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# Setup ActiveMerchant for development mode with Paypal Sandbox
config.after_initialize do
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test
:login => '[Add PayPal API login here]',
:password => '[Add PayPal API password here]',
:signature => '[Add PayPal API signature here]'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal/paypal_common_api'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal_express'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/paypal/paypal_recurring_payments' # Add this line
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
class PaypalGateway < Gateway
include PaypalCommonAPI
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
class PaypalGateway < Gateway
RECURRING_ACTIONS =[:add, :modify, :inquiry, :suspend, :reactivate, :cancel])
# Creates a recurring profile
def create_recurring_profile(*args) #:nodoc:
request = build_recurring_request(:add, *args)
commit('CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile', request)
# This is a ruby array of other state/province codes and corresponding abbreviations
# that are recognized by PayPal's API as of July 23, 2010
@other_codes = [
['American Samoa', 'AS'],
['Armed Forces', 'AE'],
['Armed Forces Americas', 'AA'],
['Armed Forces Pacific', 'AP'],
['Federated States of Micronesia', 'FM'],
['Guam', 'GU'],
# This is a ruby array of all Canadian provinces and corresponding abbreviations
# that are recognized by PayPal's API as of July 23, 2010
@canada_province_codes = [
['Alberta', 'AB'],
['British Columbia', 'BC'],
['Manitoba', 'MB'],
['New Brunswick', 'NB'],
['Newfoundland and Labrador', 'NL'],
['Northwest Territories', 'NT'],
# This is a ruby array of all U.S. states and corresponding abbreviations that are
# recognized by PayPal's API as of July 23, 2010
@us_state_codes = [
['Alabama', 'AL'],
['Alaska', 'AK'],
['Arizona', 'AZ'],
['Arkansas', 'AR'],
['California', 'CA'],
['Colorado', 'CO'],
# This is a ruby array of all 2-character IS0-3166-1 country/region codes used
# by PayPal's API as of July 23, 2010
@country_codes = [
['Afghanistan', 'AF'],
['Aland Islands', 'AX'],
['Albania', 'AL'],
['Algeria', 'DZ'],
['American Samoa', 'AS'],
['Andorra', 'AD'],
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
class PaypalGateway < Gateway
RECURRING_ACTIONS =[:add, :cancel, :inquiry, :suspend])
@@API_VERSION = '50.0'
def recurring(money, credit_card, options = {})
options[:name] = if options[:name].blank? && credit_card