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Matthew Podwysocki mattpodwysocki

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The Interactive Extensions for JavaScript (IxJS)

The Interactive Extensions for JavaScript (IxJS) is a set of methods on top of Iteratable and AsyncIterable serving as a standard library for both. Much like its push-based counterpart, the Interactive Extensions for JavaScript unifies the programming model around pull-based collections, either synchronous in the case of Iterable or asynchronous with AsyncIterable.


Starting in ES6, the Symbol.iterator method was introduced to allow for iteration over collections such as Array, Map, Set and even ``Generator. IxJS introduces a number of creation factories and operators that operate on these Iterable` collections lazily. Each factory can be imported from `'ix/iterable'` and operators from `'ix/iterable/operators'` such as the following creating an iterable via `of` and then transforming each item using the `map` operator. You c

using Foundation;
using WindowsAzure.Messaging.NotificationHubs;
namespace Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs
public partial class NotificationHub
private static readonly NotificationHubMessageDelegate _notificationHubMessageDelegate;
static NotificationHub()
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class MSNotificationHub;
@class MSInstallation;
@protocol MSInstallationEnrichmentDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)notificationHub:(MSNotificationHub *)notificationHub willEnrichInstallation:(MSInstallation *)installation;
import { AsyncIterableX } from '../asynciterablex';
import { OperatorAsyncFunction } from '../../interfaces';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './withabort';
import { throwIfAborted } from '../../aborterror';
import { identity } from '../../util/identity';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
const NEVER_PROMISE = new Promise(() => {});
type MergeResult<T> = { value: T; index: number };
import { identity, identityAsync } from '../util/identity';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
const NEVER_PROMISE = new Promise(() => {});
type MergeResult<T> = { value: T; index: number };
function wrapPromiseWithIndex<T>(promise: Promise<T>, index: number) {
return promise.then(value => ({ value, index })) as Promise<MergeResult<T>>;
import { identityAsync } from '../util/identity';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
import { throwIfAborted } from '../aborterror';
* The options for calculating an average.
* @export
* @interface AverageOptions
* @template T The type of elements in the source sequence.
import { AsyncIterableX } from './asynciterablex';
import { throwIfAborted, AbortError } from '../aborterror';
export class NeverAsyncIterable extends AsyncIterableX<never> {
constructor() {
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](signal?: AbortSignal) {
import { AbortSignal } from '../../abortsignal';
import { AsyncIterableX } from '../asynciterablex';
import { MonoTypeOperatorAsyncFunction } from '../../interfaces';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './withabort';
import { AbortError } from '../../aborterror';
async function forEach<T>(
source: AsyncIterable<T>,
fn: (item: T, signal?: AbortSignal) => void | Promise<void>,
signal?: AbortSignal
import { ReduceOptions } from './reduceoptions';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
export async function reduce<T, R = T>(
source: AsyncIterable<T>,
options: ReduceOptions<T, R>
): Promise<R> {
const { seed, signal, callback } = options;
const hasSeed = options.hasOwnProperty('seed');
let i = 0;
import { AbortError } from '../aborterror';
export function sleep(dueTime: number, signal?: AbortSignal) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (signal?.aborted) {
reject(new AbortError());
const id = setTimeout(() => {
if (signal?.aborted) {