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def firstTwoLetters(str)
return str[0,2]
def stockprice(prices)
puts "From the stocks:\n"
prices.each { |x| puts x}
to_buy = prices.min
to_sell = prices.max
puts "Buy for : #{to_buy}$\n"
puts "Sell for: #{to_sell}$\n"
puts "For a profit of #{to_sell - to_buy}$"
mattisebastian / json-slurper.groovy
Created January 31, 2018 13:35
How to extract json in groovy
* The integration developer needs to create the method processData
* This method takes Message object of package
* which includes helper methods useful for the content developer:
* The methods available are:
public java.lang.Object getBody()
//This method helps User to retrieve message body as specific type ( InputStream , String , byte[] ) - e.g. message.getBody(
public java.lang.Object getBody(java.lang.String fullyQualifiedClassName)