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Matt Dennewitz mattdennewitz

  • Lancaster, OH
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The ULMG Constitution

Updated, March 2022


The United League of Moderate Gamers was created in 1986 so that ordinary people could experience the thrill of operating a Major League baseball franchise without the bother of spending countless millions of dollars for the pleasure.

After incomplete seasons of face-to-face Strat-O-Matic play in 1986 and 1987, the charter members – Todd Burkes, Darren Grasse and Rick Senften – re-formed the league into a 12-team, play-by-mail format beginning in 1989. The inaugural members were:

  • Todd Burkes (Houston)
  • Darren Grasse (Seattle)
  • Rick Senften (Cleveland)
  • Scott Harrington (Chicago-N)
mattdennewitz /
Created November 26, 2018 23:07
soundtoys decapitator


pitch_type phrase
fb plus arm strength
fb plane
fb hard run
fb ground ball
fb offering
fb velocity
fb game
fb velo
fb strength
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mattdennewitz / keybindinds.json
Last active June 25, 2019 20:29
dennewitz vscode settings
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
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"command": "workbench.action.gotoLine",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
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{"content":"<div class=\"entry-content\"> <p>After the <a href=\"\">A&#x2019;s traded Sonny Gray</a> on Monday, I saw a lot of people <a href=\"\">declaring</a> that the A&#x2019;s are just doing the same old thing for the same old cheapskate reasons blah blah blah. That&#x2019;s an easy thing to think if you&#x2019;re just looking at the surface of things, but if you dig deeper and study it, you find it&#x2019;s a bit more complex than that.</p>\n<p>One of the themes I addressed in the A&#x2019;s team essay I wrote for the <a href=\"\">2014 Baseball Prospectus Annual</a> was that whenever you see the A&#x2019;s changing their behavior, you should look at whether there have been any changes in the rules of the game (on the field and ESPECIALLY off) that motivates that
mattdennewitz / sublime-graf-key-bindings.json
Last active December 19, 2016 17:26
Ctrl+up/down for Emacs-like paragraph jumping in SublimeText 3
{"keys": ["ctrl+up"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "stops", "empty_line": true, "forward": false}},
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(require 'package)
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'("melpa" . ""))
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;; For important compatibility libraries like cl-lib
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(require 'textmate)