I hereby claim:
- I am matt-dray on github.
- I am mattdray (https://keybase.io/mattdray) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASD-cOiAVRNCc2XIcTt3U-nwNwA32uzNhPZPmHDiBDH8pAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
library(ggplot2) # for plotting | |
library(gridExtra) # for arranging plots | |
# Create example dataframe | |
df <- data.frame(x = letters[1:10] | |
, y1 = sample(1:100, 10) | |
, y2 = sample(1:100, 10) | |
, y3 = sample(1:100, 10) | |
, y4 = sample(1:100, 10) | |
, y5 = sample(1:100, 10) |
library(tidyverse) | |
library(stringr) | |
# list files in directory (in the format "x_y_z.csv") | |
list_files <- list.files("file/path") | |
for (i in seq_along(1:length(list_files))) { | |
# read the data | |
# purpose: loop through plots of specified column pairs of a dataframe | |
# don't want to compare all possible permutations | |
# also avoids nested loop of x and y | |
library(tidyverse) # for tibble and ggplot | |
# generate example dataframe | |
test_data <- tibble::tibble(x1 = rnorm(100) | |
, x2 = rnorm(100) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# 1. Fake dataset | |
df <- data.frame(id = 1:1000, value = sample(10000:50000, 1000)) | |
# 2. Histogram object for accessing binwidths | |
hist_df <- hist( | |
df$value, # column of data to be binned | |
(50000-10000)/500 # bins of width 500 from 10k to 50k | |
) |
# Approved colour palette for DfE | |
# Convert to hex the RGB values provided by the dept | |
# Matt Dray | |
# May 2018 | |
# the main need is for plotting stats in publications | |
# inspiration from https://github.com/ukgovdatascience/govstyle | |
# this may eventually be added to the dfeR package | |
# function for converting from RGB to hex |
# The Rcrawler package for website crawling | |
# Matt Dray | |
# May 2018 | |
# the need: extract hyperlinks containing certain string | |
# this code hasn't actually been tested | |
# install.packages("Rcrawler") | |
library(Rcrawler) |
urn,workforce_fte,class_teacher_fte,teacher_fte,ta_fte,aux_fte | |
100000,32.4,10.3,14.3,11.3,1 | |
100005,29.9,2,4.3,13,4.8 | |
100006,22,7,10,9,2 | |
100007,26.6,11.8,13.8,10.8,0 | |
134643,14,3,5,6,0 | |
136807,11.7,2.8,4.8,4.3,1 | |
139837,10.6,3.7,5.7,4.2,0 | |
140686,1,0,0,0.6,0.4 | |
100008,53.2,16.8,20.4,17.1,9.7 |
la_number,establishment_number,la_name,urn,school_name,school_type,school_phase,region,workforce_count,class_teacher_count,teacher_count,ta_count,aux_staff_count | |
201,3614,City of London,100000,Sir John Cass's Foundation Primary School,LA maintained schools,Primary,Inner London,46,15,20,16,1 | |
202,1048,Camden,100005,Thomas Coram Centre,LA maintained schools,Nursery,Inner London,36,3,6,13,8 | |
202,1100,Camden,100006,CCfL Key Stage 4 PRU,LA maintained schools,Not applicable,Inner London,22,7,10,9,2 | |
202,1101,Camden,100007,Camden Primary Pupil Referral Unit,LA maintained schools,Not applicable,Inner London,28,13,15,11,0 | |
202,1103,Camden,134643,CCfL Key Stage 3 PRU,LA maintained schools,Not applicable,Inner London,14,3,5,6,0 | |
202,2000,Camden,136807,St Luke's Church of England Primary,Free Schools,Primary,Inner London,16,4,6,7,1 | |
202,2001,Camden,139837,Abacus Belsize Primary School,Free Schools,Primary,Inner London,12,4,6,5,0 | |
202,2002,Camden,140686,Kings Cross Academy,Academies,Primary,Inner London,2,0,0,1,1 | |
202,2019,Camden |
bpID | certainty | errorDescription | errorSnippet | errorTitle | issueID | position | priority | ref | resultTitle | signature | standards | tID | viewPortLocation | xpath | url | |
1 | 100 | All images need an `alt` attribute. If you do not supply an `alt` attribute, that'll mean that users who ca not see the image will not understand what the image conveys. Make sure that the `alt` attribute value is a useful, concise, and clear description of the image. | <img src="/images/hugo-logo.png" width="22" height="22"> | This image is missing an `alt` attribute. | 9b8bacf51f4a8ca12088ea7f9127f620 | column: 77 , line: 197 | 97 | https://tenon.io/bestpractice.php?bpID=1&tID=9 | Provide an alt attribute for each `<img>` element. | 0b423978ffbad8c6f96648e1938f17eb | Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A: 1.1.1 Non-text Content | 9 | {"bottom-right":{"x":612.484375,"y":9819.96875},"height":22,"top-left":{"x":590.484375,"y":9797.96875},"width":22} | /html/body/div[1]/footer[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]/img[1] | https://www.rostrum.blo |