time-stamp: <2014/9/6 1:2:55> *)
- mathink : Author
(** * Category Theory 'on' Coq *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* -*- mode: coq -*- *)
(* Time-stamp: <2014/9/6 22:44:0> *)
- mathink : Author
(** * Category Theory 'on' Coq *)