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Matt Winzer matt-winzer

  • IndigoAG
  • Denver, CO
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Pair Programming on Drills

Today you will be pair programming with members of your cohort on curriculum drills. An instructor will help you organize into pairs. You can choose to pair with someone who is working on the same drills as you, or you can pair with someone who is in a different place in the curriculum. However you choose to pair up, make sure that each person gets plenty of chances to both drive and navigate.

Also, make sure that each person gets to pick at least one drill that they want to pair on, so that you work on a minimum of 2 drills throughout the day (it's okay if you want to pair on more than 2 drills).


  • Remember your pair progamming principles
  • Be repectful

Additional Computer Setup

Today we will get you set up with some additional tools that are needed for web development. The main technologies we need to ensure everyone has are NVM, Node, and NPM.

Verify that you have NVM (Node Version Manager) installed correctly

Verify that nvm has been installed

$ command -v nvm

Job Search Warmup

It's getting to be about time for you to start looking for jobs, and thinking about what kind of company you might want to work for. Over the course of your warmup period, spend some thinking about:

  1. What kind of job you are looking for
  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Full-stack
  • Dev-ops
  • Sales engineering


Tech Screening Interview Questions


  1. What are CSS selectors?
  2. What is the specificity of those selectors?
  3. What is the difference between .class1.class2 and .class1 .class2 as a selector?
  4. How do you center something in CSS?

First Day Install

Being a developer requires having the right tools and environment set up on your machine. Today we will try to get everyone on the same page regarding their environment. Follow the steps below to install the software necessary to get up and going in this program. If you don't get everything set up today, don't fret, we will go over things together and make sure everyone gets set up properly over the next few days.

Productivity & Applications

  1. Sign up for Trello
  2. Install Slack from the Apple Store

WDI Denver Capstones


  • 10 calendar days to work on your capstone
    • Typically start on a Monday
    • Code freeze the following Wednesday
    • Present the following Thursday


Full Stack Application

By the end of this exercise you will build a full stack application with a client, server, and database.

** NOTE ** Do not copy and paste. This project is about solidifying concepts and finding gaps in your knowledge. It is OK to look back at previous work, however, you should understand what every line does and be able to write from scratch.


0. Plan

Courage Time

Courage time is an opportunity to explore material that falls outside the scope of the curriculum. Over your warmup period, pick a technology, framework, library, etc. that interests you and dive in! Do some google searching, do some reading, find a tutorial, etc. This is your time to flesh out your interests and potentially discover some cool tech that excites you.

Possible topics include things like:

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Game Development
  • Data Visualization

Learn to Learn

Learning Objectives

By the end of this article, you will be able to

  1. Explain the 3 stage learning process
  2. Identify strategies you will use during each stage of the 3 stage learning process


Learning is essential to being a programmer. It's a huge field with new technologies and methodologies being discovered every day. Becoming a better learner will prepare you for a long and successful career, and attending a Galvanize Immersive program should transform your life by helping you learn the habits and mindsets of a successful developer.

Hackathon Information

Here's some information on how our hackathons will be run.


We do not have a guest speaker, so we will stand up and get started promptly at 9am. Please be there on time so that we can get the setup completed and move on to the fun part: coding!

You will be assigned a group to work with, and there will be a theme for the day. Your app needs to be related to the theme, but there's a lot of wiggle room there. Get creative and weird!