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Matthew Podwysocki mattpodwysocki

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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class MSNotificationHub;
@class MSInstallation;
@protocol MSInstallationEnrichmentDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)notificationHub:(MSNotificationHub *)notificationHub willEnrichInstallation:(MSInstallation *)installation;
import { AsyncIterableX } from '../asynciterablex';
import { OperatorAsyncFunction } from '../../interfaces';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './withabort';
import { throwIfAborted } from '../../aborterror';
import { identity } from '../../util/identity';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
const NEVER_PROMISE = new Promise(() => {});
type MergeResult<T> = { value: T; index: number };
import { identity, identityAsync } from '../util/identity';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
const NEVER_PROMISE = new Promise(() => {});
type MergeResult<T> = { value: T; index: number };
function wrapPromiseWithIndex<T>(promise: Promise<T>, index: number) {
return promise.then(value => ({ value, index })) as Promise<MergeResult<T>>;
import { identityAsync } from '../util/identity';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
import { throwIfAborted } from '../aborterror';
* The options for calculating an average.
* @export
* @interface AverageOptions
* @template T The type of elements in the source sequence.
import { AsyncIterableX } from './asynciterablex';
import { throwIfAborted, AbortError } from '../aborterror';
export class NeverAsyncIterable extends AsyncIterableX<never> {
constructor() {
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](signal?: AbortSignal) {
import { AbortSignal } from '../../abortsignal';
import { AsyncIterableX } from '../asynciterablex';
import { MonoTypeOperatorAsyncFunction } from '../../interfaces';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './withabort';
import { AbortError } from '../../aborterror';
async function forEach<T>(
source: AsyncIterable<T>,
fn: (item: T, signal?: AbortSignal) => void | Promise<void>,
signal?: AbortSignal
import { ReduceOptions } from './reduceoptions';
import { wrapWithAbort } from './operators/withabort';
export async function reduce<T, R = T>(
source: AsyncIterable<T>,
options: ReduceOptions<T, R>
): Promise<R> {
const { seed, signal, callback } = options;
const hasSeed = options.hasOwnProperty('seed');
let i = 0;
import { AbortError } from '../aborterror';
export function sleep(dueTime: number, signal?: AbortSignal) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (signal?.aborted) {
reject(new AbortError());
const id = setTimeout(() => {
if (signal?.aborted) {
export class AbortError extends Error {
constructor() {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, AbortError.prototype);
this.message = 'The operation has been aborted';
export function throwIfAborted(signal?: AbortSignal) {
if (signal?.aborted) {
* @name Rx
* @type Object
var Rx = { Internals: {} };
* @name CompositeDisposable
* @constructor
* @memberOf Rx